Ejemplo n.º 1
    protected void btnLanzador_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (!DatosOk())
        int pT = 0; // primary total
        int pV = 0; // primary value
        int pP = 0; // primary percent

        int sT = 0; // secondary total
        int sV = 0; // secondary value
        int sP = 0; // secondary percent
        // this happens for every company
        RadProgressContext context = RadProgressContext.Current;

        sT = instalacion.Dispositivos.Count;
        context.SecondaryTotal       = sT;
        context.CurrentOperationText = "Generando las revisiones...";

        foreach (Dispositivo dsp in instalacion.Dispositivos)
            sP = (int)(decimal)((sV / sT) * 100.0);

            if (dsp.Operativo == true && !dsp.Caducado)
                context.SecondaryValue   = sV;
                context.SecondaryPercent = sP;
                // por cada dispositivo sacar las revisiones
                CntLainsaSci.ProgramarRevisiones(dsp, ctx);
        RadWindowManager1.RadAlert("Generación finalizada", null, null, "ATENCION", "noHaceNada");
        private void UpdateProgressContext2()
            const int total = 100;

            RadProgressContext progress = RadProgressContext.Current;

            for (int i = 0; i < total; i++)
                progress.PrimaryTotal   = 1;
                progress.PrimaryValue   = 1;
                progress.PrimaryPercent = 100;

                progress.SecondaryTotal   = total;
                progress.SecondaryValue   = i;
                progress.SecondaryPercent = i;

                progress.CurrentOperationText = "Quiebres Canal AASS";

                if (!Response.IsClientConnected)
                    //Cancel button was clicked or the browser was closed, so stop processing
                progress.Speed = i;
                //Stall the current thread for 0.1 seconds
    /// <summary>
    /// Sets the complete process info.
    /// </summary>
    private void SetCompleteProcessInfo()
        Page.Session["ProcessRunning"] = null;
        RadProgressContext jobProgress = RadProgressContext.Current;

        jobProgress["ProcessCompleted"] = "True";
    /// <summary>
    /// Gets the arguements from the handler to set the progress indicator.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="args">The args.</param>
    private void JobProgressHandler(DeDupJobEventArgs args)
        RadProgressContext jobProgress = RadProgressContext.Current;
        string             percent;

            percent = Convert.ToString(args.Job.ProgressInfo.Percent);
        catch (Exception)
            percent = "0";
        if (args.Job != null && args.Job.ProgressInfo.ProcessedCount < 2)
            Page.Session["DeDupJobId"] = args.Job.JobId;

        object processingMessageFormat = GetLocalResourceObject("processingMessage");

        if (processingMessageFormat == null)
            processingMessageFormat = "Processing record {0} of {1} - ({2}%)";

        jobProgress["PrimaryValue"]   = String.Format((string)processingMessageFormat, args.Job.ProgressInfo.ProcessedCount, args.Job.ProgressInfo.RecordCount, percent);
        jobProgress["SecondaryTotal"] = args.Job.ProgressInfo.DuplicateCount.ToString();
        if (args.Job.ProgressInfo.ErrorCount > 0)
            jobProgress["ProcessCompleted"] = "False";
Ejemplo n.º 5
        private void UpdateProgressContext()
            const int total = 100;

            RadProgressContext progress = RadProgressContext.Current;

            progress.Speed = "N/A";

            for (int i = 0; i < total; i++)
                progress.PrimaryTotal   = 1;
                progress.PrimaryValue   = 1;
                progress.PrimaryPercent = 100;

                progress.SecondaryTotal   = total;
                progress.SecondaryValue   = i;
                progress.SecondaryPercent = i;

                progress.CurrentOperationText = "Percentage complete: " + i.ToString();

                if (!Response.IsClientConnected)
                    //Cancel button was clicked or the browser was closed, so stop processing

                progress.TimeEstimated = (total - i) * 100;
                //Stall the current thread for 0.1 seconds
Ejemplo n.º 6
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (!IsPostBack)
            //Do not display SelectedFilesCount progress indicator.
            RadProgressArea1.ProgressIndicators &= ~ProgressIndicators.SelectedFilesCount;

