Ejemplo n.º 1
        private void InteractiveSplineOnClickEvent(object sender, InteractiveActionEventArgs eventArgs)
            PositionsManager posMan = PositionsManager.GetManager(m_context);

            if (posMan.BlockTrading)
                //string msg = String.Format("[{0}] Trading is blocked. Please, change 'Block Trading' parameter.", m_optionPxMode);
                string msg = RM.GetStringFormat("OptHandlerMsg.PositionsManager.TradingBlocked", m_optionPxMode);
                m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Info, true);

            SmileNodeInfo nodeInfo = eventArgs.Point.Tag as SmileNodeInfo;

            if (nodeInfo == null)
                //string msg = String.Format("[{0}] There is no nodeInfo. Quote type: {1}; Strike: {2}", m_optionPxMode);
                string msg = RM.GetStringFormat(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "OptHandlerMsg.ThereIsNoNodeInfo",
                                                m_context.Runtime.TradeName, m_optionPxMode, eventArgs.Point.ValueX);
                m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Error, true);

            nodeInfo.Qty       = m_qty;
            nodeInfo.ClickTime = DateTime.Now;

            // Передаю событие в PositionsManager дополнив его инфой о количестве лотов
            posMan.InteractiveSplineOnClickEvent(m_context, sender, eventArgs);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Обработчик под тип входных данных OPTION_SERIES
        /// </summary>
        public IList <double> Execute(IOptionSeries optSer)
            if (optSer == null)
                // [{0}] Empty input (option series is NULL).
                string msg = RM.GetStringFormat("OptHandlerMsg.OptionSeriesIsNull", GetType().Name);
                m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Warning, true);

            IList <double> res;
            ISecurity      sec = optSer.UnderlyingAsset;

            switch (m_expiryMode)
            case ExpiryMode.FixedExpiry:
                res = PrepareData(sec, Expiry);

                string optSerExpiry = optSer.ExpirationDate.ToString(IvOnF.DateFormat, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                res = PrepareData(sec, optSerExpiry);

Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Обработчик для двух аргументов -- опционной серии и страйка
        /// </summary>
        public ISecurity Execute(IOptionSeries optSer, IList <double> actualStrikes)
            if ((optSer == null) || (optSer.UnderlyingAsset == null) ||
                (actualStrikes == null) || (actualStrikes.Count <= 0))

            // Выбор страйка по последнему значению!
            double            actualStrike = actualStrikes[actualStrikes.Count - 1];
            IOptionStrikePair pair         = GetStrikePair(optSer, m_selectionMode, actualStrike);

            if (pair == null)
                // Данного страйка нет в списке? Тогда выход.
                string expiryDate = optSer.ExpirationDate.Date.ToString(IvOnF.DateFormat, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                // [{0}.Execute] There is no strike '{1}' in the option series '{2} ~ {3}'. Search mode: '{4}'
                string msg = RM.GetStringFormat("OptHandlerMsg.SingleOption.OptionNotFound",
                                                GetType().Name, actualStrike, optSer.UnderlyingAsset, expiryDate, m_selectionMode);
                if (Context.Runtime.IsAgentMode /* && (!m_ignoreCacheError) */)
                    throw new ScriptException(msg); // PROD-5501 - Кидаем исключение.
                //bool isExpired = true;
                //// Поскольку в этом блоке настройки m_ignoreCacheError нет, то здесь всегда IsAgentMode == false!
                //if (Context.Runtime.IsAgentMode)
                //    int amount = optSer.UnderlyingAsset.Bars.Count;
                //    DateTime today = (amount > 0) ? optSer.UnderlyingAsset.Bars[amount - 1].Date : new DateTime();
                //    isExpired = optSer.ExpirationDate.Date.AddDays(1) < today.Date;
                // А если в режиме лаборатории, тогда только жалуемся в Главный Лог и продолжаем.
                Context.Log(msg, MessageType.Warning, true /* !isExpired */);

            ISecurity res;

            if (m_optionType == StrikeType.Put)
                res = pair.Put.Security;
            else if (m_optionType == StrikeType.Call)
                res = pair.Call.Security;
                throw new NotSupportedException("Не могу найти опцион вида: " + m_optionType);

Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Метод под флаг TemplateTypes.OPTION_SERIES, чтобы подключаться к источнику-БА
        /// </summary>
        public IList <double> Execute(IOptionSeries optSer)
            if (optSer == null)
                // [{0}] Empty input (option series is NULL).
                string msg = RM.GetStringFormat("OptHandlerMsg.OptionSeriesIsNull", GetType().Name);
                m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Warning, true);

Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Обработчик под тип входных данных SECURITY
        /// </summary>
        public IList <double> Execute(ISecurity sec)
            if (sec == null)
                // [{0}] Empty input (security is NULL).
                string msg = RM.GetStringFormat("OptHandlerMsg.SecurityIsNull", GetType().Name);

            var res = PrepareData(sec, Expiry);

Ejemplo n.º 6
        private void InteractiveSplineOnClickEvent(object sender, InteractiveActionEventArgs eventArgs)
            PositionsManager posMan = PositionsManager.GetManager(m_context);

            if (posMan.BlockTrading)
                //string msg = String.Format("[{0}] Trading is blocked. Please, change 'Block Trading' parameter.", m_optionPxMode);
                string msg = RM.GetStringFormat("OptHandlerMsg.PositionsManager.TradingBlocked", m_optionPxMode);
                m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Warning, true);

            List <InteractiveActionEventArgs> onClickEvents = m_context.LoadObject(VariableId + "OnClickEvent") as List <InteractiveActionEventArgs>;

            if (onClickEvents == null)
                onClickEvents = new List <InteractiveActionEventArgs>();
                m_context.StoreObject(VariableId + "OnClickEvent", onClickEvents);


            m_context.Recalc(RecalcReasons.ChartTrading, null);
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public InteractiveSeries Execute(double time, InteractiveSeries smile, IOptionSeries optSer, int barNum)
            //InteractiveSeries res = context.LoadObject(cashKey + "positionDelta") as InteractiveSeries;
            //if (res == null)
            //    res = new InteractiveSeries();
            //    context.StoreObject(cashKey + "positionDelta", res);

            InteractiveSeries res = new InteractiveSeries();
            int barsCount         = ContextBarsCount;

            if ((barNum < barsCount - 1) || (optSer == null))

            //double F = prices[prices.Count - 1];
            double dT = time;

            if (Double.IsNaN(dT) || (dT < Double.Epsilon))
                // [{0}] Time to expiry must be positive value. dT:{1}
                string msg = RM.GetStringFormat("OptHandlerMsg.TimeMustBePositive", GetType().Name, dT);
                m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Error, true);

            if (smile == null)
                string msg = String.Format("[{0}] Argument 'smile' must be filled with InteractiveSeries.", GetType().Name);
                m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Error, true);

            SmileInfo oldInfo = smile.GetTag <SmileInfo>();

            if (oldInfo == null)
                string msg = String.Format("[{0}] Property Tag of object smile must be filled with SmileInfo. Tag:{1}", GetType().Name, smile.Tag);
                m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Error, true);

            //// TODO: переписаться на обновление старых значений

            List <double> xs          = new List <double>();
            List <double> ys          = new List <double>();
            var           smilePoints = smile.ControlPoints;

            IOptionStrikePair[]      pairs         = optSer.GetStrikePairs().ToArray();
            PositionsManager         posMan        = PositionsManager.GetManager(m_context);
            List <InteractiveObject> controlPoints = new List <InteractiveObject>();

            foreach (InteractiveObject iob in smilePoints)
                double rawVega, f = iob.Anchor.ValueX;
                if (TryEstimateVega(posMan, optSer, pairs, smile, m_greekAlgo, f, m_sigmaStep, dT, out rawVega))
                    // Переводим вегу в дифференциал 'изменение цены за 1% волы'.
                    rawVega /= Constants.PctMult;

                    InteractivePointActive ip = new InteractivePointActive();
                    ip.IsActive = m_showNodes;
                    //ip.DragableMode = DragableMode.None;
                    //ip.Geometry = Geometries.Rect;
                    //ip.Color = System.Windows.Media.Colors.Green;
                    double y = rawVega;
                    ip.Value = new Point(f, y);
                    string yStr = y.ToString(m_tooltipFormat, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                    ip.Tooltip = String.Format("F:{0}; V:{1}", f, yStr);

                    controlPoints.Add(new InteractiveObject(ip));


            res.ControlPoints = new ReadOnlyCollection <InteractiveObject>(controlPoints);

                if (xs.Count >= BaseCubicSpline.MinNumberOfNodes)
                    SmileInfo info = new SmileInfo();
                    info.F            = oldInfo.F;
                    info.dT           = oldInfo.dT;
                    info.RiskFreeRate = oldInfo.RiskFreeRate;

                    NotAKnotCubicSpline spline = new NotAKnotCubicSpline(xs, ys);

                    info.ContinuousFunction   = spline;
                    info.ContinuousFunctionD1 = spline.DeriveD1();

                    res.Tag = info;
            catch (Exception ex)
                m_context.Log(ex.ToString(), MessageType.Error, true);

Ejemplo n.º 8
        public InteractiveSeries Execute(double price, double time, InteractiveSeries smile, IOptionSeries optSer, double scaleMult, double ratePct, int barNum)
            int barsCount = ContextBarsCount;

            if ((barNum < barsCount - 1) || (smile == null) || (optSer == null))

            SmileInfo oldInfo = smile.GetTag <SmileInfo>();

            if ((oldInfo == null) ||
                (oldInfo.ContinuousFunction == null) || (oldInfo.ContinuousFunctionD1 == null))

            int      lastBarIndex   = optSer.UnderlyingAsset.Bars.Count - 1;
            DateTime now            = optSer.UnderlyingAsset.Bars[Math.Min(barNum, lastBarIndex)].Date;
            bool     wasInitialized = HandlerInitializedToday(now);

            double futPx = price;
            double dT    = time;

            if (!DoubleUtil.IsPositive(dT))
                // [{0}] Time to expiry must be positive value. dT:{1}
                string msg = RM.GetStringFormat("OptHandlerMsg.TimeMustBePositive", GetType().Name, dT);
                if (wasInitialized)
                    m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Error, true);

            if (!DoubleUtil.IsPositive(futPx))
                // [{0}] Base asset price must be positive value. F:{1}
                string msg = RM.GetStringFormat("OptHandlerMsg.FutPxMustBePositive", GetType().Name, futPx);
                if (wasInitialized)
                    m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Error, true);

            if (!DoubleUtil.IsPositive(scaleMult))
                //throw new ScriptException("Argument 'scaleMult' contains NaN for some strange reason. scaleMult:" + scaleMult);

            if (Double.IsNaN(ratePct))
                //throw new ScriptException("Argument 'ratePct' contains NaN for some strange reason. rate:" + rate);

            double ivAtm, slopeAtm, shape;

            if ((!oldInfo.ContinuousFunction.TryGetValue(futPx, out ivAtm)) ||
                (!oldInfo.ContinuousFunctionD1.TryGetValue(futPx, out slopeAtm)))

            if (m_setIvByHands)
                ivAtm = m_ivAtmPct.Value / Constants.PctMult;

            if (m_setSlopeByHands)
                slopeAtm = m_slopePct.Value / Constants.PctMult;
                //slopeAtm = slopeAtm / F / Math.Pow(dT, Pow + shape);

            //if (setShapeByHands)
                shape = m_shapePct.Value / Constants.PctMult;

            if (!DoubleUtil.IsPositive(ivAtm))
                // [{0}] ivAtm must be positive value. ivAtm:{1}
                string msg = RM.GetStringFormat("OptHandlerMsg.IvAtmMustBePositive", GetType().Name, ivAtm);
                if (wasInitialized)
                    m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Error, true);

            if (Double.IsNaN(slopeAtm))
                // [{0}] Smile skew at the money must be some number. skewAtm:{1}
                string msg = RM.GetStringFormat("OptHandlerMsg.SkewAtmMustBeNumber", GetType().Name, slopeAtm);
                if (wasInitialized)
                    m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Error, true);

            SmileInfo templateInfo;

            #region Fill templateInfo
            if (m_useLocalTemplate)
                InteractiveSeries templateSmile = m_context.LoadObject(m_frozenSmileId) as InteractiveSeries;
                if (templateSmile == null)
                    // [{0}] There is no LOCAL smile with ID:{1}
                    string msg = RM.GetStringFormat("SmileImitation5.NoLocalSmile", GetType().Name, m_frozenSmileId);
                    if (wasInitialized)
                        m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Error, true);

                SmileInfo locInfo = new SmileInfo();
                locInfo.F            = futPx;
                locInfo.dT           = dT;
                locInfo.RiskFreeRate = oldInfo.RiskFreeRate;

                List <double> locXs = new List <double>();
                List <double> locYs = new List <double>();
                foreach (InteractiveObject oldObj in templateSmile.ControlPoints)
                    if (!oldObj.AnchorIsActive)

                    double k     = oldObj.Anchor.ValueX;
                    double sigma = oldObj.Anchor.ValueY;

                    double x = Math.Log(k / futPx) / Math.Pow(dT, DefaultPow + shape) / ivAtm;
                    double sigmaNormalized = sigma / ivAtm;


                    NotAKnotCubicSpline spline = new NotAKnotCubicSpline(locXs, locYs);

                    locInfo.ContinuousFunction   = spline;
                    locInfo.ContinuousFunctionD1 = spline.DeriveD1();

                    templateInfo = locInfo;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    m_context.Log(ex.ToString(), MessageType.Error, true);
                //templateSmile = context.LoadGlobalObject(globalSmileID, true) as InteractiveSeries;
                templateInfo = m_context.LoadGlobalObject(m_globalSmileId, true) as SmileInfo;
                if (templateInfo == null)
                    // [{0}] There is no global templateInfo with ID:{1}. I'll try to use default one.
                    string msg = RM.GetStringFormat("SmileImitation5.TemplateWasSaved", GetType().Name, m_globalSmileId);
                    m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Error, true);

                    System.Xml.Linq.XDocument xDoc  = System.Xml.Linq.XDocument.Parse(SmileFunction5.XmlSmileRiz4Nov1);
                    System.Xml.Linq.XElement  xInfo = xDoc.Root;
                    SmileInfo templateSmile         = SmileInfo.FromXElement(xInfo);

                    // Обновляю уровень IV ATM?
                    if (Double.IsNaN(ivAtm))
                        ivAtm = oldInfo.ContinuousFunction.Value(futPx);

                        m_context.Log(String.Format("[DEBUG:{0}] ivAtm was NaN. I'll use value ivAtm:{1}", GetType().Name, ivAtm), MessageType.Warning, true);

                        if (Double.IsNaN(ivAtm))
                            throw new Exception(String.Format("[DEBUG:{0}] ivAtm is NaN.", GetType().Name));

                    templateSmile.F            = futPx;
                    templateSmile.dT           = dT;
                    templateSmile.RiskFreeRate = oldInfo.RiskFreeRate;

                    m_context.StoreGlobalObject(m_globalSmileId, templateSmile, true);

