public void StartScheduleTestListMethod()
            DataContext            dataContext            = new DataContext();
            PacketDetailRepository packetDetailRepository = new PacketDetailRepository(dataContext);
            PacketTypeRepository   packetTypeRepository   = new PacketTypeRepository(dataContext);
            ErrorLogsRepository    errorLogsRepository    = new ErrorLogsRepository(dataContext);

            string startScheduleDate = Convert.ToString(TestContext.DataRow["StartDate"]);

            RationScheduleViewModelNew rationScheduleViewModelNew = new RationScheduleViewModelNew();

            rationScheduleViewModelNew.statedate = startScheduleDate;
            RationController rationController = new RationController(packetDetailRepository, packetTypeRepository, errorLogsRepository);

            // Act
            ViewResult result = rationController.Schduled(rationScheduleViewModelNew) as ViewResult;

            // Assert
            if (result != null)

        private string AddDayInCurrentDate(string date, RationScheduleViewModelNew rationScheduleView)
            string[] dateFormate = date.Split('-');
            rationScheduleView.statedate = (Convert.ToInt32(dateFormate[0]) + 1).ToString() + "-" + dateFormate[1] + "-" + dateFormate[2].ToString();
            var V = Convert.ToDateTime(dateFormate[2] + "-" + dateFormate[1] + "-" + (dateFormate[0].Length == 1 ? "0" : "" + (Convert.ToInt32(dateFormate[0])).ToString())).AddDays(1);

 //GET: Method For open the Schduler page
 public ActionResult Schduled()
         RationScheduleViewModelNew rationScheduleViewModel = new RationScheduleViewModelNew();
         rationScheduleViewModel.StartDate = DateTime.Now;
     catch (Exception ex)
         LogException(ex, "Schduled");
         RedirectToAction("Schduled", "Ration");
         throw ex;
        public void RationControllerPostSchudle()
            //RationScheduleViewModel rationScheduleViewModel =new RationScheduleViewModel();
            RationScheduleViewModelNew rationScheduleViewModel = new RationScheduleViewModelNew();

            rationScheduleViewModel.StartDate = DateTime.Now;
            DataContext            dataContext            = new DataContext();
            PacketDetailRepository packetDetailRepository = new PacketDetailRepository(dataContext);
            PacketTypeRepository   packetTypeRepository   = new PacketTypeRepository(dataContext);
            ErrorLogsRepository    errorLogsRepository    = new ErrorLogsRepository(dataContext);

            RationController rationController = new RationController(packetDetailRepository, packetTypeRepository, errorLogsRepository);
            ViewResult       result           = rationController.Schduled(rationScheduleViewModel) as ViewResult;

            // Assert
            if (result != null)
 private void ParseDateTime(RationScheduleViewModelNew rationScheduleView)
     string[] dtformat = rationScheduleView.statedate.Split('-');
     rationScheduleView.StartDate = DateTime.Parse(dtformat[2] + "-" + dtformat[1] + "-" + (dtformat[0].Length == 1 ? "0" : "") + (Convert.ToInt32(dtformat[0])).ToString());
        public ActionResult Schduled(RationScheduleViewModelNew rationScheduleView)
                //DateTime StartDate

                List <RationScheduleViewModel> rationScheduleViewModels = new List <RationScheduleViewModel>();
                int NumberInventery = 0;
                var Schduledata = _packetDetail.GetAll().Where(x => x.IsDeleted == false && (EntityFunctions.TruncateTime(x.ExpiryDate) >= EntityFunctions.TruncateTime(rationScheduleView.StartDate) || x.ExpiryDate == null)).OrderBy(a => a.LitersQty).OrderBy(a => a.Calories).ToList();
                List <PacketDetail> PacketsLst = new List <PacketDetail>(); List <PacketDetail> paketDetailsItems = new List <PacketDetail>();
                int Calories = 0; int QtyForLiter = 0; var Counter = 0; var CounterLtr = 0; var CounterCalories = 0;
                int CalRequire = 0; int LtrQty = 0;

                //foreach (var item in Schduledata)
                int intCount = Schduledata.Count;
                for (int i = 0; i < intCount; i++)
                    var item = Schduledata.OrderBy(x => Convert.ToInt32(2500 - (x.Calories + Calories))).OrderBy(x => Math.Abs(Convert.ToInt32(2500 - (x.Calories + Calories))))
                               .OrderBy(x => Convert.ToInt32(2 - (x.LitersQty + QtyForLiter))).OrderBy(x => Math.Abs(Convert.ToInt32(2 - (x.LitersQty + QtyForLiter))))

                    int          PacketTypeId = Convert.ToInt32(item.PacketTypeId);
                    PacketDetail packetDetail = new PacketDetail();
                    packetDetail.Id            = item.Id;
                    packetDetail.PacketTypeId  = item.PacketTypeId;
                    packetDetail.PacketType    = _packetType.GetByID(PacketTypeId).PacketType;
                    packetDetail.PacketContent = item.PacketContent != null ? item.PacketContent : "-";
                    packetDetail.Calories      = item.Calories != null ? item.Calories : 0;
                    packetDetail.ExpiryDate    = item.ExpiryDate != null ? item.ExpiryDate : null;
                    packetDetail.LitersQty     = item.LitersQty != null ? item.LitersQty : 0;
                    packetDetail.PacketId      = item.PacketTypeId == "1" ? "F" + item.Id : "W" + item.Id;

