void Update()
            // Add the components when checked and not already loaded
            if (loadSalsaAndRandomEyes && !salsa3D && !re3D)
                // Salsa3D
                gameObject.AddComponent <Salsa3D>();                                // Add a Salsa3D component
                salsa3D = GetComponent <Salsa3D>();                                 // Get reference to the Salsa3D component
                salsa3D.skinnedMeshRenderer = GetComponent <SkinnedMeshRenderer>(); // Link the SkinnedMeshRenderer
                salsa3D.saySmallIndex       = 0;                                    // Set saySmall BlendShape index
                salsa3D.sayMediumIndex      = 1;                                    // Set sayMedium BlendShape index
                salsa3D.sayLargeIndex       = 2;                                    // Set sayLarge BlendShape index
                salsa3D.SetAudioClip(audioClip);                                    // Set AudioClip
                // Or set the AudioClip from a clip in any Resources folder
                //salsa3D.SetAudioClip((Resources.Load("EthanEcho0", typeof(AudioClip)) as AudioClip));
                salsa3D.saySmallTrigger  = 0.002f;                 // Set the saySmall amplitude trigger
                salsa3D.sayMediumTrigger = 0.004f;                 // Set the sayMedium amplitude trigger
                salsa3D.sayLargeTrigger  = 0.006f;                 // Set the sayLarge amplitude trigger
                salsa3D.audioUpdateDelay = 0.08f;                  // Set the amplitutde sample update delay
                salsa3D.blendSpeed       = 10f;                    // Set the blend speed
                salsa3D.rangeOfMotion    = 100f;                   // Set the range of motion

                salsa3D.broadcast             = true;              // Enable talk event broadcasts
                salsa3D.broadcastReceivers    = new GameObject[1]; // Creat a new array of broadcast receivers
                salsa3D.broadcastReceivers[0] = broadcastReciever; // Link to a GameObject setup to listen for SALSA talk events
                salsa3D.expandBroadcast       = true;              // Expand the broadcast recievers array in the inspector

                salsa3D.Play();                                    // Begin lip sync

                // RandomEyes3D
                gameObject.AddComponent <RandomEyes3D>();                        // Add a RandomEyes3D component
                re3D = GetComponent <RandomEyes3D>();                            // Get reference to the RandomEyes3D component
                re3D.skinnedMeshRenderer = GetComponent <SkinnedMeshRenderer>(); // Link the SkinnedMeshRenderer
                re3D.lookUpIndex         = 3;                                    // Set the lookUp BlendShape index
                re3D.lookDownIndex       = 4;                                    // Set the lookDown BlendShape index
                re3D.lookLeftIndex       = 5;                                    // Set the lookLeft BlendShape index
                re3D.lookRightIndex      = 6;                                    // Set the lookRight BlendShape index
                re3D.blinkIndex          = 7;                                    // Set the blink BlendShape index
                re3D.rangeOfMotion       = 100f;                                 // Set the eyes range of motion
                re3D.blendSpeed          = 10f;                                  // Set the eyes blend speed
                re3D.blinkDuration       = 0.05f;                                // Set the blink duration
                re3D.blinkSpeed          = 20f;                                  // Set the blink speed
                re3D.SetOpenMax(0f);                                             // Set the max eye open position, 0=max
                re3D.SetCloseMax(100f);                                          // Set the max eye close position, 100=max
                re3D.SetRandomEyes(true);                                        // Enable random eye movement
                re3D.SetBlink(true);                                             // Enable random blink

                re3D.AutoLinkCustomShapes(true, salsa3D);                        // Automatically link all available BlendShapes while excluding eye and mouth shapes
                re3D.expandCustomShapes = true;                                  // Expand the custom shapes array in the inspector

                re3D.broadcastCS             = true;                             // Enable cust shape event broadcasts
                re3D.broadcastCSReceivers    = new GameObject[1];                // Creat a new array of broadcast receivers
                re3D.broadcastCSReceivers[0] = GameObject.Find("Broadcasts");    // Link to a GameObject setup to listen for RandomEyes custom shape events
                re3D.expandBroadcastCS       = true;                             // Expand the broadcast recievers array in the inspector
        /// <summary>
        /// Draw the GUI buttons
        /// </summary>
        void OnGUI()
            xPos = Screen.width - 20 - xWidth; // X position for right side GUI controls
            yPos = 0;                          // Reset the button Y position

