Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static Graph tree()
            int   verticesCount = rnd.Next(1, 1000);
            int   density       = 1;
            Graph treeGraph     = rgg.TreeGraph(typeof(AdjacencyListsGraph <SimpleAdjacencyList>), verticesCount, density);

Ejemplo n.º 2
    public static void Main()
        var ge  = new GraphExport();
        var rgg = new RandomGraphGenerator();

        Graph g1 = new AdjacencyMatrixGraph(true, 15);

        g1.AddEdge(0, 2);
        g1.AddEdge(0, 7);
        g1.AddEdge(1, 0);
        g1.AddEdge(2, 1);
        g1.AddEdge(2, 3);
        g1.AddEdge(2, 7);
        g1.AddEdge(3, 5);
        g1.AddEdge(4, 3);
        g1.AddEdge(5, 4);
        g1.AddEdge(5, 6);
        g1.AddEdge(6, 7);
        g1.AddEdge(7, 6);
        g1.AddEdge(7, 8);
        g1.AddEdge(8, 9);
        g1.AddEdge(10, 0);
        g1.AddEdge(12, 13);
        g1.AddEdge(13, 14);
        g1.AddEdge(14, 12);
        //ge.Export(g1,null, "g1");

        int[] scc;
        int   n;

        n = g1.StronglyConnectedComponents(out scc);
        Console.WriteLine("\nLiczba silnie spojnych skladowych: {0} (powinno byc 8)", n);
        for (int c = 0; c < n; ++c)
            Console.Write("skladowa {0}:", c);
            for (int v = 0; v < g1.VerticesCount; ++v)
                if (scc[v] == c)
                    Console.Write(" {0}", v);

        Graph k1 = g1.Kernel();

        //ge.Export(k1, null, "k1");

        Graph g2 = rgg.DirectedGraph(typeof(AdjacencyMatrixGraph), 1000, 0.005);

        n = g2.StronglyConnectedComponents(out scc);
        Console.WriteLine("\nLiczba silnie spojnych skladowych: {0} (powinno byc 17)", n);

        Graph g3 = rgg.UndirectedGraph(typeof(AdjacencyMatrixGraph), 1000, 0.1);

            n = g3.StronglyConnectedComponents(out scc);
            Console.WriteLine("\nBlad - powinien byc wyjatek");
        catch (ArgumentException e)
            Console.WriteLine("\n" + e.Message + "  - dobrze");

        Console.WriteLine("\nSciezka maksymalnie powiekszajaca");
        PathsInfo[] d;
        bool        b;
        Graph       m1 = new AdjacencyMatrixGraph(true, 7);

        m1.AddEdge(0, 2, 10);
        m1.AddEdge(2, 3, 4);
        m1.AddEdge(2, 5, 3);
        m1.AddEdge(2, 4, 7);
        m1.AddEdge(3, 1, 2);
        m1.AddEdge(4, 1, 1);
        m1.AddEdge(5, 6, 5);
        m1.AddEdge(6, 1, 4);
        //ge.Export(m1, null, "m1");

        b = m1.MaxFlowPathsLab05(2, out d);
        Console.WriteLine("graf m1");
        for (int v = 0; v < m1.VerticesCount; ++v)
            Console.WriteLine("przepustowosc od 2 do {0} wynosi {1}", v, d[v].Dist ?? 0);

        int[] p = { 55, 33, 65, 73, 0, 73, 84, 76, 45, 78 };
        Graph m2 = rgg.UndirectedGraph(typeof(AdjacencyMatrixGraph), 200, 0.02, 1, 99);

        b = m2.MaxFlowPathsLab05(5, out d);
        Console.WriteLine("graf m2");
        for (int v = 10; v < 20; ++v)
            Console.WriteLine("przepustowosc od 5 do do {0} wynosi {1} ({2})", v, d[v].Dist ?? 0, (d[v].Dist ?? 0) == p[v - 10]?"OK":"blad");

