Ejemplo n.º 1
    private void ShowRecipes(Inventory inventory)
        var recipes = RecipeState.available_recipies();
        var choices = new List <ListController <RecipeInfo> .ListElement>();

        for (int i = 0; i < recipes.Count; i++)
            string requirements_string = "Required:";
            for (int j = 0; j < recipes[i].inputs.Length; j++)
                if (j != 0)
                    requirements_string = $"{requirements_string},";
                requirements_string = $"{requirements_string} {recipes[i].inputs[j].amount} {recipes[i].inputs[j].info.name}";
            choices.Add(new ListController <RecipeInfo> .ListElement()
                text        = recipes[i].output.info.name,
                choosable   = inventory.can_make(recipes[i]),
                description = requirements_string,
                image       = recipes[i].output.info.image,
                value       = recipes[i]
        choices.Add(new ListController <RecipeInfo> .ListElement()
            text        = "Cancel",
            choosable   = true,
            description = null,
            value       = null,
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public ItemRequirements(ItemInfo item)
     this.base_item = item;
     this.providers = ResourceManager.Instance.those_providing(item).ToList();
     this.recipe    = RecipeState.available_recipies()
                      .Find(x => x.output.info == item);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void ForwardBackwardRecipeConversionWithoutInformationLoss(DummyProductRecipe originalRecipe, RecipeClassification classification, RecipeState state,
                                                                          DummyProductType backupProductType, DummyWorkplan workplanInTargetRecipe, int testCaseCounter)
            // Arrange
            // - Basic Workplan properties
            originalRecipe.Id             = 42;
            originalRecipe.Name           = "TestName";
            originalRecipe.Revision       = 1337;
            originalRecipe.Classification = classification;
            originalRecipe.State          = state;
            // - Mock workplan requests if there could be a Workplan
            var originalWorkplanRecipe = originalRecipe as DummyProductWorkplanRecipe;

            if (originalWorkplanRecipe is not null)
                _workplanManagementMock.Setup(wm => wm.LoadWorkplan(It.IsAny <long>()))
                .Returns((long id) => new DummyWorkplan()
                    Id = id
            // - Create target object
            var targetDummyRecipe = (DummyProductRecipe)Activator.CreateInstance(originalRecipe.GetType());

            targetDummyRecipe.Id = 42;
            if (originalWorkplanRecipe is not null)
                ((DummyProductWorkplanRecipe)targetDummyRecipe).Workplan = workplanInTargetRecipe;
            // - No change of classification on clones should be possible, thereby preset it
            if (originalRecipe.Classification.HasFlag(RecipeClassification.Clone))
                targetDummyRecipe.Classification = originalRecipe.Classification;

            // Act
            var convertedModel    = _productConverter.ConvertRecipe(originalRecipe);
            var recoveredOriginal = _productConverter.ConvertRecipeBack(convertedModel, targetDummyRecipe, backupProductType);

            // Assert
            // - Backup products are used for recipes without products
            if (originalRecipe.Product is null)
                originalRecipe.Product = backupProductType;

            Assert.AreEqual(originalRecipe, recoveredOriginal);
            // - If there is a workplan and it changed, reload it at backward conversion
            if (originalWorkplanRecipe?.Workplan is not null && originalWorkplanRecipe.Workplan.Id != workplanInTargetRecipe.Id)
                _workplanManagementMock.Verify(wm => wm.LoadWorkplan(originalWorkplanRecipe.Workplan.Id), Times.Once);
Ejemplo n.º 4
    //void FixRecipeLayout(List<GameObject> ingredients)

    void UpdateRecipeToState(Recipe recipe, RecipeState state)
        recipe.state = state;