                    // [{0}] Default templateInfo was saved to Global Cache with ID:{1}.
                    msg = RM.GetStringFormat("SmileImitation5.TemplateWasSaved", GetType().Name, m_globalSmileId);
                    m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Warning, true);

                    templateInfo = templateSmile;
            #endregion Fill templateInfo

            if (!m_setIvByHands)
                m_ivAtmPct.Value = ivAtm * Constants.PctMult;

            if (!m_setShapeByHands)
                // так я ещё не умею

            if (!m_setSlopeByHands)
                // Пересчитываю наклон в безразмерку
                double dSigmaDx = slopeAtm * futPx * Math.Pow(dT, DefaultPow + shape);
                m_slopePct.Value = dSigmaDx * Constants.PctMult;

                // и теперь апдейчу локальную переменную slopeAtm:
                slopeAtm = m_slopePct.Value / Constants.PctMult;

            // Это функция в нормированных координатах
            // поэтому достаточно обычной симметризации
            // PROD-3111: заменяю вызов на SmileFunctionExtended
            //SimmetrizeFunc simmFunc = new SimmetrizeFunc(templateInfo.ContinuousFunction);
            //SimmetrizeFunc simmFuncD1 = new SimmetrizeFunc(templateInfo.ContinuousFunctionD1);
            //SmileFunction5 smileFunc = new SmileFunction5(simmFunc, simmFuncD1, ivAtm, slopeAtm, shape, futPx, dT);
            SmileFunctionExtended smileFunc = new SmileFunctionExtended(
                (NotAKnotCubicSpline)templateInfo.ContinuousFunction, ivAtm, slopeAtm, shape, futPx, dT);
            smileFunc.UseTails = m_useSmileTails;

            List <double>       xs    = new List <double>();
            List <double>       ys    = new List <double>();
            IOptionStrikePair[] pairs = optSer.GetStrikePairs().ToArray();

            if (pairs.Length < 2)
                string msg = String.Format("[{0}] optSer must contain few strike pairs. pairs.Length:{1}", GetType().Name, pairs.Length);
                if (wasInitialized)
                    m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Warning, true);

            double minK    = pairs[0].Strike;
            double maxK    = pairs[pairs.Length - 1].Strike;
            double futStep = optSer.UnderlyingAsset.Tick;
            double dK      = pairs[1].Strike - pairs[0].Strike;
            double width   = (SigmaMult * ivAtm * Math.Sqrt(dT)) * futPx;
            width = Math.Max(width, 10 * dK);
            // Нельзя вылезать за границу страйков???
            width = Math.Min(width, Math.Abs(futPx - minK));
            width = Math.Min(width, Math.Abs(maxK - futPx));
            // Generate left invisible tail
            if (m_generateTails)
                GaussSmile.AppendLeftTail(smileFunc, xs, ys, minK, dK, false);

            SortedDictionary <double, IOptionStrikePair> strikePrices;
            if (!SmileImitation5.TryPrepareImportantPoints(pairs, futPx, futStep, width, out strikePrices))
                string msg = String.Format("[{0}] It looks like there is no suitable points for the smile. pairs.Length:{1}", GetType().Name, pairs.Length);
                if (wasInitialized)
                    m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Warning, true);

            List <InteractiveObject> controlPoints = new List <InteractiveObject>();
            //for (int j = 0; j < pairs.Length; j++)
            foreach (var kvp in strikePrices)
                bool showPoint = (kvp.Value != null);
                //IOptionStrikePair pair = pairs[j];
                //// Сверхдалекие страйки игнорируем
                //if ((pair.Strike < futPx - width) || (futPx + width < pair.Strike))
                //    showPoint = false;

                //double k = pair.Strike;
                double k = kvp.Key;
                double sigma;
                if (!smileFunc.TryGetValue(k, out sigma))
                double vol = sigma;

                if (!DoubleUtil.IsPositive(sigma))

                //InteractivePointActive ip = new InteractivePointActive(k, vol);
                //ip.Color = (optionPxMode == OptionPxMode.Ask) ? Colors.DarkOrange : Colors.DarkCyan;
                //ip.DragableMode = DragableMode.None;
                //ip.Geometry = Geometries.Rect; // (optionPxMode == OptionPxMode.Ask) ? Geometries.Rect : Geometries.Rect;

                // Иначе неправильно выставляются координаты???
                //ip.Tooltip = String.Format("K:{0}; IV:{1:0.00}", k, PctMult * sigma);

                InteractivePointLight ip;
                if (showPoint)
                    var tip = new InteractivePointActive(k, vol);
                    if (k <= futPx) // Puts
                        SmileImitationDeribit5.FillNodeInfo(tip, futPx, dT, kvp.Value, StrikeType.Put, OptionPxMode.Mid, sigma, false, m_showNodes, scaleMult, ratePct);
                    else // Calls
                        SmileImitationDeribit5.FillNodeInfo(tip, futPx, dT, kvp.Value, StrikeType.Call, OptionPxMode.Mid, sigma, false, m_showNodes, scaleMult, ratePct);
                    ip = tip;
                    ip = new InteractivePointLight(k, vol);

                InteractiveObject obj = new InteractiveObject(ip);

                //if (showPoint)
                // Теперь мы понимаем, что точки либо рисуются
                // потому что это страйки (и тогда они автоматом InteractivePointActive)
                // либо они присутствуют, но не рисуются их узлы. Потому что они InteractivePointLight.


            // ReSharper disable once UseObjectOrCollectionInitializer
            InteractiveSeries res = new InteractiveSeries();
            res.ControlPoints = new ReadOnlyCollection <InteractiveObject>(controlPoints);

            // Generate right invisible tail
            if (m_generateTails)
                GaussSmile.AppendRightTail(smileFunc, xs, ys, maxK, dK, false);

            var      baseSec    = optSer.UnderlyingAsset;
            DateTime scriptTime = baseSec.Bars[baseSec.Bars.Count - 1].Date;

            // ReSharper disable once UseObjectOrCollectionInitializer
            SmileInfo info = new SmileInfo();
            info.F            = futPx;
            info.dT           = dT;
            info.Expiry       = optSer.ExpirationDate;
            info.ScriptTime   = scriptTime;
            info.RiskFreeRate = ratePct;
            info.BaseTicker   = baseSec.Symbol;

            info.ContinuousFunction   = smileFunc;
            info.ContinuousFunctionD1 = smileFunc.DeriveD1();

            res.Tag = info;


Ejemplo n.º 9
        public InteractiveSeries Execute(double time, InteractiveSeries smile, IOptionSeries optSer, int barNum)
            InteractiveSeries res = new InteractiveSeries();
            int barsCount         = ContextBarsCount;

            if ((barNum < barsCount - 1) || (optSer == null))

            double dT = time;

            if (Double.IsNaN(dT) || (dT < Double.Epsilon))
                // [{0}] Time to expiry must be positive value. dT:{1}
                string msg = RM.GetStringFormat("OptHandlerMsg.TimeMustBePositive", GetType().Name, dT);
                m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Error, true);

            if (smile == null)
                string msg = String.Format("[{0}] Argument 'smile' must be filled with InteractiveSeries.", GetType().Name);
                m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Error, true);

            SmileInfo oldInfo = smile.GetTag <SmileInfo>();

            if (oldInfo == null)
                string msg = String.Format("[{0}] Property Tag of object smile must be filled with SmileInfo. Tag:{1}", GetType().Name, smile.Tag);
                m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Error, true);

            List <double> xs          = new List <double>();
            List <double> ys          = new List <double>();
            var           smilePoints = smile.ControlPoints;

            IOptionStrikePair[]      pairs         = optSer.GetStrikePairs().ToArray();
            PositionsManager         posMan        = PositionsManager.GetManager(m_context);
            List <InteractiveObject> controlPoints = new List <InteractiveObject>();

            foreach (InteractiveObject iob in smilePoints)
                double rawTheta, f = iob.Anchor.ValueX;
                if (TryEstimateTheta(posMan, pairs, smile, m_greekAlgo, f, dT, m_tStep, out rawTheta))
                    // Переводим тету в дифференциал 'изменение цены за 1 сутки'.
                    rawTheta = RescaleThetaToDays(m_tRemainMode, rawTheta);

                    // ReSharper disable once UseObjectOrCollectionInitializer
                    InteractivePointActive ip = new InteractivePointActive();
                    ip.IsActive = m_showNodes;
                    //ip.DragableMode = DragableMode.None;
                    //ip.Geometry = Geometries.Rect;
                    //ip.Color = System.Windows.Media.Colors.Green;
                    double y = rawTheta;
                    ip.Value = new Point(f, y);
                    string yStr = y.ToString(m_tooltipFormat, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                    ip.Tooltip = String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "F:{0}; Th:{1}", f, yStr);

                    controlPoints.Add(new InteractiveObject(ip));


            res.ControlPoints = new ReadOnlyCollection <InteractiveObject>(controlPoints);

                if (xs.Count >= BaseCubicSpline.MinNumberOfNodes)
                    // ReSharper disable once UseObjectOrCollectionInitializer
                    SmileInfo info = new SmileInfo();
                    info.F            = oldInfo.F;
                    info.dT           = oldInfo.dT;
                    info.RiskFreeRate = oldInfo.RiskFreeRate;

                    NotAKnotCubicSpline spline = new NotAKnotCubicSpline(xs, ys);

                    info.ContinuousFunction   = spline;
                    info.ContinuousFunctionD1 = spline.DeriveD1();

                    res.Tag = info;
            catch (Exception ex)
                m_context.Log(ex.ToString(), MessageType.Error, true);

Ejemplo n.º 10
        public InteractiveSeries Execute(double time, InteractiveSeries smile, IOptionSeries optSer, int barNum)
            int barsCount = ContextBarsCount;

            if ((barNum < barsCount - 1) || (smile == null) || (optSer == null))

            int      lastBarIndex   = optSer.UnderlyingAsset.Bars.Count - 1;
            DateTime now            = optSer.UnderlyingAsset.Bars[Math.Min(barNum, lastBarIndex)].Date;
            bool     wasInitialized = HandlerInitializedToday(now);

            double dT = time;

            if (!DoubleUtil.IsPositive(dT))
                // [{0}] Time to expiry must be positive value. dT:{1}
                string msg = RM.GetStringFormat("OptHandlerMsg.TimeMustBePositive", GetType().Name, dT);
                if (wasInitialized)
                    m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Error, true);

            SmileInfo oldInfo = smile.GetTag <SmileInfo>();

            if (oldInfo == null)
                string msg = String.Format("[{0}] Property Tag of object smile must be filled with SmileInfo. Tag:{1}", GetType().Name, smile.Tag);
                if (wasInitialized)
                    m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Error, false);

            double futPx = oldInfo.F;

            double ivAtm;

            if (!oldInfo.ContinuousFunction.TryGetValue(futPx, out ivAtm))
                string msg = String.Format("[{0}] Unable to get IV ATM from smile. Tag:{1}", GetType().Name, smile.Tag);
                if (wasInitialized)
                    m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Error, true);

            IOptionStrikePair[] pairs = optSer.GetStrikePairs().ToArray();
            if (pairs.Length < 2)
                string msg = String.Format("[{0}] optSer must contain few strike pairs. pairs.Length:{1}", GetType().Name, pairs.Length);
                if (wasInitialized)
                    m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Warning, true);

            List <double>    xs      = new List <double>();
            List <double>    ys      = new List <double>();
            double           futStep = optSer.UnderlyingAsset.Tick;
            PositionsManager posMan  = PositionsManager.GetManager(m_context);

            SortedDictionary <double, IOptionStrikePair> futPrices;

            if (!SmileImitation5.TryPrepareImportantPoints(pairs, futPx, futStep, -1, out futPrices))
                string msg = String.Format("[{0}] It looks like there is no suitable points for the smile. pairs.Length:{1}", GetType().Name, pairs.Length);
                if (wasInitialized)
                    m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Warning, true);

            List <InteractiveObject> controlPoints = new List <InteractiveObject>();

            foreach (var kvp in futPrices)
                double f = kvp.Key;
                bool   tradableStrike = (kvp.Value != null);

                double rawGreek;
                GetBaseGreek(posMan, optSer.UnderlyingAsset, optSer.UnderlyingAsset.Bars.Count - 1, f, m_greek, out rawGreek);

                for (int j = 0; j < pairs.Length; j++)
                    IOptionStrikePair pair = pairs[j];
                    double            totalGreek;
                    //double putDelta = FinMath.GetOptionDelta(f, pair.Strike, dT, sigma.Value, 0, false);
                    GetPairGreek(posMan, smile, pair, f, dT, m_greek, out totalGreek);
                    rawGreek += totalGreek;

                InteractivePointActive ip = new InteractivePointActive();
                ip.IsActive = m_showNodes;
                //ip.DragableMode = DragableMode.None;
                //ip.Geometry = Geometries.Rect;
                //ip.Color = AlphaColors.Green;
                double y = rawGreek;
                ip.Value = new Point(f, y);
                string yStr = y.ToString(m_tooltipFormat, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                ip.Tooltip = String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "F:{0}; {1}:{2}", f, m_greek, yStr);

                controlPoints.Add(new InteractiveObject(ip));


            InteractiveSeries res = new InteractiveSeries(); // Здесь так надо -- мы делаем новую улыбку

            res.ControlPoints = new ReadOnlyCollection <InteractiveObject>(controlPoints);

            SmileInfo info = new SmileInfo();

            info.F            = oldInfo.F;
            info.dT           = oldInfo.dT;
            info.Expiry       = optSer.ExpirationDate;
            info.ScriptTime   = now;
            info.RiskFreeRate = oldInfo.RiskFreeRate;
            info.BaseTicker   = optSer.UnderlyingAsset.Symbol;

                if (xs.Count >= BaseCubicSpline.MinNumberOfNodes)
                    NotAKnotCubicSpline spline = new NotAKnotCubicSpline(xs, ys);

                    info.ContinuousFunction   = spline;
                    info.ContinuousFunctionD1 = spline.DeriveD1();

                    res.Tag = info;
            catch (Exception ex)
                m_context.Log(ex.ToString(), MessageType.Error, true);

Ejemplo n.º 11
        public double Execute(double price, double time, InteractiveSeries smile, IOptionSeries optSer, int barNum)
            int barsCount = m_context.BarsCount;

            if (!m_context.IsLastBarUsed)
            if ((barNum < barsCount - 1) || (optSer == null))

            int      lastBarIndex   = optSer.UnderlyingAsset.Bars.Count - 1;
            DateTime now            = optSer.UnderlyingAsset.Bars[Math.Min(barNum, lastBarIndex)].Date;
            bool     wasInitialized = HandlerInitializedToday(now);

            double f  = price;
            double dT = time;

            if (!DoubleUtil.IsPositive(dT))
                // [{0}] Time to expiry must be positive value. dT:{1}
                string msg = RM.GetStringFormat("OptHandlerMsg.TimeMustBePositive", GetType().Name, dT);
                if (wasInitialized)
                    m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Error, true);

            if (!DoubleUtil.IsPositive(f))
                // [{0}] Base asset price must be positive value. F:{1}
                string msg = RM.GetStringFormat("OptHandlerMsg.FutPxMustBePositive", GetType().Name, f);
                if (wasInitialized)
                    m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Error, true);

            double rawGamma, res;
            double dF = optSer.UnderlyingAsset.Tick;

