Ejemplo n.º 1
        //C++ TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: 'const' methods are not available in C#:
        //ORIGINAL LINE: void Paint(PaintContext& context) const override
        public override void Paint(PaintContext context)
            TRACE_EVENT0("flutter", "OpacityLayer::Paint");

            SKPaint paint = new SKPaint();

            paint.Color = paint.Color.WithAlpha((byte)alpha_);

            //C++ TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: There is no equivalent in C# to 'static_assert':
            //  (...) static_assert(false, "missing name for " "SkAutoCanvasRestore") save(&context.canvas, true);
            context.canvas.Translate(offset_.X, offset_.Y);


            if (layers().Count == 1)// && context.raster_cache)
                SKMatrix          ctm         = context.canvas.TotalMatrix;
                RasterCacheResult child_cache = context.raster_cache.Get(layers()[0], ctm);
                if (child_cache.is_valid)
                    child_cache.draw(context.canvas, paint);

            Layer.AutoSaveLayer save_layer = Layer.AutoSaveLayer.Create(context, paint_bounds(), paint);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        //C++ TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: 'const' methods are not available in C#:
        //ORIGINAL LINE: void Paint(PaintContext& context) const override
        public override void Paint(PaintContext context)
            TRACE_EVENT0("flutter", "PictureLayer::Paint");

            //C++ TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: There is no equivalent in C# to 'static_assert':
            //  (...) static_assert(false, "missing name for " "SkAutoCanvasRestore") save(&context.canvas, true);
            context.canvas.Translate(offset_.X, offset_.Y);

            if (context.raster_cache != null)
                SKMatrix          ctm    = context.canvas.TotalMatrix;
                RasterCacheResult result = context.raster_cache.Get(picture(), ctm);
                if (result.is_valid)
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public override void Paint(PaintContext context)
            TRACE_EVENT0("flutter", "OpacityLayer::Paint");

            SKPaint paint = new SKPaint();

            paint.Color = paint.Color.WithAlpha((byte)alpha_);

            context.canvas.Translate(offset_.X, offset_.Y);


            if (layers().Count == 1 && context.raster_cache != null)
                SKMatrix          ctm         = context.canvas.TotalMatrix;
                RasterCacheResult child_cache = context.raster_cache.Get(layers()[0], ctm);
                if (child_cache.is_valid)
                    child_cache.draw(context.canvas, paint);

            Layer.AutoSaveLayer save_layer = Layer.AutoSaveLayer.Create(context, paint_bounds(), paint);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public bool is_valid => image_ != null; //?? I'm not sure if this is right

        //C++ TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: 'const' methods are not available in C#:
        //ORIGINAL LINE: void draw(SKCanvas& canvas, const SKPaint* paint = null) const
        public void draw(SKCanvas canvas, SKPaint paint = null)
            var bounds = RasterCache.GetDeviceBounds(logical_rect_, canvas.TotalMatrix);

            canvas.DrawImage(image_, bounds.Left, bounds.Top, paint);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public bool is_valid => image_ != null; //?? I'm not sure if this is right
        //    return (bool)image_;

        //C++ TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: 'const' methods are not available in C#:
        //ORIGINAL LINE: void draw(SKCanvas& canvas, const SKPaint* paint = null) const
        public void draw(SKCanvas canvas, SKPaint paint = null)
            //C++ TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: There is no equivalent in C# to 'static_assert':
            //  (...) static_assert(false, "missing name for " "SkAutoCanvasRestore") auto_restore(&canvas, true);
            var bounds = RasterCache.GetDeviceBounds(logical_rect_, canvas.TotalMatrix);

            //FML_DCHECK(bounds.Size == image_..dimensions());
            canvas.DrawImage(image_, bounds.Left, bounds.Top, paint);
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public PaintContext(SKCanvas canvas,
                     ExternalViewEmbedder view_embedder,
                     TextureRegistry texture_registry,
                     RasterCache raster_cache,
                     bool checkerboard_offscreen_layers)
     this.canvas           = canvas;
     this.view_embedder    = view_embedder;
     this.texture_registry = texture_registry;
     this.raster_cache     = raster_cache;
     this.checkerboard_offscreen_layers = checkerboard_offscreen_layers;
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public PrerollContext(RasterCache raster_cache,
                       GRContext gr_context,
                       SKColorSpace dst_color_space,
                       SKRect child_paint_bounds,
                       TextureRegistry texture_registry,
                       bool checkerboard_offscreen_layers)
     this.raster_cache                  = raster_cache;
     this.gr_context                    = gr_context;
     this.dst_color_space               = dst_color_space;
     this.child_paint_bounds            = child_paint_bounds;
     this.texture_registry              = texture_registry;
     this.checkerboard_offscreen_layers = checkerboard_offscreen_layers;
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public override void Preroll(PrerollContext context, SKMatrix matrix)
            SKMatrix child_matrix = matrix;

            child_matrix.SetScaleTranslate(child_matrix.ScaleX, child_matrix.ScaleY, offset_.X, offset_.Y);
            base.Preroll(context, child_matrix);
            if (context.raster_cache != null && layers().Count == 1)
                Layer    child = layers()[0];//.get();
                SKMatrix ctm   = child_matrix;

                ctm = RasterCache.GetIntegralTransCTM(ctm);
                context.raster_cache.Prepare(context, child, ctm);
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public override void Preroll(PrerollContext context, SKMatrix matrix)
            SKPicture sk_picture = picture();

            var      cache = context.raster_cache;
            SKMatrix ctm   = matrix;

            ctm.SetScaleTranslate(ctm.ScaleX, ctm.ScaleY, offset_.X, offset_.Y);
            ctm = RasterCache.GetIntegralTransCTM(ctm);
            cache.Prepare(context.gr_context, sk_picture, ctm, context.dst_color_space, is_complex_, will_change_);

