public Card(RANK rank, SUIT suit,bool faceUp) { this.rank = (int)rank; this.suit = (int)suit; this.faceUp = faceUp; highlight = false; }
public Card(RANK rank, SUIT suit) { this.rank = (int)rank; this.suit = (int)suit; faceUp = false; highlight = false; }
public async Task <ActionResult> Create([Bind(Include = "ID,TEN,HINHANH")] RANK rank, HttpPostedFileBase HINHANH) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { if (HINHANH != null) { List <string> lstFilePath = new List <string>(); // Some browsers send file names with full path. This needs to be stripped. var fileName = Path.GetFileName(HINHANH.FileName); fileName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + HINHANH.FileName; var physicalPath = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/Upload"), fileName); // The files are not actually saved in this demo HINHANH.SaveAs(physicalPath); lstFilePath.Add("~/Upload/" + fileName); if (lstFilePath.Count > 0) { rank.HINHANH = string.Join(";", lstFilePath); } } rank.ID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); db.RANKs.Add(rank); await db.SaveChangesAsync(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } return(View(rank)); }
public string RankString(RANK rank) { switch (rank) { default: return(""); case RANK._2: return("2"); case RANK._3: return("3"); case RANK._4: return("4"); case RANK._5: return("5"); case RANK._6: return("6"); case RANK._7: return("7"); case RANK._8: return("8"); case RANK._9: return("9"); case RANK._T: return("T"); case RANK._J: return("J"); case RANK._Q: return("Q"); case RANK._K: return("K"); case RANK._A: return("A"); } }
public List <UserInfo> GetFriend(string name) { List <UserInfo> result; try { string cmdStr = string.Format("select friendNick, score, rank from user, friend where friend.userNick=user.nick and friend.userNick=\"{0}\";", name); cmd = new OdbcCommand(cmdStr, conn); reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); result = new List <UserInfo>(); int index = 0; while (reader.Read()) { string nick = reader.GetString(0); int score = reader.GetInt32(1); RANK rank = (RANK)reader.GetInt32(2); result.Add(new UserInfo(index++, nick, score, rank)); } return(result); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } return(null); }
//**************************************************************************************************** // //**************************************************************************************************** public override void OnDBPull(HTTPReq req) { JSon json = new JSon(req.response); if (json["error"] != null) { return; } if ((json.root is JSonObject) == false) { return; } JSonObject o = json.root as JSonObject; m_loginUsername = o["login_username"].value; m_loginPassword = o["login_password"].value; name = o["name"].value; m_rank = ( RANK )System.Enum.Parse(typeof(RANK), o["rank"].value, true); m_type = ( TYPE )System.Enum.Parse(typeof(TYPE), o["type"].value, true); }
public UserInfo(int index, string name, int score, RANK rank) { Index = index; Name = name; Score = score; Rank = rank; }
public Card(RANK rank, SUIT suit, bool faceUp) { this.rank = (int)rank; this.suit = (int)suit; this.faceUp = faceUp; highlight = false; }
void NotesProcess() { //タイミングのランクを登録する if (notesLeftPos <= 50f && notesLeftPos >= -30f) { Debug.Log("Excellent!!"); rankJudge = RANK.Excellent; } if (notesLeftPos < -30f && notesLeftPos >= -60f) { Debug.Log("Good!!"); rankJudge = RANK.Good; } if (notesLeftPos < -60f && notesLeftPos >= -150f) { Debug.Log("Bad!!"); rankJudge = RANK.Bad; } MainGame_SE mainGame_SE = seObj.GetComponent <MainGame_SE>(); mainGame_SE.StepSound();//足音 BeatUi.notesLefts.RemoveAt(0); Destroy(obj); }
public Card(RANK rank,SUIT suit) { this.rank = (int)rank; this.suit = (int)suit; faceUp = false; highlight = false; }
