Ejemplo n.º 1
        private void frmDateRangePicker_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //set the Month View Calendar size. to the values specified in the constructor.
            RangePicker.CalendarDimensions = useDimensions;
            RangePicker.SetSelectionRange(CurrentDateRange.StartDate, CurrentDateRange.EndDate);
            Text = _useTitle;

            //resize the form to accomodate the RangePicker.

            this.ClientSize = new Size(RangePicker.Right, RangePicker.Height + cmdCancel.Height + 10);
            //now, move the controls. First, the OK button.

            cmdOK.Location = new Point(ClientSize.Width - cmdOK.Width - 5, ClientSize.Height - cmdOK.Height - 5);
            //now the cancel button...
            cmdCancel.Location = new Point(cmdOK.Left - 3 - cmdCancel.Width, cmdOK.Top);

            //we want about 5 pixels between the buttons and the rangepicker, as well as the bottom of the form.

            Height += 10;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public char GetRandomCharacter(RangePicker rangePicker)
     return rangePicker.GetRandomFrom(_characters);