Ejemplo n.º 1
        private void ExtractSegment(Bitmap image, int x, int y, bool reverse, ref int len, ref int prevCol, List <ColorSegment> rv, int minPower, int maxPower, int res, RasterConverter.ImageProcessor.Direction dir)
            //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("X:{0} Y:{1}", x, y));

            int col = GetColor(image, x, y, minPower, maxPower);

            if (prevCol == -1)
                prevCol = col;

            if (prevCol != col)
                if (dir == RasterConverter.ImageProcessor.Direction.Horizontal)
                    rv.Add(new XSegment(prevCol, len, res, reverse));
                else if (dir == RasterConverter.ImageProcessor.Direction.Vertical)
                    rv.Add(new YSegment(prevCol, len, res, reverse));
                else if (dir == RasterConverter.ImageProcessor.Direction.Diagonal)
                    rv.Add(new DSegment(prevCol, len, res, reverse));

                len = 0;

            prevCol = col;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private List <ColorSegment> GetSegments(Bitmap bmp, RasterConverter.ImageProcessor.Direction dir, int minPower, int maxPower, int res)
            List <ColorSegment> rv = new List <ColorSegment>();

            if (dir == RasterConverter.ImageProcessor.Direction.Horizontal || dir == RasterConverter.ImageProcessor.Direction.Vertical)
                bool h = (dir == RasterConverter.ImageProcessor.Direction.Horizontal);                 //horizontal/vertical

                for (int i = 0; i < (h ? bmp.Height : bmp.Width); i++)
                    bool d       = IsEven(i);               //direct/reverse
                    int  prevCol = -1;
                    int  len     = -1;

                    for (int j = d ? 0 : (h ? bmp.Width - 1 : bmp.Height - 1); d ? (j < (h ? bmp.Width : bmp.Height)) : (j >= 0); j = (d ? j + 1 : j - 1))
                        ExtractSegment(bmp, h?j:i, h?i:j, !d, ref len, ref prevCol, rv, minPower, maxPower, res, dir);                          //extract different segments
                    if (h)
                        rv.Add(new XSegment(prevCol, len + 1, res, !d));                         //close last segment
                        rv.Add(new YSegment(prevCol, len + 1, res, !d));                         //close last segment
                    if (i < (h ? bmp.Height - 1 : bmp.Width - 1))
                        if (h)
                            rv.Add(new VSeparator(res));                             //new line
                            rv.Add(new HSeparator(res));                             //new line
            else if (dir == RasterConverter.ImageProcessor.Direction.Diagonal)
                //based on: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1779199/traverse-matrix-in-diagonal-strips
                //based on: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2112832/traverse-rectangular-matrix-in-diagonal-strips

                 |  -         |
                 |  -  -      |
                 +-------+    |
                 |  -  - |  - |

                //the algorithm runs along the matrix for diagonal lines (slice index)
                //z1 and z2 contains the number of missing elements in the lower right and upper left
                //the length of the segment can be determined as "slice - z1 - z2"
                //my modified version of algorithm reverses travel direction each slice

                rv.Add(new VSeparator(res));                 //new line

                int w = bmp.Width;
                int h = bmp.Height;
                for (int slice = 0; slice < w + h - 1; ++slice)
                    bool d = IsEven(slice);                     //direct/reverse

                    int prevCol = -1;
                    int len     = -1;

                    int z1 = slice < h ? 0 : slice - h + 1;
                    int z2 = slice < w ? 0 : slice - w + 1;

                    for (int j = (d ? z1 : slice - z2); d?j <= slice - z2 : j >= z1; j = (d ? j + 1 : j - 1))
                        ExtractSegment(bmp, j, slice - j, !d, ref len, ref prevCol, rv, minPower, maxPower, res, dir); //extract different segments
                    rv.Add(new DSegment(prevCol, len + 1, res, !d));                                                   //close last segment

                    //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("sl:{0} z1:{1} z2:{2}", slice, z1, z2));

                    if (slice < Math.Min(w, h) - 1)                   //first part of the image
                        if (d)
                            rv.Add(new HSeparator(res));                             //new line
                            rv.Add(new VSeparator(res));                             //new line
                    else if (slice >= Math.Max(w, h) - 1)                   //third part of image
                        if (d)
                            rv.Add(new VSeparator(res));                             //new line
                            rv.Add(new HSeparator(res));                             //new line
                    else                     //central part of the image
                        if (w > h)
                            rv.Add(new HSeparator(res));                             //new line
                            rv.Add(new VSeparator(res));                             //new line

Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void LoadImageL2L(Bitmap bmp, string filename, int res, int oX, int oY, int markSpeed, int travelSpeed, int minPower, int maxPower, string lOn, string lOff, RasterConverter.ImageProcessor.Direction dir)

            long start = Tools.HiResTimer.TotalMilliseconds;

            mTotalTravelOff   = 0;
            mTotalTravelOn    = 0;
            mEstimatedTimeOff = TimeSpan.Zero;
            mEstimatedTimeOn  = TimeSpan.Zero;

            list.Add(new GrblCommand("G90"));
            //use travel speed
            list.Add(new GrblCommand(String.Format("F{0}", travelSpeed)));
            //move fast to offset
            list.Add(new GrblCommand(String.Format("G0 X{0} Y{1}", formatnumber(oX), formatnumber(oY))));
            //laser on and power to zero
            list.Add(new GrblCommand(String.Format("{0} S0", lOn)));
            //set speed to markspeed
            list.Add(new GrblCommand(String.Format("G1 F{0}", markSpeed)));
            list.Add(new GrblCommand("G91"));

