Ejemplo n.º 1
        // Constructor

        public MonsterZolGreen()
            color         = MonsterColor.Green;
            MaxHealth     = 1;
            ContactDamage = 1;

            moveSpeed     = 0.75f;
            jumpSpeed     = new RangeF(2.0f);
            stopTime      = new RangeI(48);
            stopAnimation = GameData.ANIM_MONSTER_ZOL;
            jumpAnimation = GameData.ANIM_MONSTER_ZOL_JUMP;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>Create a line plot</summary>
        private ChartGfxPiece CreateLinePlot(RangeI idx_range)
            var n = idx_range.Sizei;

            if (n == 0)
                throw new ArgumentException($"{nameof(ChartControl)}.{nameof(CreateLinePlot)} Index range must not be empty");

            // Resize the geometry buffers
            m_nbuf.Resize(1 + (Options.PointsOnLinePlot ? 1 : 0));

            // Create the vertex/index data
            int vert = 0, indx = 0;
            var col     = Options.Colour;
            var x_range = RangeF.Invalid;

            for (int i = 0, iend = Math.Min(n, m_data.Count - idx_range.Begi); i != iend; ++i)
                var j  = i + idx_range.Begi;
                var pt = m_data[j];

                var v = vert;
                m_vbuf[vert++] = new View3d.Vertex(new v4((float)pt.xf, (float)pt.yf, 0f, 1f), col);
                m_ibuf[indx++] = (ushort)(v);


            // Create a nugget for the list strip using the thick line shader
                var mat = View3d.Material.New();
                mat.Use(View3d.ERenderStep.ForwardRender, View3d.EShaderGS.ThickLineListGS, $"*LineWidth {{{Options.LineWidth}}}");
                m_nbuf[0] = new View3d.Nugget(View3d.ETopo.LineStrip, View3d.EGeom.Vert | View3d.EGeom.Colr, mat: mat);

            // Create a nugget for the points (if visible)
            if (Options.PointsOnLinePlot)
                var mat = View3d.Material.New();
                mat.m_diff_tex = View3d.Texture.FromStock((View3d.EStockTexture)Options.PointStyle)?.Handle ?? IntPtr.Zero;
                mat.Use(View3d.ERenderStep.ForwardRender, View3d.EShaderGS.PointSpritesGS, $"*PointSize {{{Options.PointSize} {Options.PointSize}}} *Depth {{{false}}}");
                m_nbuf[1] = new View3d.Nugget(View3d.ETopo.PointList, View3d.EGeom.Vert | View3d.EGeom.Colr | View3d.EGeom.Tex0, range_overlaps: true, mat: mat);

            // Create the graphics
            var gfx = new View3d.Object($"{Name}-[{idx_range.Beg},{idx_range.End})", 0xFFFFFFFF, m_vbuf.Count, m_ibuf.Count, m_nbuf.Count, m_vbuf.ToArray(), m_ibuf.ToArray(), m_nbuf.ToArray(), Id);

            return(new ChartGfxPiece(gfx, x_range));
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>Called when building the line index completes (success or failure)</summary>
        private void BuildLineIndexComplete(BLIData d, RangeI range, List <RangeI> line_index, Exception error, Action on_success)
            // This method runs in the main thread, so if the build issue is the same at
            // the start of this method it can't be changed until after this function returns.
            if (BuildCancelled(d.build_issue))

            ReloadInProgress = false;
            UpdateStatusProgress(1, 1);

            // If an error occurred
            if (error != null)
                if (error is OperationCanceledException)
                else if (error is FileNotFoundException)
                    SetStaticStatusMessage($"Error reading {Path.GetFileName(d.file.Name)}", Color.White, Color.DarkRed);
                    Log.Write(ELogLevel.Error, error, "Exception ended BuildLineIndex() call");

            // Otherwise, merge the results into the main cache
                // Merge the line index results
                int row_delta = MergeLineIndex(range, line_index, d.file_buffer_size, d.filepos, d.fileend, d.reload);

                // Ensure the grid is updated

                if (on_success != null)

                // On completion, check if the file has changed again and rerun if it has

                // Trigger a collect to free up memory, this also has the
                // side effect of triggering a signing test of the exe because
                // that test is done in a destructor
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public ExportUI(string output_filepath, string row_delim, string col_delim, RangeI byte_range)