            IOptionStrikePair[] pairs  = optSer.GetStrikePairs().ToArray();
            PositionsManager    posMan = PositionsManager.GetManager(m_context);

            if (SingleSeriesNumericalGamma.TryEstimateGamma(posMan, optSer, pairs, smile, m_greekAlgo, f, dF, dT, out rawGamma))
                res = rawGamma;
                res = Constants.NaN;

            //SmileInfo sInfo = smile.GetTag<SmileInfo>();
            //if ((sInfo != null) && (sInfo.ContinuousFunction != null))
            //    double iv = sInfo.ContinuousFunction.Value(sInfo.F);
            //    string msg = String.Format("[DEBUG:{0}] F:{1}; dT:{2};   smile.F:{3}; smile.dT:{4}; smile.IV:{5}",
            //        GetType().Name, F, dT, sInfo.F, sInfo.dT, iv);
            //    context.Log(msg, MessageType.Info, true);

            m_gamma.Value = res;
            //context.Log(String.Format("[{0}] Delta: {1}; rawDelta:{2}", MsgId, delta.Value, rawDelta), logColor, true);


Ejemplo n.º 12
        public double Execute(double price, double time, InteractiveSeries smile, IOptionSeries optSer, int barNum)
            int barsCount = m_context.BarsCount;

            if (!m_context.IsLastBarUsed)
            if (barNum < barsCount - 1)

            if ((smile == null) || (optSer == null))

            int      lastBarIndex   = optSer.UnderlyingAsset.Bars.Count - 1;
            DateTime now            = optSer.UnderlyingAsset.Bars[Math.Min(barNum, lastBarIndex)].Date;
            bool     wasInitialized = HandlerInitializedToday(now);

            double futPx = price;
            double dT    = time;

            if (!DoubleUtil.IsPositive(dT))
                // [{0}] Time to expiry must be positive value. dT:{1}
                string msg = RM.GetStringFormat("OptHandlerMsg.TimeMustBePositive", GetType().Name, dT);
                if (wasInitialized)
                    m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Error, false);

            if (!DoubleUtil.IsPositive(futPx))
                // [{0}] Base asset price must be positive value. F:{1}
                string msg = RM.GetStringFormat("OptHandlerMsg.FutPxMustBePositive", GetType().Name, futPx);
                if (wasInitialized)
                    m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Error, false);

            double rawTheta, res;

            IOptionStrikePair[] pairs  = optSer.GetStrikePairs().ToArray();
            PositionsManager    posMan = PositionsManager.GetManager(m_context);

            if (SingleSeriesNumericalTheta.TryEstimateTheta(posMan, pairs, smile, m_greekAlgo, futPx, dT, m_tStep, out rawTheta))
                // Переводим тету в дифференциал 'изменение цены за 1 сутки'.
                rawTheta = SingleSeriesNumericalTheta.RescaleThetaToDays(m_tRemainMode, rawTheta);

                res = rawTheta;
                res = Constants.NaN;

            m_theta.Value = res;
            //context.Log(String.Format("[{0}] Delta: {1}; rawDelta:{2}", MsgId, delta.Value, rawDelta), logColor, true);


Ejemplo n.º 13
        /// <summary>
        /// Обработчик для одиночного аргумента -- опционной серии
        /// </summary>
        public ISecurity Execute(IOptionSeries optSer, int barNum)
            if ((optSer == null) || (optSer.UnderlyingAsset == null))

            int barsCount = Context.BarsCount;

            if (!Context.IsLastBarUsed)

            double actualStrike = m_fixedStrike;

            // TODO: При работе с фиксированным страйком можно и кеширование сделать.
            // А вот для второго метода кеширование не подойдет (страйк может измениться на любом индексе)
            IOptionStrikePair pair = SingleOption.GetStrikePair(optSer, m_selectionMode, actualStrike);

            if (pair == null)
                if (barNum < barsCount - 1)
                    // Чтобы не спамить зря на старых барах молча возвращаю null
                    // Данного страйка нет в списке? Тогда выход.
                    string expiryDate = optSer.ExpirationDate.Date.ToString(IvOnF.DateFormat, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                    // [{0}.Execute] There is no strike '{1}' in the option series '{2} ~ {3}'. Search mode: '{4}'
                    string msg = RM.GetStringFormat("OptHandlerMsg.SingleOption.OptionNotFound",
                                                    GetType().Name, actualStrike, optSer.UnderlyingAsset, expiryDate, m_selectionMode);
                    if (Context.Runtime.IsAgentMode /* && (!m_ignoreCacheError) */)
                        throw new ScriptException(msg); // PROD-5501 - Кидаем исключение.
                    //bool isExpired = true;
                    //// Поскольку в этом блоке настройки m_ignoreCacheError нет, то здесь всегда IsAgentMode == false!
                    //if (Context.Runtime.IsAgentMode)
                    //    int amount = optSer.UnderlyingAsset.Bars.Count;
                    //    DateTime today = (amount > 0) ? optSer.UnderlyingAsset.Bars[amount - 1].Date : new DateTime();
                    //    isExpired = optSer.ExpirationDate.Date.AddDays(1) < today.Date;
                    // А если в режиме лаборатории, тогда только жалуемся в Главный Лог и продолжаем.
                    Context.Log(msg, MessageType.Warning, true /* !isExpired */);

            ISecurity res;

            if (m_optionType == StrikeType.Put)
                res = pair.Put.Security;
            else if (m_optionType == StrikeType.Call)
                res = pair.Call.Security;
                throw new NotSupportedException("Не могу найти опцион вида: " + m_optionType);

Ejemplo n.º 14
        private void RouteOnClickEvents(List <InteractiveActionEventArgs> eventArgs)
            if (eventArgs == null)

            int argLen = eventArgs.Count;
            PositionsManager posMan = PositionsManager.GetManager(m_context);

            if (posMan.BlockTrading && (argLen > 0))
                string msg = String.Format("[{0}] ERROR! Trading is blocked. Should NOT be here. All events were removed.", m_optionPxMode);
                m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Warning, true);

            bool recalc = false;

            for (int j = argLen - 1; j >= 0; j--)
                InteractiveActionEventArgs eventArg = eventArgs[j];

                    SmileNodeInfo nodeInfo = eventArg.Point.Tag as SmileNodeInfo;
                    if (nodeInfo == null)
                        //string msg = String.Format("[{0}] There is no nodeInfo. Quote type: {1}; Strike: {2}", m_optionPxMode);
                        string msg = RM.GetStringFormat(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "OptHandlerMsg.ThereIsNoNodeInfo",
                                                        m_context.Runtime.TradeName, m_optionPxMode, eventArg.Point.ValueX);
                        m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Error, true);

                    if ((!posMan.UseVirtualPositions) && nodeInfo.Expired)
                        string msg = String.Format("[{0}] Security {1} is already expired. Expiry: {2}",
                                                   m_optionPxMode, nodeInfo.Symbol, nodeInfo.Security.SecurityDescription.ExpirationDate);
                        m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Error, true);

                    ISecurity sec = (from s in m_context.Runtime.Securities
                                     where (s.Symbol.Equals(nodeInfo.Symbol, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) &&
                                     (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(nodeInfo.DSName) || (s.SecurityDescription.DSName == nodeInfo.DSName)) &&
                                     (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(nodeInfo.FullName) || (s.SecurityDescription.FullName == nodeInfo.FullName))
                                     select s).SingleOrDefault();
                    if (sec == null)
                        string msg = String.Format("[{0}] There is no security. Symbol: {1}", m_optionPxMode, nodeInfo.Symbol);
                        m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Error, true);

                    double actualPx = nodeInfo.OptPx;
                    if (m_optionType != StrikeType.Any)
                        // Заменяю инструмент в соответствии с настройками кубика
                        switch (m_optionType)
                        case StrikeType.Put:
                            if (sec.SecurityDescription.ActiveType != DataSource.ActiveType.OptionPut)
                                var oldCall = sec;
                                sec = nodeInfo.Pair.Put.Security;
                                // Теперь еще нужно заменить ЦЕНУ. Проще всего это сделать через паритет.
                                // C - P = F - K ==> P = C + K - F
                                double putPx = nodeInfo.OptPx + nodeInfo.Strike - nodeInfo.F;
                                // Но не меньше 1 ш.ц.!
                                actualPx = Math.Max(putPx, sec.Tick);
                                string txt = String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,
                                                           "[{0}] Symbol '{1}' has been replaced to '{2}' and changed price from {3} to {4}",
                                                           m_optionPxMode, nodeInfo.Symbol, sec.Symbol, nodeInfo.OptPx, actualPx);
                                m_context.Log(txt, MessageType.Warning, true);

                        case StrikeType.Call:
                            if (sec.SecurityDescription.ActiveType != DataSource.ActiveType.OptionCall)
                                var oldPut = sec;
                                sec = nodeInfo.Pair.Call.Security;
                                // Теперь еще нужно заменить ЦЕНУ. Проще всего это сделать через паритет.
                                // C - P = F - K ==> C = P + F - K
                                double callPx = nodeInfo.OptPx + nodeInfo.F - nodeInfo.Strike;
                                // Но не меньше 1 ш.ц.!
                                actualPx = Math.Max(callPx, sec.Tick);
                                string txt = String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,
                                                           "[{0}] Symbol '{1}' has been replaced to '{2}' and changed price from {3} to {4}",
                                                           m_optionPxMode, nodeInfo.Symbol, sec.Symbol, nodeInfo.OptPx, actualPx);
                                m_context.Log(txt, MessageType.Warning, true);

                    int len = sec.Bars.Count;
                    // Валидирую наличие правильной котировки
                    if (sec.FinInfo != null)
                        Debug.WriteLine("AskPx: " + sec.FinInfo.Ask);
                        Debug.WriteLine("BidPx: " + sec.FinInfo.Bid);

                    recalc = true;
                    if ((m_optionPxMode == OptionPxMode.Ask) && (m_qty > 0) ||
                        (m_optionPxMode == OptionPxMode.Bid) && (m_qty < 0))
                        string signalName = "\r\nLeft-Click BUY \r\n" + eventArg.Point.Tooltip + "\r\n";
                        posMan.BuyAtPrice(m_context, sec, Math.Abs(m_qty), actualPx, signalName, null);
                    else if ((m_optionPxMode == OptionPxMode.Bid) && (m_qty > 0) ||
                             (m_optionPxMode == OptionPxMode.Ask) && (m_qty < 0))
                        string signalName = "\r\nLeft-Click SELL \r\n" + eventArg.Point.Tooltip + "\r\n";
                        posMan.SellAtPrice(m_context, sec, Math.Abs(m_qty), actualPx, signalName, null);
                    else if (m_optionPxMode == OptionPxMode.Mid)
                        string msg = String.Format("[{0}] OptionPxMode.Mid is not implemented.", m_optionPxMode);
                        m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Warning, true);
                    else if (m_qty == 0)
                        string msg = String.Format("[{0}] Qty: {1}. Trading is blocked.", m_optionPxMode, m_qty);
                        m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Warning, true);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    string msg = String.Format("[{0}] {1} in RouteOnClickEvents. Message: {2}\r\n{3}",
                                               m_optionPxMode, ex.GetType().FullName, ex.Message, ex);
                    m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Warning, true);

            if (recalc)
                m_context.Recalc(RecalcReasons.ChartTrading, null);
Ejemplo n.º 15
        /// <summary>
        /// Метод под флаг TemplateTypes.SECURITY, чтобы подключаться к источнику-БА
        /// </summary>
        public IList <double> Execute(ISecurity sec)
            if (sec == null)
                // [{0}] Empty input (security is NULL).
                string msg = RM.GetStringFormat("OptHandlerMsg.SecurityIsNull", GetType().Name);
                m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Warning, true);

            Dictionary <DateTime, double> hvSigmas = null;
            int    barLengthInSeconds = m_timeframe;
            string cashKey            = HV.GetGlobalCashKey(sec.Symbol, false, m_useAllData, barLengthInSeconds, m_annualizingMultiplier, m_period);

                object globalObj = Context.LoadGlobalObject(cashKey, true);
                hvSigmas = globalObj as Dictionary <DateTime, double>;
                // 'Важный' объект
                if (hvSigmas == null)
                    var container = globalObj as NotClearableContainer;
                    if ((container != null) && (container.Content != null))
                        hvSigmas = container.Content as Dictionary <DateTime, double>;
            catch (NotSupportedException nse)
                string fName = "", path = "";
                if (nse.Data["fName"] != null)
                    fName = nse.Data["fName"].ToString();
                if (nse.Data["path"] != null)
                    path = nse.Data["path"].ToString();
                string msg = String.Format("[{0}.PrepareData] {1} when loading 'hvSigmas' from global cache. cashKey: {2}; Message: {3}\r\n\r\nfName: {4}; path: {5}\r\n\r\n{6}",
                                           GetType().Name, nse.GetType().FullName, cashKey, nse.Message, fName, path, nse);
                m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Warning, true);
            catch (Exception ex)
                string msg = String.Format("[{0}.PrepareData] {1} when loading 'hvSigmas' from global cache. cashKey: {2}; Message: {3}\r\n\r\n{4}",
                                           GetType().Name, ex.GetType().FullName, cashKey, ex.Message, ex);
                m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Warning, true);

            if (hvSigmas == null)
                // Данного ключа в глобальном кеше нет? Тогда выход.
                // [{0}.PrepareData] There is no HV in global cache. Probably, you have to start agent 'HV (ALL)' for security '{1}'.
                string msg = RM.GetStringFormat("OptHandlerMsg.GlobalHv.CacheNotFound", GetType().Name, sec);
                if (m_context.Runtime.IsAgentMode)
                    throw new ScriptException(msg);

                // А если в режиме лаборатории, тогда только жалуемся и продолжаем.
                m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Warning, true);

            List <double> res = new List <double>();

            int len = sec.Bars.Count;

            if (len <= 0)

            int    oldResLen = res.Count;
            double prevHv    = Double.NaN;

            for (int j = oldResLen; j < len; j++)
                DateTime now = sec.Bars[j].Date;
                double   hv;
                if ((hvSigmas.TryGetValue(now, out hv)) && (!Double.IsNaN(hv)) && (hv > 0))
                    prevHv = hv;
                    if (m_repeatLastHv)
                        if (!Double.IsNaN(prevHv))
                            hv = prevHv;
                            hv = Constants.NaN;
                            if (j == 0)
                                #region Отдельно обрабатываю нулевой бар
                                double   tmp      = Double.NaN;
                                DateTime foundKey = new DateTime(1, 1, 1);
                                // [2016-02-02] Когда история становится слишком длинной, это может вызывать проблемы
                                // при итерировании в foreach. Потому что другой поток может в этот момент добавить новую точку в коллекцию.
                                int repeat = 7;
                                while (repeat > 0)
                                    tmp      = Double.NaN;
                                    foundKey = new DateTime(1, 1, 1);
                                        lock (hvSigmas)
                                            foreach (var kvp in hvSigmas)
                                                if (kvp.Key > now)