            RadProgressArea1.ProgressIndicators = ProgressIndicators.CurrentFileName |
                                                  ProgressIndicators.FilesCount |
                                                  ProgressIndicators.FilesCountBar |
                                                  ProgressIndicators.FilesCountPercent |
                                                  ProgressIndicators.RequestSize |
                                                  ProgressIndicators.TimeElapsed |
                                                  ProgressIndicators.TimeEstimated |
                                                  ProgressIndicators.TotalProgress |
                                                  ProgressIndicators.TotalProgressBar |
                                                  ProgressIndicators.TotalProgressPercent |

            RadProgressArea1.Localization["UploadedFiles"]   = "Processed ";
            RadProgressArea1.Localization["TotalFiles"]      = "";
            RadProgressArea1.Localization["CurrentFileName"] = "File: ";

            RadProgressContext progress = RadProgressContext.Current;
            //Prevent the secondary progress from appearing when the file is uploaded (FileCount etc.)
            progress["SecondaryTotal"]   = "0";
            progress["SecondaryValue"]   = "0";
            progress["SecondaryPercent"] = "0";
Ejemplo n.º 7
 private static void RadProgress(RadProgressContext context, int n)
     context.SecondaryValue   = n;
     context.SecondaryPercent = (n / 9) * 100;
     //context.CurrentOperationText += "Doing step " + n.ToString();
     //context.TimeEstimated = 100 - (n / 6) * 100;
Ejemplo n.º 8
        private void LooongMethodWhichUpdatesTheProgressContext(UploadedFile file)
            const int total = 100;

            RadProgressContext progress = RadProgressContext.Current;

            for (int i = 0; i < total; i++)
                progress.PrimaryTotal   = 1;
                progress.PrimaryValue   = 1;
                progress.PrimaryPercent = 100;

                progress.SecondaryTotal   = total;
                progress.SecondaryValue   = i;
                progress.SecondaryPercent = i;

                progress.CurrentOperationText = file.GetName() + " Empezando a procesar...";

                if (!Response.IsClientConnected)
                    //Cancel button was clicked or the browser was closed, so stop processing

                //Stall the current thread for 0.1 seconds
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public bool EnvioCorreo(string Email, string Nombre, string Titulo)
            bool   resultado;
            string tipo = "";
            Mail   mail = new Mail(ContextoApp.mailConfiguration);

                //envio correo

                mail.addToAddress(Email, Nombre);

                RadProgressContext progress = RadProgressContext.Current;
                tipo = "application/pdf";
                mail.addAttachment(info, Titulo, tipo);
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Email))
                    UtilMensajes.MensajeResultadoDB(rnMensaje, "No cuentas con dirección de correo electrónico.", E_TIPO_RESPUESTA_DB.WARNING, pCallBackFunction: "");
                    string body = ContextoCorreo.CuerpoMensaje;
                    mail.Send("Buen día" + " " + Titulo, String.Format(body, ContextoCorreo.encabezado, "Estimado(a): ", " " + Titulo, "Anexamos el documento de la solicitud requerida para tu comodidad, no olvides imprimir en hojas recicladas!! Cuidemos el medio ambiente", ContextoCorreo.pie));
                UtilMensajes.MensajeResultadoDB(rnMensaje, "Proceso exitoso", E_TIPO_RESPUESTA_DB.SUCCESSFUL, pCallBackFunction: "");
                resultado = true;
            catch (Exception)
                resultado = false;

