Ejemplo n.º 1
            // Construtor
            public Population( int popSize, int geneLen, RandomGeneSig getRandomGeneFunc )
                // init simple fields
                this.popSize = popSize;
                this.geneLen = geneLen;

                // create creatures with random genes
                creatures = new Creature[popSize];
                for( int i = 0; i < popSize; i++ )
                    creatures[i] = new Creature( getRandomGeneFunc() );

                // create blank supporting lists
                toMate = new List<int>( popSize );
                matingPairs = new List<IntPair>( popSize );
                offspring = new List<Creature>( popSize );
                toDie = new List<int>( popSize );

                // calculate some derived constants
                elite = (int)( popSize * G.elitism );                                 // number of creatures that will live on
                protectFromDeathI = (int)Math.Round( elite * G.protectFromDeath );  // number of best creatures protected from death
                turnOver = popSize - elite;                                         // number of creatures to kill and recreate
                numLitters = (int)Math.Ceiling( turnOver / (double)G.litterSize );  // number of reqired litters
                numAsexual = (int)Math.Round( numLitters * G.asexual );             // number of asexual litters
                numSexual = numLitters - numAsexual;                                // number of sexual litters
                numToMate = numAsexual + 2 * numSexual;                             // number of creature to select for mating (not all may be used)
                if( numToMate > popSize ) throw new ArgumentException( "litter size to small to maintain population" );
Ejemplo n.º 2
        // MAIN FUNCTION
        public static bool Run( RandomGeneSig getRandomGeneFunc, FitnessSig getPopFitnessFunc )
            // Runs the EA algorythm, returns true if goal is achieved, false if time is exceeded

            // local variables
            bool goalAchieved;
            double bestFitness, avrFitness;
            double[] popFitness = new double[G.popSize];
            double[][] genes;

            // Create a random population of creatures
            myPop = new Population( G.popSize, G.geneLen, getRandomGeneFunc );

            // MAIN LOOP
            while( true ) {

                // Evaluate and sort population
                genes = myPop.GetGenes();
                myPop.GetFitness( ref popFitness );
                goalAchieved = getPopFitnessFunc( genes, ref popFitness, out bestFitness, out avrFitness );
                myPop.SetFitness( popFitness, bestFitness, avrFitness );
                //myPop.Print( "EVALUATED", false );
                //Console.ReadKey( true );

                // Are we done?
                if( goalAchieved ) break;

                // Mate Selection
                myPop.SelectToMate( showStepsFlag: true );

                // Create New Creatures

                // Death Selection
                myPop.SelectToDie( showStepsFlag: false );

                // Pause or continue

                // Update population (genes)

            // success
            myPop.Print( "(SUCCESS)", false );
            FFNN answer = new FFNN( G.netDef, myPop.creatures[0].Gene);
            Console.WriteLine( answer.ToString() );

            return goalAchieved;