Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static void FixRotation(Transform tr)
            Vector3 ea  = (Vector3)RCall.CallMtd("UnityEngine.Transform", "GetLocalEulerAngles", tr, 4);
            Vector3 rnd = UnityEngine.Random.onUnitSphere * 0.001f;
            Vector3 v   = ea + rnd;
            RCall.CallMtd("UnityEngine.Transform", "SetLocalEulerHint", tr, v);

            tr.localEulerAngles = v;

            if (tr.parent != null)
                RCall.CallMtd("UnityEngine.Transform", "SendTransformChangedScale", tr);
Ejemplo n.º 2
    // public method

    #endregion "public method"

    #region "private method"
    // private method

    private void _ConvertAnim(string newClipAssetPath)
        // 0. prepare
        if (!m_Animator.isHuman)
            Dbg.LogWarn("MuscleClipConverterEditor._ConvertAnim: Need to change to Humanoid rig first!");

        m_SMR = m_Animator.GetComponentInChildren <SkinnedMeshRenderer>();
        if (m_SMR == null)
            Dbg.LogWarn("MuscleClipConverterEditor._ConvertAnim: failed to find SMR under {0}", m_Animator.name);

#if !U5
        var ainfos = m_Animator.GetCurrentAnimationClipState(0); //only effect after Update is called
        var ainfos = m_Animator.GetCurrentAnimatorClipInfo(0);   //only effect after Update is called
        AnimationClip         clip        = ainfos[0].clip;
        AnimationClipSettings clipSetting = AnimationUtility.GetAnimationClipSettings(clip);

        //    var bindings = AnimationUtility.GetCurveBindings(clip);
        //    foreach( var b in bindings)
        //    {
        //        Dbg.Log("path: {0}, prop: {1}", b.path, b.propertyName);
        //    }

        Transform animatorTr = m_Animator.transform;
        Transform hipsBone   = null;
        CurveDict curveDict  = new CurveDict();

        float SAMPLE_RATE = clip.frameRate;
        float clipLen     = clip.length;

        Matrix4x4 animatorInitW2LMat = animatorTr.worldToLocalMatrix;
        Matrix4x4 hipsInitW2LMat     = Matrix4x4.identity;

        List <Transform> boneLst = new List <Transform>();
        for (HumanBodyBones boneIdx = 0; boneIdx < HumanBodyBones.LastBone; ++boneIdx)
            Transform tr = m_Animator.GetBoneTransform(boneIdx);
            //Dbg.Log("Map: {0}->{1}", boneIdx, tr);
            if (tr != null)
                if (boneIdx == HumanBodyBones.Hips)
                    hipsBone       = tr;
                    hipsInitW2LMat = hipsBone.parent.worldToLocalMatrix;
                    //clipSetting.level = -hipsBone.localPosition.y; // set Y offset
                    clipSetting.keepOriginalPositionY = false; //use RootNode position
        Transform[] bones = boneLst.ToArray();

        // init curves for each bone
        for (int idx = 0; idx < bones.Length; ++idx)
            Transform oneBone = bones[idx];
            string    trPath  = AnimationUtility.CalculateTransformPath(oneBone, animatorTr);

            var curves = new _Curves();
            curves.relPath = trPath;

            curveDict.Add(oneBone, curves);

        // init rootmotion curve
            var curves = new _Curves();
            curveDict.Add(animatorTr, curves);

        AnimatorStateInfo curStateInfo = m_Animator.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0);
        float             nt           = curStateInfo.normalizedTime;
        m_Animator.Update(-nt * clipLen); //revert to 0 time

        {                                 // 1. bake animation info into curve on all bones transform
            float time      = 0f;
            float deltaTime = 1f / (SAMPLE_RATE);
            for (;
                 time <= clipLen || Mathf.Approximately(time, clipLen);
                //Dbg.Log("nt = {0}", m_Animator.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0).normalizedTime);

                // bone
                for (int idx = 0; idx < bones.Length; ++idx)
                    Transform oneBone = bones[idx];
                    _Curves   curves  = curveDict[oneBone];

                    if (oneBone == hipsBone)
                        continue; //skip the HipsBone. This is to add rootMotion matrix on hips, so Legacy is right
                    Vector3    pos = oneBone.localPosition;
                    Quaternion rot = oneBone.localRotation;

                    curves.X.AddKey(time, rot.x);
                    curves.Y.AddKey(time, rot.y);
                    curves.Z.AddKey(time, rot.z);
                    curves.W.AddKey(time, rot.w);

                    curves.PX.AddKey(time, pos.x);
                    curves.PY.AddKey(time, pos.y);
                    curves.PZ.AddKey(time, pos.z);

                // root motion process
                    { //on Animator transform
                        Vector3 pos = /*animatorTr.localPosition*/ animatorTr.position;
                        Vector3 fwd = animatorTr.forward;
                        Vector3 up  = animatorTr.up;