Ejemplo n.º 10
    /// <summary>
    /// Gets the arguements from the handler to set the progress indicator.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="args">The args.</param>
    private void ImportHandler(ImportProgressArgs args)
        //ImportManager importManager = Page.Session["testimportManager"] as ImportManager;
        TestResultsInfo    testResultInfo = GetTestResultInfo();
        RadProgressContext importProgress = RadProgressContext.Current;

        importProgress["PrimaryPercent"] = Convert.ToString(Math.Round(Decimal.Divide(args.ProcessedCount, args.RecordCount) * 100));
        importProgress["PrimaryValue"]   = String.Format("({0})", args.ProcessedCount);
        importProgress["PrimaryTotal"]   = String.Format("({0})", args.RecordCount);
        //importProgress["SecondaryTotal"] = String.Format("{0}   Duplicates:{1}", args.ErrorCount, args.DuplicateCount);
        importProgress["ProcessCompleted"]   = "False";
        testResultInfo.TotalRecords          = args.RecordCount.ToString();
        testResultInfo.TotalRecordsProcessed = args.ProcessedCount.ToString();
        testResultInfo.TotalDuplicates       = args.DuplicateCount.ToString();
        testResultInfo.TotalWarnings         = args.WarningCount.ToString();
        testResultInfo.TotalTotalMerged      = args.MergeCount.ToString();
        testResultInfo.TotalErrors           = args.ErrorCount.ToString();
            if (args.RecordCount == 0)
                testResultInfo.ProjectedDuplicateRate = string.Format("{0:P}", 0);
                testResultInfo.ProjectedDuplicateRate = string.Format("{0:P}", Decimal.Divide(args.DuplicateCount, args.RecordCount));
        catch (Exception)
Ejemplo n.º 11
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // allows the javascript function to do a postback and call the onClick method
        // associated with the linkButton LinkButton1.
        string jscript = "function UploadComplete(){";

        jscript += string.Format("__doPostBack('{0}','');", LinkButton1.ClientID.Replace("_", "$"));
        jscript += "};";
        Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "FileCompleteUpload", jscript, true);

        if (!IsPostBack)
            //Do not display SelectedFilesCount progress indicator.
            RadProgressArea1.ProgressIndicators &= ~ProgressIndicators.SelectedFilesCount;

            RadProgressArea1.Localization["UploadedFiles"]   = "Processed ";
            RadProgressArea1.Localization["TotalFiles"]      = "";
            RadProgressArea1.Localization["CurrentFileName"] = "File: ";

            RadProgressContext progress = RadProgressContext.Current;
            //Prevent the secondary progress from appearing when the file is uploaded (FileCount etc.)
            progress["SecondaryTotal"]   = "0";
            progress["SecondaryValue"]   = "0";
            progress["SecondaryPercent"] = "0";
Ejemplo n.º 12
    /// <summary>
    /// Handles the OnClick event of the cmdCompleted control.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
    /// <param name="e">The <see cref="System.EventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param>
    protected void cmdCompleted_OnClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
        Page.Session["ProcessRunning"] = null;
        RadProgressContext importProgress = RadProgressContext.Current;

        importProgress["ProcessCompleted"] = "True";
        ProcessStatus.Value = "Completed";
Ejemplo n.º 13
        private static void RadProgress(RadProgressContext context, int n, int total, string nombre)
            context.CurrentOperationText = "Importando dispositivo ... " + nombre;
            context.SecondaryValue       = n;
            int x = n / total * 100;

            context.SecondaryPercent = x;
    /// <summary>
    /// Sets the complete process info.
    /// </summary>
    private void SetCompleteProcessInfo()
        RadProgressContext insertProgress = RadProgressContext.Current;

        insertProgress["ProcessCompleted"] = "True";
        Page.Session["ImportingLeads"]     = "True";
    private void LoadView()
        if (Job != null)
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Job.JobId))
                using (new SessionScopeWrapper(true))
                    IDeDupJobProcess job = GetJob();
                    if (job != null)
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(job.JobId))
                            IDeDupService srv   = ApplicationContext.Current.Services.Get <IDeDupService>();
                            string        jobId = srv.SubmitJob(job);
                            Page.Session["DeDupJobId"] = jobId;
                lnkJobNumber.Text = String.Format("{0}", Job.ProgressInfo.JobNumber);
                switch (Job.ProcessState)
                case DeDupJobProcessState.Aborted:

                case DeDupJobProcessState.Completed:
                    cmdAbort.Visible         = false;
                    lblHeader.Text           = String.Format(GetLocalResourceObject("CompletedMsg").ToString());
                    Page.Session["DeDupJob"] = null;
                    RadProgressContext jobProgress = RadProgressContext.Current;
                    jobProgress["ProcessCompleted"]  = "True";
                    jobProgress["OperationComplete"] = "True";