                                                if (foundKey < kvp.Key)
                                                    foundKey = kvp.Key;
                                                    tmp      = kvp.Value;
                                        repeat = -100;
                                    catch (InvalidOperationException invOpEx)
                                        if (repeat <= 0)
                                            string msg = String.Format("[{0}.Execute] {1} when iterate through 'hvSigmas'. cashKey: {2}; Message: {3}\r\n\r\n{4}",
                                                                       GetType().Name, invOpEx.GetType().FullName, cashKey, invOpEx.Message, invOpEx);
                                            m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Warning, true);

                                if ((foundKey.Year > 1) && (!Double.IsNaN(tmp)) && (tmp > 0))
                                    hv     = tmp;
                                    prevHv = hv;
                                #endregion Отдельно обрабатываю нулевой бар

Ejemplo n.º 16
        public InteractiveSeries Execute(double price, double time, InteractiveSeries smile, IOptionSeries optSer, double riskFreeRatePct, int barNum)
            int barsCount = ContextBarsCount;

            if ((barNum < barsCount - 1) || (optSer == null))

            // В оптимизации ничего рисовать не надо
            if (Context.IsOptimization)

            int      lastBarIndex   = optSer.UnderlyingAsset.Bars.Count - 1;
            DateTime now            = optSer.UnderlyingAsset.Bars[Math.Min(barNum, lastBarIndex)].Date;
            bool     wasInitialized = HandlerInitializedToday(now);

            double futPx = price;
            double dT    = time;

            if (!DoubleUtil.IsPositive(dT))
                // [{0}] Time to expiry must be positive value. dT:{1}
                string msg = RM.GetStringFormat("OptHandlerMsg.TimeMustBePositive", GetType().Name, dT);
                m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Error, true);

            if (!DoubleUtil.IsPositive(futPx))
                // [{0}] Base asset price must be positive value. F:{1}
                string msg = RM.GetStringFormat("OptHandlerMsg.FutPxMustBePositive", GetType().Name, futPx);
                m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Error, true);

            if (smile == null)
                string msg = String.Format("[{0}] Argument 'smile' must be filled with InteractiveSeries.", GetType().Name);
                if (wasInitialized)
                    m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Error, false);

            SmileInfo oldInfo = smile.GetTag <SmileInfo>();

            if (oldInfo == null)
                string msg = String.Format("[{0}] Property Tag of object smile must be filled with SmileInfo. Tag:{1}", GetType().Name, smile.Tag);
                if (wasInitialized)
                    m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Error, false);

            if (!oldInfo.IsValidSmileParams)
                string msg = String.Format("[{0}] SmileInfo must have valid smile params. IsValidSmileParams:{1}", GetType().Name, oldInfo.IsValidSmileParams);
                if (wasInitialized)
                    m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Error, false);

            double ivAtm;

            if (!oldInfo.ContinuousFunction.TryGetValue(futPx, out ivAtm))

            if (!DoubleUtil.IsPositive(ivAtm))
                // [{0}] ivAtm must be positive value. ivAtm:{1}
                string msg = RM.GetStringFormat("OptHandlerMsg.IvAtmMustBePositive", GetType().Name, ivAtm);
                if (wasInitialized)
                    m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Error, true);

            // TODO: Нужно ли писать отдельный код для лаборатории? Чтобы показывать позиции из симуляции?
            // if (!Context.Runtime.IsAgentMode)

            IOptionStrikePair[] pairs = optSer.GetStrikePairs().ToArray();
            if (pairs.Length < 2)
                string msg = String.Format("[{0}] optSer must contain few strike pairs. pairs.Length:{1}", GetType().Name, pairs.Length);
                if (wasInitialized)
                    m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Warning, true);

            double           futStep = optSer.UnderlyingAsset.Tick;
            PositionsManager posMan  = PositionsManager.GetManager(m_context);
            // Вытаскиваем ВСЕ позиции фьючерса
            ReadOnlyCollection <IPosition> basePositions = posMan.GetClosedOrActiveForBar(optSer.UnderlyingAsset);
            // Вытаскиваем ВСЕ позиции опционов
            var optPositions = SingleSeriesProfile.GetAllOptionPositions(posMan, pairs);

            // 1. Если в позиции вообще нет опционов -- сразу выходим. Эффективную волатильность построить нельзя.
            int posAmount = (from t in optPositions select(t.Item1.Count + t.Item2.Count)).Sum();

            if (posAmount <= 0)

            // 2. TODO: посчитать позиции без учета синтетических фьючерсов. Если позиция только из синтетики -- выходим.

            // 3. Вычисляем эффективную волатильность и заодно разбиваем позицию на длинные и короткие
            //    Но это имеет смысл только если сразу рисовать позу!!!
            double effectiveLongIvAtm, effectiveShortIvAtm;

            Tuple <ReadOnlyCollection <IPosition>, ReadOnlyCollection <IPosition> >[] longPositions;
            Tuple <ReadOnlyCollection <IPosition>, ReadOnlyCollection <IPosition> >[] shortPositions;
            bool ok = posMan.TryEstimateEffectiveIv(oldInfo, optSer, lastBarIndex,
                                                    out effectiveLongIvAtm, out effectiveShortIvAtm, out longPositions, out shortPositions);

            if (!ok)
                // Мы не смогли завершить алгоритм, но получили какую-то оценку волатильностей. Нарисуем ее?
                if ((!DoubleUtil.IsPositive(effectiveLongIvAtm)) ||

            Contract.Assert(longPositions != null, "longPositions==null ???");
            Contract.Assert(shortPositions != null, "shortPositions==null ???");

            double actualIv     = ShowLongPositions ? effectiveLongIvAtm : effectiveShortIvAtm;
            double displayValue = FixedValue.ConvertToDisplayUnits(m_valueMode, actualIv);

            m_displayIv.Value = displayValue;

            Contract.Assert(DoubleUtil.IsPositive(actualIv), $"Это вообще что-то странное. Почему плохой айви? actualIv:{actualIv}");

            // Это вообще что-то странное. Как так?
            if (!DoubleUtil.IsPositive(actualIv))

            // 5. Подготавливаю улыбку (достаточно функции, без обвязки)
            var lowSmileFunc = new SmileFunctionExtended(
                actualIv, oldInfo.SkewAtm, oldInfo.Shape, futPx, dT);

            // 7. Подготавливаем графическое отображение позиции. Причем нам даже сплайн не нужен.
            var actualPositions = ShowLongPositions ? longPositions : shortPositions;
            List <InteractiveObject> controlPoints = new List <InteractiveObject>();

            for (int j = 0; j < pairs.Length; j++)
                var pair  = pairs[j];
                var tuple = actualPositions[j];

                // На данном страйке позиций нет? Идем дальше.
                if ((tuple.Item1.Count <= 0) && (tuple.Item2.Count <= 0))

                double sigma;
                if ((!lowSmileFunc.TryGetValue(pair.Strike, out sigma)) ||
                    // TODO: Это очень странно. Вывести в лог? Проигнорировать страйк?
                    sigma = actualIv;

                var    putPositions  = tuple.Item1;
                var    callPositions = tuple.Item2;
                double putQty        = PositionsManager.GetTotalQty(putPositions);
                double callQty       = PositionsManager.GetTotalQty(callPositions);

                int    decimals  = optSer.UnderlyingAsset.Decimals + 1;
                double putPx     = FinMath.GetOptionPrice(futPx, pair.Strike, dT, sigma, riskFreeRatePct, false);
                double callPx    = FinMath.GetOptionPrice(futPx, pair.Strike, dT, sigma, riskFreeRatePct, true);
                string putPxStr  = putPx.ToString("N" + decimals, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                string callPxStr = callPx.ToString("N" + decimals, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                // ReSharper disable once UseObjectOrCollectionInitializer
                InteractivePointActive ip = new InteractivePointActive();
                // TODO: вывести в тултип дополнительные подробности о составе позиции на этом страйке
                ip.Tooltip = String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,
                                           " K: {0}; IV: {1:#0.00}%\r\n PutQty: {2}; CallQty: {3}\r\n PutPx: {4}; CallPx: {5}\r\n Total: {6}",
                                           pair.Strike, sigma * Constants.PctMult, putQty, callQty, putPxStr, callPxStr, putQty + callQty);
                ip.Value = new Point(pair.Strike, sigma);

                controlPoints.Add(new InteractiveObject(ip));

            // ReSharper disable once UseObjectOrCollectionInitializer
            InteractiveSeries res = new InteractiveSeries(); // Здесь так надо -- мы делаем новую улыбку

            res.ControlPoints = new ReadOnlyCollection <InteractiveObject>(controlPoints);

            SetHandlerInitialized(now, true);

Ejemplo n.º 17
        private void InteractiveSplineOnClickEvent(object sender, InteractiveActionEventArgs eventArgs)
            // [2016-03-01] PROD-2452: Запрещаю торговлю по узлу, если нет "подсветки"
                InteractiveObject obj = eventArgs.InteractiveObject;
                if ((obj == null) || (obj.Anchor == null) || (obj.ControlPoint1 == null) ||
                    (!(obj.Anchor is InteractivePointActive)) || (!(obj.ControlPoint1 is InteractivePointActive)))
                    string msg = String.Format("[{0}.ClickEvent] Denied #1", GetType().Name);
                    m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Warning, false);

                var cp1 = (InteractivePointActive)obj.ControlPoint1;
                // PROD-4967 - Необязательно проверять активность якоря.
                // Потому что эта настройка делается на более позднем этапе в момент создания графического объекта
                // методом smilePanePane.AddList("SmilePane_pane_TradeAsks_chart", <...>)
                //var anchor = (InteractivePointActive)obj.Anchor;
                //if ((anchor.IsActive == null) || (!anchor.IsActive.Value) ||
                if ((cp1.IsActive == null) || (!cp1.IsActive.Value))
                    string msg = String.Format("[{0}.ClickEvent] Denied #3 (ControlPoint1 is not active)", GetType().Name);
                    m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Warning, false);

            PositionsManager posMan = PositionsManager.GetManager(m_context);

            if (posMan.BlockTrading)
                //string msg = String.Format("[{0}] Trading is blocked. Please, change 'Block Trading' parameter.", m_optionPxMode);
                string msg = String.Format(RM.GetString("OptHandlerMsg.PositionsManager.TradingBlocked"), m_optionPxMode);
                m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Info, true);

            // Здесь нет проверки знака m_qty, потому что в данном кубике мы действительно можем и продавать и покупать

            SmileNodeInfo nodeInfo = eventArgs.Point.Tag as SmileNodeInfo;

            if (nodeInfo == null)
                //string msg = String.Format("[{0}] There is no nodeInfo. Quote type: {1}; Strike: {2}",
                string msg = RM.GetStringFormat(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "OptHandlerMsg.ThereIsNoNodeInfo",
                                                m_context.Runtime.TradeName, m_optionPxMode, eventArgs.Point.ValueX);
                m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Error, true);

                string msg = String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "[{0}.ClickEvent] Strike: {1}; Security: {2}",
                                           GetType().Name, eventArgs.Point.ValueX, nodeInfo.FullName);
                m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Info, false);

            nodeInfo.ClickTime = DateTime.Now;

            // [2015-10-02] Подписка на данный инструмент, чтобы он появился в коллекции Context.Runtime.Securities
            ISecurity testSec = (from s in Context.Runtime.Securities
                                 let secDesc = s.SecurityDescription
                                               where secDesc.FullName.Equals(nodeInfo.FullName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) &&
                                               secDesc.DSName.Equals(nodeInfo.DSName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) &&
                                               secDesc.Name.Equals(nodeInfo.Symbol, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)
                                               select s).SingleOrDefault();

            if (testSec == null)
                ISecurity sec = nodeInfo.Security;
                int       bc  = sec.Bars.Count;
                string    msg = String.Format("[{0}] There is security DsName: {1}; Symbol: {2}; Security: {3} with {4} bars available.",
                                              m_optionPxMode, nodeInfo.DSName, nodeInfo.Symbol, nodeInfo.FullName, bc);
                Context.Log(msg, MessageType.Info, false);

                // Пересчитываю целочисленный параметр Qty в фактические лоты конкретного инструмента
                double actQty = m_qty * sec.LotTick; // Здесь нет модуля, потому что направление сделки несет в себе знак Qty
                nodeInfo.Qty = actQty;
            else if ((nodeInfo.Pair != null) && (nodeInfo.Pair.Put != null))
                // Аварийная ветка
                // Пересчитываю целочисленный параметр Qty в фактические лоты конкретного инструмента
                double actQty = m_qty * nodeInfo.Pair.Put.LotTick; // Здесь нет модуля, потому что направление сделки несет в себе знак Qty
                nodeInfo.Qty = actQty;
                // Аварийная ветка
                // Не могу пересчитать целочисленный параметр Qty в фактические лоты конкретного инструмента!
                //double actQty = Math.Abs(m_qty * nodeInfo.Pair.Put.LotTick);
                nodeInfo.Qty = m_qty; // Здесь нет модуля, потому что направление сделки несет в себе знак Qty

                string msg = String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "[{0}.ClickEvent] LotTick is set to 1.", GetType().Name);
                m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Warning, false);

            // Передаю событие в PositionsManager дополнив его инфой о количестве лотов
            posMan.InteractiveSplineOnClickEvent(m_context, sender, eventArgs);
        public InteractiveSeries Execute(double time, InteractiveSeries smile, IOptionSeries optSer, int barNum)
            int barsCount = ContextBarsCount;

            if ((barNum < barsCount - 1) || (optSer == null))

            int      lastBarIndex   = optSer.UnderlyingAsset.Bars.Count - 1;
            DateTime now            = optSer.UnderlyingAsset.Bars[Math.Min(barNum, lastBarIndex)].Date;
            bool     wasInitialized = HandlerInitializedToday(now);

            double dT = time;

            if (!DoubleUtil.IsPositive(dT))
                // [{0}] Time to expiry must be positive value. dT:{1}
                string msg = RM.GetStringFormat("OptHandlerMsg.TimeMustBePositive", GetType().Name, dT);
                if (wasInitialized)
                    m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Error, true);

            if (smile == null)
                string msg = String.Format("[{0}] Argument 'smile' must be filled with InteractiveSeries.", GetType().Name);
                if (wasInitialized)
                    m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Error, true);

            SmileInfo oldInfo = smile.GetTag <SmileInfo>();

            if (oldInfo == null)
                string msg = String.Format("[{0}] Property Tag of object smile must be filled with SmileInfo. Tag:{1}", GetType().Name, smile.Tag);
                if (wasInitialized)
                    m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Error, false);

            double futPx;

            if (DoubleUtil.IsPositive(oldInfo.F))
                futPx = oldInfo.F;
                futPx = optSer.UnderlyingAsset.Bars[Math.Min(barNum, lastBarIndex)].Close;

            IOptionStrikePair[]      pairs         = optSer.GetStrikePairs().ToArray();
            PositionsManager         posMan        = PositionsManager.GetManager(m_context);
            List <InteractiveObject> controlPoints = new List <InteractiveObject>();

            if (m_countFutures)
                ReadOnlyCollection <IPosition> futPositions = posMan.GetActiveForBar(optSer.UnderlyingAsset);
                if (futPositions.Count > 0)
                    double futQty;
                    GetTotalQty(futPositions, out futQty);

                    if (!DoubleUtil.IsZero(futQty))
                        // ReSharper disable once UseObjectOrCollectionInitializer
                        InteractivePointActive ip = new InteractivePointActive(0, futQty);
                        ip.IsActive = true;
                        //ip.DragableMode = DragableMode.None;
                        //ip.Geometry = Geometries.Rect;
                        //ip.Color = Colors.DarkOrange;

