void FixedUpdate()
        // Increments Timer for Reload
        if (reloadTimer > 0.0f)
            reloadTimer -= Time.deltaTime;

        // Input for Firing your Weapon
        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Mouse0) && reloadTimer <= 0.0f)
            // Fires a different weapon based on your active weapon
            if (activeWeapon == "pistol")
                if (bullets > 0)        // Checks if you have bullets to fire
                    audio.playClip(0);  // Pistol Fire sound effect
                    reloadTimer = .25f; // Sets a short reload timer
                    bullets    -= 1;    // Increments Bullet Counter
                    // Animation?
            else if (activeWeapon == "shotgun")
                if (shells > 0)
                    audio.playClip(1);  // Shotgun Fire sound effect
                    reloadTimer = 0.8f; // Sets a reload timer
                    shells     -= 1;    // Increments Bullet Counter
                    // Animation

        // Inputs to Change Weapons
        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Alpha1))
            UI.ActiveWeapon(0); // changes visual for active weapon
            activeWeapon = "pistol";
            // Animation
        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Alpha2) && hasShotgun)
            UI.ActiveWeapon(1); // changes visual for active weapon
            activeWeapon = "shotgun";
            // Animation

        /* APPLIES MOVEMENT */
        // thisRigidBody.velocity = inputVelocity * velocityModifier;

        /* UPDATES UI */
        UI.PlayerUpdateUI(activeWeapon, bullets, bulletsMax, shells, shellsMax, health, healthMax, armor, ArmorMax);

        // head_bobbing.speed = fpForwardBackward;