                    cmdAbort.Visible = true;
                    lblHeader.Text   = String.Format(GetLocalResourceObject("lblPrimary_Progress.Caption").ToString());
                    lblHeader2.Text  = String.Format(GetLocalResourceObject("ProcessingMsg").ToString());
            catch (Exception)
            RadProgressContext jobProgress = RadProgressContext.Current;
            jobProgress["OperationComplete"] = "True";
        private void ProcessLanguage(IEnumerable <TabInfo> pageList, Locale locale, int languageCount, int totalLanguages)
            RadProgressContext progress = RadProgressContext.Current;

            progress.Speed        = "N/A";
            progress.PrimaryTotal = totalLanguages;
            progress.PrimaryValue = languageCount;

            int total = pageList.Count();

            if (total == 0)
                progress.SecondaryTotal   = 0;
                progress.SecondaryValue   = 0;
                progress.SecondaryPercent = 100;

            for (int i = 0; i < total; i++)
                TabInfo currentTab = pageList.ElementAt(i);
                int     stepNo     = i + 1;

                progress.SecondaryTotal = total;
                progress.SecondaryValue = stepNo;
                float secondaryPercent = ((float)stepNo / (float)total) * 100;
                progress.SecondaryPercent = Convert.ToInt32(secondaryPercent);
                float primaryPercent = ((((float)languageCount + ((float)stepNo / (float)total)) / (float)totalLanguages)) * 100;
                progress.PrimaryPercent = Convert.ToInt32(primaryPercent);

                progress.CurrentOperationText = string.Format(Localization.GetString("ProcessingPage", LocalResourceFile), locale.Code, stepNo, total, currentTab.TabName);

                if (!Response.IsClientConnected)
                    //clear cache
                    DataCache.ClearPortalCache(PortalId, true);

                    //Cancel button was clicked or the browser was closed, so stop processing

                progress.TimeEstimated = (total - stepNo) * 100;

                if (locale.Code == PortalDefault)
                    TabController.Instance.LocalizeTab(currentTab, locale, true);
                    TabController.Instance.CreateLocalizedCopy(currentTab, locale, false);

                if (i % 10 == 0)
Ejemplo n.º 17
        public void EnvioCorreo(string Email, string Mensaje, string Asunto)
            Mail mail = new Mail(ContextoApp.mailConfiguration);

            mail.addToAddress(Email, "");
            RadProgressContext progress = RadProgressContext.Current;

            mail.Send(Asunto, String.Format("{0}", Mensaje));
Ejemplo n.º 18
        private string EnvioCorreo(string pEmail, string pMensaje, string pAsunto)
            Mail mail = new Mail(ContextoApp.mailConfiguration);

            mail.addToAddress(pEmail, "");
            RadProgressContext progress   = RadProgressContext.Current;
            string             vResultado = mail.SendCopia(pAsunto, String.Format("{0}", pMensaje));

    /// <summary>
    /// Sets the start process info.
    /// </summary>
    private void SetStartProcessInfo()
        Page.Session["ProcessRunning"] = true;
        RadProgressContext jobProgress = RadProgressContext.Current;

        jobProgress["PrimaryValue"]     = "0";
        jobProgress["SecondaryValue"]   = "0";
        jobProgress["SecondaryTotal"]   = "0";
        jobProgress["ProcessCompleted"] = "False";
    /// <summary>
    /// Sets the start process info.
    /// </summary>
    private void SetStartProcessInfo()
        RadProgressContext insertProgress = RadProgressContext.Current;

        insertProgress["PrimaryPercent"]   = "0";
        insertProgress["PrimaryValue"]     = "0";
        insertProgress["PrimaryTotal"]     = "0";
        insertProgress["SecondaryValue"]   = "0";
        insertProgress["SecondaryTotal"]   = "0";
        insertProgress["ProcessCompleted"] = "False";
Ejemplo n.º 21
        protected void RadFileExplorer1_ItemCommand(object sender, RadFileExplorerEventArgs e)
            if (e.Command.Equals("UploadFile"))
                RadProgressContext context = RadProgressContext.Current;
                context.SecondaryTotal = "100";
                for (int i = 1; i < 100; i++)
                    // A very time consumming task
                    context.SecondaryValue       = i.ToString();
                    context.SecondaryPercent     = i.ToString();
                    context.CurrentOperationText = "Doing step " + i.ToString();

                    if (!Response.IsClientConnected)
                        //Cancel button was clicked or the browser was closed, so stop processing
                    // simulate a long time performing the current step