        Console.WriteLine("\nTesty Acyklicznosci\n");
        Graph a1, a2, a3, a4, a5;
        bool  b1, b2, b3, b4, b5;

        a1 = rgg.TreeGraph(typeof(AdjacencyListsGraph <SimplyAdjacencyList>), 10, 1);
//        ge.Export(a1,"a1");
        b1 = a1.IsUndirectedAcyclic();
        Console.WriteLine("Czy graf a1 jest acykliczny ? : {0} (powinno byc True)", b1);

        a2 = rgg.TreeGraph(typeof(AdjacencyListsGraph <SimplyAdjacencyList>), 15, 1);
        a2.DelEdge(1, 7);
        a2.DelEdge(6, 12);
//        ge.Export(a2,"a2");
        b2 = a2.IsUndirectedAcyclic();
        Console.WriteLine("Czy graf a2 jest acykliczny ? : {0} (powinno byc True)", b2);

        a3 = rgg.UndirectedGraph(typeof(AdjacencyMatrixGraph), 10, 0.3);
//        ge.Export(a3,"a3");
        b3 = a3.IsUndirectedAcyclic();
        Console.WriteLine("Czy graf a3 jest acykliczny ? : {0} (powinno byc False)", b3);

        a4 = rgg.DirectedGraph(typeof(AdjacencyMatrixGraph), 1000, 0.1);
            b4 = a4.IsUndirectedAcyclic();
            Console.WriteLine("Blad - powinien byc wyjatek");
        catch (ArgumentException e)
        Console.WriteLine("Czy graf a4 jest acykliczny ? (przed chwila powinien byc wyjatek)");

        a5 = rgg.UndirectedGraph(typeof(AdjacencyMatrixGraph), 2000, 0.8);
        b5 = a5.IsUndirectedAcyclic();
        Console.WriteLine("Czy graf a5 jest acykliczny ? : {0} (powinno byc False)", b5);

        Console.WriteLine("KONIEC !!!\n");
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private static void TestAcyclic()
            var rgg = new RandomGraphGenerator(12345);

            Graph[] g   = new Graph[AcyclicTestSize];
            bool?[] res = { true, false, null, false, true };
            Graph   gg;
            bool    r;
            ulong   cr;

            ulong[] cgg = { 73, 3724, 1, 300000, 1 };
            g[0] = rgg.TreeGraph(typeof(AdjacencyMatrixGraph), 7, 1.0, -99, 99);
            g[1] = rgg.UndirectedGraph(typeof(AdjacencyListsGraph <HashTableAdjacencyList>), 100, 0.1, -999, 999);
            g[2] = rgg.DirectedGraph(typeof(AdjacencyMatrixGraph), 10, 0.5);
            g[3] = rgg.UndirectedCycle(typeof(AdjacencyListsGraph <SimplyAdjacencyList>), 50000, -99, 99);
            g[4] = new AdjacencyListsGraph <AVLAdjacencyList>(false, 50000);

            for (int i = 0; i < AcyclicTestSize; ++i)
                Console.Write($"  Test {i} - ");
                gg = g[i].Clone();
                    cr = Graph.Counter;
                    r  = g[i].Lab03IsUndirectedAcyclic();
                    cr = Graph.Counter - cr;
                    if (res[i] == null)
                        Console.WriteLine("Failed : exception Lab03Exception expected");
                    if (!g[i].IsEqual(gg))
                        Console.WriteLine("Failed : graph was destroyed");
                    if (r != res[i])
                        Console.WriteLine("Failed : bad result");
                    if (cr > 1.5 * cgg[i])
                        Console.WriteLine($"Failed : poor efficiency {cr} (should be {cgg[i]})");
                catch (Lab03Exception e)
                    if (res[i] == null)
                        Console.WriteLine($"Failed : {e.GetType()} : {e.Message}");
                catch (System.Exception e) when(maskExceptions)
                    Console.WriteLine($"Failed : {e.GetType()} : {e.Message}");
Ejemplo n.º 4
        static void Main(string[] args)
            GraphExport          ge  = new GraphExport();
            RandomGraphGenerator rgg = new RandomGraphGenerator();

