Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void Test_Pawn()
            RPGILoadout loadout = new RPGILoadout();

            foreach (Apparel apparel in Maker <Apparel> .Make())
                Thing temp = loadout[apparel.MakeThingStuffPairWithQuality()].Thing;
                Assert.IsTrue(apparel.def.defName == temp.def.defName);
                Assert.IsTrue(apparel.Stuff.defName == temp.Stuff.defName);
                Assert.IsTrue(apparel.TryGetComp <CompQuality>().Quality == temp.TryGetComp <CompQuality>().Quality);
        /// <summary>
        /// Tries to give the pawn a job related to picking up or dropping an item from their inventory.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pawn">Pawn to which the job is given.</param>
        /// <returns>Job that the pawn was instructed to do, be it hauling a dropped Thing or going and getting a Thing.</returns>
        protected override Job TryGiveJob(Pawn pawn)
            // Get inventory
            CompInventory inventory = pawn.TryGetComp <CompInventory>();

            if (inventory == null)

            RPGILoadout loadout = pawn.GetLoadout();

            if (loadout != null)
                ThingWithComps dropEq;
                ThingWithComps droppedEq;
                if (pawn.equipment.TryDropEquipment(pawn.equipment.Primary, out droppedEq, pawn.Position, false))
                    if (droppedEq != null)
                        return(HaulAIUtility.HaulToStorageJob(pawn, droppedEq));
                Thing dropThing = new Thing();
                int   dropCount = 0;
                Thing droppedThing;
                if (inventory.container.TryDrop(dropThing, pawn.Position, pawn.Map, ThingPlaceMode.Near, dropCount, out droppedThing))
                    if (droppedThing != null)
                        return(HaulAIUtility.HaulToStorageJob(pawn, droppedThing));
                    Log.Error(string.Concat(pawn, " tried dropping ", dropThing, " from loadout but resulting thing is null"));

                // Find missing items
                ItemPriority priority;
                Thing        closestThing;
                int          count;
                Pawn         carriedBy;
                bool         doEquip      = false;
                LoadoutSlot  prioritySlot = GetPrioritySlot(pawn, out priority, out closestThing, out count, out carriedBy);
                // moved logic to detect if should equip vs put in inventory here...
                if (closestThing != null)
                    if (closestThing.TryGetComp <CompEquippable>() != null &&
                        !(pawn.story != null && pawn.story.WorkTagIsDisabled(WorkTags.Violent)) &&
                        (pawn.health != null && pawn.health.capacities.CapableOf(PawnCapacityDefOf.Manipulation)) &&
                        (pawn.equipment == null || pawn.equipment.Primary == null || !loadout.Any(s => s.def == pawn.equipment.Primary.def)))
                        doEquip = true;
                    if (carriedBy == null)
                        // Equip gun if unarmed or current gun is not in loadout
                        if (doEquip)
                            return(new Job(JobDefOf.Equip, closestThing));
                        return(new Job(JobDefOf.TakeInventory, closestThing)
                            count = Mathf.Min(closestThing.stackCount, count)
                        // TODO Implement Take from Others
                        //return new Job(CE_JobDefOf.TakeFromOther, closestThing, carriedBy, doEquip ? pawn : null)
                        //    count = doEquip ? 1 : Mathf.Min(closestThing.stackCount, count)