Ejemplo n.º 1
        public string PerformTemporalQualitativeToMetricEvaluation(RelationFamily temporalFamily, bool includeSoftConstraints, bool includeTCSP)
            RandomProblemGenerator problemGenerator = new RandomProblemGenerator();
            StructuralReasoner     reasoner         = new StructuralReasoner();
            string                scenario;
            string                result;
            long                  configuringTmsTime;
            long                  solvingTime;
            Stopwatch             stopwatch  = new Stopwatch();
            List <List <string> > reportData = new List <List <string> >();
            List <string>         reportDataRow;

            if (temporalFamily != StructuralRelationsManager.IntervalAlgebra && temporalFamily != StructuralRelationsManager.PointAlgebra)
                throw new ArgumentException("The relation family can be only IA or PA");

            // TCSP can be solved only for hard constraints
            if (includeSoftConstraints)
                includeTCSP = false;

            // The IA intervals have non-zero length
            problemGenerator.AllowZeroIntervals = false;
            // No combination constraints are generated
            problemGenerator.CombinationConstraintsPercentage = 0;
            // The number of constraints is based on the ratio specified by the property of this instance
            problemGenerator.ConstraintsToComponentsRatio = ConstraintsToComponentsRatio;
            // Not really relevant
            problemGenerator.MaxCombinationParts = 2;
            // Soft constraints are enabled/disabled based on the used argument
            problemGenerator.SoftConstraintsEnabled = includeSoftConstraints;

            // Setting the scenario text
            scenario = string.Format("Scenarion: {0} to metric evaluation | Allow zero-length intervals: {1} | Min number of components: {2} | Maximum number of components: {3} | Constraints to components ratio: {4} | Iterations per component level: {5} | Soft constraints enabled: {6} | Solve as TCSP: {7}", problemGenerator.RelationFamily.Name, problemGenerator.AllowZeroIntervals, ComponentsMinCount, ComponentsMaxCount, problemGenerator.ConstraintsToComponentsRatio, IterationsPerComponentLevel, problemGenerator.SoftConstraintsEnabled, includeTCSP);

            // The maximum maetric value that will be reached is equal to the maximum number of components that will be generated
            reasoner.Options.MaxMetricValue = ComponentsMaxCount;
            // The TMS has to be initially configured
            configuringTmsTime = stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds;


            // Setting the headers row in the report data
            reportDataRow = new List <string>()
                "Number of components", "(Qual) All constraints count", "(Qual) Combination constraints count", "(Qual) Number of networks", "(Qual) Error occurred", "(Qual) Solution found", "(Qual) Solving time in ms", "(Metric) All constraints count", "(Metric) Combination constraints count", "(CDA*) Number of networks", "(CDA*) Error occurred", "(CDA*) Solution found", "(CDA*) Solving time in ms"
            if (includeTCSP)
                reportDataRow.AddRange(new List <string>()
                    "(TCSP) Number of networks", "(TCSP) Error occurred", "(TCSP) Solution found", "(TCSP) Solving time in ms"


            // For each component level...
            for (int i = ComponentsMinCount; i < ComponentsMaxCount + 1; i++)
                problemGenerator.NumberOfComponents = i;

                // Solve the specified number of problems
                for (int j = 1; j < IterationsPerComponentLevel + 1; j++)
                    ConfigurationStructure solution;
                    reportDataRow = new List <string>();

                    // Generate and solve the IA problem
                    // No combination constraints should be generated
                    problemGenerator.CombinationConstraintsPercentage = 0;
                    // The problem family is set
                    problemGenerator.RelationFamily = temporalFamily;
                    solution = reasoner.Solve(problemGenerator.GeneratedProblem);

                    // Log the qualitative case
                    reportDataRow.Add(solution.QualitativeStructure.Any(x => x.SolutionData.ErrorOccurred).ToString());
                    reportDataRow.Add(solution.QualitativeStructure.All(x => x.SolutionData.SolutionFound).ToString());
                    reportDataRow.Add(solution.QualitativeStructure.Sum(x => (x.SolutionData.EndTime - x.SolutionData.StartTime).Milliseconds).ToString());

                    // Generate and solve the equal metric problem with CDA*
                    reasoner.Options.MetricReasoningAlgorithm = MetricReasoningAlgorithm.CdaStar;
                    solution = reasoner.Solve(problemGenerator.GeneratedProblem);

                    // Lof the metric case
                    reportDataRow.Add(solution.MetricStructure.SolutionsData.Any(x => x.ErrorOccurred).ToString());
                    reportDataRow.Add(solution.MetricStructure.SolutionsData.All(x => x.SolutionFound).ToString());
                    reportDataRow.Add(solution.MetricStructure.SolutionsData.Sum(x => (x.EndTime - x.StartTime).Milliseconds).ToString());

                    if (includeTCSP)
                        // Solve the metric problem as TCSP
                        reasoner.Options.MetricReasoningAlgorithm = MetricReasoningAlgorithm.Tcsp;
                        solution = reasoner.Solve(problemGenerator.GeneratedProblem);

                        // Log the TCSP case
                        reportDataRow.Add(solution.MetricStructure.SolutionsData.Any(x => x.ErrorOccurred).ToString());
                        reportDataRow.Add(solution.MetricStructure.SolutionsData.All(x => x.SolutionFound).ToString());
                        reportDataRow.Add(solution.MetricStructure.SolutionsData.Sum(x => (x.EndTime - x.StartTime).Milliseconds).ToString());


            result = "No exceptions";
            //catch (Exception ex)
            //    result = "Exception: " + ex.ToString();

            solvingTime = stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds;

            return(WriteToFile(scenario, result, configuringTmsTime, solvingTime, reportData));