private void btnDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DialogResult result = MetroFramework.MetroMessageBox.Show(this, "Are you sure you want to Delete this Customer?", "Message", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); if (result == DialogResult.Yes) { try { //Get CustomerID SqlConnection sqlcon = new SqlConnection(Globals_Class.ConnectionString); sqlcon.Open(); string Select = "SELECT CustomerID FROM Customers WHERE CustomerFullName ='" + listBox1.Text.ToString() + "'"; SqlCommand sqlcom = new SqlCommand(Select, sqlcon); SqlDataReader reader; reader = sqlcom.ExecuteReader(); if (reader.HasRows) { while (reader.Read()) { CustomerID = Convert.ToInt32((reader["CustomerID"])); } } reader.Close(); sqlcon.Close(); SqlConnection sqlcon2 = new SqlConnection(Globals_Class.ConnectionString); sqlcon2.Open(); string cmd = "DELETE FROM Customers WHERE CustomerID ='" + CustomerID.ToString() + "'"; SqlCommand sqlcom2 = new SqlCommand(cmd, sqlcon2); sqlcom2.ExecuteNonQuery(); sqlcon2.Close(); MetroFramework.MetroMessageBox.Show(this, "Customer Successfully Deleted!", "Message", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); btnDelete.Enabled = false; listBox1.Items.Clear(); SqlConnection sqlcon3 = new SqlConnection(Globals_Class.ConnectionString); sqlcon3.Open(); string CMD3 = "SELECT CustomerFullName FROM Customers"; SqlCommand sqlcom3 = new SqlCommand(CMD3, sqlcon3); SqlDataReader Reader3; Reader3 = sqlcom3.ExecuteReader(); if (Reader3.HasRows) { while (Reader3.Read()) { listBox1.Items.Add(Reader3["CustomerFullName"].ToString()); } } Reader3.Close(); sqlcon3.Close(); } catch { MetroFramework.MetroMessageBox.Show(this, "Could not Connect to the Database!", "Message", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); } } }
private void loadDis() { MySqlConnection connection = new MySqlConnection(DBConnect.conn); MySqlCommand command = connection.CreateCommand(); MySqlDataReader Reader; command.CommandText = "SELECT *, As file, As client FROM disbursements LEFT JOIN client ON client.clientID = disbursements.clientID LEFT JOIN file ON file.fileID = disbursements.fileID WHERE disbursements.fileID='" + id + "' ;"; connection.Open(); Reader = command.ExecuteReader(); // create and execute query t = new DataTable(); t.Columns.Add("DATE", typeof(string)); t.Columns.Add("No.", typeof(string)); t.Columns.Add("AMOUNT", typeof(string)); t.Columns.Add("BAL.", typeof(string)); t.Columns.Add("METHOD", typeof(string)); t.Columns.Add("DETAILS", typeof(string)); t.Rows.Add(new object[] { "", " ", "", "FILE SUMMARY", "", "" }); t.Rows.Add(new object[] { " ", " ", "", "", "", "" }); t.Rows.Add(new object[] { "DISBURSEMENTS", " ", "", "", "", "" }); t.Rows.Add(new object[] { "Date", "Invoice No.", "Amount", "Balance", "Method", "Details" }); DisDictionary.Clear(); while (Reader.Read()) { DisDictionary.Add((Reader.IsDBNull(0) ? "none" : Reader.GetString(0)), (Reader.IsDBNull(9) ? "0" : Reader.GetString(9))); t.Rows.Add(new object[] { (Reader.IsDBNull(14) ? "none" : Reader.GetString(14)), (Reader.IsDBNull(7) ? "none" : Reader.GetString(7)), Convert.ToDouble(Reader.IsDBNull(9) ? "0" : Reader.GetString(9)).ToString("n0"), Convert.ToDouble(Reader.IsDBNull(11) ? "none" : Reader.GetString(11)).ToString("n0"), (Reader.IsDBNull(8) ? "none" : Reader.GetString(8)), (Reader.IsDBNull(35) ? "none" : Reader.GetString(35)) }); } totalDis = DisDictionary.Sum(m => Convert.ToDouble(m.Value)); t.Rows.Add(new object[] { "", " Total", totalDis.ToString("n0"), "", "", "" }); connection.Close(); MySqlConnection connection2 = new MySqlConnection(DBConnect.conn); MySqlCommand command2 = connection2.CreateCommand(); MySqlDataReader Reader2; command2.