            #region Turn random blink on or off
            yPos += yGap;
            if (GUI.Button(new Rect(xPos, yPos, xWidth, yHeight), "Toggle Blink"))
                if (randomEyes3D.blink)
            if (randomEyes3D.blink)
                GUI.Label(new Rect(xPos - 120, yPos, xWidth, yHeight), "Random Blink On");
                GUI.Label(new Rect(xPos - 120, yPos, xWidth, yHeight), "Random Blink Off");

            #region When random blink is off, demonstrate programmatic blinking
            if (!randomEyes3D.blink)
                yPos += (yGap + yHeight);
                if (GUI.Button(new Rect(xPos, yPos, xWidth, yHeight), "Blink"))

            #region Toggle affinity to the target
            yPos += (yGap + yHeight);
            if (GUI.Button(new Rect(xPos, yPos, xWidth, yHeight), "Toggle Affinity"))
                if (affinity)
                    affinity = false;
                    affinity = true;
                affinitySet = true;
            if (affinity)
                GUI.Label(new Rect(xPos - 120, yPos, xWidth, yHeight), "Affinity On: " + randomEyes3D.targetAffinityPercentage + "%");
                GUI.Label(new Rect(xPos - 120, yPos, xWidth, yHeight), "Affinity Off");
            if (affinitySet)
                if (affinity)
                affinitySet = false;

            #region Turn [Look Target] tracking on or off
            yPos += (yGap + yHeight);
            if (GUI.Button(new Rect(xPos, yPos, xWidth, yHeight), "Toggle Tracking"))
                if (track)
                    track = false;
                    track = true;
                trackSet = true;
            if (track)
                GUI.Label(new Rect(xPos - 120, yPos, xWidth, yHeight), "Tracking On");
                GUI.Label(new Rect(xPos - 120, yPos, xWidth, yHeight), "Tracking Off");

            #region Turn random eye movement on or off
            yPos += (yGap + yHeight);
            if (GUI.Button(new Rect(xPos, yPos, xWidth, yHeight), "Toggle RandomEyes"))
                if (random)
                    random = false;
                    random = true;
            #region Display the on/off status of random eye movement
            if (random)
                GUI.Label(new Rect(xPos - 120, yPos, xWidth, yHeight), "Random Eyes On");
                GUI.Label(new Rect(xPos - 120, yPos, xWidth, yHeight), "Random Eyes Off");

            #region Display the on/off status, set target position to cursor position, and set the randomEyes3D.lookTarget
            if (track)
                targetPos   = Input.mousePosition;
                targetPos.z = -mainCam.transform.position.z - -target.transform.position.z;
                target.transform.position = new Vector3(
                    mainCam.ScreenToWorldPoint(targetPos).y, -2f);
                target.transform.position = targetPosHome;
            if (trackSet)
                if (track)
                trackSet = false;

            #region When random eye movement is off, demonstrate programmatic eye control
            if (!random)
                #region Set programmatic directional look controls
                yPos += (yGap + yHeight);
                if (GUI.Button(new Rect(xPos, yPos, xWidth, yHeight), "Look Up Right"))

                yPos += (yGap + yHeight);
                if (GUI.Button(new Rect(xPos, yPos, xWidth, yHeight), "Look Up"))

                yPos += (yGap + yHeight);
                if (GUI.Button(new Rect(xPos, yPos, xWidth, yHeight), "Look Up Left"))

                yPos += (yGap + yHeight);
                if (GUI.Button(new Rect(xPos, yPos, xWidth, yHeight), "Look Right"))

                yPos += (yGap + yHeight);
                if (GUI.Button(new Rect(xPos, yPos, xWidth, yHeight), "Look Forward"))

                yPos += (yGap + yHeight);
                if (GUI.Button(new Rect(xPos, yPos, xWidth, yHeight), "Look Left"))

                yPos += (yGap + yHeight);
                if (GUI.Button(new Rect(xPos, yPos, xWidth, yHeight), "Look Down Right"))

                yPos += (yGap + yHeight);
                if (GUI.Button(new Rect(xPos, yPos, xWidth, yHeight), "Look Down"))

                yPos += (yGap + yHeight);
                if (GUI.Button(new Rect(xPos, yPos, xWidth, yHeight), "Look Down Left"))