                    //This is for water packet type
                    if (item.PacketTypeId == "2")
                        // List for store water actucal records
                        if (QtyForLiter < 2)
                            Counter      = Counter + 1;
                            QtyForLiter += Convert.ToInt32(item.LitersQty);
                        // List for store water temp records
                            PacketDetail packetDetailLtrTemp = new PacketDetail();
                            packetDetailLtrTemp.Id            = item.Id;
                            packetDetailLtrTemp.PacketTypeId  = item.PacketTypeId;
                            packetDetailLtrTemp.PacketType    = _packetType.GetByID(PacketTypeId).PacketType;
                            packetDetailLtrTemp.PacketContent = item.PacketContent != null ? item.PacketContent : "-";
                            packetDetailLtrTemp.Calories      = item.Calories != null ? item.Calories : 0;
                            packetDetailLtrTemp.ExpiryDate    = item.ExpiryDate != null ? item.ExpiryDate : null;
                            packetDetailLtrTemp.LitersQty     = item.LitersQty != null ? item.LitersQty : 0;
                            packetDetailLtrTemp.PacketId      = item.PacketTypeId == "1" ? "F" + item.Id : "W" + item.Id;

                            if (item.LitersQty != null)
                                CounterLtr = CounterLtr + 1;

                    //This is for food packet type
                    else if (item.PacketTypeId == "1")
                        // List for store calories actucal records
                        if (Calories < 2500)
                            Counter   = Counter + 1;
                            Calories += Convert.ToInt32(item.Calories);

                        // List for store calories temp records
                            PacketDetail packetCalTempDetail = new PacketDetail();
                            packetCalTempDetail.Id            = item.Id;
                            packetCalTempDetail.PacketTypeId  = item.PacketTypeId;
                            packetCalTempDetail.PacketType    = _packetType.GetByID(PacketTypeId).PacketType;
                            packetCalTempDetail.PacketContent = item.PacketContent != null ? item.PacketContent : "-";
                            packetCalTempDetail.Calories      = item.Calories != null ? item.Calories : 0;
                            if (item.Calories != null)
                                CounterCalories = CounterCalories + 1;
                            packetCalTempDetail.ExpiryDate = item.ExpiryDate != null ? item.ExpiryDate : null;
                            packetCalTempDetail.LitersQty  = item.LitersQty != null ? item.LitersQty : 0;
                            packetCalTempDetail.PacketId   = item.PacketTypeId == "1" ? "F" + item.Id : "W" + item.Id;


                    // Logic for display the row or cells based on the date
                    if (Calories >= 2500 && QtyForLiter >= 2)
                        RationScheduleViewModel rationScheduleViewModel = new RationScheduleViewModel();

                        if (rationScheduleView.StartDate != null)
                            rationScheduleViewModel.StartDate = rationScheduleView.StartDate;
                        NumberInventery = NumberInventery + 1;
                        rationScheduleViewModel.LivedLife   = NumberInventery;
                        rationScheduleViewModel.CounterSpan = Counter;
                        foreach (var Packetitem in PacketsLst)
                        PacketsLst = new List <PacketDetail>();
                        Counter    = 0; Calories = 0; QtyForLiter = 0;
                        rationScheduleView.StartDate = rationScheduleView.StartDate.Date.AddDays(1);

                // this is for If actual list contain some records but not fullfill our logic condition
                if (PacketsLst.Count != 0)
                    Schduledata = PacketsLst;
                    Calories    = 0; QtyForLiter = 0; Counter = 0;
                    PacketsLst  = new List <PacketDetail>();
                    Schduledata = paketDetailsItems;

                Schduledata = Schduledata.OrderBy(a => a.LitersQty).OrderBy(a => a.Calories).ToList();

                if (Schduledata.Count != 0)
                    foreach (var item in Schduledata)
                        if (item.Calories != 0)
                            CalRequire += Convert.ToInt32(item.Calories);
                        if (item.LitersQty != 0)
                            LtrQty += Convert.ToInt32(item.LitersQty);

                    //If our tempCal & tempLtQty contain calories and qtyLr more than 2500 & 2
                    if (CalRequire >= 2500 && LtrQty >= 2)
                        CalRequire        = 0; LtrQty = 0;
                        paketDetailsItems = new List <PacketDetail>();
                        CounterLtr        = 0; CounterCalories = 0;

                        goto SchduleItem;

                RationScheduleViewModelNew rationScheduleViewModelNew = new RationScheduleViewModelNew();
                rationScheduleViewModelNew.StartDate = rationScheduleView.StartDate;
                rationScheduleViewModelNew.lstRationScheduleViewModel = rationScheduleViewModels;
            catch (Exception ex)
                LogException(ex, "Schduled");