                        _Curves rootMotionCurves = curveDict[animatorTr];
                        Vector3 lpos             = animatorInitW2LMat.MultiplyPoint(pos);
                        Vector3 lfwd             = animatorInitW2LMat.MultiplyVector(fwd);
                        Vector3 lup = animatorInitW2LMat.MultiplyVector(up);

                        Quaternion rot = Quaternion.LookRotation(lfwd, lup);

                        rootMotionCurves.X.AddKey(time, rot.x);
                        rootMotionCurves.Y.AddKey(time, rot.y);
                        rootMotionCurves.Z.AddKey(time, rot.z);
                        rootMotionCurves.W.AddKey(time, rot.w);

                        rootMotionCurves.PX.AddKey(time, lpos.x);
                        rootMotionCurves.PY.AddKey(time, lpos.y);
                        rootMotionCurves.PZ.AddKey(time, lpos.z);

                    { //on hips transform
                        if (hipsBone != null)
                            Vector3 pos = hipsBone.position;
                            Vector3 fwd = hipsBone.forward;
                            Vector3 up  = hipsBone.up;

                            _Curves hipsCurves = curveDict[hipsBone];
                            Vector3 lpos       = hipsInitW2LMat.MultiplyPoint(pos);
                            Vector3 lfwd       = hipsInitW2LMat.MultiplyVector(fwd);
                            Vector3 lup        = hipsInitW2LMat.MultiplyVector(up);

                            //Dbg.Log("time: {0}, lpos: {1}", time, lpos.ToString("F2"));

                            Quaternion rot = Quaternion.LookRotation(lfwd, lup);

                            hipsCurves.X.AddKey(time, rot.x);
                            hipsCurves.Y.AddKey(time, rot.y);
                            hipsCurves.Z.AddKey(time, rot.z);
                            hipsCurves.W.AddKey(time, rot.w);

                            hipsCurves.PX.AddKey(time, lpos.x);
                            hipsCurves.PY.AddKey(time, lpos.y);
                            hipsCurves.PZ.AddKey(time, lpos.z);

                if (!Mathf.Approximately(time + deltaTime, clipLen))
                    time += deltaTime;
                    m_Animator.Update(deltaTime - 0.005f); //keep it in the range, if go beyond, something bad could happen
                    time += deltaTime - 0.005f;
        } //end of 1.

        { // 2. set animation clip and store in AssetDatabase
            AnimationClip newClip = new AnimationClip();
            newClip.frameRate   = SAMPLE_RATE;
            newClip.localBounds = clip.localBounds;

            // set bone curves
            for (var ie = curveDict.GetEnumerator(); ie.MoveNext();)
                var curves = ie.Current.Value;
                if (ie.Current.Key == animatorTr)
                { //root motion
                    newClip.SetCurve(curves.relPath, typeof(Animator), "MotionT.x", curves.PX);
                    newClip.SetCurve(curves.relPath, typeof(Animator), "MotionT.y", curves.PY);
                    newClip.SetCurve(curves.relPath, typeof(Animator), "MotionT.z", curves.PZ);

                    newClip.SetCurve(curves.relPath, typeof(Animator), "MotionQ.x", curves.X);
                    newClip.SetCurve(curves.relPath, typeof(Animator), "MotionQ.y", curves.Y);
                    newClip.SetCurve(curves.relPath, typeof(Animator), "MotionQ.z", curves.Z);
                    newClip.SetCurve(curves.relPath, typeof(Animator), "MotionQ.w", curves.W);
                    newClip.SetCurve(curves.relPath, typeof(Transform), "localRotation.x", curves.X);
                    newClip.SetCurve(curves.relPath, typeof(Transform), "localRotation.y", curves.Y);
                    newClip.SetCurve(curves.relPath, typeof(Transform), "localRotation.z", curves.Z);
                    newClip.SetCurve(curves.relPath, typeof(Transform), "localRotation.w", curves.W);

                    newClip.SetCurve(curves.relPath, typeof(Transform), "localPosition.x", curves.PX);
                    newClip.SetCurve(curves.relPath, typeof(Transform), "localPosition.y", curves.PY);
                    newClip.SetCurve(curves.relPath, typeof(Transform), "localPosition.z", curves.PZ);

            // 2.1 copy the unmapped curves to new clip( not mapped by Muscle clip )
            _CopyOtherCurves(newClip, clip);

            // some setting work

#if !U5
            AnimationUtility.SetAnimationType(newClip, m_AnimType);
            RCall.CallMtd("UnityEditor.AnimationUtility", "SetAnimationClipSettings", null, newClip, clipSetting);
            if (m_AnimType == ModelImporterAnimationType.Legacy)
                newClip.legacy = true;
            AnimationUtility.SetAnimationClipSettings(newClip, clipSetting);

            EUtil.SaveAnimClip(newClip, newClipAssetPath);

            EUtil.ShowNotification("Converted to: " + m_AnimType +
                                   (hipsBone != null ? ("\nroot=" + AnimationUtility.CalculateTransformPath(hipsBone, animatorTr)) : ""),
        } //end of 2.

        // 3. clean job
        curveDict = null;

        Dbg.Log("Converted: {0}", newClipAssetPath);