private void raid_add_impl(Context ctx, int id, string name, string roles)
            //Get a handle to the raid
            var handle = RaidManager.GetRaidFromID(id).Value;

            //Extract the roles
            var  extractedRoles = this.raidConfig.MatchRoles(roles);
            bool bu             = roles.ToUpper().Contains("BACKUP");

            //Check that we got any roles
            Precondition.Assert(extractedRoles.Length > 0, "No recognized roles provided!");

            //Add to the raid
            RaidManager.AppendRaider(handle, name, bu, extractedRoles);

            //Return success
                                $"They were added to the raid{(bu ? " as backup" : "")} with these roles: \"{string.Join(", ", extractedRoles)}\"."