                        //// PROD-1194 - Цвет ячеек и фона
                        //if (futQty > 0)
                        //    ip.BackColor = ScriptColors.Aquamarine;
                        //else if (futQty < 0)
                        //    ip.BackColor = ScriptColors.LightSalmon;
                        //if (ip.BackColor != null)
                        //    ip.ForeColor = ScriptColors.Black;

                        // TODO: Ждем решения PROD-6009
                        //// PROD-1194 - Цвет ячеек и фона -- фон красится по принципу "в деньгах или нет", шрифт -- по знаку
                        //if (futQty > 0)
                        //    ip.ForeColor = ScriptColors.LightGreen;
                        //else if (futQty < 0)
                        //    ip.ForeColor = ScriptColors.Red;
                        ////if () // Фьючерс не красится!
                        ////    ip.ForeColor = ScriptColors.Black;

                        ip.Tooltip = String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Fut Qty:{0}", futQty);

                        controlPoints.Add(new InteractiveObject(ip));

            for (int j = 0; j < pairs.Length; j++)
                IOptionStrikePair pair = pairs[j];
                double            putQty, callQty;
                GetPairQty(posMan, pair, out putQty, out callQty);

                if ((!DoubleUtil.IsZero(putQty)) || (!DoubleUtil.IsZero(callQty)))
                    double y       = 0;
                    Color? backCol = null;
                    switch (m_optionType)
                    case StrikeType.Put:
                        y       = putQty;
                        backCol = (pair.Strike > futPx) ? ScriptColors.LightCyan : ScriptColors.LightYellow;

                    case StrikeType.Call:
                        y       = callQty;
                        backCol = (pair.Strike < futPx) ? ScriptColors.LightCyan : ScriptColors.LightYellow;

                    case StrikeType.Any:
                        y = putQty + callQty;

                        throw new NotImplementedException("OptionType: " + m_optionType);

                    if (
                        (!DoubleUtil.IsZero(y)) ||
                        ((m_optionType == StrikeType.Any) && ((!DoubleUtil.IsZero(putQty)) || (!DoubleUtil.IsZero(callQty))))) // Хотя вообще-то мы внутри if и второй блок проверок всегда true...
                        // ReSharper disable once UseObjectOrCollectionInitializer
                        InteractivePointActive ip = new InteractivePointActive(pair.Strike, y);
                        ip.IsActive = true;
                        //ip.DragableMode = DragableMode.None;
                        //ip.Geometry = Geometries.Rect;
                        //ip.Color = Colors.DarkOrange;

                        //// PROD-1194 - Цвет ячеек и фона
                        //if (y > 0)
                        //    ip.BackColor = ScriptColors.Aquamarine;
                        //else if (y < 0)
                        //    ip.BackColor = ScriptColors.LightSalmon;
                        //if (ip.BackColor != null)
                        //    ip.ForeColor = ScriptColors.Black;

                        // TODO: Ждем решения PROD-6009
                        //// PROD-1194 - Цвет ячеек и фона -- фон красится по принципу "в деньгах или нет", шрифт -- по знаку
                        //if (y > 0)
                        //    ip.ForeColor = ScriptColors.LightGreen;
                        //else if (y < 0)
                        //    ip.ForeColor = ScriptColors.Red;
                        ////if (backCol != null)
                        ////    ip.BackColor = backCol;

                        ip.Tooltip = String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "K:{0}; Qty:{1}", pair.Strike, y);

                        controlPoints.Add(new InteractiveObject(ip));

            // ReSharper disable once UseObjectOrCollectionInitializer
            InteractiveSeries res = new InteractiveSeries(); // Здесь правильно делать new

            res.ControlPoints = new ReadOnlyCollection <InteractiveObject>(controlPoints);


Ejemplo n.º 19
        private void InteractiveSplineOnClickEvent(object sender, InteractiveActionEventArgs eventArgs)
            PositionsManager posMan = PositionsManager.GetManager(m_context);

            if (posMan.BlockTrading)
                //string msg = String.Format("[{0}] Trading is blocked. Please, change 'Block Trading' parameter.", MsgId);
                string msg = RM.GetStringFormat("OptHandlerMsg.PositionsManager.TradingBlocked", MsgId);
                m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Warning, true);

            if (m_qty == 0)
                //string msg = String.Format("[{0}] Trading is blocked for zero quantity. Qty: {1}", MsgId, qty);
                string msg = RM.GetStringFormat("OptHandlerMsg.PositionsManager.TradingBlockedForZeroQty", MsgId, m_qty);
                m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Warning, true);
            else if (m_qty < 0)
                // GLSP-252 - Запрет на совершение сделок при отрицательном Qty
                //string msg = String.Format("[{0}] Trading is blocked for negative quantity. Qty: {1}", MsgId, qty);
                string msg = RM.GetStringFormat("OptHandlerMsg.PositionsManager.TradingBlockedForNegativeQty", MsgId, m_qty);
                m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Warning, true);

            SmileNodeInfo nodeInfo = eventArgs.Point.Tag as SmileNodeInfo;

            if (nodeInfo == null)
                //string msg = String.Format("[{0}] There is no nodeInfo. Base asset price: {1}", MsgId);
                string msg = RM.GetStringFormat(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "OptHandlerMsg.CurrentFutPx.ThereIsNoNodeInfo",
                                                MsgId, eventArgs.Point.ValueX);
                m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Error, true);

            nodeInfo.ClickTime = DateTime.Now;

            // [2015-10-02] Подписка на данный инструмент, чтобы он появился в коллекции Context.Runtime.Securities
            ISecurity testSec = (from s in m_context.Runtime.Securities
                                 let secDesc = s.SecurityDescription
                                               where secDesc.FullName.Equals(nodeInfo.FullName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) &&
                                               secDesc.DSName.Equals(nodeInfo.DSName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) &&
                                               secDesc.Name.Equals(nodeInfo.Symbol, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)
                                               select s).SingleOrDefault();

            if (testSec == null)
                ISecurity sec = nodeInfo.Security;
                int       bc  = sec.Bars.Count;
                string    msg = String.Format("[{0}] There is security DsName: {1}; Symbol: {2}; Security: {3} with {4} bars available.",
                                              nodeInfo.PxMode, nodeInfo.DSName, nodeInfo.Symbol, nodeInfo.FullName, bc);
                Context.Log(msg, MessageType.Info, false);

                // Пересчитываю целочисленный параметр Qty в фактические лоты конкретного инструмента
                double actQty = m_qty * sec.LotTick; // Здесь нет модуля, потому что направление сделки несет в себе знак Qty
                nodeInfo.Qty = actQty;
            else if ((nodeInfo.Security != null) && (nodeInfo.Security != null))
                // Аварийная ветка
                // Пересчитываю целочисленный параметр Qty в фактические лоты конкретного инструмента
                double actQty = m_qty * nodeInfo.Security.LotTick; // Здесь нет модуля, потому что направление сделки несет в себе знак Qty
                nodeInfo.Qty = actQty;
                // Аварийная ветка
                // Не могу пересчитать целочисленный параметр Qty в фактические лоты конкретного инструмента!
                nodeInfo.Qty = m_qty; // Здесь нет модуля, потому что направление сделки несет в себе знак Qty

                string msg = String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "[{0}.ClickEvent] LotTick is set to 1.", GetType().Name);
                m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Warning, false);

            // Передаю событие в PositionsManager дополнив его инфой о количестве лотов
            posMan.InteractiveSplineOnClickEvent(m_context, sender, eventArgs);
Ejemplo n.º 20
        private IList <double> PrepareData(ISecurity sec, string expiryDate)
            DateTime expiry;

            if ((!DateTime.TryParseExact(expiryDate, IvOnF.DateFormat, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,
                                         DateTimeStyles.AssumeLocal, out expiry)) &&
                (!DateTime.TryParseExact(expiryDate, IvOnF.DateFormat + " HH:mm", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,
                                         DateTimeStyles.AssumeLocal, out expiry)))
                string msg = String.Format("[{0}.{1}.PrepareData] Unable to parse expiration date '{2}'. Expected date format '{3}'.",
                                           Context.Runtime.TradeName, GetType().Name, expiryDate, IvOnF.DateFormat);
                m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Warning, true);

            //// и тут я понял, что дату экспирации в любом случае надо задавать руками...
            //string cashKey = typeof(IvOnF).Name + "_ivExchangeSigmas_" + sec.Symbol + "_" +
            //    expiryDate.Replace(':', '-');
            string cashKey = IvOnF.GetCashKey(sec.Symbol, expiry, m_rescaleTime, m_tRemainMode);
            Dictionary <DateTime, double> ivSigmas = null;

                object globalObj = Context.LoadGlobalObject(cashKey, true);
                ivSigmas = globalObj as Dictionary <DateTime, double>;
                // PROD-3970 - 'Важный' объект
                if (ivSigmas == null)
                    var container = globalObj as NotClearableContainer;
                    if ((container != null) && (container.Content != null))
                        ivSigmas = container.Content as Dictionary <DateTime, double>;
            catch (NotSupportedException nse)
                string fName = "", path = "";
                if (nse.Data["fName"] != null)
                    fName = nse.Data["fName"].ToString();
                if (nse.Data["path"] != null)
                    path = nse.Data["path"].ToString();
                string msg = String.Format("[{0}.PrepareData] {1} when loading 'ivSigmas' from global cache. cashKey: {2}; Message: {3}\r\n\r\nfName: {4}; path: {5}\r\n\r\n{6}",
                                           GetType().Name, nse.GetType().FullName, cashKey, nse.Message, fName, path, nse);
                m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Warning, true);
            catch (Exception ex)
                string msg = String.Format("[{0}.PrepareData] {1} when loading 'ivSigmas' from global cache. cashKey: {2}; Message: {3}\r\n\r\n{4}",
                                           GetType().Name, ex.GetType().FullName, cashKey, ex.Message, ex);
                m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Warning, true);

            if (ivSigmas == null)
                // Данного ключа в глобальном кеше нет? Тогда выход.
                // [{0}.PrepareData] There is no IV in global cache. Probably, you have to start agent 'Collect IV (ALL)' for security '{1}'.
                string msg = RM.GetStringFormat("OptHandlerMsg.GlobalIvOnF.CacheNotFound", GetType().Name, expiryDate, sec);
                if (m_context.Runtime.IsAgentMode && (!m_ignoreCacheError))
                    throw new ScriptException(msg); // PROD-4624 - Андрей велит кидать исключение.
                bool isExpired = true;
                if (m_context.Runtime.IsAgentMode)
                    int      amount = sec.Bars.Count;
                    DateTime today  = (amount > 0) ? sec.Bars[amount - 1].Date : new DateTime();
                    isExpired = expiry.Date.AddDays(1) < today.Date;
                // А если в режиме лаборатории, тогда только жалуемся и продолжаем.
                m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Warning, !isExpired); // Если серия уже умерла, пишем только в локальный лог

            List <double> res = new List <double>();

            int len = sec.Bars.Count;

            if (len <= 0)

            int    oldResLen = res.Count;
            double prevIv    = Double.NaN;

            for (int j = oldResLen; j < len; j++)
                DateTime now = sec.Bars[j].Date;
                double   iv;
                if (ivSigmas.TryGetValue(now, out iv) && (!Double.IsNaN(iv)) && (iv > 0))
                    prevIv = iv;
                    if (m_repeatLastIv)
                        if (!Double.IsNaN(prevIv))
                            iv = prevIv;
                            iv = Constants.NaN;
                            if (j == 0)
                                #region Отдельно обрабатываю нулевой бар
                                double   tmp      = Double.NaN;
                                DateTime foundKey = new DateTime(1, 1, 1);
                                // [2016-01-19] Когда история становится слишком длинной, это может вызывать проблемы
                                // при итерировании в foreach. Потому что другой поток может в этот момент добавить новую точку в коллекцию.
                                int repeat = 7;
                                while (repeat > 0)
                                    tmp      = Double.NaN;
                                    foundKey = new DateTime(1, 1, 1);
                                        lock (ivSigmas)
                                            foreach (var kvp in ivSigmas)
                                                if (kvp.Key > now)

                                                if (foundKey < kvp.Key)
                                                    foundKey = kvp.Key;
                                                    tmp      = kvp.Value;
                                        repeat = -100;
                                    catch (InvalidOperationException invOpEx)
                                        if (repeat <= 0)
                                            string msg = String.Format("[{0}.PrepareData] {1} when iterate through 'ivSigmas'. cashKey: {2}; Message: {3}\r\n\r\n{4}",
                                                                       GetType().Name, invOpEx.GetType().FullName, cashKey, invOpEx.Message, invOpEx);
                                            m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Warning, true);

                                if ((foundKey.Year > 1) && (!Double.IsNaN(tmp)) && (tmp > 0))
                                    iv     = tmp;
                                    prevIv = iv;
                                #endregion Отдельно обрабатываю нулевой бар

Ejemplo n.º 21
        public InteractiveSeries Execute(double price, double time, IOptionSeries optSer, double riskFreeRatePct, int barNum)
            int barsCount = ContextBarsCount;

            if ((barNum < barsCount - 1) || (optSer == null))

            // В оптимизации ничего рисовать не надо
            if (Context.IsOptimization)

            double futPx = price;
            double dT    = time;

            if (!DoubleUtil.IsPositive(futPx))
                // [{0}] Base asset price must be positive value. F:{1}
                string msg = RM.GetStringFormat("OptHandlerMsg.FutPxMustBePositive", GetType().Name, futPx);
                m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Error, true);

            if (!DoubleUtil.IsPositive(dT))
                // [{0}] Time to expiry must be positive value. dT:{1}
                string msg = RM.GetStringFormat("OptHandlerMsg.TimeMustBePositive", GetType().Name, dT);
                m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Error, true);

            // TODO: Нужно ли писать отдельный код для лаборатории? Чтобы показывать позиции из симуляции?
            // if (!Context.Runtime.IsAgentMode)

            List <InteractiveObject> controlPoints = new List <InteractiveObject>();

            var allRealtimeSecs = Context.Runtime.Securities;

            IOptionStrikePair[] pairs = optSer.GetStrikePairs().ToArray();
            for (int j = 0; j < pairs.Length; j++)
                IOptionStrikePair pair = pairs[j];

                #region Process put
                    var put = pair.Put.Security;
                    // TODO: Нужно ли тут проверить наличие позиций???
                    //if (put.Positions.HavePositions)

                    ISecurityRt secRt;
                    if (put is ISecurityRt)
                        secRt = (ISecurityRt)put;
                        secRt = (from s in allRealtimeSecs
                                 where s.SecurityDescription.Equals(put) && (s is ISecurityRt)
                                 select(ISecurityRt) s).SingleOrDefault();

                    if ((secRt != null) && secRt.HasActiveOrders)
                        // ОТЛИЧНО! Эта коллекция позволит мне нарисовать свои заявки (это коллекция реальных заявок агента из таблицы My Orders)
                        var orders = secRt.Orders.ToList();
                        foreach (IOrder ord in orders)
                            if (!ord.IsActive)

