Ejemplo n.º 1
        public override void DrawPath(RBrush brush, RGraphicsPath path)
            var b = brush.ToBrushA();
            var p = path.ToPathA();

            if (b.isImage)
                var rect    = p.rect;
                var texture = b.RenderTexture(IntPtr.Zero, rect);
                var rects   = p.GetSDLRects();
                foreach (SDL.SDL_Rect r in rects)
                    var          dst_rect = r;
                    SDL.SDL_Rect src_rect = dst_rect;
                    src_rect.x -= rect.x;
                    src_rect.y -= rect.y;
                    if (SDL.SDL_RenderCopy(_renderer, texture, ref src_rect, ref dst_rect) < 0)
                        Helpers.ShowSDLError("Graphics.DrawPath(B):Unable to SDL_RenderCopy!");

                var rects = p.GetSDLRects();
                SDL.SDL_RenderFillRects(_renderer, rects.ToArray(), rects.Count);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public override void DrawPath(RPen pen, RGraphicsPath path)
            //! Arcs draws with width 1px
            var p = path.ToPathA();

            for (int i = 1; i < p.pathItems.Count; i++)
                if (p.pathItems[i].arc)
                    var points = p.GetArcSDLPoints(pen.ToPenA(), p.pathItems[i]);
                    SDL.SDL_RenderDrawPoints(_renderer, points.ToArray(), points.Count);
                    this.DrawLine(pen, p.pathItems[i - 1].x, p.pathItems[i - 1].y, p.pathItems[i].x, p.pathItems[i].y);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Makes a border path for rounded borders.<br/>
        /// To support rounded dotted/dashed borders we need to use arc in the border path.<br/>
        /// Return null if the border is not rounded.<br/>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="g">the device to draw into</param>
        /// <param name="border">Desired border</param>
        /// <param name="b">Box which the border corresponds</param>
        /// <param name="r">the rectangle the border is enclosing</param>
        /// <returns>Beveled border path, null if there is no rounded corners</returns>
        private static RGraphicsPath GetRoundedBorderPath(RGraphics g, Border border, CssBox b, RRect r)
            RGraphicsPath path = null;

            switch (border)
            case Border.Top:
                if (b.ActualCornerNw > 0 || b.ActualCornerNe > 0)
                    path = g.GetGraphicsPath();
                    path.Start(r.Left + b.ActualBorderLeftWidth / 2, r.Top + b.ActualBorderTopWidth / 2 + b.ActualCornerNw);

                    if (b.ActualCornerNw > 0)
                        path.ArcTo(r.Left + b.ActualBorderLeftWidth / 2 + b.ActualCornerNw, r.Top + b.ActualBorderTopWidth / 2, b.ActualCornerNw, RGraphicsPath.Corner.TopLeft);

                    path.LineTo(r.Right - b.ActualBorderRightWidth / 2 - b.ActualCornerNe, r.Top + b.ActualBorderTopWidth / 2);

                    if (b.ActualCornerNe > 0)
                        path.ArcTo(r.Right - b.ActualBorderRightWidth / 2, r.Top + b.ActualBorderTopWidth / 2 + b.ActualCornerNe, b.ActualCornerNe, RGraphicsPath.Corner.TopRight);

            case Border.Bottom:
                if (b.ActualCornerSw > 0 || b.ActualCornerSe > 0)
                    path = g.GetGraphicsPath();
                    path.Start(r.Right - b.ActualBorderRightWidth / 2, r.Bottom - b.ActualBorderBottomWidth / 2 - b.ActualCornerSe);

                    if (b.ActualCornerSe > 0)
                        path.ArcTo(r.Right - b.ActualBorderRightWidth / 2 - b.ActualCornerSe, r.Bottom - b.ActualBorderBottomWidth / 2, b.ActualCornerSe, RGraphicsPath.Corner.BottomRight);

                    path.LineTo(r.Left + b.ActualBorderLeftWidth / 2 + b.ActualCornerSw, r.Bottom - b.ActualBorderBottomWidth / 2);

                    if (b.ActualCornerSw > 0)
                        path.ArcTo(r.Left + b.ActualBorderLeftWidth / 2, r.Bottom - b.ActualBorderBottomWidth / 2 - b.ActualCornerSw, b.ActualCornerSw, RGraphicsPath.Corner.BottomLeft);