            Graph[] directedGraphs = new Graph[8];
            directedGraphs[0] = new AdjacencyListsGraph <AVLAdjacencyList>(true, 3)
                new Edge(0, 1), new Edge(1, 2), new Edge(2, 0)
            directedGraphs[1] = new AdjacencyListsGraph <SimpleAdjacencyList>(true, 3)
                new Edge(0, 1), new Edge(1, 2), new Edge(2, 1)
            directedGraphs[2] = new AdjacencyMatrixGraph(true, 4)
                new Edge(0, 1), new Edge(0, 2), new Edge(1, 3), new Edge(2, 3)
            directedGraphs[3] = new AdjacencyListsGraph <HashTableAdjacencyList>(true, 10);
            directedGraphs[4] = new AdjacencyMatrixGraph(true, 10)
                new Edge(0, 1), new Edge(0, 2), new Edge(0, 3), new Edge(2, 4), new Edge(2, 5), new Edge(2, 6),
                new Edge(5, 7), new Edge(5, 8), new Edge(5, 9), new Edge(6, 5), new Edge(7, 8), new Edge(8, 2)
            directedGraphs[5] = rgg.DirectedGraph(typeof(AdjacencyMatrixGraph), 100, 0.2);
            directedGraphs[6] = rgg.DirectedCycle(typeof(AdjacencyListsGraph <SimpleAdjacencyList>), 1000);
            directedGraphs[7] = rgg.DAG(typeof(AdjacencyMatrixGraph), 200, 0.2, 1, 1);

            TestSet findCycleDirected = new TestSet();

            findCycleDirected.TestCases.Add(new FindCycleTestCase(5, null, directedGraphs[0], true));
            findCycleDirected.TestCases.Add(new FindCycleTestCase(5, null, directedGraphs[1], true));
            findCycleDirected.TestCases.Add(new FindCycleTestCase(5, null, directedGraphs[2], false));
            findCycleDirected.TestCases.Add(new FindCycleTestCase(5, null, directedGraphs[3], false));
            findCycleDirected.TestCases.Add(new FindCycleTestCase(5, null, directedGraphs[4], true));
            findCycleDirected.TestCases.Add(new FindCycleTestCase(5, null, directedGraphs[5], true));
            findCycleDirected.TestCases.Add(new FindCycleTestCase(5, null, directedGraphs[6], true));
            findCycleDirected.TestCases.Add(new FindCycleTestCase(5, null, directedGraphs[7], false));

            Graph[] undirectedGraphs = new Graph[6];
            undirectedGraphs[0] = new AdjacencyListsGraph <AVLAdjacencyList>(false, 3)
                new Edge(0, 1), new Edge(1, 2), new Edge(2, 0)
            undirectedGraphs[1] = new AdjacencyListsGraph <SimpleAdjacencyList>(false, 4)
                new Edge(0, 1), new Edge(1, 2), new Edge(2, 3), new Edge(3, 1)
            undirectedGraphs[2] = new AdjacencyListsGraph <HashTableAdjacencyList>(false, 10);
            undirectedGraphs[3] = new AdjacencyMatrixGraph(false, 10)
                new Edge(0, 1), new Edge(0, 2), new Edge(0, 3), new Edge(2, 4), new Edge(2, 5), new Edge(2, 6),
                new Edge(5, 7), new Edge(5, 8), new Edge(5, 9), new Edge(8, 2)
            undirectedGraphs[4] = rgg.UndirectedGraph(typeof(AdjacencyMatrixGraph), 100, 0.2);
            undirectedGraphs[5] = rgg.TreeGraph(typeof(AdjacencyListsGraph <SimpleAdjacencyList>), 1000, 1.0);

            TestSet findCycleUndirected = new TestSet();

            findCycleUndirected.TestCases.Add(new FindCycleTestCase(5, null, undirectedGraphs[0], true));
            findCycleUndirected.TestCases.Add(new FindCycleTestCase(5, null, undirectedGraphs[1], true));
            findCycleUndirected.TestCases.Add(new FindCycleTestCase(5, null, undirectedGraphs[2], false));
            findCycleUndirected.TestCases.Add(new FindCycleTestCase(5, null, undirectedGraphs[3], true));
            findCycleUndirected.TestCases.Add(new FindCycleTestCase(5, null, undirectedGraphs[4], true));
            findCycleUndirected.TestCases.Add(new FindCycleTestCase(5, null, undirectedGraphs[5], false));