            if (!affinity && !track)
Ejemplo n.º 3
        void Update()
            // Add the components when checked and not already loaded
            if (loadSalsaAndRandomEyes && !salsa3D && !re3D)
                // Salsa3D
                gameObject.AddComponent<Salsa3D>(); // Add a Salsa3D component
                salsa3D = GetComponent<Salsa3D>(); // Get reference to the Salsa3D component
                salsa3D.skinnedMeshRenderer = GetComponent<SkinnedMeshRenderer>(); // Link the SkinnedMeshRenderer
                salsa3D.saySmallIndex = 0; // Set saySmall BlendShape index
                salsa3D.sayMediumIndex = 1; // Set sayMedium BlendShape index
                salsa3D.sayLargeIndex = 2; // Set sayLarge BlendShape index
                salsa3D.SetAudioClip(audioClip); // Set AudioClip
                // Or set the AudioClip from a clip in any Resources folder
                //salsa3D.SetAudioClip((Resources.Load("EthanEcho0", typeof(AudioClip)) as AudioClip));
                salsa3D.saySmallTrigger = 0.002f; // Set the saySmall amplitude trigger
                salsa3D.sayMediumTrigger = 0.004f; // Set the sayMedium amplitude trigger
                salsa3D.sayLargeTrigger = 0.006f; // Set the sayLarge amplitude trigger
                salsa3D.audioUpdateDelay = 0.08f; // Set the amplitutde sample update delay
                salsa3D.blendSpeed = 10f; // Set the blend speed
                salsa3D.rangeOfMotion = 100f; // Set the range of motion

                salsa3D.broadcast = true; // Enable talk event broadcasts
                salsa3D.broadcastReceivers = new GameObject[1]; // Creat a new array of broadcast receivers
                salsa3D.broadcastReceivers[0] = broadcastReciever; // Link to a GameObject setup to listen for SALSA talk events
                salsa3D.expandBroadcast = true; // Expand the broadcast recievers array in the inspector

                salsa3D.Play(); // Begin lip sync

                // RandomEyes3D
                gameObject.AddComponent<RandomEyes3D>(); // Add a RandomEyes3D component
                re3D = GetComponent<RandomEyes3D>(); // Get reference to the RandomEyes3D component
                re3D.skinnedMeshRenderer = GetComponent<SkinnedMeshRenderer>(); // Link the SkinnedMeshRenderer
                re3D.lookUpIndex = 3; // Set the lookUp BlendShape index
                re3D.lookDownIndex = 4; // Set the lookDown BlendShape index
                re3D.lookLeftIndex = 5; // Set the lookLeft BlendShape index
                re3D.lookRightIndex = 6; // Set the lookRight BlendShape index
                re3D.blinkIndex = 7; // Set the blink BlendShape index
                re3D.rangeOfMotion = 100f; // Set the eyes range of motion
                re3D.blendSpeed = 10f; // Set the eyes blend speed
                re3D.blinkDuration = 0.05f; // Set the blink duration
                re3D.blinkSpeed = 20f; // Set the blink speed
                re3D.SetOpenMax(0f); // Set the max eye open position, 0=max
                re3D.SetCloseMax(100f); // Set the max eye close position, 100=max
                re3D.SetRandomEyes(true); // Enable random eye movement
                re3D.SetBlink(true); // Enable random blink

                re3D.broadcast = true; // Enable eye movement event broadcasts
                re3D.broadcastReceivers = new GameObject[1]; // Creat a new array of broadcast receivers
                re3D.broadcastReceivers[0] = GameObject.Find("Broadcasts"); // Link to a GameObject setup to listen for RandomEyes look events
                re3D.expandBroadcast = true; // Expand the broadcast recievers array in the inspector

                re3D.AutoLinkCustomShapes(true, salsa3D); // Automatically link all available BlendShapes while excluding eye and mouth shapes
                re3D.expandCustomShapes = true; // Expand the custom shapes array in the inspector

                re3D.broadcastCS = true; // Enable cust shape event broadcasts
                re3D.broadcastCSReceivers = new GameObject[1]; // Creat a new array of broadcast receivers
                re3D.broadcastCSReceivers[0] = GameObject.Find("Broadcasts"); // Link to a GameObject setup to listen for RandomEyes custom shape events
                re3D.expandBroadcastCS = true; // Expand the broadcast recievers array in the inspector