private Card FromString(string cardStr) { RANK rank = (RANK)Enum.Parse(typeof(RANK), "R" + cardStr.Split('_')[1]); SUIT suit = (SUIT)Enum.Parse(typeof(SUIT), cardStr.Split('_')[0]); return(new Card(rank, suit)); }
public Card(int idx) { _iCard = idx; _iSuit = idx / 13; _iRank = idx % 13; _eSUIT = (SUIT)(0x10000 << _iSuit); _eRANK = (RANK)(0x1 << _iRank); }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { //ボタン NotesKeyName = KeyCode.Space; footPosNum = 0; rankJudge = RANK.Bad; }
public async Task <ActionResult> DeleteConfirmed(string id) { RANK rank = await db.RANKs.FindAsync(id); db.RANKs.Remove(rank); await db.SaveChangesAsync(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { seObj = GameObject.Find("SE"); NotesKeyName = KeyCode.Space; //判定するボタン footPosNum = 0; //足の位置の初期向き rankJudge = RANK.Through; //ランクの初期化 }
private void CheckTouch() { if (!_isUsed) { return; } if (!Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)) { return; } //Debug.Log("SUCCESS TOUCH"); if (isIndication()) { return; } //Debug.Log("SUCCESS Indication"); float distance = SimilarDistance(transform.position, _finishPos); //Debug.Log("B : " + distance); if (distance > RANK_BAD) { return; } //아래부터는 판정 완료 RANK rank = RANK.MISS; if (distance < RANK_BAD) { rank = RANK.BAD; } if (distance < RANK_GOOD) { rank = RANK.GOOD; } if (distance < RANK_GREAT) { rank = RANK.GREAT; } if (distance < RANK_PERFECT) { rank = RANK.PERFECT; } StartCoroutine(_noteM.ViewRank(rank.ToString())); _noteM.ViewScore(RankToScore(rank)); _noteM.ViewCombo(rank != RANK.BAD); // BAD가 아니라면 콤보 유지 _noteM.PlayNote(_index); _isChecked = true; }
public void changeResult(int time, int correct) { int allQ = GMS_.Qnumber; RANK rank = calcRank(allQ, correct); time_t.text = time + "s"; correct_t.text = correct + "/" + allQ; rank_t.text = rank.ToString(); comment_t.text = RankComment[(int)rank]; }
//タイミングの評価の処理 void RankJudge() { //リストがないときには実行しないようにする if (notesLeftList.Count != 0) { //生成したオブジェクトのローカル回転データ格納 Vector3 roll = notesLeftList[0].transform.localRotation.eulerAngles; //トリガーがオンになったら実行 if (OnTrigger()) { //ランクの判定 if (roll.y > butPos.y && roll.y <= gootPos.y) { //Debug.Log("Bad!!"); rank = RANK.Bad; //SE SE_Manager.SePlay(SE_Manager.SE_NAME.But); } else if (roll.y > gootPos.y && roll.y <= excellentPos.y) { //Debug.Log("Good!!"); rank = RANK.Good; //SE SE_Manager.SePlay(SE_Manager.SE_NAME.Good); } else if (roll.y > excellentPos.y || roll.y <= 0.5) { //Debug.Log("Excellent!!"); rank = RANK.Excellent; //SE SE_Manager.SePlay(SE_Manager.SE_NAME.Excellent); } //バッドからエクセレント内にある場合ノーツを消去する if (roll.y > butPos.y || roll.y <= 1) { DestroyNotes(notesRightList); DestroyNotes(notesLeftList); } else { rank = RANK.Miss; } } } }
public async Task <ActionResult> Edit(string id) { if (id == null) { return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest)); } RANK rank = await db.RANKs.FindAsync(id); if (rank == null) { return(HttpNotFound()); } return(View(rank)); }
public Card(SUIT suit, RANK rank) { _eSUIT = suit; _eRANK = rank; switch (suit) { case SUIT.D: _iSuit = 0; break; case SUIT.C: _iSuit = 1; break; case SUIT.H: _iSuit = 2; break; case SUIT.S: _iSuit = 3; break; } switch (rank) { case RANK._2: _iRank = 0; break; case RANK._3: _iRank = 1; break; case RANK._4: _iRank = 2; break; case RANK._5: _iRank = 3; break; case RANK._6: _iRank = 4; break; case RANK._7: _iRank = 5; break; case RANK._8: _iRank = 6; break; case RANK._9: _iRank = 7; break; case RANK._T: _iRank = 8; break; case RANK._J: _iRank = 9; break; case RANK._Q: _iRank = 10; break; case RANK._K: _iRank = 11; break; case RANK._A: _iRank = 12; break; } _iCard = _iSuit * 13 + _iRank; }
void scorejudge() { //評価によって結果を判定する if (soumenCount <= ryou) { scoreRank = RANK.Huka; } else if (soumenCount <= rank.yuu) { scoreRank = RANK.Ryou; } else if (soumenCount <= rank.syuu) { scoreRank = RANK.Yuu; } else { scoreRank = RANK.Syuu; } }