            case Border.Right:
                if (b.ActualCornerNe > 0 || b.ActualCornerSe > 0)
                    path = g.GetGraphicsPath();

                    var noTop    = b.BorderTopStyle == CssConstants.None || b.BorderTopStyle == CssConstants.Hidden;
                    var noBottom = b.BorderBottomStyle == CssConstants.None || b.BorderBottomStyle == CssConstants.Hidden;
                    path.Start(r.Right - b.ActualBorderRightWidth / 2 - (noTop ? b.ActualCornerNe : 0), r.Top + b.ActualBorderTopWidth / 2 + (noTop ? 0 : b.ActualCornerNe));

                    if (b.ActualCornerNe > 0 && noTop)
                        path.ArcTo(r.Right - b.ActualBorderLeftWidth / 2, r.Top + b.ActualBorderTopWidth / 2 + b.ActualCornerNe, b.ActualCornerNe, RGraphicsPath.Corner.TopRight);

                    path.LineTo(r.Right - b.ActualBorderRightWidth / 2, r.Bottom - b.ActualBorderBottomWidth / 2 - b.ActualCornerSe);

                    if (b.ActualCornerSe > 0 && noBottom)
                        path.ArcTo(r.Right - b.ActualBorderRightWidth / 2 - b.ActualCornerSe, r.Bottom - b.ActualBorderBottomWidth / 2, b.ActualCornerSe, RGraphicsPath.Corner.BottomRight);

            case Border.Left:
                if (b.ActualCornerNw > 0 || b.ActualCornerSw > 0)
                    path = g.GetGraphicsPath();

                    var noTop    = b.BorderTopStyle == CssConstants.None || b.BorderTopStyle == CssConstants.Hidden;
                    var noBottom = b.BorderBottomStyle == CssConstants.None || b.BorderBottomStyle == CssConstants.Hidden;
                    path.Start(r.Left + b.ActualBorderLeftWidth / 2 + (noBottom ? b.ActualCornerSw : 0), r.Bottom - b.ActualBorderBottomWidth / 2 - (noBottom ? 0 : b.ActualCornerSw));

                    if (b.ActualCornerSw > 0 && noBottom)
                        path.ArcTo(r.Left + b.ActualBorderLeftWidth / 2, r.Bottom - b.ActualBorderBottomWidth / 2 - b.ActualCornerSw, b.ActualCornerSw, RGraphicsPath.Corner.BottomLeft);

                    path.LineTo(r.Left + b.ActualBorderLeftWidth / 2, r.Top + b.ActualBorderTopWidth / 2 + b.ActualCornerNw);

                    if (b.ActualCornerNw > 0 && noTop)
                        path.ArcTo(r.Left + b.ActualBorderLeftWidth / 2 + b.ActualCornerNw, r.Top + b.ActualBorderTopWidth / 2, b.ActualCornerNw, RGraphicsPath.Corner.TopLeft);

Ejemplo n.º 4
 public override void DrawPath(RBrush brush, RGraphicsPath path)
     _g.FillPath(((BrushAdapter)brush).Brush, ((GraphicsPathAdapter)path).GraphicsPath);
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public override void DrawPath(RPen pen, RGraphicsPath path)
     _g.DrawPath(((PenAdapter)pen).Pen, ((GraphicsPathAdapter)path).GraphicsPath);
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public override void DrawPath(RBrush brush, RGraphicsPath path)
     this._g.DrawPath((XBrush)((BrushAdapter)brush).Brush, ((GraphicsPathAdapter)path).GraphicsPath);
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public override void DrawPath(RBrush brush, RGraphicsPath path)
     _g.DrawGeometry(((BrushAdapter)brush).Brush, null, ((GraphicsPathAdapter)path).GetClosedGeometry());
Ejemplo n.º 8
 public override void DrawPath(RPen pen, RGraphicsPath path)
     _g.DrawGeometry(null, ((PenAdapter)pen).CreatePen(), ((GraphicsPathAdapter)path).GetClosedGeometry());
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public override void DrawPath(RBrush brush, RGraphicsPath path)
     _g.FillPath(brush, ((GraphicsPathAdapter)path).GraphicsPath);
        /// <summary>
        /// Draw the background image of the given box in the given rectangle.<br/>
        /// Handle background-repeat and background-position values.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="g">the device to draw into</param>
        /// <param name="box">the box to draw its background image</param>
        /// <param name="imageLoadHandler">the handler that loads image to draw</param>
        /// <param name="rectangle">the rectangle to draw image in</param>
        public static void DrawBackgroundImage(RGraphics g, CssBox box, ImageLoadHandler imageLoadHandler, RRect rectangle, RGraphicsPath roundrect = null)
            // image size depends if specific rectangle given in image loader
            var imgSize = new RSize(imageLoadHandler.Rectangle == RRect.Empty ? imageLoadHandler.Image.Width : imageLoadHandler.Rectangle.Width,
                                    imageLoadHandler.Rectangle == RRect.Empty ? imageLoadHandler.Image.Height : imageLoadHandler.Rectangle.Height);