            SKRect bounds = sk_picture.CullRect;
            bounds.Offset(offset_.X, offset_.Y);
Ejemplo n.º 10
        internal static RasterCacheResult Rasterize(GRContext context, SKMatrix ctm, SKColorSpace dst_color_space, bool checkerboard, SKRect logical_rect, Action <SKCanvas> draw_function)
            SKRectI cache_rect = RasterCache.GetDeviceBounds(logical_rect, ctm);

            SKImageInfo image_info = new SKImageInfo(cache_rect.Width, cache_rect.Height);

            SKSurface surface = context != null?SKSurface.CreateAsRenderTarget(context, new GRGlBackendTextureDesc()
                Width = cache_rect.Width, Height = cache_rect.Height
            }) : SKSurface.Create(image_info);                                                                                                                                                                    //{ image_info.

            if (surface == null)
                return(new RasterCacheResult());

            SKCanvas canvas      = surface.Canvas;
            SKCanvas xformCanvas = canvas;

            //if (dst_color_space != null)
            //    xformCanvas = SkCreateColorSpaceXformCanvas(canvas, GlobalMembers.sk_ref_sp(dst_color_space));
            //    if (xformCanvas != null)
            //    {
            //        canvas = xformCanvas;
            //    }

            canvas.Translate(-cache_rect.Left, -cache_rect.Top);
            canvas.Concat(ref ctm);

            //if (checkerboard)
            //    DrawCheckerboard(canvas, logical_rect);

            return(new RasterCacheResult(surface.Snapshot(), logical_rect));
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public override void Preroll(PrerollContext context, SKMatrix matrix)
            SKPicture sk_picture = picture();

            var cache = context.raster_cache;
            //C++ TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: The following line was determined to contain a copy constructor call - this should be verified and a copy constructor should be created:
            //ORIGINAL LINE: SKMatrix ctm = matrix;
            SKMatrix ctm = matrix;

            ctm.SetScaleTranslate(ctm.ScaleX, ctm.ScaleY, offset_.X, offset_.Y);
            //C++ TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: The following line was determined to be a copy assignment (rather than a reference assignment) - this should be verified and a 'CopyFrom' method should be created:
            //ORIGINAL LINE: ctm = RasterCache::GetIntegralTransCTM(ctm);
            ctm = RasterCache.GetIntegralTransCTM(ctm);
            cache.Prepare(context.gr_context, sk_picture, ctm, context.dst_color_space, is_complex_, will_change_);

            SKRect bounds = sk_picture.CullRect;
            bounds.Offset(offset_.X, offset_.Y);
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public override void Preroll(PrerollContext context, SKMatrix matrix)
            //C++ TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: The following line was determined to contain a copy constructor call - this should be verified and a copy constructor should be created:
            //ORIGINAL LINE: SKMatrix child_matrix = matrix;
            SKMatrix child_matrix = matrix;

            child_matrix.SetScaleTranslate(child_matrix.ScaleX, child_matrix.ScaleY, offset_.X, offset_.Y);
            base.Preroll(context, child_matrix);
            if (context.raster_cache != null && layers().Count == 1)
                Layer child = layers()[0];//.get();
                //C++ TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: The following line was determined to contain a copy constructor call - this should be verified and a copy constructor should be created:
                //ORIGINAL LINE: SKMatrix ctm = child_matrix;
                SKMatrix ctm = child_matrix;
                //C++ TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: The following line was determined to be a copy assignment (rather than a reference assignment) - this should be verified and a 'CopyFrom' method should be created:
                //ORIGINAL LINE: ctm = RasterCache::GetIntegralTransCTM(ctm);
                ctm = RasterCache.GetIntegralTransCTM(ctm);
                context.raster_cache.Prepare(context, child, ctm);
Ejemplo n.º 13
        public override void Paint(PaintContext context)
            TRACE_EVENT0("flutter", "PictureLayer::Paint");

            context.canvas.Translate(offset_.X, offset_.Y);

            if (context.raster_cache != null)
                SKMatrix          ctm    = context.canvas.TotalMatrix;
                RasterCacheResult result = context.raster_cache.Get(picture(), ctm);
                if (result.is_valid)
Ejemplo n.º 14
        public PrerollContext(RasterCache raster_cache,
                              GRContext gr_context,
                              SKColorSpace dst_color_space,
                              SKRect child_paint_bounds,
                              Stopwatch frameTime,
                              Stopwatch engineTime,
                              TextureRegistry texture_registry,
                              bool checkerboard_offscreen_layers)
            this.raster_cache = raster_cache;

            if (raster_cache == null)
                this.raster_cache = new RasterCache();

            this.gr_context                    = gr_context;
            this.dst_color_space               = dst_color_space;
            this.child_paint_bounds            = child_paint_bounds;
            this.frame_time                    = frameTime;
            this.engine_time                   = engineTime;
            this.texture_registry              = texture_registry;
            this.checkerboard_offscreen_layers = checkerboard_offscreen_layers;