Ejemplo n.º 1
        private decimal getMoistureContent(RawMixRecipe r)
            string strIngredientName = r.Ingredient;
            ingredient i = ctx.ingredients.Where(ing => ing.ingredient1 == strIngredientName).First();

            return i.moisture.Value;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private decimal getWhey(RawMixRecipe r)
            RawMixRecipe cream = null;
            RawMixRecipe skimPowder = null;
            foreach (RawMixRecipe re in lstRecipes)
                switch (re.Ingredient)
                    case "Cream":
                        cream = re;
                    case "Skim Powder":
                        skimPowder = re;

            decimal dcmlCreamKg = Decimal.Divide(dcmlTotalKG, 100);
            dcmlCreamKg = Decimal.Multiply(dcmlCreamKg, cream.Value.Value);

            //get that same amount in kg of cream respectivley to the butter fat content in the cream
            dcmlCreamKg = Decimal.Divide(dcmlCreamKg, this.txtButterFat.Value);
            dcmlCreamKg = Decimal.Multiply(dcmlCreamKg, 100);

            //get SNF from cream. This formula is predetermined: Total Cream in kilograms * inputted SNF value / 100
            decimal dcmlSNFinCream = Decimal.Multiply(dcmlCreamKg, this.txtSNF.Value);
            dcmlSNFinCream = Decimal.Divide(dcmlSNFinCream, 100);

            //this represent X percent by weight from total KG of whey in recipe
            decimal dcmlTotalWhey = Decimal.Divide(dcmlTotalKG, 100);
            dcmlTotalWhey = Decimal.Multiply(dcmlTotalWhey, r.Value.Value);

            //some recipes need to account for skim powder and whey (25% and 75%) respectively.
            decimal dcmlTotalSkimPowder = 0m;

            if (skimPowder != null)
                //do stuff to accomodate for skim powder
                dcmlTotalSkimPowder = dcmlTotalWhey - dcmlSNFinCream;
                dcmlTotalSkimPowder = Decimal.Multiply(dcmlTotalSkimPowder, Convert.ToDecimal(0.25));
                dcmlTotalWhey = dcmlTotalWhey - dcmlSNFinCream - dcmlTotalSkimPowder;//accomodate for some whey that comes from cream

            //accomodate for moisture. This is preset 3% for whey
            decimal dcmlMoistureInWhey = Decimal.Divide(dcmlTotalWhey, 100);
            decimal dcmlMoistureContent = this.getMoistureContent(r);
            dcmlMoistureInWhey = Decimal.Multiply(dcmlMoistureInWhey, dcmlMoistureContent);

            dcmlTotalWhey = Decimal.Add(dcmlTotalWhey, dcmlMoistureInWhey);
            //round to two decimal places
            return dcmlTotalWhey;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private decimal getIngredientAmount(RawMixRecipe r)
            decimal dcmlValue = Decimal.Divide(dcmlTotalKG, 100);

            dcmlValue = Decimal.Multiply(dcmlValue, r.Value.Value);
            //account for moisture
            decimal dcmlMoisture = this.getMoistureContent(r);
            decimal dcmlAmountOfMoisture = Decimal.Divide(dcmlValue, 100);
            dcmlAmountOfMoisture = Decimal.Multiply(dcmlAmountOfMoisture, dcmlMoisture);
            dcmlValue = decimal.Add(dcmlValue, dcmlAmountOfMoisture);
            //round to two decimal places
            return dcmlValue;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        private decimal getEggYellow(RawMixRecipe r)
            decimal dcmlValue = Decimal.Divide(dcmlTotalKG, 100);
            dcmlValue = Decimal.Multiply(dcmlValue, 0.019m);
            dcmlValue = Decimal.Multiply(dcmlValue, 0.1m);
            dcmlValue = Decimal.Divide(dcmlValue, 2);

            return dcmlValue;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        private decimal getCream(RawMixRecipe r)
            //get weight of Butter Fat
            decimal dcmlValue = Decimal.Divide(dcmlTotalKG, 100);
            dcmlValue = Decimal.Multiply(dcmlValue, r.Value.Value);

            //get that same amount in kg of cream respectivley to the butter fat content in the cream
            dcmlValue = Decimal.Divide(dcmlValue, this.txtButterFat.Value);
            dcmlValue = Decimal.Multiply(dcmlValue, 100);

            //divide by a coefficinet that is constan to get liters of cream
            dcmlValue = Decimal.Divide(dcmlValue, COEFFICIENT_TO_GET_LITERS_OF_CREAM);