                            // Объект ord является RealtimeOrder. Его идентификатор совпадает с OrderNumber в таблице MyOrders

                            if ((m_showLongOrders && ord.IsBuy) ||
                                ((!m_showLongOrders) && (!ord.IsBuy)))
                                // Почему-то InteractivePointLight хоть и давал себя настроить, но не отображался толком.
                                double sigma = FinMath.GetOptionSigma(futPx, pair.Strike, dT, ord.Price, riskFreeRatePct, false);
                                var    ip    = new InteractivePointActive(pair.Strike, sigma);
                                ip.Tooltip = String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,
                                                           " F: {0}\r\n K: {1}; IV: {2:P2}\r\n {3} px {4} qty {5}",
                                                           futPx, pair.Strike, sigma, pair.Put.StrikeType, ord.Price, ord.RestQuantity);
                                controlPoints.Add(new InteractiveObject(ip));
                #endregion Process put

                #region Process call
                    var call = pair.Call.Security;
                    // TODO: Нужно ли тут проверить наличие позиций???
                    //if (call.Positions.HavePositions)

                    ISecurityRt secRt;
                    if (call is ISecurityRt)
                        secRt = (ISecurityRt)call;
                        secRt = (from s in allRealtimeSecs
                                 where s.SecurityDescription.Equals(call) && (s is ISecurityRt)
                                 select(ISecurityRt) s).SingleOrDefault();

                    if ((secRt != null) && secRt.HasActiveOrders)
                        // ОТЛИЧНО! Эта коллекция позволит мне нарисовать свои заявки (это коллекция реальных заявок агента из таблицы My Orders)
                        var orders = secRt.Orders.ToList();
                        foreach (IOrder ord in orders)
                            if (!ord.IsActive)

                            // Объект ord является RealtimeOrder. Его идентификатор совпадает с OrderNumber в таблице MyOrders

                            if ((m_showLongOrders && ord.IsBuy) ||
                                ((!m_showLongOrders) && (!ord.IsBuy)))
                                // Почему-то InteractivePointLight хоть и давал себя настроить, но не отображался толком.
                                double sigma = FinMath.GetOptionSigma(futPx, pair.Strike, dT, ord.Price, riskFreeRatePct, true);
                                var    ip    = new InteractivePointActive(pair.Strike, sigma);
                                ip.Tooltip = String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,
                                                           " F: {0}\r\n K: {1}; IV: {2:P2}\r\n {3} px {4} qty {5}",
                                                           futPx, pair.Strike, sigma, pair.Call.StrikeType, ord.Price, ord.RestQuantity);
                                controlPoints.Add(new InteractiveObject(ip));
                #endregion Process call
            } // End for (int j = 0; j < pairs.Length; j++)

            // ReSharper disable once UseObjectOrCollectionInitializer
            InteractiveSeries res = new InteractiveSeries(); // Здесь так надо -- мы делаем новую улыбку
            res.ControlPoints = new ReadOnlyCollection <InteractiveObject>(controlPoints);

Ejemplo n.º 22
        public InteractiveSeries Execute(double time, InteractiveSeries smile, IOptionSeries optSer, int barNum)
            int barsCount = ContextBarsCount;

            if (barNum < barsCount - 1)

            //double F = prices[prices.Count - 1];
            double dT = time;

            if (!DoubleUtil.IsPositive(dT))
                // [{0}] Time to expiry must be positive value. dT:{1}
                string msg = RM.GetStringFormat("OptHandlerMsg.TimeMustBePositive", GetType().Name, dT);
                m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Error, true);

            if (smile == null)
                string msg = String.Format("[{0}] Argument 'smile' must be filled with InteractiveSeries.", GetType().Name);
                m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Error, true);

            SmileInfo oldInfo = smile.GetTag <SmileInfo>();

            if (oldInfo == null)
                string msg = String.Format("[{0}] Property Tag of object smile must be filled with SmileInfo. Tag:{1}", GetType().Name, smile.Tag);
                m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Error, true);

            double        f  = m_minStrike;
            List <double> xs = new List <double>();
            List <double> ys = new List <double>();

            IOptionStrikePair[]      pairs         = optSer.GetStrikePairs().ToArray();
            PositionsManager         posMan        = PositionsManager.GetManager(m_context);
            List <InteractiveObject> controlPoints = new List <InteractiveObject>();

            while (f <= m_maxStrike)
                double rawDelta;
                GetBaseDelta(posMan, optSer.UnderlyingAsset, optSer.UnderlyingAsset.Bars.Count - 1, f, out rawDelta);

                for (int j = 0; j < pairs.Length; j++)
                    IOptionStrikePair pair = pairs[j];
                    double            totalDelta;
                    //double putDelta = FinMath.GetOptionDelta(f, pair.Strike, dT, sigma.Value, 0, false);
                    GetPairDelta(posMan, smile, pair, f, dT, out totalDelta);
                    rawDelta += totalDelta;

                InteractivePointActive ip = new InteractivePointActive();
                ip.IsActive = m_showNodes;
                //ip.DragableMode = DragableMode.None;
                //ip.Geometry = Geometries.Rect;
                //ip.Color = AlphaColors.Green;
                double y = rawDelta;
                ip.Value = new Point(f, y);
                string yStr = y.ToString(m_tooltipFormat, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                ip.Tooltip = String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "F:{0}; D:{1}", f, yStr);

                controlPoints.Add(new InteractiveObject(ip));


                f += m_strikeStep;

            InteractiveSeries res = new InteractiveSeries(); // Здесь так надо -- мы делаем новую улыбку

            res.ControlPoints = new ReadOnlyCollection <InteractiveObject>(controlPoints);

                if (xs.Count >= BaseCubicSpline.MinNumberOfNodes)
                    SmileInfo info = new SmileInfo();
                    info.F            = oldInfo.F;
                    info.dT           = oldInfo.dT;
                    info.RiskFreeRate = oldInfo.RiskFreeRate;

                    NotAKnotCubicSpline spline = new NotAKnotCubicSpline(xs, ys);

                    info.ContinuousFunction   = spline;
                    info.ContinuousFunctionD1 = spline.DeriveD1();

                    res.Tag = info;
            catch (Exception ex)
                m_context.Log(ex.ToString(), MessageType.Error, true);

Ejemplo n.º 23
        public InteractiveSeries Execute(double price, double time, InteractiveSeries smile, IOptionSeries optSer, double ratePct, int barNum)
            int barsCount = ContextBarsCount;

            if ((barNum < barsCount - 1) || (smile == null) || (optSer == null))

            SmileInfo oldInfo = smile.GetTag <SmileInfo>();

            if ((oldInfo == null) ||
                (oldInfo.ContinuousFunction == null) || (oldInfo.ContinuousFunctionD1 == null))

            int      lastBarIndex   = optSer.UnderlyingAsset.Bars.Count - 1;
            DateTime now            = optSer.UnderlyingAsset.Bars[Math.Min(barNum, lastBarIndex)].Date;
            bool     wasInitialized = HandlerInitializedToday(now);

            double futPx = price;
            double dT    = time;

            if (Double.IsNaN(dT) || (dT < Double.Epsilon))
                // [{0}] Time to expiry must be positive value. dT:{1}
                string msg = RM.GetStringFormat("OptHandlerMsg.TimeMustBePositive", GetType().Name, dT);
                if (wasInitialized)
                    m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Error, true);

            if (Double.IsNaN(futPx) || (futPx < Double.Epsilon))
                // [{0}] Base asset price must be positive value. F:{1}
                string msg = RM.GetStringFormat("OptHandlerMsg.FutPxMustBePositive", GetType().Name, futPx);
                if (wasInitialized)
                    m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Error, true);

            if (Double.IsNaN(ratePct))
                //throw new ScriptException("Argument 'ratePct' contains NaN for some strange reason. rate:" + rate);

            double ivAtm, slopeAtm;

            if ((!oldInfo.ContinuousFunction.TryGetValue(futPx, out ivAtm)) ||
                (!oldInfo.ContinuousFunctionD1.TryGetValue(futPx, out slopeAtm)))

            if (m_setIvByHands)
                ivAtm = m_ivAtmPct.Value / Constants.PctMult;

            if (m_setSlopeByHands)
                slopeAtm = m_internalSlopePct.Value / Constants.PctMult;
                slopeAtm = slopeAtm / futPx / Math.Sqrt(dT);

            if (Double.IsNaN(ivAtm) || (ivAtm < Double.Epsilon))
                // [{0}] ivAtm must be positive value. ivAtm:{1}
                string msg = RM.GetStringFormat("OptHandlerMsg.IvAtmMustBePositive", GetType().Name, ivAtm);
                if (wasInitialized)
                    m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Error, true);

            if (Double.IsNaN(slopeAtm))
                // [{0}] Smile skew at the money must be some number. skewAtm:{1}
                string msg = RM.GetStringFormat("OptHandlerMsg.SkewAtmMustBeNumber", GetType().Name, slopeAtm);
                if (wasInitialized)
                    m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Error, true);

            //    string msg = String.Format("[DEBUG:{0}] ivAtm:{1}; shift:{2}; depth:{3};   F:{4}; dT:{5}; ",
            //        GetType().Name, ivAtm, shift, depth, F, dT);
            //    context.Log(msg, MessageType.Info, true);

            SmileFunction3 tempFunc = new SmileFunction3(ivAtm, m_shift, 0.5, futPx, dT);
            double         depth    = tempFunc.GetDepthUsingSlopeATM(slopeAtm);

            SmileFunction3 smileFunc = new SmileFunction3(ivAtm, m_shift, depth, futPx, dT);

            if (!m_setIvByHands)
                m_ivAtmPct.Value = ivAtm * Constants.PctMult;
            m_depthPct.Value = depth * Constants.PctMult;

            if (!m_setSlopeByHands)
                double dSigmaDx = slopeAtm * futPx * Math.Sqrt(dT);
                m_internalSlopePct.Value = dSigmaDx * Constants.PctMult;

            List <double> xs = new List <double>();
            List <double> ys = new List <double>();

            IOptionStrikePair[] pairs = optSer.GetStrikePairs().ToArray();

            if (pairs.Length < 2)
                string msg = String.Format("[{0}] optSer must contain few strike pairs. pairs.Length:{1}", GetType().Name, pairs.Length);
                if (wasInitialized)
                    m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Warning, true);

            double minK  = pairs[0].Strike;
            double dK    = pairs[1].Strike - pairs[0].Strike;
            double width = (SigmaMult * ivAtm * Math.Sqrt(dT)) * futPx;

            width = Math.Max(width, 2 * dK);
            // Generate left invisible tail
            if (m_generateTails)
                GaussSmile.AppendLeftTail(smileFunc, xs, ys, minK, dK, false);

            List <InteractiveObject> controlPoints = new List <InteractiveObject>();

            for (int j = 0; j < pairs.Length; j++)
                bool showPoint         = true;
                IOptionStrikePair pair = pairs[j];
                // Сверхдалекие страйки игнорируем
                if ((pair.Strike < futPx - width) || (futPx + width < pair.Strike))
                    showPoint = false;

                double k     = pair.Strike;
                double sigma = smileFunc.Value(k);
                double vol   = sigma;

                if (Double.IsNaN(sigma) || Double.IsInfinity(sigma) || (sigma < Double.Epsilon))

                InteractivePointActive ip = new InteractivePointActive(k, vol);
                //ip.Color = (optionPxMode == OptionPxMode.Ask) ? Colors.DarkOrange : Colors.DarkCyan;
                //ip.DragableMode = DragableMode.None;
                //ip.Geometry = Geometries.Rect; // (optionPxMode == OptionPxMode.Ask) ? Geometries.Rect : Geometries.Rect;

                // Иначе неправильно выставляются координаты???
                //ip.Tooltip = String.Format("K:{0}; IV:{1:0.00}", k, PctMult * sigma);

                if (showPoint)
                    if (k <= futPx) // Puts
                        FillNodeInfo(ip, futPx, dT, pair, StrikeType.Put, OptionPxMode.Mid, sigma, false, m_isVisiblePoints, ratePct);
                    else // Calls
                        FillNodeInfo(ip, futPx, dT, pair, StrikeType.Call, OptionPxMode.Mid, sigma, false, m_isVisiblePoints, ratePct);

                InteractiveObject obj = new InteractiveObject(ip);

                if (showPoint)


            // ReSharper disable once UseObjectOrCollectionInitializer
            InteractiveSeries res = new InteractiveSeries();

            res.ControlPoints = new ReadOnlyCollection <InteractiveObject>(controlPoints);

            double maxK = pairs[pairs.Length - 1].Strike;

            // Generate right invisible tail
            if (m_generateTails)
                GaussSmile.AppendRightTail(smileFunc, xs, ys, maxK, dK, false);

            var      baseSec    = optSer.UnderlyingAsset;
            DateTime scriptTime = baseSec.Bars[baseSec.Bars.Count - 1].Date;

            // ReSharper disable once UseObjectOrCollectionInitializer
            SmileInfo info = new SmileInfo();

            info.F            = futPx;
            info.dT           = dT;
            info.Expiry       = optSer.ExpirationDate;
            info.ScriptTime   = scriptTime;
            info.RiskFreeRate = ratePct;
            info.BaseTicker   = baseSec.Symbol;

            info.ContinuousFunction   = smileFunc;
            info.ContinuousFunctionD1 = smileFunc.DeriveD1();

            res.Tag = info;


Ejemplo n.º 24
        public InteractiveSeries Execute(double price, double time, IOptionSeries optSer, int barNum)
            int barsCount = ContextBarsCount;

            if (barNum < barsCount - 1)

            double f  = price;
            double dT = time;

            if (Double.IsNaN(dT) || (dT < Double.Epsilon))
                // [{0}] Time to expiry must be positive value. dT:{1}
                string msg = RM.GetStringFormat("OptHandlerMsg.TimeMustBePositive", GetType().Name, dT);
                m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Error, true);

            if (Double.IsNaN(f) || (f < Double.Epsilon))
                // [{0}] Base asset price must be positive value. F:{1}
                string msg = RM.GetStringFormat("OptHandlerMsg.FutPxMustBePositive", GetType().Name, f);
                m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Error, true);

            //    string msg = String.Format("[DEBUG:{0}] ivAtm:{1}; shift:{2}; depth:{3};   F:{4}; dT:{5}; ",
            //        GetType().Name, ivAtm, shift, depth, F, dT);
            //    context.Log(msg, MessageType.Info, true);

            SmileFunction3 smileFunc = new SmileFunction3(m_ivAtm, m_shift, m_depth, f, dT);

            List <double> xs = new List <double>();
            List <double> ys = new List <double>();

            IOptionStrikePair[] pairs = optSer.GetStrikePairs().ToArray();

            if (pairs.Length < 2)
                string msg = String.Format("[WARNING:{0}] optSer must contain few strike pairs. pairs.Length:{1}", GetType().Name, pairs.Length);
                m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Warning, true);

            double minK = pairs[0].Strike;
            double dK   = pairs[1].Strike - pairs[0].Strike;

