Ejemplo n.º 1
        public IActionResult Post([FromBody] QuoterRequestArgument arguments)
            string prefix = null;

            string responseText = "Quoter is currently down for maintenance. Please check back later.";
            if (arguments is null)
                return BadRequest(responseText);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(arguments.SourceText))
                responseText = "Please specify the source text.";
            else if (arguments.SourceText.Length > 2000)
                responseText = "Only strings shorter than 2000 characters are supported; your input string is " + arguments.SourceText.Length + " characters long.";
                    var quoter = new Quoter
                        OpenParenthesisOnNewLine = arguments.OpenCurlyOnNewLine,
                        ClosingParenthesisOnNewLine = arguments.CloseCurlyOnNewLine,
                        UseDefaultFormatting = !arguments.PreserveOriginalWhitespace,
                        RemoveRedundantModifyingCalls = !arguments.KeepRedundantApiCalls,
                        ShortenCodeWithUsingStatic = !arguments.AvoidUsingStatic

                    responseText = quoter.QuoteText(arguments.SourceText, arguments.NodeKind);

                    if (arguments.ReadyToRun)
                        responseText = ReadyToRunHelper.CreateReadyToRunCode(arguments, responseText);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    responseText = ex.ToString();

                    prefix = "Congratulations! You've found a bug in Quoter! Please open an issue at <a href=\"https://github.com/KirillOsenkov/RoslynQuoter/issues/new\" target=\"_blank\">https://github.com/KirillOsenkov/RoslynQuoter/issues/new</a> and paste the code you've typed above and this stack:";
            responseText = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(responseText);

            if (prefix != null)
                responseText = "<div class=\"error\"><p>" + prefix + "</p><p>" + responseText + "</p><p><br/>P.S. Sorry!</p></div>";

            return Ok(responseText);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public IActionResult Post([FromBody] QuoterRequestArgument arguments)
            string prefix = null;

            string responseText = "Quoter is currently down for maintenance. Please check back later.";

            if (arguments is null)

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(arguments.SourceText))
                responseText = "Please specify the source text.";
            else if (arguments.SourceText.Length > 2000)
                responseText = "Only strings shorter than 2000 characters are supported; your input string is " + arguments.SourceText.Length + " characters long.";
                    var quoter = new Quoter
                        OpenParenthesisOnNewLine      = arguments.OpenCurlyOnNewLine,
                        ClosingParenthesisOnNewLine   = arguments.CloseCurlyOnNewLine,
                        UseDefaultFormatting          = !arguments.PreserveOriginalWhitespace,
                        RemoveRedundantModifyingCalls = !arguments.KeepRedundantApiCalls,
                        ShortenCodeWithUsingStatic    = !arguments.AvoidUsingStatic

                    responseText = quoter.QuoteText(arguments.SourceText, arguments.NodeKind);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    responseText = ex.ToString();

                    prefix = "Congratulations! You've found a bug in Quoter! Please open an issue at <a href=\"https://github.com/KirillOsenkov/RoslynQuoter/issues/new\" target=\"_blank\">https://github.com/KirillOsenkov/RoslynQuoter/issues/new</a> and paste the code you've typed above and this stack:";

            if (arguments.GenerateLinqPad)
                var linqpadFile = $@"<Query Kind=""Expression"">
  <Namespace>static Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.SyntaxFactory</Namespace>


                var responseBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(linqpadFile);

                return(File(responseBytes, "application/octet-stream", "Quoter.linq"));

            responseText = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(responseText);

            if (prefix != null)
                responseText = "<div class=\"error\"><p>" + prefix + "</p><p>" + responseText + "</p><p><br/>P.S. Sorry!</p></div>";