            OutputFilepath  = output_filepath;
            RowDelim        = row_delim;
            ColDelim        = col_delim;
            ByteRangeLimits = byte_range;
            ByteRange       = byte_range;

Ejemplo n.º 5
        // Constructor

        public JumpMonster()
            color         = MonsterColor.Red;
            MaxHealth     = 1;
            ContactDamage = 1;

            moveSpeed     = 1.0f;
            stopTime      = new RangeI(30, 60);
            jumpSpeed     = new RangeF(3, 3);
            stopAnimation = GameData.ANIM_MONSTER_ZOL;
            jumpAnimation = GameData.ANIM_MONSTER_ZOL_JUMP;

            syncAnimationWithDirection = false;
Ejemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>Return a line instance from a buffer of log data</summary>
        public ILine CreateLine(byte[] line_buf, int start, int count, RangeI file_byte_range)
            // Convert the buffer to text
            // Note: don't trim 'text', it's the logs fault if it has weird newlines at the end of each row.
            var text = m_encoding.GetString(line_buf, start, count);

            //todo // Apply any transforms
            //todo foreach (var tx in transforms)
            //todo  RowText = tx.Txfm(RowText);

            var line = new Line(text, file_byte_range);

Ejemplo n.º 7
 public SubRangeScroll()
     MinThumbSize = 20;
     ThumbColor   = Color.FromArgb(unchecked ((int)0xFF008000));
     TrackColor   = SystemColors.ControlDark;
     TotalRange   = new RangeI(0, 100);
     ThumbRange   = new RangeI(35, 50);
         ControlStyles.OptimizedDoubleBuffer |
         ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint |
         ControlStyles.ResizeRedraw |
         ControlStyles.Selectable |
         ControlStyles.UserPaint, true);
Ejemplo n.º 8
 /// <summary>Invalidate cache entries for lines that overlap the given memory range</summary>
 private void InvalidateCache(RangeI rng)
     for (var i = 0; i != m_cache.Count; ++i)
         if (m_cache[i] == null)
         if (m_cache[i].FileByteRange.Intersect(rng).Empty)
         m_cache[i] = null;
Ejemplo n.º 9
        /// <summary>Return the candles over the given index range</summary>
        public IEnumerable <Candle> ReadCandles(RangeI index_range)
            // Read from the database. Order by timestamp so that the oldest is first, and the newest is at the end.
            var candles = DB.Query <Candle>(
                $"select * from {TimeFrame}\n" +
                $"order by [{nameof(Candle.Timestamp)}] limit @start,@count",
                new { start = index_range.Beg, count = index_range.Size });

            if (Model.BackTesting)
                var latest_time = new TimeFrameTime(Model.UtcNow, TimeFrame).IntgTicks;
                candles = candles.Select(x => x.Timestamp < latest_time ? x : x.SubCandle(Model.UtcNow, TimeFrame));

Ejemplo n.º 10
        /// <summary>Sets or clears the bookmark at file address 'addr'</summary>
        private void SetBookmark(RangeI line, Bit.EState bookmarked)
            // Look for the bookmark
            var idx = Bookmarks.BinarySearch(b => b.Position.CompareTo(line.Beg));

            if (idx >= 0 && bookmarked != Bit.EState.Set)
                // Bookmark was found, remove it
            else if (idx < 0 && bookmarked != Bit.EState.Clear)
                // Bookmark not found, insert it
                Bookmarks.Insert(~idx, new Bookmark(line, ReadLine(line).RowText));
Ejemplo n.º 11
        static void CalculateTangentForFace(VertexInfo[] vertices, RangeI indexRange, Vector3F[] tangents, Vector3F[] bitangents, GetTextureCoord getTextureCoord = null)
            // triangle or polygon... we always use only the first three indices. A polygon
            // is supposed to be planar anyways....