            // get the location by BackgroundPosition value
            var location = GetLocation(box.BackgroundPosition, rectangle, imgSize, box);

            var srcRect = imageLoadHandler.Rectangle == RRect.Empty
                ? new RRect(0, 0, imgSize.Width, imgSize.Height)
                : new RRect(imageLoadHandler.Rectangle.Left, imageLoadHandler.Rectangle.Top, imgSize.Width, imgSize.Height);

            // initial image destination rectangle
            var destRect = new RRect(location, imgSize);

            // need to clip so repeated image will be cut on rectangle
            var lRectangle = rectangle;


            //rectangle - box to draw in
            //imgSize - image size
            //localion - inital location of image wo repeat
            //destRect - RRect(location, imgSize)
            //srcRect (0,0,imgSize)

            //brushRect - This is rectangle which needs to be filled with Image from brushRect.Location with brushRect.Size multiple to Image size.
            RRect brushRect = new RRect(location, imgSize);

            switch (box.BackgroundRepeat)
            case "no-repeat":
                //brushRect = destRect;

            case "repeat-x":
                if (brushRect.X > rectangle.X)
                    brushRect.X -= imgSize.Width * ((int)((brushRect.X - rectangle.X) / imgSize.Width) + 1);
                if (brushRect.X + brushRect.Width < rectangle.X + rectangle.Width)
                    brushRect.Width = imgSize.Width * ((int)((rectangle.X + rectangle.Width - brushRect.X) / imgSize.Width) + 1);

            case "repeat-y":
                if (brushRect.Y > rectangle.Y)
                    brushRect.Y -= imgSize.Height * ((int)((brushRect.Y - rectangle.Y) / imgSize.Height) + 1);
                if (brushRect.Y + brushRect.Height < rectangle.Y + rectangle.Height)
                    brushRect.Height = imgSize.Height * ((int)((rectangle.Y + rectangle.Height - brushRect.Y) / imgSize.Height) + 1);

                if (brushRect.X > rectangle.X)
                    brushRect.X -= imgSize.Width * ((int)((brushRect.X - rectangle.X) / imgSize.Width) + 1);
                if (brushRect.X + brushRect.Width < rectangle.X + rectangle.Width)
                    brushRect.Width = imgSize.Width * ((int)((rectangle.X + rectangle.Width - brushRect.X) / imgSize.Width) + 1);
                if (brushRect.Y > rectangle.Y)
                    brushRect.Y -= imgSize.Height * ((int)((brushRect.Y - rectangle.Y) / imgSize.Height) + 1);
                if (brushRect.Y + brushRect.Height < rectangle.Y + rectangle.Height)
                    brushRect.Height = imgSize.Height * ((int)((rectangle.Y + rectangle.Height - brushRect.Y) / imgSize.Height) + 1);
            using (var brush = g.GetTextureBrush(imageLoadHandler.Image, brushRect, brushRect.Location))
                if (roundrect == null)
                    g.DrawRectangle(brush, rectangle.X, rectangle.Y, rectangle.Width, rectangle.Height);
                    g.DrawPath(brush, roundrect);

Ejemplo n.º 11
 internal static Adapters.GraphicsPathAdapter ToPathA(this RGraphicsPath path)
     return(path as Adapters.GraphicsPathAdapter);