            // Generate left invisible tail
            if (m_generateTails)
                AppendLeftTail(smileFunc, xs, ys, minK, dK, false);

            List <InteractiveObject> controlPoints = new List <InteractiveObject>();

            for (int j = 0; j < pairs.Length; j++)
                bool showPoint         = true;
                IOptionStrikePair pair = pairs[j];
                // Сверхдалекие страйки игнорируем
                if ((pair.Strike < m_minStrike) || (m_maxStrike < pair.Strike))
                    showPoint = false;

                double k     = pair.Strike;
                double sigma = smileFunc.Value(k);
                double vol   = sigma;

                InteractivePointActive ip = new InteractivePointActive(k, vol);
                //ip.Color = (optionPxMode == OptionPxMode.Ask) ? Colors.DarkOrange : Colors.DarkCyan;
                //ip.DragableMode = DragableMode.None;
                //ip.Geometry = Geometries.Rect; // (optionPxMode == OptionPxMode.Ask) ? Geometries.Rect : Geometries.Rect;

                // Иначе неправильно выставляются координаты???
                //ip.Tooltip = String.Format("K:{0}; IV:{1:0.00}", k, PctMult * sigma);

                if (showPoint)
                    if (k <= f) // Puts
                        FillNodeInfo(ip, f, dT, pair, StrikeType.Put, OptionPxMode.Mid, sigma, false, m_isVisiblePoints);
                    else // Calls
                        FillNodeInfo(ip, f, dT, pair, StrikeType.Call, OptionPxMode.Mid, sigma, false, m_isVisiblePoints);

                InteractiveObject obj = new InteractiveObject(ip);

                if (showPoint)


            // ReSharper disable once UseObjectOrCollectionInitializer
            InteractiveSeries res = new InteractiveSeries(); // Здесь так надо -- мы делаем новую улыбку

            res.ControlPoints = new ReadOnlyCollection <InteractiveObject>(controlPoints);

            double maxK = pairs[pairs.Length - 1].Strike;

            // Generate right invisible tail
            if (m_generateTails)
                AppendRightTail(smileFunc, xs, ys, maxK, dK, false);

            // ReSharper disable once UseObjectOrCollectionInitializer
            SmileInfo info = new SmileInfo();

            info.F            = f;
            info.dT           = dT;
            info.RiskFreeRate = 0;

            info.ContinuousFunction   = smileFunc;
            info.ContinuousFunctionD1 = smileFunc.DeriveD1();

            res.Tag = info;

Ejemplo n.º 25
        private void InteractiveSplineOnQuoteIvEvent(object sender, InteractiveActionEventArgs eventArgs)
            OptionPxMode pxMode = (m_qty > 0) ? OptionPxMode.Ask : OptionPxMode.Bid;

            PositionsManager posMan = PositionsManager.GetManager(m_context);

            if (posMan.BlockTrading)
                //string msg = String.Format("[{0}] Trading is blocked. Please, change 'Block Trading' parameter.", m_optionPxMode);
                string msg = RM.GetStringFormat("OptHandlerMsg.PositionsManager.TradingBlocked", pxMode);
                m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Info, true);

            InteractivePointActive tmp = eventArgs.Point;

            if ((tmp == null) || (tmp.IsActive == null) || (!tmp.IsActive.Value) ||
                //string msg = String.Format("[{0}] Unable to get direction of the order. Qty:{1}", pxMode, m_qty);
                string msg = RM.GetStringFormat("OptHandlerMsg.PositionsManager.UndefinedOrderDirection", pxMode, m_qty);
                m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Error, true);

            SmileNodeInfo nodeInfo = tmp.Tag as SmileNodeInfo;

            if (nodeInfo == null)
                //string msg = String.Format("[{0}] There is no nodeInfo. Quote type: {1}; Strike: {2}", pxMode);
                string msg = RM.GetStringFormat(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "OptHandlerMsg.ThereIsNoNodeInfo",
                                                m_context.Runtime.TradeName, pxMode, eventArgs.Point.ValueX);
                m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Error, true);

                string msg = String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "[{0}.ClickEvent] Strike: {1}", GetType().Name, tmp.ValueX);
                m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Info, false);

            nodeInfo.OptPx      = m_shiftIv;
            nodeInfo.ShiftOptPx = m_shiftPriceStep;
            nodeInfo.ClickTime  = DateTime.Now;
            nodeInfo.PxMode     = pxMode;

            // [2015-10-02] Подписка на данный инструмент, чтобы он появился в коллекции Context.Runtime.Securities
            var candids = (from s in Context.Runtime.Securities
                           where s.SecurityDescription.Name.Equals(nodeInfo.Symbol, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)
                           select s).ToList();

            candids = (from s in candids
                       where s.SecurityDescription.DSName.Equals(nodeInfo.DSName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)
                       select s).ToList();
            ISecurity testSec = (from s in candids
                                 let secDesc = s.SecurityDescription
                                               where secDesc.FullName.Equals(nodeInfo.FullName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)
                                               select s).SingleOrDefault();

            if ((testSec == null) && (nodeInfo.Security != null))
                ISecurity sec = nodeInfo.Security;
                int       bc  = sec.Bars.Count;
                string    msg = String.Format("[{0}] There is security DsName: {1}; Symbol: {2}; Security: {3} with {4} bars available.",
                                              pxMode, nodeInfo.DSName, nodeInfo.Symbol, nodeInfo.FullName, bc);
                Context.Log(msg, MessageType.Info, false);

                // Пересчитываю целочисленный параметр Qty в фактические лоты конкретного инструмента
                double actQty = Math.Abs(m_qty * sec.LotTick); // Модуль, потому что тут направление передается через PxMode
                nodeInfo.Qty = actQty;
            else if ((nodeInfo.Pair != null) && (nodeInfo.Pair.Put != null))
                // Аварийная ветка
                // Пересчитываю целочисленный параметр Qty в фактические лоты конкретного инструмента
                double actQty = Math.Abs(m_qty * nodeInfo.Pair.Put.LotTick); // Модуль, потому что тут направление передается через PxMode
                nodeInfo.Qty = actQty;
                // Аварийная ветка
                // Не могу пересчитать целочисленный параметр Qty в фактические лоты конкретного инструмента!
                //double actQty = Math.Abs(m_qty * nodeInfo.Pair.Put.LotTick);
                nodeInfo.Qty = Math.Abs(m_qty); // Модуль, потому что тут направление передается через PxMode

                string msg = String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "[{0}.ClickEvent] LotTick will be set to 1.", GetType().Name);
                m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Warning, false);

            // Не страшно, если сюда пойдет null - posMan потом сам найдет нужный опцион
            nodeInfo.Security = testSec;

            // Передаю событие в PositionsManager
            //posMan.InteractiveSplineOnClickEvent(m_context, sender, eventArgs);
            posMan.InteractiveSplineOnQuoteIvEvent(m_context, sender, eventArgs);
Ejemplo n.º 26
        public InteractiveSeries Execute(double time, InteractiveSeries smile, IOptionSeries optSer, double btcUsdIndex, int barNum)
            int barsCount = ContextBarsCount;

            if ((barNum < barsCount - 1) || (smile == null) || (optSer == null))

            int      lastBarIndex   = optSer.UnderlyingAsset.Bars.Count - 1;
            DateTime now            = optSer.UnderlyingAsset.Bars[Math.Min(barNum, lastBarIndex)].Date;
            bool     wasInitialized = HandlerInitializedToday(now);

            double dT = time;

            if (!DoubleUtil.IsPositive(dT))
                // [{0}] Time to expiry must be positive value. dT:{1}
                string msg = RM.GetStringFormat("OptHandlerMsg.TimeMustBePositive", GetType().Name, dT);
                if (wasInitialized)
                    m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Error, true);

            if (!DoubleUtil.IsPositive(btcUsdIndex))
                // TODO: сделать ресурс! [{0}] Price of BTC/USD must be positive value. scaleMult:{1}
                //string msg = RM.GetStringFormat("OptHandlerMsg.CurrencyScaleMustBePositive", GetType().Name, scaleMult);
                string msg = String.Format("[{0}] Price of BTC/USD must be positive value. scaleMult:{1}", GetType().Name, btcUsdIndex);
                if (wasInitialized)
                    m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Error, true);

            SmileInfo oldInfo = smile.GetTag <SmileInfo>();

            if (oldInfo == null)
                string msg = String.Format("[{0}] Property Tag of object smile must be filled with SmileInfo. Tag:{1}", GetType().Name, smile.Tag);
                if (wasInitialized)
                    m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Error, false);

            double futPx = oldInfo.F;

            double ivAtm;

            if (!oldInfo.ContinuousFunction.TryGetValue(futPx, out ivAtm))
                string msg = String.Format("[{0}] Unable to get IV ATM from smile. Tag:{1}", GetType().Name, smile.Tag);
                if (wasInitialized)
                    m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Error, true);

            IOptionStrikePair[] pairs = optSer.GetStrikePairs().ToArray();
            if (pairs.Length < 2)
                string msg = String.Format("[{0}] optSer must contain few strike pairs. pairs.Length:{1}", GetType().Name, pairs.Length);
                if (wasInitialized)
                    m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Warning, true);

            List <double>    xs      = new List <double>();
            List <double>    ys      = new List <double>();
            double           futStep = optSer.UnderlyingAsset.Tick;
            PositionsManager posMan  = PositionsManager.GetManager(m_context);
            ReadOnlyCollection <IPosition> basePositions = posMan.GetClosedOrActiveForBar(optSer.UnderlyingAsset);
            var optPositions = SingleSeriesProfile.GetAllOptionPositions(posMan, pairs);

            SortedDictionary <double, IOptionStrikePair> futPrices;

            if (!SmileImitation5.TryPrepareImportantPoints(pairs, futPx, futStep, -1, out futPrices))
                string msg = String.Format("[{0}] It looks like there is no suitable points for the smile. pairs.Length:{1}", GetType().Name, pairs.Length);
                if (wasInitialized)
                    m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Warning, true);

            // Чтобы учесть базис между фьючерсом и индексом, вычисляю их отношение:
            // Пример: BtcInd==9023; FutPx==8937 --> indexDivByFutRatio == 1.009623
            double indexDivByFutRatio = btcUsdIndex / futPx;

            List <InteractiveObject> controlPoints = new List <InteractiveObject>();
            // Список точек для вычисления дельт + улыбки для этих точек
            var deltaPoints = new List <Tuple <double, InteractivePointActive> >();

            foreach (var kvp in futPrices)
                // Если у нас новая цена фьючерса, значит, будет новая цена индекса
                double f = kvp.Key;
                // И при пересчете опционов в баксы НУЖНО ИСПОЛЬЗОВАТЬ ИМЕННО ЕЁ!!!
                double newScaleMult = f * indexDivByFutRatio;

                bool tradableStrike = (kvp.Value != null);

                CashPnlUsd cashPnlUsd;
                CashPnlBtc cashPnlBtc;
                GetBasePnl(basePositions, lastBarIndex, f, m_futNominal, out cashPnlUsd, out cashPnlBtc);
                double cashDollars = cashPnlUsd.CashUsd;
                double pnlDollars  = cashPnlUsd.PnlUsd;
                double cashBtc     = cashPnlBtc.CashBtc;
                double pnlBtc      = cashPnlBtc.PnlBtc;

                SmileInfo actualSmile = SingleSeriesProfile.GetActualSmile(oldInfo, m_greekAlgo, f);

                // Флаг того, что ПНЛ по всем инструментам был расчитан верно
                bool pnlIsCorrect = true;
                for (int j = 0; (j < pairs.Length) && pnlIsCorrect; j++)
                    var tuple = optPositions[j];
                    IOptionStrikePair pair = pairs[j];
                    //int putBarCount = pair.Put.UnderlyingAsset.Bars.Count;
                    //int callBarCount = pair.Call.UnderlyingAsset.Bars.Count;

                    CashPnlUsd pairCashUsd;
                    CashPnlBtc pairCashBtc;
                    bool       localRes = TryGetPairPnl(actualSmile, pair.Strike, lastBarIndex, lastBarIndex,
                                                        tuple.Item1, tuple.Item2, f, dT, newScaleMult,
                                                        out pairCashUsd, out pairCashBtc);

                    pnlIsCorrect &= localRes;
                    cashDollars  += pairCashUsd.CashUsd;
                    pnlDollars   += pairCashUsd.PnlUsd;
                    cashBtc      += pairCashBtc.CashBtc;
                    pnlBtc       += pairCashBtc.PnlBtc;

                // Профиль позиции будет рисоваться только если ПНЛ был посчитан верно по ВСЕМ инструментам!
                if (pnlIsCorrect)
                    InteractivePointLight ip;
                    // Показаны будут только узлы, совпадающие с реальными страйками.
                    // Потенциально это позволит сделать эти узлы пригодными для торговли по клику наподобие улыбки.
                    if (m_showNodes && tradableStrike)
                        // ReSharper disable once UseObjectOrCollectionInitializer
                        InteractivePointActive tmp = new InteractivePointActive();

                        tmp.IsActive = m_showNodes && tradableStrike;
                        string pnlUsdStr = (cashDollars + pnlDollars).ToString(m_tooltipFormat, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                        string pnlBtcStr = (cashBtc + pnlBtc).ToString(DefaultBtcTooltipFormat, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                        tmp.Tooltip = String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, " F: {0}\r\n PnL($): {1}\r\n PnL(B): {2}", f, pnlUsdStr, pnlBtcStr);

                        // Если у нас получился сплайн по профилю позиции, значит мы можем вычислить дельту!
                        if (m_showNodes && tradableStrike)
                            // Готовим важные точки
                            var tuple = new Tuple <double, InteractivePointActive>(f, tmp);

                        ip = tmp;
                        ip = new InteractivePointLight();

                    // PROD-6103 - Выводить профиль позиции в биткойнах
                    if (ProfileAsBtc)
                        ip.Value = new Point(f, cashBtc + pnlBtc);
                        ip.Value = new Point(f, cashDollars + pnlDollars);

                    controlPoints.Add(new InteractiveObject(ip));

                    // PROD-6103 - Выводить профиль позиции в биткойнах
                    if (ProfileAsBtc)
                        ys.Add(cashBtc + pnlBtc);
                        ys.Add(cashDollars + pnlDollars);
                } // End if (pnlIsCorrect)
            }     // End foreach (var kvp in futPrices)

            // ReSharper disable once UseObjectOrCollectionInitializer
            InteractiveSeries res = new InteractiveSeries(); // Здесь так надо -- мы делаем новую улыбку

            res.ControlPoints = new ReadOnlyCollection <InteractiveObject>(controlPoints);

                if (xs.Count >= BaseCubicSpline.MinNumberOfNodes)
                    SmileInfo info = new SmileInfo();
                    info.F            = oldInfo.F;
                    info.dT           = oldInfo.dT;
                    info.RiskFreeRate = oldInfo.RiskFreeRate;

                    NotAKnotCubicSpline spline = new NotAKnotCubicSpline(xs, ys);

                    info.ContinuousFunction   = spline;
                    info.ContinuousFunctionD1 = spline.DeriveD1();

                    res.Tag = info;