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM expenses LEFT JOIN client ON client.clientID = expenses.clientID LEFT JOIN file ON file.fileID = expenses.fileID WHERE expenses.fileID='" + id + "';"; connection2.Open(); Reader2 = command2.ExecuteReader(); t.Rows.Add(new object[] { "", " ", "", "", "", "" }); t.Rows.Add(new object[] { "EXPENSES", " ", "", "", "", "" }); t.Rows.Add(new object[] { "Date", "Invoice No.", "Amount", "Balance", "Method", "Details" }); ExpDictionary.Clear(); while (Reader2.Read()) { ExpDictionary.Add((Reader2.IsDBNull(0) ? "none" : Reader2.GetString(0)), (Reader2.IsDBNull(7) ? "0" : Reader2.GetString(7))); t.Rows.Add(new object[] { (Reader2.IsDBNull(11) ? "none" : Reader2.GetString(11)), " ", Convert.ToDouble(Reader2.IsDBNull(7) ? "0" : Reader2.GetString(7)).ToString("n0"), (Reader2.IsDBNull(8) ? "none" : Reader2.GetString(8)), (Reader2.IsDBNull(36) ? "none" : Reader2.GetString(36)), (Reader2.IsDBNull(6) ? "none" : Reader2.GetString(6)) }); } totalExp = ExpDictionary.Sum(m => Convert.ToDouble(m.Value)); t.Rows.Add(new object[] { "", "Total ", totalExp.ToString("n0"), "", "", "" }); connection2.Close(); MySqlConnection connection3 = new MySqlConnection(DBConnect.conn); MySqlCommand command3 = connection3.CreateCommand(); MySqlDataReader Reader3; command3.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM events WHERE file ='" + nameTxt.Text + "';"; connection3.Open(); Reader3 = command3.ExecuteReader(); t.Rows.Add(new object[] { "", " ", "", "", "", "" }); t.Rows.Add(new object[] { "EVENTS", "SCHEDULES ", "", "", "", "" }); t.Rows.Add(new object[] { "Date", "Event", "Start", "End", "Progress", "Cost" }); while (Reader3.Read()) { EventDictionary.Add((Reader3.IsDBNull(0) ? "none" : Reader3.GetString(0)), (Reader3.IsDBNull(18) ? "0" : Reader3.GetString(18))); t.Rows.Add(new object[] { (Reader3.IsDBNull(10) ? "none" : Reader3.GetString(10)), (Reader3.IsDBNull(1) ? "none" : Reader3.GetString(1)), Convert.ToDateTime(Reader3.IsDBNull(2) ? "none" : Reader3.GetString(2)).ToString("H:mm:s"), Convert.ToDateTime(Reader3.IsDBNull(3) ? "none" : Reader3.GetString(3)).ToString("H:mm:s"), (Reader3.IsDBNull(16) ? "none" : Reader3.GetString(16)) + " " + (Reader3.IsDBNull(8) ? "none" : Reader3.GetString(8)), Convert.ToDouble(Reader3.IsDBNull(18) ? "0" : Reader3.GetString(18)).ToString("n0") }); } totalEvent = EventDictionary.Sum(m => Convert.ToDouble(m.Value)); t.Rows.Add(new object[] { "", " ", "", "", "Total", totalEvent.ToString("n0") }); t.Rows.Add(new object[] { "", " ", "", "", "", "" }); t.Rows.Add(new object[] { "", " ", "", "", "Total", (totalDis - (totalEvent + totalExp)).ToString("n0") }); connection3.Close(); dtGrid.DataSource = t; dtGrid.Rows[1].DefaultCellStyle.BackColor = Color.Beige; }