            if (indexRange.Size < 3)
                for (int i = indexRange.Minimum; i < indexRange.Maximum; i++)
                    tangents[i]   = new Vector3F(float.NaN, float.NaN, float.NaN);
                    bitangents[i] = new Vector3F(float.NaN, float.NaN, float.NaN);
                FbxImportLog.LogWarning("To calculate the tangents a polygon must have > 2 vertices");

            ref StandardVertex pt0 = ref vertices[indexRange.Minimum].Vertex;
Ejemplo n.º 12
        /// <summary>Convert a line range into a client-space area, clipped by ClientRectangle</summary>
        public Rectangle LineRangeToClientArea(RangeI line_range)
            var l0 = FirstVisibleLineIndex;
            var l1 = l0 + VisibleLineCount;

            if (line_range.End < l0)
            if (line_range.Beg > l1)

            var t = (int)Math.Min(Height, Math.Max(0, (line_range.Beg - l0) * Font.Height));
            var b = (int)Math.Min(Height, Math.Max(0, (line_range.End - l0) * Font.Height));

            return(Rectangle.FromLTRB(Left, t, Right, b));
Ejemplo n.º 13
 void SpawnEntities(GameObject[] prefabs, RangeI count)
     for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
         var entity = Instantiate(prefabs[Random.Range(
                                              0, prefabs.Length)], transform);
         entity.transform.position = GetRandPos();
         int rotations = Random.Range(0, 3);
         for (int j = 0; j < rotations; ++j)
             entity.transform.Rotate(Vector3.up, 90.0f);
         var entityScr = entity.GetComponent <Entity>();
         if (entityScr != null)
Ejemplo n.º 14
 protected override void OnKeyDown(KeyEventArgs e)
     if (e.KeyCode == Keys.PageUp)
         RangeI thm = ThumbRange; thm = thm.Shift(-m_large_change); ThumbRange = thm; RaiseScrollEvent(); RaiseScrollEndEvent();
     if (e.KeyCode == Keys.PageDown)
         RangeI thm = ThumbRange; thm = thm.Shift(+m_large_change); ThumbRange = thm; RaiseScrollEvent(); RaiseScrollEndEvent();
     if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Up && e.Control)
         RangeI thm = ThumbRange; thm = thm.Shift(-m_small_change); ThumbRange = thm; RaiseScrollEvent(); RaiseScrollEndEvent();
     if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Down && e.Control)
         RangeI thm = ThumbRange; thm = thm.Shift(+m_small_change); ThumbRange = thm; RaiseScrollEvent(); RaiseScrollEndEvent();
Ejemplo n.º 15
        public Selection(IWpfTextView view)
            var snapshot  = view.TextSnapshot;
            var selection = view.Selection;
            var caret     = view.Caret;

            Pos   = new RangeI(selection.Start.Position, selection.End.Position);
            Lines = new RangeI(
                snapshot.GetLineNumberFromPosition(Pos.Empty ? Pos.Begi : Pos.Endi - 1));

            SLine = snapshot.GetLineFromLineNumber(Lines.Begi);
            ELine = snapshot.GetLineFromLineNumber(Lines.Endi);

            CaretPos        = Math_.Clamp(caret.Position.BufferPosition, SLine.Start.Position, ELine.End.Position);
            CaretLineNumber = snapshot.GetLineNumberFromPosition(CaretPos);

            Debug.Assert(Pos.Size >= 0);
            Debug.Assert(Lines.Size >= 0);
Ejemplo n.º 16
        public ZoomScroll()
            m_hoverscroll           = new HoverScroll();
            DoubleBuffered          = true;
            TotalRange              = new RangeI(0, 1000);
            ZoomedRange             = TotalRange;
            VisibleRange            = new RangeI(35, 50);
            MinimumVisibleRangeSize = 20;
            VisibleRangeColor       = Color.FromArgb(unchecked ((int)0x80008000));
            VisibleRangeBorderColor = Color.FromArgb(unchecked ((int)0xFF008000));
            TrackColor              = SystemColors.ControlDark;
                ControlStyles.OptimizedDoubleBuffer |
                ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint |
                ControlStyles.ResizeRedraw |
                ControlStyles.Selectable |
                ControlStyles.UserPaint, true);

Ejemplo n.º 17
        /// <summary>Access info about a line (cached)</summary>
        private Line ReadLine(RangeI rng)
            Debug.Assert(Src != null);

            // Check if the line is already cached
            Line line = m_line_cache[(int)(rng.Beg % m_line_cache.Count)];

            if (line.LineStartAddr == rng.Beg)