            Graph[] trees = new Graph[10];
            trees[0] = new AdjacencyListsGraph <AVLAdjacencyList>(false, 3)
                new Edge(0, 1), new Edge(1, 2)
            trees[1] = new AdjacencyListsGraph <SimpleAdjacencyList>(false, 4)
                new Edge(0, 1), new Edge(1, 2), new Edge(2, 3)
            trees[2] = new AdjacencyListsGraph <HashTableAdjacencyList>(false, 1);
            trees[3] = new AdjacencyListsGraph <HashTableAdjacencyList>(false, 2)
                new Edge(0, 1)
            trees[4] = new AdjacencyMatrixGraph(false, 5)
                new Edge(1, 3), new Edge(2, 4)
            trees[5] = new AdjacencyMatrixGraph(true, 3)
                new Edge(0, 1), new Edge(0, 2)
            trees[6] = rgg.UndirectedGraph(typeof(AdjacencyMatrixGraph), 100, 0.2);
            trees[7] = rgg.TreeGraph(typeof(AdjacencyListsGraph <SimpleAdjacencyList>), 1000, 1.0);
            trees[8] = rgg.TreeGraph(typeof(AdjacencyListsGraph <SimpleAdjacencyList>), 1001, 1.0);
            trees[9] = new AdjacencyListsGraph <SimpleAdjacencyList>(false, 10);
            for (int i = 1; i < 10; ++i)
                trees[9].AddEdge(i - 1, i);

            TestSet treeCenter = new TestSet();

            treeCenter.TestCases.Add(new TreeCenterTestCase(5, null, trees[0], true, new int[] { 1 }));
            treeCenter.TestCases.Add(new TreeCenterTestCase(5, null, trees[1], true, new int[] { 1, 2 }));
            treeCenter.TestCases.Add(new TreeCenterTestCase(5, null, trees[2], true, new int[] { 0 }));
            treeCenter.TestCases.Add(new TreeCenterTestCase(5, null, trees[3], true, new int[] { 0, 1 }));
            treeCenter.TestCases.Add(new TreeCenterTestCase(5, null, trees[4], false, null));
            treeCenter.TestCases.Add(new TreeCenterTestCase(5, new ArgumentException(), trees[5], false, null));
            treeCenter.TestCases.Add(new TreeCenterTestCase(5, null, trees[6], false, null));
            treeCenter.TestCases.Add(new TreeCenterTestCase(5, null, trees[7], true, new int[] { 305, 786 }));
            treeCenter.TestCases.Add(new TreeCenterTestCase(5, null, trees[8], true, new int[] { 60 }));
            treeCenter.TestCases.Add(new TreeCenterTestCase(5, null, trees[9], true, new int[] { 4, 5 }));

            // Odkomentuj odpowiednią linię aby zobaczyć wybrany graf
            // Pamiętaj, że przykłady numerowane są od 1
//        ge.Export(directedGraphs[0]);
//        ge.Export(directedGraphs[1]);
//        ge.Export(directedGraphs[2]);
//        ge.Export(directedGraphs[3]);
//        ge.Export(directedGraphs[4]);
//        ge.Export(directedGraphs[5]);
//        ge.Export(directedGraphs[6]);
//        ge.Export(directedGraphs[7]);
//        ge.Export(undirectedGraphs[0]);
//        ge.Export(undirectedGraphs[1]);
//        ge.Export(undirectedGraphs[2]);
//        ge.Export(undirectedGraphs[3]);
//        ge.Export(undirectedGraphs[4]);
//        ge.Export(undirectedGraphs[5]);
//        ge.Export(trees[0]);
//        ge.Export(trees[1]);
//        ge.Export(trees[2]);
//        ge.Export(trees[3]);
//        ge.Export(trees[4]);
//        ge.Export(trees[5]);
//        ge.Export(trees[6]);
//        ge.Export(trees[7]);
//        ge.Export(trees[8]);