private int RankToScore(RANK rank) { switch (rank) { case RANK.BAD: return(10); case RANK.GOOD: return(55); case RANK.GREAT: return(130); case RANK.PERFECT: return(200); default: return(0); } }
/// <summary> /// Id와 Pwd를 받아 User를 찾는 함수 /// </summary> /// <param name="id"></param> /// <param name="pwd"></param> /// <returns>검색이 성공하면 검색된 객체를 반환, id가 존재하지 않으면 score = -2인 객체 반환, 아니면 score = -1인 객체 반환</returns> public UserInfo GetUser(string id, string pwd) { UserInfo result; try { string cmdStr = string.Format("select num from user where id=\"{0}\";", id); cmd = new OdbcCommand(cmdStr, conn); reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); if (!reader.Read()) { result = new UserInfo(0, "", -2, RANK.UnRank); return(result); } cmdStr = string.Format("select num, nick, score, rank from user where id=\"{0}\" and pwd=\"{1}\";", id, pwd); cmd = new OdbcCommand(cmdStr, conn); reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); if (reader.Read()) { int index = reader.GetInt32(0); string name = reader.GetString(1); int score = reader.GetInt32(2); RANK rank = (RANK)reader.GetInt32(3); result = new UserInfo(index, name, score, rank); return(result); } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } result = new UserInfo(0, "", -1, RANK.UnRank); return(result); }
public void setCard(RANK rank, SUIT suit) { this.rank = (int)rank; this.suit = (int)suit; }
public Card(RANK rank, SUIT suit) { this.rank = rank; this.suit = suit; }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (BeatUi.isNotesPopUp) { //listObj = BeatUi.notesLefts; notesLeftPos = BeatUi.notesLefts[0].GetComponent <RectTransform>().localPosition.x; notesRightPos = BeatUi.notesRights[0].GetComponent <RectTransform>().localPosition.x; //ボタン判定 footPosNum = FootPosNumDebug(); //Debug.Log(footPosNum); //footPosNum = FootPosNum(); //左のノーツの処理 if (notesLeftPos >= -150f && notesLeftPos < 100f) { obj = BeatUi.notesLefts[0]; //足が地面に接触したときまたはキーボードから入力されたときに処理する if (Input.GetKeyDown(NotesKeyName)) { } if (StepDetermination.isGroundTouch_R == StepDetermination.ISGROUNDTOUCH.Landing) { NotesProcess(); } if (StepDetermination.isGroundTouch_L == StepDetermination.ISGROUNDTOUCH.Landing) { NotesProcess(); } } //ノーツを消す if (notesLeftPos > 2f) { obj.GetComponent <Image>().color = Color.clear; } if (notesLeftPos > 100f) { BeatUi.notesLefts.RemoveAt(0); Destroy(obj); } //右のノーツの処理 if (notesRightPos <= 150f && notesRightPos > -100f) { obj1 = BeatUi.notesRights[0]; if (Input.GetKeyDown(NotesKeyName)) { } if (StepDetermination.isGroundTouch_R == StepDetermination.ISGROUNDTOUCH.Landing) { //処理を返す(地面に接触したときにフラグを返す) StepDetermination.isGroundTouch_R = StepDetermination.ISGROUNDTOUCH.EndProcess; BeatUi.notesRights.RemoveAt(0); Destroy(obj1); } else if (StepDetermination.isGroundTouch_L == StepDetermination.ISGROUNDTOUCH.Landing) { //処理を返す(地面に接触したときにフラグを返す) StepDetermination.isGroundTouch_L = StepDetermination.ISGROUNDTOUCH.EndProcess; BeatUi.notesRights.RemoveAt(0); Destroy(obj1); } //BeatUi.notesRights.RemoveAt(0); //Destroy(obj1); } if (!Input.GetKeyDown(NotesKeyName) || !Input.anyKeyDown) { if (notesRightPos < -2f) { obj1.GetComponent <Image>().color = Color.clear; } if (notesRightPos < -100f) { BeatUi.notesRights.RemoveAt(0); Destroy(obj1); //スルーした時のランク rankJudge = RANK.Through; } } } }
public void setRank(RANK rank) { this.rank = (int)rank; }
public Card(RANK rank, SUITE suite) { r = rank; s = suite; }
public Card(RANK _rank, SUIT _suit) { Rank = _rank; Suit = _suit; }
public Card() { Rank = RANK.Small; Suit = SUIT.Joker; }
public Card(RANK rank, SUIT suit) { this._rank = rank; this._suit = suit; }
