Ejemplo n.º 1
        // Appends existing sheet with specified rows.
        internal static SpreadsheetsResource.ValuesResource.AppendRequest GetAppendRowsRequest(SheetsService sheetsService, string spreadsheetId, string sheetTitleId, int columnCount, int rowCount, int rowsToAdd, IList <IList <object> > newRowsData)
            // Construct string representing range(rows) appending the sheet
            string appendedSheetRange = RangeTranslator.GetRangeString(sheetTitleId, LiveSheetLeftIndex, LiveSheetTopIndex, columnCount, rowCount + rowsToAdd);

            // Construct requestBody value range.
            ValueRange requestBody = new ValueRange();

            // Assign request body range string.
            requestBody.Range = appendedSheetRange;

            // Assign request body values.
            requestBody.Values = newRowsData;

            // Constructs append rows request.
            SpreadsheetsResource.ValuesResource.AppendRequest request = sheetsService.Spreadsheets.Values.Append(requestBody, spreadsheetId, appendedSheetRange);

            // Specify the way in which input data should be interpreted.
            request.ValueInputOption = SpreadsheetsResource.ValuesResource.AppendRequest.ValueInputOptionEnum.RAW;

            // Specify the way in which input data should be inserted.
            request.InsertDataOption = SpreadsheetsResource.ValuesResource.AppendRequest.InsertDataOptionEnum.INSERTROWS;

            // Return constructed append rows request.
        // Inserts rows range into the existing sheet
        internal static async Task InsertRowsAsync(this SheetsService sheetsService, string spreadsheetId, string sheetTitleId, int?sheetId, int columnCount, int toBeInsertedTopRowIndex, int toBeInsertedRowCount, IList <IList <object> > newRowsData)
            // Wait for google apis request quota availability.
            await SessionRequestsLimiter.Instance.WaitAsync();

            // Obtain appropriate insert row batch request.
            SpreadsheetsResource.BatchUpdateRequest insertRowsRequest = GoogleServicesExtensionsRequestsFactory.GetInsertRowsRequest(sheetsService, spreadsheetId, sheetId, toBeInsertedTopRowIndex, toBeInsertedRowCount);

            // Execute insert sheet rows request in safe synchronous manner.
            await RequestsExecutor.SafeExecuteAsync <BatchUpdateSpreadsheetResponse>(insertRowsRequest);

            // If new rows data haven't been provided
            if (!(newRowsData is null))
                // Obtain new rows range string.
                string newRowsRangeString = RangeTranslator.GetRangeString(sheetTitleId, 0, toBeInsertedTopRowIndex, columnCount, toBeInsertedRowCount);

                // Fills inserted rows with provided data.
                await sheetsService.UpdateRangeDataAsync(spreadsheetId, newRowsRangeString, newRowsData);