            Console.WriteLine("\nCycle Finding\n");

            FindCycleTestCase.ResultOnly = true;
            Console.WriteLine("\nDirected Graphs - result only");
            findCycleDirected.PreformTests(verbose: true, checkTimeLimit: false);
            Console.WriteLine("\nUndirected Graphs - result only");
            findCycleUndirected.PreformTests(verbose: true, checkTimeLimit: false);

            FindCycleTestCase.ResultOnly = false;
            Console.WriteLine("\nDirected Graphs - full funcionality");
            findCycleDirected.PreformTests(verbose: true, checkTimeLimit: false, forceExecution: false);
            Console.WriteLine("\nUndirected Graphs - full funcionality");
            findCycleUndirected.PreformTests(verbose: true, checkTimeLimit: false, forceExecution: false);

            Console.WriteLine("\nTree Center\n");
            TreeCenterTestCase.ResultOnly = true;
            Console.WriteLine("\nResult only");
            treeCenter.PreformTests(verbose: true, checkTimeLimit: false);
            Console.WriteLine("\nFull funcionality");
            TreeCenterTestCase.ResultOnly = false;
            treeCenter.PreformTests(verbose: true, checkTimeLimit: false, forceExecution: false);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        static void Main(string[] args)
            GraphExport          ge  = new GraphExport();
            RandomGraphGenerator rgg = new RandomGraphGenerator();

            Graph[] directedGraphs = new Graph[8];
            directedGraphs[0] = new AdjacencyListsGraph <AVLAdjacencyList>(true, 3)
                new Edge(0, 1), new Edge(1, 2), new Edge(2, 0)
            directedGraphs[1] = new AdjacencyListsGraph <SimpleAdjacencyList>(true, 3)
                new Edge(0, 1), new Edge(1, 2), new Edge(2, 1)
            directedGraphs[2] = new AdjacencyMatrixGraph(true, 4)
                new Edge(0, 1), new Edge(0, 2), new Edge(1, 3), new Edge(2, 3)
            directedGraphs[3] = new AdjacencyListsGraph <HashTableAdjacencyList>(true, 10);
            directedGraphs[4] = new AdjacencyMatrixGraph(true, 10)
                new Edge(0, 1), new Edge(0, 2), new Edge(0, 3), new Edge(2, 4), new Edge(2, 5), new Edge(2, 6),
                new Edge(5, 7), new Edge(5, 8), new Edge(5, 9), new Edge(6, 5), new Edge(7, 8), new Edge(8, 2)
            directedGraphs[5] = rgg.DirectedGraph(typeof(AdjacencyMatrixGraph), 100, 0.2);
            directedGraphs[6] = rgg.DirectedCycle(typeof(AdjacencyListsGraph <SimpleAdjacencyList>), 1000);
            directedGraphs[7] = rgg.DAG(typeof(AdjacencyMatrixGraph), 200, 0.2, 1, 1);

            TestSet findCycleDirected = new TestSet();

            findCycleDirected.TestCases.Add(new FindCycleTestCase(5, null, directedGraphs[0], true));
            findCycleDirected.TestCases.Add(new FindCycleTestCase(5, null, directedGraphs[1], true));
            findCycleDirected.TestCases.Add(new FindCycleTestCase(5, null, directedGraphs[2], false));
            findCycleDirected.TestCases.Add(new FindCycleTestCase(5, null, directedGraphs[3], false));
            findCycleDirected.TestCases.Add(new FindCycleTestCase(5, null, directedGraphs[4], true));
            findCycleDirected.TestCases.Add(new FindCycleTestCase(5, null, directedGraphs[5], true));
            findCycleDirected.TestCases.Add(new FindCycleTestCase(5, null, directedGraphs[6], true));
            findCycleDirected.TestCases.Add(new FindCycleTestCase(5, null, directedGraphs[7], false));