            //round to 2 decimal places
            return dcmlValue;
Ejemplo n.º 6
        //,int position)
        private void checkAvailableStock(RawMixRecipe r, decimal dcmlValue)
            //db operations go here to retrieve lot codes for ingredients to use
            Dry_Ingredient_Use_Temp ingredientToSave = new Dry_Ingredient_Use_Temp();
            List<remaining_inventory> list = null;
            decimal totalWeightForLotCode = dcmlValue;
            decimal dcmlBagsUsedForRecipe = 0m;

            decimal dcmlUnitSize = 0m;
            decimal dcmlnumberOfBags = 0m;
            //decimal dcmlRunninTotal = 0m;
            bool firstRun = true;
            // int intLotCodeCounter = 1;
            int roundingDigits = 1;

                list = ctx.remaining_inventory.Where(o => o.ingredient == r.Ingredient).ToList();
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show("something went wrong \nwhile retrieving available inventory", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK);

            if(list.Count == 0)
                //this means that the invonetory does not have this ingredient...
                //allow the user to use the ingredient only if it's cream...

            foreach (remaining_inventory ri in list)
                if (ri.ingredient.Equals("Egg Yellow"))
                    roundingDigits = 3;
                dcmlUnitSize = Convert.ToDecimal(ri.unit_size);
                dcmlBagsUsedForRecipe = decimal.Divide(totalWeightForLotCode, dcmlUnitSize);
                dcmlnumberOfBags = decimal.Divide(dcmlValue, dcmlUnitSize);

                //there is enough stock fron one lot code
                if ((ri.remaining_bags >= dcmlnumberOfBags) & firstRun)
                    //                    , ri.ingredient
                    //                    , Math.Round(dcmlValue, roundingDigits).ToString()
                    //                    , Math.Round(dcmlnumberOfBags, 2).ToString()
                    //                    , ri.lot_code);

                    this.addIngredientToTempDB(ri, dcmlnumberOfBags, 1,dcmlValue,dcmlValue, dcmlBagsUsedForRecipe);

                    //int ingredientLength = 40 - ri.ingredient.Length;
                    //int valueLength = 40 - Math.Round(dcmlValue, roundingDigits).ToString().Length;
                    //int numberOfBagLength = 40 - Math.Round(dcmlnumberOfBags, 2).ToString().Length;
                    //int lotCodeLength = 40 - ri.lot_code.Length;

                    //StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                    //sb.Append(Math.Round(dcmlValue, roundingDigits).ToString().PadRight(valueLength));
                    //sb.Append(Math.Round(dcmlnumberOfBags, 2).ToString().PadRight(numberOfBagLength));
                //need to use more than one lot code for an ingredient
                if (ri.remaining_bags < dcmlnumberOfBags || ((ri.remaining_bags >= dcmlnumberOfBags) & !firstRun))
                    if (firstRun)
                        //                , ri.ingredient
                        //                , Math.Round(dcmlValue, roundingDigits).ToString()
                        //                , Math.Round(dcmlnumberOfBags, 2).ToString()
                        //                , ri.lot_code);

                        firstRun = false;

                        if (ri.remaining_bags >= dcmlnumberOfBags)
                            this.addIngredientToTempDB(ri, dcmlnumberOfBags, 1,dcmlValue,totalWeightForLotCode, dcmlBagsUsedForRecipe);
                        if (ri.remaining_bags < dcmlnumberOfBags)
                            decimal dcmlUsed = decimal.Multiply(Convert.ToDecimal(ri.remaining_bags), dcmlUnitSize);
                            dcmlValue = decimal.Subtract(dcmlValue, dcmlUsed);
                            this.addIngredientToTempDB(ri, Convert.ToDecimal(ri.remaining_bags), 1,dcmlUsed, totalWeightForLotCode, dcmlBagsUsedForRecipe);

                        //int ingredientLength = 40 - ri.ingredient.Length;
                        //int valueLength = 40 - Math.Round(dcmlValue, roundingDigits).ToString().Length;
                        //int numberOfBagLength = 40 - Math.Round(dcmlnumberOfBags, 2).ToString().Length;
                        //int lotCodeLength = 40 - ri.lot_code.Length;

                        //StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                        //sb.Append(Math.Round(dcmlValue, roundingDigits).ToString().PadRight(valueLength));
                        //sb.Append(Math.Round(dcmlnumberOfBags, 2).ToString().PadRight(numberOfBagLength));
                        //                , null//ri.ingredient
                        //                , null//Math.Round(dcmlValue, 2).ToString()
                        //                , null//Math.Round(dcmlnumberOfBags, 2).ToString()
                        //                , ri.lot_code);

