Ejemplo n.º 1
    IEnumerator FinishDay()
        Debug.Log("Finishing day!");

        GameStatics.Loading = true;

        // Play sound

        Player.Navigate(new List <Vector3> {
            new Vector3(6, 2, 1)
        }, playSelectSound: false);                                                          // Return to spawn loc

        // Show black screen

        yield return(new WaitUntil(() => NextDayScreen.time >= 1));

        DiscordRichPresenceManager.UpdateActivity("Playing", Days); // Discord Rich Presence

        // Manage Debt
        if (Player.Money < 0)
            if (InDebt)
                Debug.Log("You are in debt");
                // Try to sell flowerbeds first to cover debt
                var shopItems = Shop.ShopItems.FindAll(shopItem => shopItem.IsDowngradable && shopItem.Level > 0);
                shopItems.Sort((shopItem1, shopItem2) => shopItem1.Price.CompareTo(shopItem2.Price));
                if (shopItems.Count == 0)
                    // Display message
                    PopupManager.ShowWindowPopup("You've lost everything...", "Sadly, you've ended up with less money than you've started with. Luckily for you, your parents were nice enough to pay for your debts and give you a fresh start.", goodAlert: false);

                    // Reset values
                    Player.Money = 100;
                    int shopItemIndex = 0;
                    while (shopItems[shopItemIndex].Price + Player.Money < 0 && shopItemIndex < shopItems.Count)

                    // Display message
                    PopupManager.ShowWindowPopup($"You sold your {shopItems[shopItemIndex].Name}", $"Since you were still in debt, you were forced to sell some things to help you get back on your feet.", goodAlert: false);

                    Player.Money += shopItems[shopItemIndex].Price; // Return money
                    int newLevel = --shopItems[shopItemIndex].Level;

                    if (shopItems[shopItemIndex].Name == "Flower Beds")            // flower bed edge case
                        FlowerBedManager.SendMessage("RemoveFlowerBed", newLevel); // Sell flowerbed
                    Shop.UpdateBuyButtonVisual(shopItems[shopItemIndex]);          // Update visuals
                InDebt = true;
                PopupManager.ShowWindowPopup("You're in debt!", "You are in debt! Get out of debt or you'll soon need to start selling your things!", goodAlert: false);
            InDebt = false;

            Player.Money -= FamilyPayment;                 // Pay family
            Player.Money -= BorrowMoney.TotalDailyPayment; // Pay loans

        // Game won?
        if (!finishedGame && Player.Money > 5000 && Shop.IsMaxedOut)
            Debug.Log($"You've made a lot of money, your family is proud of you. The end! :) ({Days} days to complete game)");
            StorylineManager.ShowStoryline("The End");
            finishedGame = true;

        // PLAYER
        Player.InHand = Player.Items.Nothing; // Empty hands

        // STORYLINE

        // FLOWER BEDS
        // Get Flower Beds States
        var FlowerBedScripts = FlowerBeds.GetComponentsInChildren <FlowerBed>();

        // WEATHER

        // Apply logic to flower beds

        // Get chances for weather
        if (!WeatherLogicData.TryGetValue(weather, out var flowerbedStateChances))
            WeatherLogicData.TryGetValue(Weather.Sunny, out flowerbedStateChances);

        // Go through flowerbeds
        foreach (FlowerBed flowerBed in FlowerBedScripts)
            if (!flowerbedStateChances.TryGetValue(flowerBed.state, out var chances))
            float randomChance = Random.value;

            foreach (var possibleChance in chances)
                if (possibleChance.Value > randomChance)

                randomChance -= possibleChance.Value;

        RandomEvents.Run(); // Random events

        // Create new weather for tomorrow

        GameFunctions.SaveGame(true, "finish_day_backup").Wait(); // Save data everyday while making backup copies just in case

        GameStatics.Loading = false;