            Graph[] undirectedGraphs = new Graph[6];
            undirectedGraphs[0] = new AdjacencyListsGraph <AVLAdjacencyList>(false, 3)
                new Edge(0, 1), new Edge(1, 2), new Edge(2, 0)
            undirectedGraphs[1] = new AdjacencyListsGraph <SimpleAdjacencyList>(false, 4)
                new Edge(0, 1), new Edge(1, 2), new Edge(2, 3), new Edge(3, 1)
            undirectedGraphs[2] = new AdjacencyListsGraph <HashTableAdjacencyList>(false, 10);
            undirectedGraphs[3] = new AdjacencyMatrixGraph(false, 10)
                new Edge(0, 1), new Edge(0, 2), new Edge(0, 3), new Edge(2, 4), new Edge(2, 5), new Edge(2, 6),
                new Edge(5, 7), new Edge(5, 8), new Edge(5, 9), new Edge(8, 2)
            undirectedGraphs[4] = rgg.UndirectedGraph(typeof(AdjacencyMatrixGraph), 100, 0.2);
            undirectedGraphs[5] = rgg.TreeGraph(typeof(AdjacencyListsGraph <SimpleAdjacencyList>), 1000, 1.0);

            TestSet findCycleUndirected = new TestSet();

            findCycleUndirected.TestCases.Add(new FindCycleTestCase(5, null, undirectedGraphs[0], true));
            findCycleUndirected.TestCases.Add(new FindCycleTestCase(5, null, undirectedGraphs[1], true));
            findCycleUndirected.TestCases.Add(new FindCycleTestCase(5, null, undirectedGraphs[2], false));
            findCycleUndirected.TestCases.Add(new FindCycleTestCase(5, null, undirectedGraphs[3], true));
            findCycleUndirected.TestCases.Add(new FindCycleTestCase(5, null, undirectedGraphs[4], true));
            findCycleUndirected.TestCases.Add(new FindCycleTestCase(5, null, undirectedGraphs[5], false));

            Graph[] trees = new Graph[10];
            trees[0] = new AdjacencyListsGraph <AVLAdjacencyList>(false, 3)
                new Edge(0, 1), new Edge(1, 2)
            trees[1] = new AdjacencyListsGraph <SimpleAdjacencyList>(false, 4)
                new Edge(0, 1), new Edge(1, 2), new Edge(2, 3)
            trees[2] = new AdjacencyListsGraph <HashTableAdjacencyList>(false, 1);
            trees[3] = new AdjacencyListsGraph <HashTableAdjacencyList>(false, 2)
                new Edge(0, 1)
            trees[4] = new AdjacencyMatrixGraph(false, 5)
                new Edge(1, 3), new Edge(2, 4)
            trees[5] = new AdjacencyMatrixGraph(true, 3)
                new Edge(0, 1), new Edge(0, 2)
            trees[6] = rgg.UndirectedGraph(typeof(AdjacencyMatrixGraph), 100, 0.2);
            trees[7] = rgg.TreeGraph(typeof(AdjacencyListsGraph <SimpleAdjacencyList>), 1000, 1.0);
            trees[8] = rgg.TreeGraph(typeof(AdjacencyListsGraph <SimpleAdjacencyList>), 1001, 1.0);
            trees[9] = new AdjacencyListsGraph <SimpleAdjacencyList>(false, 10);
            for (int i = 1; i < 10; ++i)
                trees[9].AddEdge(i - 1, i);

            TestSet treeCenter = new TestSet();

            treeCenter.TestCases.Add(new TreeCenterTestCase(5, null, trees[0], true, new int[] { 1 }));
            treeCenter.TestCases.Add(new TreeCenterTestCase(5, null, trees[1], true, new int[] { 1, 2 }));
            treeCenter.TestCases.Add(new TreeCenterTestCase(5, null, trees[2], true, new int[] { 0 }));
            treeCenter.TestCases.Add(new TreeCenterTestCase(5, null, trees[3], true, new int[] { 0, 1 }));
            treeCenter.TestCases.Add(new TreeCenterTestCase(5, null, trees[4], false, null));
            treeCenter.TestCases.Add(new TreeCenterTestCase(5, new ArgumentException(), trees[5], false, null));
            treeCenter.TestCases.Add(new TreeCenterTestCase(5, null, trees[6], false, null));
            treeCenter.TestCases.Add(new TreeCenterTestCase(5, null, trees[7], true, new int[] { 305, 786 }));
            treeCenter.TestCases.Add(new TreeCenterTestCase(5, null, trees[8], true, new int[] { 60 }));
            treeCenter.TestCases.Add(new TreeCenterTestCase(5, null, trees[9], true, new int[] { 4, 5 }));

