Ejemplo n.º 1
        private void DataGridView1OnCellMouseClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellMouseEventArgs e)
            if (e.RowIndex == -1)

            if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Right)
                var menu = new ContextMenuStrip();

                foreach (BasicCommandExecution cmd in GetCommands(e.RowIndex))
                    BasicCommandExecution cmd1 = cmd;
                    var mi = new ToolStripMenuItem(cmd.GetCommandName(), null, (s, x) => cmd1.Execute());

                if (menu.Items.Count != 0)
                    menu.Items.Add(new ToolStripSeparator());

                menu.Items.Add("View as text", null, (s, ex) => WideMessageBox.Show("Full Text", dataGridView1.Rows[e.RowIndex]));

                menu.Show(Cursor.Position.X, Cursor.Position.Y);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        void dataGridView1_CellDoubleClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e)
            if (e.RowIndex == -1)

            WideMessageBox.Show("Full Text", dataGridView1.Rows[e.RowIndex]);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        void dataGridView1_CellDoubleClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e)
            if (e.RowIndex == -1)

            var cmd = GetCommands(e.RowIndex).FirstOrDefault();

            if (cmd != null)
                WideMessageBox.Show("Full Text", dataGridView1.Rows[e.RowIndex]);
        public override void Execute()

            string title = null;
            string docs  = null;

            //get docs from masquerader if it has any
            if (_args.Masquerader != null)
                title = GetTypeName(_args.Masquerader.GetType());
                docs  = Activator.RepositoryLocator.CatalogueRepository.CommentStore.GetTypeDocumentationIfExists(_args.Masquerader.GetType());

            //if not get them from the actual class
            if (docs == null)
                title = GetTypeName(_args.Model.GetType());

                var knows = _args.Model as IKnowWhatIAm;
                //does the class have state dependent alternative to xmldoc?
                if (knows != null)
                    docs = knows.WhatIsThis(); //yes
                    docs = Activator.RepositoryLocator.CatalogueRepository.CommentStore.GetTypeDocumentationIfExists(_args.Model.GetType());

            //if we have docs show them otherwise just the Type name
            if (docs != null)
                WideMessageBox.ShowKeywordHelp(title, docs);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public override void Execute()

            var db = SelectDatabase(false, "Import all Tables form Database...");

            if (db == null)

            ShareManager shareManager = new ShareManager(Activator.RepositoryLocator, LocalReferenceGetter);

            List <ICatalogue> catalogues = new List <ICatalogue>();

            //don't do any double importing!
            var existing      = Activator.RepositoryLocator.CatalogueRepository.GetAllObjects <TableInfo>();
            var ignoredTables = new List <TableInfo>();

            if (YesNo("Would you also like to import ShareDefinitions (metadata)?", "Import Metadata From File(s)"))
                OpenFileDialog ofd = new OpenFileDialog()
                    Multiselect = true
                ofd.Filter = "Share Definitions|*.sd";
                if (ofd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                    foreach (var f in ofd.FileNames)
                        using (var stream = File.Open(f, FileMode.Open))
                            var newObjects = shareManager.ImportSharedObject(stream);

                            if (newObjects != null)
                                catalogues.AddRange(newObjects.OfType <ICatalogue>());

            bool generateCatalogues = false;

            if (YesNo("Would you like to try to guess non-matching Catalogues by Name?", "Guess by name"))
                catalogues.AddRange(Activator.RepositoryLocator.CatalogueRepository.GetAllObjects <Catalogue>());
            else if (YesNo("Would you like to generate empty Catalogues for non-matching tables instead?", "Generate New Catalogues"))
                generateCatalogues = true;

            var married = new Dictionary <CatalogueItem, ColumnInfo>();

            TableInfo anyNewTable = null;

            foreach (DiscoveredTable discoveredTable in db.DiscoverTables(includeViews: false))
                var collide = existing.FirstOrDefault(t => t.Is(discoveredTable));
                if (collide != null)

                var          importer = new TableInfoImporter(Activator.RepositoryLocator.CatalogueRepository, discoveredTable);
                TableInfo    ti;
                ColumnInfo[] cis;

                //import the table
                importer.DoImport(out ti, out cis);

                anyNewTable = anyNewTable ?? ti;

                //find a Catalogue of the same name (possibly imported from Share Definition)
                var matchingCatalogues = catalogues.Where(c => c.Name.Equals(ti.GetRuntimeName(), StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)).ToArray();

                //if there's 1 Catalogue with the same name
                if (matchingCatalogues.Length == 1)
                    //we know we want to import all these ColumnInfos
                    var unmatched = new List <ColumnInfo>(cis);

                    //But hopefully most already have orphan CatalogueItems we can hook them together to
                    foreach (var cataItem in matchingCatalogues[0].CatalogueItems)
                        if (cataItem.ColumnInfo_ID == null)
                            var matches = cataItem.GuessAssociatedColumn(cis, allowPartial: false).ToArray();

                            if (matches.Length == 1)
                                unmatched.Remove(matches[0]); //we married them together
                                married.Add(cataItem, matches[0]);

                    //is anyone unmarried? i.e. new ColumnInfos that don't have CatalogueItems with the same name
                    foreach (ColumnInfo columnInfo in unmatched)
                        var cataItem = new CatalogueItem(Activator.RepositoryLocator.CatalogueRepository, (Catalogue)matchingCatalogues[0], columnInfo.GetRuntimeName());
                        cataItem.ColumnInfo_ID = columnInfo.ID;
                        married.Add(cataItem, columnInfo);
                else if (generateCatalogues)
                    new ForwardEngineerCatalogue(ti, cis).ExecuteForwardEngineering();

            if (married.Any() && YesNo("Found " + married.Count + " columns, make them all extractable?", "Make Extractable"))
                foreach (var kvp in married)
                    //yup thats how we roll, the database is main memory!
                    var ei = new ExtractionInformation(Activator.RepositoryLocator.CatalogueRepository, kvp.Key, kvp.Value, kvp.Value.Name);

            if (ignoredTables.Any())
                WideMessageBox.Show("Ignored some tables", "Ignored " + ignoredTables.Count + " tables because they already existed as TableInfos:" + string.Join(Environment.NewLine, ignoredTables.Select(ti => ti.GetRuntimeName())));

            if (anyNewTable != null)