            // If not, read it from file and perform highlighting and transforming on it
                // Read the whole line into m_buf
                //m_file.Flush(); why??
                Src.Stream.Seek(rng.Beg, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                m_line_buf = rng.Size <= m_line_buf.Length ? m_line_buf : new byte[rng.Size];
                int read = Src.Stream.Read(m_line_buf, 0, (int)rng.Size);
                if (read != rng.Size)
                    throw new IOException($"Failed to read file over range [{rng.Beg},{rng.End}) ({rng.Size} bytes). Read {read}/{rng.Size} bytes.");

                // Cache data for the line
                line.Read(rng.Beg, m_line_buf, 0, read, m_encoding, m_col_delim, m_highlights, m_transforms);

                // Save the text size
                line.TextSize = m_gfx.MeasureString(line.RowText, m_grid.RowsDefaultCellStyle.Font);

            catch (Exception ex)
                Log.Write(ELogLevel.Error, ex, "Failed to read source data");
                line.RowText = "<read failed>";
Ejemplo n.º 18
        public Token(AlignGroup grp, int grp_index, int patn_index, ITextSnapshotLine line, int line_number, RangeI span, int tab_size)
            Grp        = grp;
            GrpIndex   = grp_index;
            Patn       = grp.Patterns[patn_index];
            Span       = span;
            Line       = line;
            LineNumber = line_number;

            var line_text = Line.GetText();
            int i; for (i = (int)(Span.Beg - 1); i >= 0 && char.IsWhiteSpace(line_text[i]); --i)



            MinCharIndex       = i;
            MinColumnIndex     = CharIndexToColumnIndex(line_text, MinCharIndex, tab_size);
            CurrentCharIndex   = (int)Span.Beg;
            CurrentColumnIndex = CharIndexToColumnIndex(line_text, (int)Span.Beg, tab_size);
Ejemplo n.º 19
        /// <summary>Export 'filepath' to 'outp'.</summary>
        /// <param name="d">A copy of the data needed to do the export</param>
        /// <param name="ranges">Byte ranges within the input file to export</param>
        /// <param name="row_delimiter">The row delimiter to use in the output file (robitised)</param>
        /// <param name="col_delimiter">The column delimiter to use in the output file (robitised)</param>
        /// <param name="outp">The output stream to write the exported result to</param>
        private static void DoExport(BLIData d, IEnumerable <RangeI> ranges, string row_delimiter, string col_delimiter, StreamWriter outp)
            var line = new Line();

            // Call back for adding lines to the export result
            AddLineFunc add_line = (line_rng, baddr, fend, bf, enc) =>
                if (line_rng.Empty && d.ignore_blanks)

                // Parse the line from the buffer
                line.Read(baddr + line_rng.Beg, bf, (int)line_rng.Beg, (int)line_rng.Size, d.encoding, d.col_delim, null, d.transforms);

                // Keep searching while the text is filtered out or doesn't match the pattern
                if (!PassesFilters(line.RowText, d.filters))

                // Write to the output file
                outp.Write(string.Join(col_delimiter, line.Column));

            byte[] buf = new byte[d.max_line_length];
            foreach (var rng in ranges)
                // Find the start of a line (grow the range if necessary)
                var r = new RangeI(Math_.Clamp(rng.Beg, 0, d.file.Stream.Length), Math_.Clamp(rng.End, 0, d.file.Stream.Length));
                r.Beg = FindLineStart(d.file, r.Beg, r.End, d.row_delim, d.encoding, buf);

                // Read lines and write them to the export file
                FindLines(d.file, r.Beg, r.End, false, r.Size, add_line, d.encoding, d.row_delim, buf, d.progress);
Ejemplo n.º 20
        /// <summary>Adjust the scan parameters when doing an incremental update based on the currently loaded data</summary>
        private static void AdjustForIncrementalBuild(State d, ref bool scan_backward, ref RangeI scan_range, ref int bwd_lines, ref int fwd_lines)
            // Determine the direction the cached range is moving based on where 'filepos' is relative
            // to the current cache centre and which range contains an valid area to be scanned.
            // With incremental scans we can only update one side of the cache because the returned line index has to
            // be a contiguous block of lines. This means one of 'bwd_lines' or 'fwd_lines' must be zero.
            var Lrange = new RangeI(scan_range.Beg, d.m_line_start_range.Beg);
            var Rrange = new RangeI(d.m_line_start_range.End, scan_range.End);
            var dir    =
                (!Lrange.Empty && !Rrange.Empty) ? Math.Sign(2 * d.m_index_centre - d.m_line_cache_count) :
                (!Lrange.Empty) ? -1 :
                (!Rrange.Empty) ? +1 :