            // Odkomentuj odpowiednią linię aby zobaczyć wybrany graf
            // Pamiętaj, że przykłady numerowane są od 1

            long[]    timeElapsed = new long[9];
            Stopwatch stopwatch   = new Stopwatch();

            Console.WriteLine("\nCycle Finding\n");

            FindCycleTestCase.ResultOnly = true;
            Console.WriteLine("\nDirected Graphs - result only");
            findCycleDirected.PreformTests(verbose: true, checkTimeLimit: false);
            timeElapsed[0] = stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds;
            Console.WriteLine("\nUndirected Graphs - result only");
            findCycleUndirected.PreformTests(verbose: true, checkTimeLimit: false);
            timeElapsed[1] = stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds;

            FindCycleTestCase.ResultOnly = false;
            Console.WriteLine("\nDirected Graphs - full funcionality");
            findCycleDirected.PreformTests(verbose: true, checkTimeLimit: false, forceExecution: false);
            timeElapsed[2] = stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds;
            Console.WriteLine("\nUndirected Graphs - full funcionality");
            findCycleUndirected.PreformTests(verbose: true, checkTimeLimit: false, forceExecution: false);
            timeElapsed[3] = stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds;

            Console.WriteLine("\nTree Center\n");
            TreeCenterTestCase.ResultOnly = true;
            Console.WriteLine("\nResult only");
            treeCenter.PreformTests(verbose: true, checkTimeLimit: false);
            timeElapsed[4] = stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds;
            Console.WriteLine("\nFull funcionality");
            TreeCenterTestCase.ResultOnly = false;

            treeCenter.PreformTests(verbose: true, checkTimeLimit: false, forceExecution: false);
            timeElapsed[5] = stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds;

            Console.WriteLine("\n\nPerformance metrics for the initial task tests");
            for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                Console.WriteLine("Testset {0}: {1,5} ms", i + 1, timeElapsed[i]);

            // Nie radzę tych grafów próbować eksportować za pomocą GraphViz (mają sporo wierzchołków)
            // Wyjątek stanowi customTrees[0]
            Console.WriteLine("\n\nCustom tests");
            Console.WriteLine("Generating graphs. This may take a while");

            // Cycle in directed graphs
            Graph[] customDirectedGraphs = new Graph[5];
            customDirectedGraphs[0] = rgg.DirectedGraph(typeof(AdjacencyMatrixGraph), 100, 0.7);
            customDirectedGraphs[1] = rgg.DAG(typeof(AdjacencyListsGraph <AVLAdjacencyList>), 1000, 0.9, 1, 1);
            customDirectedGraphs[2] = rgg.DirectedCycle(typeof(AdjacencyListsGraph <AVLAdjacencyList>), 1000);
            customDirectedGraphs[3] = rgg.DirectedGraph(typeof(AdjacencyListsGraph <AVLAdjacencyList>), 1000, 0.5);
            customDirectedGraphs[4] = rgg.DirectedGraph(typeof(AdjacencyListsGraph <AVLAdjacencyList>), 1000, 0.7);

            TestSet customDirectedGraphsTestSet = new TestSet();

            customDirectedGraphsTestSet.TestCases.Add(new FindCycleTestCase(5, null, customDirectedGraphs[0], true));
            customDirectedGraphsTestSet.TestCases.Add(new FindCycleTestCase(5, null, customDirectedGraphs[1], false));
            customDirectedGraphsTestSet.TestCases.Add(new FindCycleTestCase(5, null, customDirectedGraphs[2], true));
            customDirectedGraphsTestSet.TestCases.Add(new FindCycleTestCase(5, null, customDirectedGraphs[3], true));
            customDirectedGraphsTestSet.TestCases.Add(new FindCycleTestCase(5, null, customDirectedGraphs[4], true));