            ImageLine2Line(bmp, res, markSpeed, travelSpeed, minPower, maxPower, lOn, lOff, dir);

            //laser off
            list.Add(new GrblCommand(lOff));
            list.Add(new GrblCommand("G90"));
            //move fast to origin
            list.Add(new GrblCommand("G0 X0 Y0"));

            long elapsed = Tools.HiResTimer.TotalMilliseconds - start;

            if (OnFileLoaded != null)
                OnFileLoaded(elapsed, filename);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        private void ImageLine2Line(Bitmap bmp, int res, int markSpeed, int travelSpeed, int minPower, int maxPower, string lOn, string lOff, RasterConverter.ImageProcessor.Direction dir)
            bool fast = false;
            List <ColorSegment> segments = GetSegments(bmp, dir, minPower, maxPower, res);
            List <GrblCommand>  temp     = new List <GrblCommand>();

            foreach (ColorSegment seg in segments)
                bool changespeed = (fast != seg.Fast);        //se veloce != dafareveloce

                if (seg.IsSeparator && !fast)                 //fast = previous segment contains S0 color
                    temp.Add(new GrblCommand("S0"));

                fast = seg.Fast;

                if (changespeed)
                    temp.Add(new GrblCommand(String.Format("{0} F{1} {2}", fast ? "G0" : "G1", fast ? travelSpeed : markSpeed, seg.ToString())));
                    temp.Add(new GrblCommand(seg.ToString()));

                //if (seg.IsSeparator)
                //	list.Add(new GrblCommand(lOn));

            temp = OptimizeLine2Line(temp, travelSpeed);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public void LoadImagePotrace(Bitmap bmp, string filename, int res, int oX, int oY, int borderSpeed, int markSpeed, int travelSpeed, int minPower, int maxPower, string lOn, string lOff, bool UseSpotRemoval, int SpotRemoval, bool UseSmoothing, decimal Smoothing, bool UseOptimize, decimal Optimize, RasterConverter.ImageProcessor.Direction fdir, int fres)

            long start = Tools.HiResTimer.TotalMilliseconds;

            mTotalTravelOff   = 0;
            mTotalTravelOn    = 0;
            mEstimatedTimeOff = TimeSpan.Zero;
            mEstimatedTimeOn  = TimeSpan.Zero;

            Potrace.turdsize        = (int)(UseSpotRemoval ? SpotRemoval : 2);
            Potrace.alphamax        = UseSmoothing ? (double)Smoothing : 0.0;
            Potrace.opttolerance    = UseOptimize ? (double)Optimize : 0.2;
            Potrace.curveoptimizing = UseOptimize;             //optimize the path p, replacing sequences of Bezier segments by a single segment when possible.

            List <List <CsPotrace.Curve> > plist = Potrace.PotraceTrace(bmp);

            if (fdir != RasterConverter.ImageProcessor.Direction.None)
                using (Bitmap ptb = new Bitmap(bmp.Width, bmp.Height))
                    using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(ptb))
                        Potrace.Export2GDIPlus(plist, g, Brushes.Black, null, (Math.Max(res / fres, 1) + 1) / 2.0f);
                        using (Bitmap resampled = RasterConverter.ImageTransform.ResizeImage(ptb, new Size(bmp.Width * fres / res, bmp.Height * fres / res), true, InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic))
                            list.Add(new GrblCommand("G90"));
                            //use travel speed
                            list.Add(new GrblCommand(String.Format("F{0}", travelSpeed)));
                            //move fast to offset
                            list.Add(new GrblCommand(String.Format("G0 X{0} Y{1}", formatnumber(oX), formatnumber(oY))));
                            //laser on and power to zero
                            list.Add(new GrblCommand(String.Format("{0} S0", lOn)));
                            //set speed to markspeed
                            list.Add(new GrblCommand(String.Format("G1 F{0}", markSpeed)));
                            list.Add(new GrblCommand("G91"));

                            //trace all line
                            ImageLine2Line(resampled, fres, markSpeed, travelSpeed, minPower, maxPower, lOn, lOff, fdir);

                            //laser off
                            list.Add(new GrblCommand(lOff));

            list.Add(new GrblCommand("G90"));
            //use travel speed
            list.Add(new GrblCommand(String.Format("F{0}", travelSpeed)));
            //move fast to offset
            list.Add(new GrblCommand(String.Format("G0 X{0} Y{1}", formatnumber(oX), formatnumber(oY))));
            //laser off and power to maxPower
            list.Add(new GrblCommand(String.Format("{0} S{1}", lOff, maxPower)));
            //set speed to borderspeed
            list.Add(new GrblCommand(String.Format("G1 F{0}", borderSpeed)));

            //trace borders
            List <string> gc = Potrace.Export2GCode(plist, oX, oY, res, lOn, lOff, bmp.Size);

            foreach (string code in gc)
                list.Add(new GrblCommand(code));

            //laser off
            list.Add(new GrblCommand(String.Format("{0}", lOff)));

            //move fast to origin
            list.Add(new GrblCommand("G0 X0 Y0"));

            long elapsed = Tools.HiResTimer.TotalMilliseconds - start;

            if (OnFileLoaded != null)
                OnFileLoaded(elapsed, filename);