public Form3() { InitializeComponent(); string myConnnection = "datasource=localhost; port=3306;username=root;password=Sercan.123; "; MySqlConnection myConn = new MySqlConnection(myConnnection); myConn.Open(); MySqlCommand command = new MySqlCommand(); command = myConn.CreateCommand(); command.CommandText = "SELECT schema_name FROM information_schema.schemata where schema_name not like '%_schema' and schema_name not like 'mysql';"; MySqlDataReader Reader1; Reader1 = command.ExecuteReader(); while (Reader1.Read()) { string row = ""; for (int i = 0; i < Reader1.FieldCount; i++) { row += Reader1.GetValue(i).ToString(); } trV1.Nodes.Add(row); } for (int i = 0; i < trV1.Nodes.Count; i++) { trV1.Nodes[i].Nodes.Add("Tables"); trV1.Nodes[i].Nodes.Add("Views"); trV1.Nodes[i].Nodes.Add("Stored Procedure"); trV1.Nodes[i].Nodes.Add("Functions "); } Reader1.Close(); Reader1.Dispose(); myConn.Close(); myConn.Open(); MySqlCommand command_table = new MySqlCommand(); command_table = myConn.CreateCommand(); for (int i = 0; i < trV1.Nodes.Count; i++) { command_table.CommandText = "SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema ='" + trV1.Nodes[i].Text + "' "; MySqlDataReader Reader2; Reader2 = command_table.ExecuteReader(); while (Reader2.Read()) { string table = ""; for (int j = 0; j < Reader2.FieldCount; j++) { table += Reader2.GetValue(j).ToString(); } trV1.Nodes[i].Nodes[0].Nodes.Add(table); } Reader2.Close(); Reader2.Dispose(); } myConn.Close(); myConn.Open(); MySqlCommand command_view = new MySqlCommand(); command_view = myConn.CreateCommand(); for (int i = 0; i < trV1.Nodes.Count; i++) { command_view.CommandText = "SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_type='VIEW' AND table_schema ='" + trV1.Nodes[i].Text + "' "; MySqlDataReader Reader3; Reader3 = command_view.ExecuteReader(); while (Reader3.Read()) { string view = ""; for (int j = 0; j < Reader3.FieldCount; j++) { view += Reader3.GetValue(j).ToString(); } trV1.Nodes[i].Nodes[1].Nodes.Add(view); } Reader3.Close(); Reader3.Dispose(); } myConn.Close(); myConn.Open(); MySqlCommand command_procedure = new MySqlCommand(); command_procedure = myConn.CreateCommand(); for (int i = 0; i < trV1.Nodes.Count; i++) { command_procedure.CommandText = "SHOW PROCEDURE STATUS WHERE Db ='" + trV1.Nodes[i].Text + "' "; MySqlDataReader Reader4; Reader4 = command_procedure.ExecuteReader(); while (Reader4.Read()) { string procedure = ""; for (int j = 0; j < Reader4.FieldCount; j++) { procedure += Reader4.GetValue(j).ToString(); } trV1.Nodes[i].Nodes[2].Nodes.Add(procedure); } Reader4.Close(); Reader4.Dispose(); } myConn.Close(); myConn.Open(); MySqlCommand command_function = new MySqlCommand(); command_function = myConn.CreateCommand(); for (int i = 0; i < trV1.Nodes.Count; i++) { command_function.CommandText = "SHOW FUNCTION STATUS WHERE Db ='" + trV1.Nodes[i].Text + "' "; MySqlDataReader Reader5; Reader5 = command_function.ExecuteReader(); while (Reader5.Read()) { string function = ""; for (int j = 0; j < Reader5.FieldCount; j++) { function += Reader5.GetValue(j).ToString(); } trV1.Nodes[i].Nodes[3].Nodes.Add(function); } Reader5.Close(); Reader5.Dispose(); } ContextMenuStrip docMenu = new ContextMenuStrip(); ToolStripMenuItem SelectRows = new ToolStripMenuItem(); SelectRows.Text = "Select Rows"; ToolStripMenuItem AlterTable = new ToolStripMenuItem(); AlterTable.Text = "Alter Table"; ToolStripMenuItem DropTable = new ToolStripMenuItem(); DropTable.Text = "Drop Table"; docMenu.Items.AddRange(new ToolStripMenuItem[] { SelectRows, AlterTable, DropTable }); for (int i = 0; i < trV1.Nodes.Count; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < trV1.Nodes[i].Nodes[0].Nodes.Count; j++) { trV1.Nodes[i].Nodes[0].Nodes[j].ContextMenuStrip = docMenu; } } SelectRows.Click += SelectRows_Click; void SelectRows_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { MySqlConnection connection = new MySqlConnection("datasource=localhost;port=3306;username=root;password=Sercan.123"); connection.Open(); try { MySqlDataAdapter adapter = new MySqlDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM " + trV1.SelectedNode.Parent.Parent.Text + "." + trV1.SelectedNode.Text + " ", connection); DataSet ds = new DataSet(); adapter.Fill(ds, trV1.SelectedNode.Text); dataGridView1.DataSource = ds.Tables[trV1.SelectedNode.Text]; string a = ds.Tables[0].Columns.ToString(); //MySqlDataAdapter adapter = new MySqlDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM blm437.ogrenci ", connection); //DataSet ds = new DataSet(); //adapter.Fill(ds, "ogrenci"); //dataGridView1.DataSource = ds.Tables["ogrenci"]; } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } } }
private void listBox1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SqlConnection sqlcon1 = new SqlConnection(Globals_Class.ConnectionString); sqlcon1.Open(); string Select = "SELECT UserID From Users WHERE UserName ='******'"; SqlCommand sqlcom1 = new SqlCommand(Select, sqlcon1); SqlDataReader Reader; Reader = sqlcom1.ExecuteReader(); if (Reader.HasRows) { while (Reader.Read()) { isAdmin = Convert.ToInt32((Reader["UserID"])); if (isAdmin == 1) { MetroFramework.MetroMessageBox.Show(this, "The Admin Account Cannot be Deleted!", "Message", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); } else { DialogResult dialogResult = MetroFramework.MetroMessageBox.Show(this, "Are you sure you want to delete this user?", "Message", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); if (dialogResult == DialogResult.Yes) { try { SqlConnection sqlcon = new SqlConnection(Globals_Class.ConnectionString); sqlcon.Open(); string Command = "DELETE FROM Users WHERE UserName ='******'"; SqlCommand sqlcom = new SqlCommand(Command, sqlcon); sqlcom.ExecuteNonQuery(); MetroFramework.MetroMessageBox.Show(this, "The Selected User was Deleted Successfully!", "Message", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.None); listBox1.Items.Clear(); SqlConnection sqlcon2 = new SqlConnection(Globals_Class.ConnectionString); sqlcon2.Open(); string CMD2 = "SELECT UserName FROM Users"; SqlCommand sqlcom2 = new SqlCommand(CMD2, sqlcon2); SqlDataReader Reader2; Reader2 = sqlcom2.ExecuteReader(); if (Reader2.HasRows) { while (Reader2.Read()) { listBox1.Items.Add(Reader2["UserName"].ToString()); } } Reader2.Close(); sqlcon2.Close(); } catch { MetroFramework.MetroMessageBox.Show(this, "An Error Occurred whislt Deleting the User!", "Message", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); listBox1.Items.Clear(); SqlConnection sqlcon3 = new SqlConnection(Globals_Class.ConnectionString); sqlcon3.Open(); string CMD3 = "SELECT UserName FROM Users"; SqlCommand sqlcom3 = new SqlCommand(CMD3, sqlcon3); SqlDataReader Reader3; Reader3 = sqlcom3.ExecuteReader(); if (Reader3.HasRows) { while (Reader3.Read()) { listBox1.Items.Add(Reader3["UserName"].ToString()); } } Reader3.Close(); sqlcon3.Close(); } } } } } }