                    //create the purgeResult object
                    HostSite.Web.UI.ServiceReference1.PurgeResult    r = new HostSite.Web.UI.ServiceReference1.PurgeResult();
                    HostSite.Web.UI.ServiceReference1.PurgeApiClient a;

                    a = new HostSite.Web.UI.ServiceReference1.PurgeApiClient();
                    string[] options = new string[4];
                    string[] uri     = new string[1];

                    //get the login credential and other data for Akamai from the web.config
                    options[0] = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AkamaiCCUEmail"].ToString();
                    options[1] = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AkamaiCCUAction"].ToString();
                    options[2] = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AkamaiCCUType"].ToString();
                    options[3] = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AkamaiCCUDomain"].ToString();

                    //build the URL to the file that was uploaded
                    uri[0] = "http://www.yourdomain.com" + e.Path;

                    //request the content purge
                    r = a.purgeRequest(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AkamaiCCUUserName"].ToString(), ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AkamaiCCUPassword"].ToString(), "", options, uri);

                    //log the activity
                    Web.Core.Context.Current.LogMessage("Akamai CCU WebService Message: " + r.resultCode + " " + r.resultMsg + " " + r.sessionID + " " + uri[0].ToString());
                catch (Exception ex)
                    //something didn't work so let's report the issue
                    Web.Core.Context.Current.LogMessage("Error Akamai CCU WebService Message: ", ex);
Ejemplo n.º 22
    /// <summary>
    /// Raises the <see cref="E:PreRender"/> event.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="e">The <see cref="System.EventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param>
    protected override void OnPreRender(EventArgs e)
        foreach (WizardStep step in wzdDeDup.WizardSteps)
        RadProgressContext jobProgress = RadProgressContext.Current;

        jobProgress["OperationComplete"] = "True";
        jobProgress["ProcessCompleted"]  = "True";
Ejemplo n.º 23
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        Response.CacheControl = "no-cache";
        Response.AddHeader("Pragma", "no-cache");
        Response.Expires = -1;

            Page.Culture             = Request.Cookies["CultureInfo"].Value;
            gClass.LanguageCode      = Request.Cookies["LanguageCode"].Value;
            gClass.OrganizationCode  = Request.Cookies["OrganizationCode"].Value;
            txtHApplicationURL.Value = Request.Url.Scheme + "://" + Request.Url.Host + Request.ApplicationPath + "/";
            bodyImportExport.Style.Add("Direction", Request.Cookies["Direction"].Value);
            if (gClass.IsUserLogoned(Session.SessionID, Request.Cookies["UserPracticeCode"].Value, Request.Url.Host))
                if (!IsPostBack)
                    //Do not display SelectedFilesCount progress indicator.
                    RadProgressArea1.ProgressIndicators &= ~ProgressIndicators.SelectedFilesCount;

                    RadProgressArea1.Localization["UploadedFiles"]   = "Processed ";
                    RadProgressArea1.Localization["TotalFiles"]      = "";
                    RadProgressArea1.Localization["CurrentFileName"] = "File: ";

                    RadProgressContext progress = RadProgressContext.Current;
                    //Prevent the secondary progress from appearing when the file is uploaded (FileCount etc.)
                    progress["SecondaryTotal"]   = "0";
                    progress["SecondaryValue"]   = "0";
                    progress["SecondaryPercent"] = "0";