                    // Если у нас получился сплайн по профилю позиции, значит мы можем вычислить дельту!
                    for (int j = 1; j < deltaPoints.Count - 1; j++)
                        var    tuple = deltaPoints[j];
                        double f     = tuple.Item1;
                        var    ip    = tuple.Item2;

                        double actualDelta, deltaLeft, deltaRight;
                        if (m_twoSideDelta)
                            double prevF = deltaPoints[j - 1].Item1;
                            double nextF = deltaPoints[j + 1].Item1;

                            double currY = deltaPoints[j].Item2.ValueY;
                            double prevY = deltaPoints[j - 1].Item2.ValueY;
                            double nextY = deltaPoints[j + 1].Item2.ValueY;

                            deltaLeft  = (currY - prevY) / (f - prevF);
                            deltaRight = (nextY - currY) / (nextF - f);
                            // Считаем дельты слева и справа
                            // Мы передвинули улыбку в точку f и считаем дельту позиции В ЭТОЙ ЖЕ ТОЧКЕ(!)
                            //if (info.ContinuousFunction.TryGetValue(f - 100 * futStep, out deltaLeft) &&
                            //    info.ContinuousFunctionD1.TryGetValue(f + 100 * futStep, out deltaRight))
                                // Первый пробел уже учтен в Tooltip
                                ip.Tooltip = String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}\r\n LeftD: {1:0.0}; RightD: {2:0.0}",
                                                           ip.Tooltip, deltaLeft, deltaRight);
                            // Мы передвинули улыбку в точку f и считаем дельту позиции В ЭТОЙ ЖЕ ТОЧКЕ(!)
                            if (info.ContinuousFunctionD1.TryGetValue(f, out actualDelta))
                                // Первый пробел уже учтен в Tooltip
                                ip.Tooltip = String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}\r\n D: {1:0.0}", ip.Tooltip, actualDelta);
            catch (Exception ex)
                m_context.Log(ex.ToString(), MessageType.Error, true);

            SetHandlerInitialized(now, true);

Ejemplo n.º 27
        /// <summary>
        /// Общая реализация потоковой обработки для всех типов входных аргументов
        /// </summary>
        private IList <double> ExecuteStream(ISecurity sec, string symbolKey)
            if ((sec == null) || String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(symbolKey))

            // Здесь используется имя агента-источника-данных из свойства AgentName.
            // Это _НЕ_ имя агента, внутри которого мы сейчас находимся!
            string tradeName = AgentName.Replace(Constants.HtmlDot, ".");

            if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ValuesName))
                string msg = String.Format("[{0}:{1}] ValuesName is null or empty. Please, provide unique series name. ValuesName: '{2}'",
                                           tradeName, GetType().Name, ValuesName ?? "NULL");
                m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Warning, true);

            string symbol  = String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(OverrideSymbol) ? symbolKey : OverrideSymbol;
            string cashKey = SaveToGlobalCache.GetGlobalCashKey(tradeName, ValuesName, symbol);

            if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(cashKey))
                string msg = String.Format("[{0}:{1}] cashKey is null or empty. cashKey: '{2}'",
                                           tradeName, GetType().Name, cashKey ?? "NULL");
                m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Warning, true);

            // Проверяю наличие в Глобальном Кеше объекта с указанным именем
            object testObj  = m_context.LoadGlobalObject(cashKey);
            var    testDict = testObj as Dictionary <DateTime, double>;

            if (testDict == null)
                var container = testObj as NotClearableContainer;
                if ((container != null) && (container.Content != null))
                    testDict = container.Content as Dictionary <DateTime, double>;
            if ((testObj == null) || (testDict == null))
                // Данного ключа в глобальном кеше нет? Тогда выход.
                // [{0}] There is no value in global cache. Probably, you have to start agent '{1}' for security '{2}' to collect values '{3}'.
                string msg = RM.GetStringFormat("OptHandlerMsg.LoadFromGlobalCache.CacheNotFound", GetType().Name, tradeName, symbol, ValuesName);
                if (m_context.Runtime.IsAgentMode)
                    throw new ScriptException(msg); // PROD-4624 - Андрей велит кидать исключение.
                // А если в режиме лаборатории, тогда только жалуемся и продолжаем.
                m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Warning, true);

            // По факту передаю управление в метод CommonExecute
            IList <double> updatedValues = CommonStreamExecute(m_variableId + "_" + cashKey, cashKey,
                                                               sec, RepeatLastValue, true, true, EmptyArrays.Object);

            //if (basePrices.Count > 0)
            //    double px = basePrices[basePrices.Count - 1];
            //    double displayValue = FixedValue.ConvertToDisplayUnits(m_valueMode, px);
            //    m_displayPrice.Value = displayValue;

            return(new ReadOnlyCollection <double>(updatedValues));
Ejemplo n.º 28
        public double Execute(double price, double time, InteractiveSeries smile, IOptionSeries optSer, int barNum)
            int barsCount = m_context.BarsCount;

            if (!m_context.IsLastBarUsed)
            if ((barNum < barsCount - 1) || (optSer == null))

            int      lastBarIndex   = optSer.UnderlyingAsset.Bars.Count - 1;
            DateTime now            = optSer.UnderlyingAsset.Bars[Math.Min(barNum, lastBarIndex)].Date;
            bool     wasInitialized = HandlerInitializedToday(now);

            double f  = price;
            double dT = time;

            if (!DoubleUtil.IsPositive(dT))
                // [{0}] Time to expiry must be positive value. dT:{1}
                string msg = RM.GetStringFormat("OptHandlerMsg.TimeMustBePositive", GetType().Name, dT);
                if (wasInitialized)
                    m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Error, true);

            if (!DoubleUtil.IsPositive(f))
                // [{0}] Base asset price must be positive value. F:{1}
                string msg = RM.GetStringFormat("OptHandlerMsg.FutPxMustBePositive", GetType().Name, f);
                if (wasInitialized)
                    m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Error, true);

            if (smile == null)
                string msg = String.Format("[{0}] Argument 'smile' must be filled with InteractiveSeries.", GetType().Name);
                if (wasInitialized)
                    m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Error, true);

            SmileInfo oldInfo = smile.GetTag <SmileInfo>();

            if (oldInfo == null)
                string msg = String.Format("[{0}] Property Tag of object smile must be filled with SmileInfo. Tag:{1}", GetType().Name, smile.Tag);
                if (wasInitialized)
                    m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Error, true);

            double rawDelta, res;
            double dF = optSer.UnderlyingAsset.Tick;

            IOptionStrikePair[] pairs  = optSer.GetStrikePairs().ToArray();
            PositionsManager    posMan = PositionsManager.GetManager(m_context);

            if (SingleSeriesNumericalDelta.TryEstimateDelta(posMan, optSer, pairs, smile, m_greekAlgo, f, dF, dT, out rawDelta))
                res = rawDelta;
                res = Constants.NaN;

            SmileInfo sInfo = smile.GetTag <SmileInfo>();

            if ((sInfo != null) && (sInfo.ContinuousFunction != null))
                double iv  = sInfo.ContinuousFunction.Value(sInfo.F);
                string msg = String.Format("[{0}] F:{1}; dT:{2};   smile.F:{3}; smile.dT:{4}; smile.IV:{5}",
                                           GetType().Name, f, dT, sInfo.F, sInfo.dT, iv);
                m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Info, false);

            m_delta.Value = res;
            //context.Log(String.Format("[{0}] Delta: {1}; rawDelta:{2}", MsgId, delta.Value, rawDelta), logColor, true);

            if (m_hedgeDelta)
                #region Hedge logic
                    int rounded = Math.Sign(rawDelta) * ((int)Math.Floor(Math.Abs(rawDelta)));
                    if (rounded == 0)
                        string msg = String.Format("[{0}] Delta is too low to hedge. Delta: {1}", MsgId, rawDelta);
                        m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Info, true);
                        int       len = optSer.UnderlyingAsset.Bars.Count;
                        ISecurity sec = (from s in m_context.Runtime.Securities
                                         where (s.SecurityDescription.Equals(optSer.UnderlyingAsset.SecurityDescription))
                                         select s).SingleOrDefault();
                        if (sec == null)
                            string msg = String.Format("[{0}] There is no security. Symbol: {1}", MsgId, optSer.UnderlyingAsset.Symbol);
                            m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Warning, true);
                            if (rounded < 0)
                                string signalName = String.Format("\r\nDelta BUY\r\nF:{0}; dT:{1}; Delta:{2}\r\n", f, dT, rawDelta);
                                m_context.Log(signalName, MessageType.Warning, true);
                                posMan.BuyAtPrice(m_context, sec, Math.Abs(rounded), f, signalName, null);
                            else if (rounded > 0)
                                string signalName = String.Format("\r\nDelta SELL\r\nF:{0}; dT:{1}; Delta:+{2}\r\n", f, dT, rawDelta);
                                m_context.Log(signalName, MessageType.Warning, true);
                                posMan.SellAtPrice(m_context, sec, Math.Abs(rounded), f, signalName, null);
                    m_hedgeDelta = false;
                #endregion Hedge logic


        public InteractiveSeries Execute(double price, double time, InteractiveSeries smile, IOptionSeries optSer, int barNum)
            int barsCount = ContextBarsCount;

            if ((barNum < barsCount - 1) || (optSer == null))

            int      lastBarIndex   = optSer.UnderlyingAsset.Bars.Count - 1;
            DateTime now            = optSer.UnderlyingAsset.Bars[Math.Min(barNum, lastBarIndex)].Date;
            bool     wasInitialized = HandlerInitializedToday(now);

            double futPx = price;
            double dT    = time;

            if (!DoubleUtil.IsPositive(dT))
                // [{0}] Time to expiry must be positive value. dT:{1}
                string msg = RM.GetStringFormat("OptHandlerMsg.TimeMustBePositive", GetType().Name, dT);
                if (wasInitialized)
                    m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Error, false);

            if (!DoubleUtil.IsPositive(futPx))
                // [{0}] Base asset price must be positive value. F:{1}
                string msg = RM.GetStringFormat("OptHandlerMsg.FutPxMustBePositive", GetType().Name, futPx);
                if (wasInitialized)
                    m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Error, false);

            if (smile == null)
                string msg = String.Format("[{0}] Argument 'smile' must be filled with InteractiveSeries.", GetType().Name);
                if (wasInitialized)
                    m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Error, false);

            if (m_optionType == StrikeType.Any)
                string msg = String.Format("[{0}] OptionType '{1}' is not supported.", GetType().Name, m_optionType);
                if (wasInitialized)
                    m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Error, false);

            SmileInfo oldInfo = smile.GetTag <SmileInfo>();

            if (oldInfo == null)
                string msg = String.Format("[{0}] Property Tag of object smile must be filled with SmileInfo. Tag:{1}", GetType().Name, smile.Tag);
                if (wasInitialized)
                    m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Error, false);

            bool          isCall       = m_optionType == StrikeType.Call;
            double        putQty       = isCall ? 0 : m_fixedQty;
            double        callQty      = isCall ? m_fixedQty : 0;
            double        riskFreeRate = 0;
            List <double> xs           = new List <double>();
            List <double> ys           = new List <double>();
            var           smilePoints  = smile.ControlPoints;

            IOptionStrikePair[]      pairs         = optSer.GetStrikePairs().ToArray();
            PositionsManager         posMan        = PositionsManager.GetManager(m_context);
            List <InteractiveObject> controlPoints = new List <InteractiveObject>();

            foreach (IOptionStrikePair pair in pairs)
                double rawTheta;
                if (TryEstimateTheta(putQty, callQty, optSer, pair, smile, m_greekAlgo, futPx, dT, m_tStep, riskFreeRate, out rawTheta))
                    // Переводим тету в дифференциал 'изменение цены за 1 сутки'.
                    rawTheta /= OptionUtils.DaysInYear;

                    InteractivePointActive ip = new InteractivePointActive();
                    ip.IsActive = m_showNodes;
                    //ip.DragableMode = DragableMode.None;
                    //ip.Geometry = Geometries.Rect;
                    //ip.Color = System.Windows.Media.Colors.Green;
                    double y = rawTheta;
                    ip.Value = new Point(pair.Strike, y);
                    string yStr = y.ToString(m_tooltipFormat, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                    ip.Tooltip = String.Format("K:{0}; Th:{1}", pair.Strike, yStr);

                    controlPoints.Add(new InteractiveObject(ip));


            InteractiveSeries res = new InteractiveSeries(); // Здесь так надо -- мы делаем новую улыбку

            res.ControlPoints = new ReadOnlyCollection <InteractiveObject>(controlPoints);

                if (xs.Count >= BaseCubicSpline.MinNumberOfNodes)
                    SmileInfo info = new SmileInfo();
                    info.F            = oldInfo.F;
                    info.dT           = oldInfo.dT;
                    info.RiskFreeRate = oldInfo.RiskFreeRate;

                    NotAKnotCubicSpline spline = new NotAKnotCubicSpline(xs, ys);

                    info.ContinuousFunction   = spline;
                    info.ContinuousFunctionD1 = spline.DeriveD1();

                    res.Tag = info;
            catch (Exception ex)
                m_context.Log(ex.ToString(), MessageType.Error, true);


Ejemplo n.º 30
        public double Execute(double price, double time, InteractiveSeries smile, IOptionSeries optSer, int barNum)
            int barsCount = m_context.BarsCount;

            if (!m_context.IsLastBarUsed)
            if (barNum < barsCount - 1)

            if ((smile == null) || (optSer == null))

            int      lastBarIndex   = optSer.UnderlyingAsset.Bars.Count - 1;
            DateTime now            = optSer.UnderlyingAsset.Bars[Math.Min(barNum, lastBarIndex)].Date;
            bool     wasInitialized = HandlerInitializedToday(now);

            double f  = price;
            double dT = time;

            if (!DoubleUtil.IsPositive(dT))
                // [{0}] Time to expiry must be positive value. dT:{1}
                string msg = RM.GetStringFormat("OptHandlerMsg.TimeMustBePositive", GetType().Name, dT);
                if (wasInitialized)
                    m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Error, false);

            if (!DoubleUtil.IsPositive(f))
                // [{0}] Base asset price must be positive value. F:{1}
                string msg = RM.GetStringFormat("OptHandlerMsg.FutPxMustBePositive", GetType().Name, f);
                if (wasInitialized)
                    m_context.Log(msg, MessageType.Error, false);

            double rawVega, res;

            IOptionStrikePair[] pairs  = optSer.GetStrikePairs().ToArray();
            PositionsManager    posMan = PositionsManager.GetManager(m_context);

            if (SingleSeriesNumericalVega.TryEstimateVomma(posMan, optSer, pairs, smile, m_greekAlgo, f, m_sigmaStep, dT, out rawVega))
                // Переводим вомму в дифференциал 'изменение цены за 1% волы'.
                // В знаменателе стоит dSigma^2, поэтому и делить нужно 2 раза на 100%.
                rawVega /= (Constants.PctMult * Constants.PctMult);

                res = rawVega;
                res = Constants.NaN;

            m_vomma.Value = res;
            //context.Log(String.Format("[{0}] Delta: {1}; rawDelta:{2}", MsgId, delta.Value, rawDelta), logColor, true);