            // Cycle in undirected graphs
            Graph[] customUndirectedGraphs = new Graph[5];
            customUndirectedGraphs[0] = rgg.UndirectedGraph(typeof(AdjacencyMatrixGraph), 100, 0.7);
            customUndirectedGraphs[1] = rgg.TreeGraph(typeof(AdjacencyListsGraph <AVLAdjacencyList>), 1000, 1);
            customUndirectedGraphs[2] = rgg.UndirectedCycle(typeof(AdjacencyListsGraph <AVLAdjacencyList>), 1000);
            customUndirectedGraphs[3] = rgg.UndirectedGraph(typeof(AdjacencyListsGraph <AVLAdjacencyList>), 1000, 0.5);
            customUndirectedGraphs[4] = rgg.UndirectedGraph(typeof(AdjacencyListsGraph <AVLAdjacencyList>), 1000, 0.7);

            TestSet customUndirectedGraphsTestSet = new TestSet();

            customUndirectedGraphsTestSet.TestCases.Add(new FindCycleTestCase(5, null, customUndirectedGraphs[0], true));
            customUndirectedGraphsTestSet.TestCases.Add(new FindCycleTestCase(5, null, customUndirectedGraphs[1], false));
            customUndirectedGraphsTestSet.TestCases.Add(new FindCycleTestCase(5, null, customUndirectedGraphs[2], true));
            customUndirectedGraphsTestSet.TestCases.Add(new FindCycleTestCase(5, null, customUndirectedGraphs[3], true));
            customUndirectedGraphsTestSet.TestCases.Add(new FindCycleTestCase(5, null, customUndirectedGraphs[4], true));

            // Tree center
            Graph[] customTrees = new Graph[5];
            customTrees[0] = new AdjacencyMatrixGraph(false, 1);
            customTrees[1] = rgg.TreeGraph(typeof(AdjacencyMatrixGraph), 100, 0.5);
            customTrees[2] = rgg.TreeGraph(typeof(AdjacencyListsGraph <SimpleAdjacencyList>), 100, 1);
            customTrees[3] = rgg.TreeGraph(typeof(AdjacencyListsGraph <AVLAdjacencyList>), 1000, 1);
            customTrees[4] = rgg.TreeGraph(typeof(AdjacencyListsGraph <AVLAdjacencyList>), 10000, 1);

            TestSet customTreeSet = new TestSet();

            customTreeSet.TestCases.Add(new TreeCenterTestCase(5, null, customTrees[0], true, new int[] { 0 }));
            customTreeSet.TestCases.Add(new TreeCenterTestCase(5, null, customTrees[1], false, null));
            customTreeSet.TestCases.Add(new TreeCenterTestCase(5, null, customTrees[2], true, new int[] { 77 }));
            customTreeSet.TestCases.Add(new TreeCenterTestCase(5, null, customTrees[3], true, new int[] { 146, 282 }));
            customTreeSet.TestCases.Add(new TreeCenterTestCase(5, null, customTrees[4], true, new int[] { 6780, 8396 }));

            Console.WriteLine("Custom cycle finding in directed graphs");
            customDirectedGraphsTestSet.PreformTests(verbose: true, checkTimeLimit: false, forceExecution: false);
            timeElapsed[6] = stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds;

            Console.WriteLine("Custom cycle finding in undirected graphs");
            customUndirectedGraphsTestSet.PreformTests(verbose: true, checkTimeLimit: false, forceExecution: false);
            timeElapsed[7] = stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds;

            Console.WriteLine("Custom tree center");
            customTreeSet.PreformTests(verbose: true, checkTimeLimit: false, forceExecution: false);
            timeElapsed[8] = stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds;

            Console.WriteLine("\n\nPerformance metrics for the custom tests");
            for (int i = 6; i < timeElapsed.Length; i++)
                Console.WriteLine("Testset {0}: {1,5} ms", i + 1, timeElapsed[i]);