                                           "Import/Export Data Form", 2, "Browse", "", "");
                gClass.ReturnToLoginPage(Request.Url.Host, Request.Cookies["LanguageCode"].Value, Response);
        catch (Exception err)
            string strLanguageCode;
                strLanguageCode = Request.Cookies["LanguageCode"].Value;
                gClass.AddErrorLogData(Request.Cookies["UserPracticeCode"].Value, Request.Url.Host, Request.Cookies["Logon_UserName"].Value, "Import/Export Page (Second stage)", " (Page_Load function)", err.ToString());
            catch { strLanguageCode = "en-US"; }
            gClass.ReturnToLoginPage(Request.Url.Host, strLanguageCode, Response);
    /// <summary>
    /// Gets the arguements from the handler to set the progress indicator.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="args">The args.</param>
    private void InsertTargetHandler(InsertProgressArgs args)
        RadProgressContext insertProgress = RadProgressContext.Current;

        insertProgress["PrimaryPercent"]   = Convert.ToString(Math.Round(Decimal.Divide(args.ProcessedCount, args.RecordCount) * 100));
        insertProgress["PrimaryValue"]     = String.Format("({0})", args.ProcessedCount.ToString());
        insertProgress["PrimaryTotal"]     = String.Format("({0})", args.RecordCount.ToString());
        insertProgress["SecondaryValue"]   = String.Format("({0})", args.InsertedCount.ToString());
        insertProgress["SecondaryTotal"]   = String.Format("({0})", args.ErrorCount.ToString());
        insertProgress["ProcessCompleted"] = "False";
    /// <summary>
    /// Handles the OnClick event of the cmdAbort control.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
    /// <param name="e">The <see cref="System.EventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param>
    protected void cmdAbort_OnClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string jobId = GetJobId();

        Page.Session["DeDupJob"] = null;

        RadProgressContext jobProgress = RadProgressContext.Current;

        jobProgress["OperationComplete"] = "True";
Ejemplo n.º 26
    protected void btnLanzador_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        int pT = 0; // primary total
        int pV = 0; // primary value
        int pP = 0; // primary percent

        int sT = 0; // secondary total
        int sV = 0; // secondary value
        int sP = 0; // secondary percent
        // this happens for every company
        RadProgressContext context = RadProgressContext.Current;

        sT = ctx.Empresas.Count();
        context.SecondaryTotal       = pT;
        context.CurrentOperationText = "Generando los informes y documentos...";
        string repodir = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Repositorio"];

        IList <NombreInforme> nombres = CntInforme.GetNombresDeInforme();

        pT = nombres.Count;
        foreach (Empresa empresa in ctx.Empresas)
            sP = (int)(decimal)((sV / sT) * 100.0);
            context.SecondaryValue   = sV;
            context.SecondaryPercent = sP;
            // por cada instalacion hay que sacar el informe
            foreach (Instalacion instalacion in empresa.Instalaciones)
                pV = 0;
                foreach (NombreInforme ninf in nombres)
                    pP = (int)(decimal)((pV / pT) * 100.0);
                    context.PrimaryValue   = pV;
                    context.PrimaryPercent = pP;

                    CntInforme.ElaborarInformesProgramados((DateTime)rdtFecha.SelectedDate, ninf.Informe, instalacion, repodir, ctx);

        //Documentos de las Revisiones y Dispositivos por filtro

        foreach (Filtro filtro in usuario.Filtros)
            if (filtro.Tipo == "Revision" || filtro.Tipo == "Dispositivo")
                AplicarFiltro(filtro, filtro.Tipo);
                CrearInforme(filtro, repodir);
Ejemplo n.º 27
    /// <summary>
    /// Called when the dialog is closing.
    /// </summary>
    protected override void OnClosing()
        RadProgressContext importProgress = RadProgressContext.Current;

        importProgress["PrimaryPercent"]   = "0";
        importProgress["PrimaryValue"]     = "0";
        importProgress["ProcessCompleted"] = "False";
        //hdStartTest.Value = "false";
Ejemplo n.º 28
        private void ProcessLanguage(List <TabInfo> pageList, Locale locale, int languageCount, int totalLanguages)
                RadProgressContext progress = RadProgressContext.Current;