            // Determine the number of lines to scan, based on direction
            if (dir < 0)
                scan_backward = true;
                scan_range    = Lrange;
                bwd_lines    -= Math_.Clamp(d.m_index_centre - 0, 0, bwd_lines);
                fwd_lines     = 0;
            else if (dir > 0)
                scan_backward = false;
                scan_range    = Rrange;
                bwd_lines     = 0;
                fwd_lines    -= Math_.Clamp(d.m_index_count - d.m_index_centre - 1, 0, fwd_lines);
            else if (dir == 0)
                bwd_lines  = 0;
                fwd_lines  = 0;
                scan_range = RangeI.Zero;
Ejemplo n.º 21
        /// <summary>Access info about a line (cached)</summary>
        private ILine ReadLine(RangeI rng)
            // The position in the cache for file range 'rng'
            var cache_index = rng.Begi % m_cache.Count;

            // Check if the line is already cached
            var line = m_cache[cache_index];

            if (line?.FileByteRange == rng)

            // If not, read it from file and perform highlighting and transforming on it
                // Read the whole line into a buffer
                m_src.Seek(rng.Beg, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                m_line_buf = rng.Size <= m_line_buf.Length ? m_line_buf : new byte[rng.Size];
                var read = m_src.Read(m_line_buf, 0, (int)rng.Size);
                if (read != rng.Size)
                    throw new IOException($"Failed to read file over range [{rng.Beg},{rng.End}) ({rng.Size} bytes). Read {read}/{rng.Size} bytes.");

                // Convert the line of data into an 'ILine'
                line = Formatter.CreateLine(m_line_buf, 0, read, rng);
                m_cache[cache_index] = line;
            catch (Exception ex)
                m_report.ErrorPopup("Failed to read source data", ex);
                return(new ErrorLine("<read failed>", rng));
Ejemplo n.º 22
 public static bool WithinInclusive(this long x, RangeI range)
     return(x.WithinInclusive(range.Beg, range.End));
Ejemplo n.º 23
 /// <summary>Returns a disposable object that preserves the current selection</summary>
 public static Scope <RangeI> SelectionScope(this TextBox edit)
                () => RangeI.FromStartLength(edit.SelectionStart, edit.SelectionLength),
                rn => edit.Select(rn.Begi, rn.Sizei)));
Ejemplo n.º 24
 public static bool Within(this int x, RangeI range)
     return(Within(x, range.Begi, range.Endi));
Ejemplo n.º 25
 public static bool WithinInclusive(this int x, RangeI range)
     return(x.WithinInclusive(range.Begi, range.Endi));
Ejemplo n.º 26
 public SubRange(RangeI range, Color color)
     Range = range; Color = color;
Ejemplo n.º 27
 /// <summary>Add an indicator range</summary>
 public void AddIndicatorRange(RangeI range, Color colour)
     System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(TotalRange.Contains(range), "Indicator range outside total range");
     range = RangeI.Constrain(range, TotalRange);
     m_indicator_ranges.Add(new SubRange(range, colour));
Ejemplo n.º 28
 public BuildCompleteEventArgs(RangeI new_range, int row_delta)
     NewRange = new_range;
     RowDelta = row_delta;
Ejemplo n.º 29
 /// <summary>Restore the selection</summary>
 public void RestoreTextSelection(RangeI selection)
     //System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine($"Restoring Selection: [{selection.Begi},{ selection.Sizei}]");
     Select(selection.Begi, selection.Sizei);
     //System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine($"Selection is now: [{SelectionStart},{ SelectionLength}]");
Ejemplo n.º 30
 public DataEventArgs(PriceData pd, RangeI index_range)
     : this(EUpdateType.Range, pd, index_range, null)