                        if (ri.remaining_bags >= dcmlnumberOfBags)
                            decimal dcmlUsed = decimal.Multiply(Convert.ToDecimal(dcmlnumberOfBags), dcmlUnitSize);
                            this.addIngredientToTempDB(ri, dcmlnumberOfBags, 2, dcmlUsed, totalWeightForLotCode, dcmlBagsUsedForRecipe);
                        if (ri.remaining_bags < dcmlnumberOfBags)
                            decimal dcmlUsed = decimal.Multiply(Convert.ToDecimal(ri.remaining_bags), dcmlUnitSize);
                            dcmlValue = decimal.Subtract(dcmlValue, dcmlUsed);
                            this.addIngredientToTempDB(ri, Convert.ToDecimal(ri.remaining_bags), 2,dcmlValue, totalWeightForLotCode, dcmlBagsUsedForRecipe);
                        //StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
Ejemplo n.º 7
        private List<KeyValuePair<string, decimal>> getWhey(RawMixRecipe r,decimal dcmlTotalKG,List<RawMixRecipe> lstRecipes)
            RawMixRecipe cream = null;
            RawMixRecipe skimPowder = null;
            RawMixRecipe whey = null;
            foreach (RawMixRecipe re in lstRecipes)
                switch (re.Ingredient)
                    case "Cream":
                        cream = re;
                    case "Skim Powder":
                        skimPowder = re;
                    case "Whey":
                        whey = re;

            decimal dcmlCreamKg = Decimal.Multiply(dcmlTotalKG, cream.Value.Value);

            //get that same amount in kg of cream respectivley to the butter fat content in the cream
            dcmlCreamKg = Decimal.Divide(dcmlCreamKg, this.txtButterFat.Value);

            //get SNF from cream. This formula is predetermined: Total Cream in kilograms * inputted SNF value / 100
            decimal dcmlSNFinCream = Decimal.Multiply(dcmlCreamKg, this.txtSNF.Value);
            dcmlSNFinCream = Decimal.Divide(dcmlSNFinCream, 100);

            //this represent X percent by weight from total KG of whey in recipe
            decimal dcmlTotalWhey = Decimal.Divide(dcmlTotalKG, 100);
            decimal dcmlTotalSkimPowder = Decimal.Divide(dcmlTotalKG, 100);//get percent representation of the weight
            dcmlTotalWhey = Decimal.Multiply(dcmlTotalWhey, whey.Value.Value);

            //some recipes need to account for skim powder and whey (25% and 75%) respectively.

            if (skimPowder == null)
                dcmlTotalWhey = dcmlTotalWhey - dcmlSNFinCream;//accomodate for some whey that comes from cream
                dcmlTotalSkimPowder = Decimal.Multiply(dcmlTotalSkimPowder, r.Value.Value);//get weight for the recipe
                dcmlTotalSkimPowder = Decimal.Subtract(dcmlTotalSkimPowder, dcmlTotalWhey);//accomodate for whey
                dcmlTotalSkimPowder = Decimal.Subtract(dcmlTotalSkimPowder, dcmlSNFinCream);//accomodate for snf in cream

            //accomodate for moisture. This is preset 3% for whey
            decimal dcmlMoistureInWhey = Decimal.Divide(dcmlTotalWhey, 100);
            decimal dcmlMoistureContent = this.getMoistureContent(r);
            dcmlMoistureInWhey = Decimal.Multiply(dcmlMoistureInWhey, dcmlMoistureContent);

            decimal dcmlMoistureInSkim = Decimal.Divide(dcmlTotalWhey, 100);
            decimal dcmlMoistureContentInSkim = this.getMoistureContent(r);
            dcmlMoistureInSkim = Decimal.Multiply(dcmlMoistureInSkim, dcmlMoistureContent);

            dcmlTotalWhey = Decimal.Add(dcmlTotalWhey, dcmlMoistureInWhey);
            //round to two decimal places
            KeyValuePair<string, decimal> kvpWhey = new KeyValuePair<string, decimal>("whey",dcmlTotalWhey);
            KeyValuePair<string, decimal> kvpSkim = new KeyValuePair<string, decimal>("skim", dcmlTotalSkimPowder);
            List<KeyValuePair<string, decimal>> listToreturn = new List<KeyValuePair<string, decimal>>();
            return listToreturn;