public Actions GetMove() { if (_actions.Count() == 1) { return(_actions[0]); } else if (_actions.Count() > 1) { #region You have an ace and... if (_player.Any(x => x.rank == RANK.RA) && _player.Count() == 2) { var secondCard = _player.Where(x => x.rank != RANK.RA).FirstOrDefault(); RANK r = secondCard == null ? RANK.RA : secondCard.rank; switch (r) { case RANK.RA: return(Actions.SPLIT); case RANK.R2: case RANK.R3: if (_dealer.Any(x => x.rank == RANK.R5 || x.rank == RANK.R6)) { return(Actions.DOUBLE); } else { return(Actions.HIT); } case RANK.R4: case RANK.R5: if (_dealer.Any(x => x.rank == RANK.R4 || x.rank == RANK.R5 || x.rank == RANK.R6)) { return(Actions.DOUBLE); } else { return(Actions.HIT); } case RANK.R6: if (_dealer.Any(x => x.rank == RANK.R3 || x.rank == RANK.R4 || x.rank == RANK.R5 || x.rank == RANK.R6)) { return(Actions.DOUBLE); } else { return(Actions.HIT); } case RANK.R7: if (_dealer.Any(x => x.rank == RANK.R3 || x.rank == RANK.R4 || x.rank == RANK.R5 || x.rank == RANK.R6)) { return(Actions.DOUBLE); } else if (_dealer.Any(x => x.rank == RANK.R2 || x.rank == RANK.R7 || x.rank == RANK.R8)) { return(Actions.STAND); } else { return(Actions.HIT); } case RANK.R8: case RANK.R9: case RANK.RT: case RANK.RJ: case RANK.RQ: case RANK.RK: return(Actions.STAND); default: throw new Exception("Logic error"); } } #endregion #region You have a pair of... if (_player.Count == 2 && _player[0].rank == _player[1].rank) { switch (_player[0].rank) { case RANK.RA: return(Actions.STAND); case RANK.R2: case RANK.R3: if (_dealer.Any(x => x.rank == RANK.R4 || x.rank == RANK.R5 || x.rank == RANK.R6 || x.rank == RANK.R7)) { return(Actions.SPLIT); } else { return(Actions.HIT); } case RANK.R4: return(Actions.HIT); case RANK.R5: if (_dealer.Any(x => x.rank >= RANK.R2 && x.rank <= RANK.R9)) { return(Actions.DOUBLE); } else { return(Actions.HIT); } case RANK.R6: if (_dealer.Any(x => x.rank == RANK.R3 || x.rank == RANK.R4 || x.rank == RANK.R5 || x.rank == RANK.R6)) { return(Actions.SPLIT); } else { return(Actions.HIT); } case RANK.R7: if (_dealer.Any(x => x.rank >= RANK.R2 && x.rank <= RANK.R7)) { return(Actions.SPLIT); } else { return(Actions.HIT); } case RANK.R8: return(Actions.SPLIT); case RANK.R9: if (_dealer.Any(x => x.rank >= RANK.R2 && x.rank <= RANK.R6)) { return(Actions.SPLIT); } else if (_dealer.Any(x => x.rank == RANK.R7)) { return(Actions.STAND); } else if (_dealer.Any(x => x.rank == RANK.R8 || x.rank == RANK.R9)) { return(Actions.SPLIT); } else { return(Actions.STAND); } case RANK.RT: case RANK.RJ: case RANK.RQ: case RANK.RK: return(Actions.STAND); default: throw new Exception("Logic error"); } } #endregion #region or You have... if (_player.Count > 0) { int sum = CalcSum(_player); if (sum >= 21) { return(Actions.BET); } else if (sum <= 8) { return(Actions.HIT); } else if (sum == 9) { if (_dealer.Any(x => x.rank == RANK.R3 || x.rank == RANK.R4 || x.rank == RANK.R5 || x.rank == RANK.R6)) { return(Actions.DOUBLE); } else { return(Actions.HIT); } } else if (sum == 10) { if (_dealer.Any(x => x.rank >= RANK.R2 && x.rank <= RANK.R9)) { return(Actions.DOUBLE); } else { return(Actions.HIT); } } else if (sum == 11) { if (_dealer.Any(x => x.rank == RANK.RA)) { return(Actions.HIT); } else { return(Actions.DOUBLE); } } else if (sum == 12) { if (_dealer.Any(x => x.rank >= RANK.R4 && x.rank <= RANK.R6)) { return(Actions.STAND); } else { return(Actions.HIT); } } else if (sum >= 13 && sum <= 16) { if (_dealer.Any(x => x.rank >= RANK.R2 && x.rank <= RANK.R6)) { return(Actions.STAND); } else { return(Actions.HIT); } } else if (sum >= 17 && sum <= 21) { return(Actions.STAND); } } #endregion } throw new Exception("Logic error"); }
public Card(Card card) { rank = card.rank; suit = card.suit; }
public UserInfo(string name, int score, RANK rank) { Name = name; Score = score; Rank = rank; }
public Card(SUIT suit, RANK rank) { Suit = suit; Rank = rank; }
public Card(SUIT suit, RANK rank) { this._suit = suit; this._rank = rank; }