Ejemplo n.º 1
        public ActionResult rate(int ratting, string user, string recipe)
            if (recipe == "" || user == "")
                return(Json(new { success = false, responseText = "you must log in before ratting!" }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
            Guid userId   = Guid.Parse(user);
            Guid recipeId = Guid.Parse(recipe);
            var  orate    = db.ratting.Where(c => c.recipe_id == recipeId && c.own == userId);

            if (orate.Count() != 0)
                return(Json(new { success = false, responseText = "You already rate this recipe!" }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
                Ratting nrate = new Ratting();
                nrate.rate      = ratting;
                nrate.own       = userId;
                nrate.recipe_id = recipeId;
                return(Json(new { success = true, responseText = "You have rate this recipe " + ratting + " star!" }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public override bool Initialize()
            IsCleanedUpOutOfFrame = false;

            _isxeveProvider    = new IsxeveProvider();
            _eveWindowProvider = new EveWindowProvider();

            #region Core object construction
            //Background stuff
            Logging     = new Logging();
            LogCallback = LogIsxeveMessage;

            _mathUtility        = new MathUtility();
            Statistics          = new Statistics();
            EventCommunications = new EventCommunications(Logging);
            FileManager         = new FileManager();

            //moduleManager and BehaviorManager
            ModuleManager = new ModuleManager(_isxeveProvider, _eveWindowProvider);

            //Me cache. Contains the other caches.
            MeCache = new MeCache(_isxeveProvider, _eveWindowProvider);

            Config = new Configuration();
            ConfigurationManager = new ConfigurationManager(Config, MeCache);

            Ship = new Ship(_isxeveProvider, _eveWindowProvider, MeCache, MeCache.Ship, Config.CargoConfig, Statistics, Config.MovementConfig);

            //Entity Populator object
            EntityProvider = new EntityProvider(_isxeveProvider);

            //Other Cache and Data classes
            MissionCache = new MissionCache(_isxeveProvider, _eveWindowProvider);
            AgentCache   = new AgentCache(FileManager, MeCache, Config, _eveWindowProvider);

            BookMarkCache  = new BookMarkCache(MeCache, EntityProvider, Logging, _isxeveProvider);
            NpcBountyCache = new NpcBountyCache();
            //EVEDB modules
            PilotCache       = new PilotCache();
            AllianceCache    = new AllianceCache(FileManager);
            CorporationCache = new CorporationCache();
            MissionDatabase  = new MissionDatabase();
            PossibleEwarNpcs = new PossibleEwarNpcs();

            //Core Functionality Providers, not necessarily caches
            TargetQueue          = new TargetQueue(MeCache, EntityProvider, Config.MiningConfig, Config.MainConfig);
            JetCan               = new JettisonContainer(_eveWindowProvider);
            Social               = new Social(_isxeveProvider);
            Station              = new Station(_isxeveProvider, _eveWindowProvider);
            AsteroidBelts        = new AsteroidBelts(Config, MeCache, EntityProvider, BookMarkCache, Ship);
            Bookmarks            = new Bookmarks(MeCache, Station, Config, BookMarkCache, AsteroidBelts, _isxeveProvider);
            Drones               = new Drones(_isxeveProvider);
            Fleet                = new Fleet();
            Alerts               = new Alerts(Config, MeCache, Logging);
            _anomalyProvider     = new AnomalyProvider(MeCache.Ship);
            _anomalyClaimTracker = new AnomalyClaimTracker(Logging, EventCommunications, MeCache);
            _safespots           = new Safespots(MeCache, BookMarkCache, Config.MovementConfig, MeCache.ToEntity, EntityProvider, _isxeveProvider, Ship, Social, _mathUtility, Logging);

            Attackers = new Attackers(MeCache, Config, Ship, Drones, EntityProvider, Alerts, AsteroidBelts, PossibleEwarNpcs, TargetQueue, ModuleManager);

            #region ActionModule construction
            //Action classes
            Movement     = new Movement(_isxeveProvider, EntityProvider, MeCache, _anomalyProvider, TargetQueue, Ship, Drones);
            Targeting    = new Targeting(Logging, Config.MaxRuntimeConfig, MeCache, Ship, Drones, Alerts, ModuleManager, TargetQueue, EntityProvider, Movement);
            Offensive    = new Offensive(Logging, TargetQueue, EntityProvider);
            NonOffensive = new NonOffensive(MeCache, Config.MiningConfig, Config.DefenseConfig, EntityProvider, TargetQueue, Ship, Drones, Targeting, Movement);
            Defense      = new Defense(_isxeveProvider, EntityProvider, Ship, MeCache, Config.DefenseConfig, Social, Drones, Alerts, _safespots, Movement);

            #region Processor construction
            MissionProcessor = new MissionProcessor(_eveWindowProvider, Movement);

            #region BehaviorModule construction
            _moveToDropOffLocationPartialBehavior = new MoveToDropOffLocationPartialBehavior(Movement, EntityProvider, Config.CargoConfig, BookMarkCache, Bookmarks,
                                                                                             Config.MovementConfig, MeCache, _mathUtility, _isxeveProvider);
            _dropOffCargoPartialBehavior = new DropOffCargoPartialBehavior(_eveWindowProvider, Config.CargoConfig, Config.MainConfig, Config.MiningConfig,
                                                                           MeCache, Ship, Station, JetCan, EntityProvider, EventCommunications);

            //Behavior classes
            BehaviorManager = new BehaviorManager();
            Mining          = new Mining(Config.CargoConfig, Config.MainConfig, MeCache, Ship, EntityProvider,
                                         _safespots, Movement, Social, Config.MovementConfig, AsteroidBelts, _moveToDropOffLocationPartialBehavior, _dropOffCargoPartialBehavior, Config.MiningConfig,
                                         _isxeveProvider, BookMarkCache, TargetQueue);
            Hauler = new Hauler(_eveWindowProvider, Config.CargoConfig, Config.MainConfig, Config.MiningConfig, MeCache, Ship, Station, JetCan, EntityProvider, EventCommunications,
                                _safespots, Movement, BookMarkCache, _moveToDropOffLocationPartialBehavior);
            BoostCanOrca = new BoostCanOrca();
            BoostOrca    = new BoostOrca(BookMarkCache, Config.MiningConfig, Bookmarks, _safespots, Movement, Config.MainConfig, Ship, MeCache);
            Freighter    = new Freighter(_eveWindowProvider, Config.CargoConfig, Config.MainConfig,
                                         Config.MiningConfig, MeCache, Ship, Station, JetCan, EntityProvider, EventCommunications, _moveToDropOffLocationPartialBehavior, _dropOffCargoPartialBehavior, Movement);
            MissionRunner     = new MissionRunner(Config, MissionCache, AgentCache, _eveWindowProvider);
            JumpStabilityTest = new JumpStabilityTest();
            Ratting           = new Ratting(Social, MeCache, Bookmarks, Config.SalvageConfig, Config.RattingConfig, _anomalyProvider, EntityProvider, _anomalyClaimTracker, _safespots,
                                            Movement, Ship, AsteroidBelts, Config.MovementConfig, Alerts, TargetQueue, Attackers);

            //StealthBotUI Interop construction
            //SbUiCommunication = new SbUiCommunication();