                progress.Speed        = "N/A";
                progress.PrimaryTotal = totalLanguages;
                progress.PrimaryValue = languageCount;

                int total = pageList.Count;
                for (int i = 0; i <= total - 1; i++)
                    TabInfo currentTab = pageList[i];
                    int     stepNo     = i + 1;

                    progress.SecondaryTotal = total;
                    progress.SecondaryValue = stepNo;
                    float secondaryPercent = ((float)stepNo / (float)total) * 100;
                    progress.SecondaryPercent = Convert.ToInt32(secondaryPercent);
                    float primaryPercent = ((((float)languageCount + ((float)stepNo / (float)total)) / (float)totalLanguages)) * 100;
                    progress.PrimaryPercent = Convert.ToInt32(primaryPercent);

                    progress.CurrentOperationText = string.Format(Localization.GetString("ProcessingPage", LocalResourceFile), locale.Code, stepNo, total, currentTab.TabName);

                    if (!Response.IsClientConnected)
                        //clear cache
                        DataCache.ClearPortalCache(PortalId, true);

                        //Cancel button was clicked or the browser was closed, so stop processing

                    progress.TimeEstimated = (total - stepNo) * 100;

                    TabController.Instance.CreateLocalizedCopy(currentTab, locale, false);

                    if ((i % 10) == 0)
                PortalController.Instance.MapLocalizedSpecialPages(PortalId, locale.Code);
            catch (Exception exc)
                Exceptions.ProcessModuleLoadException(this, exc);
Ejemplo n.º 29
    /// <summary>
    /// Gets the arguements from the handler to set the progress indicator.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="args">The args.</param>
    private void ImportHandler(ImportProgressArgs args)
        RadProgressContext importProgress = RadProgressContext.Current;
        string             percent;

            percent = Convert.ToString(Math.Round(Decimal.Divide(args.ProcessedCount, args.RecordCount) * 100));
            importProgress["PrimaryPercent"] = percent;
        catch (Exception)
            percent = "0";
        if (args.ProcessedCount < 2)
            if (args.ImportManager != null)
                if (args.ImportManager.ImportHistory != null)
                    Page.Session["importHistoryId"] = args.ImportManager.ImportHistory.Id;

        importProgress["PrimaryPercent"] = percent;
        importProgress["PrimaryValue"]   = String.Format("({0})", args.ProcessedCount.ToString());
        importProgress["PrimaryTotal"]   = String.Format("({0})", args.RecordCount.ToString());
        importProgress["SecondaryValue"] = args.ImportedCount.ToString();
        importProgress["SecondaryTotal"] = String.Format("{0} Duplicates:{1} Merged:{2} ", args.ErrorCount, args.DuplicateCount, args.MergeCount);
        if (args.ErrorCount > 0)
            importProgress["ProcessCompleted"] = "True";
            ImportManager importManager = args.ImportManager; // Page.Session["importManager"] as ImportManager;
            if (importManager != null)
                importManager.ImportHistory.ErrorCount   = args.ErrorCount;
                importManager.ImportHistory.ProcessState = Enum.GetName(typeof(ImportProcessState),
                //importManager.ImportHistory. args.Message
                SetProcessState(importManager.ImportHistory.Id.ToString(), Enum.GetName(typeof(ImportProcessState), ImportProcessState.Abort), GetLocalResourceObject("AbortedMsg").ToString());
            importProgress["ProcessCompleted"] = "False";
Ejemplo n.º 30
        private static void CargarTipoAnomalias(SqlCeConnection conn, LainsaSci ctx, RadProgressContext context)
            var rs = from ta in ctx.TipoAnomalias
                     select ta;
            string texto = context.CurrentOperationText.ToString();

            foreach (TipoAnomalia ta in rs)
                String.Format("{0}{1}", texto, ta.TipoAnomaliaId);
                TTipoAnomalia tta = new TTipoAnomalia();
                tta.TipoAnomaliaId = ta.TipoAnomaliaId;
                tta.Nombre         = ta.Nombre;
                CntSciTerminal.TSave(tta, conn);