Ejemplo n.º 1
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!Page.IsPostBack)
                /*  Documentation.
                 *  Response data fields
                 *  msgtype     /^[a-z]$/   Defines which action was performed - Each message type is described in detail later
                 *  ordernumber     /^[a-zA-Z0-9]{4,20}$/   A value specified by merchant in the initial request.
                 *  amount  /^[0-9]{1,10}$/     The amount defined in the request in its smallest unit. In example, 1 EUR is written 100.
                 *  currency    /^[A-Z]{3}$/    The transaction currency as the 3-letter ISO 4217 alphabetical code.
                 *  time    /^[0-9]{12}$/   The time of which the message was handled. Format is YYMMDDHHIISS.
                 *  state   /^[1-9]{1,2}$/  The current state of the transaction. See Appendix D.
                 *  qpstat  /^[0-9]{3}$/    Return code from QuickPay. See Appendix A.
                 *  qpstatmsg   /^[\w -.]{1,}$/     A message detailing errors and warnings if any.
                 *  chstat  /^[0-9]{3}$/    Return code from the clearing house. Please refer to the clearing house documentation.
                 *  chstatmsg   /^[\w -.]{1,}$/     A message from the clearing house detailing errors and warnings if any.
                 *  merchant    /^[\w -.]{1,100}$/  The QuickPay merchant name
                 *  merchantemail   /^[\w_-.\@]{6,}$/   The QuickPay merchant email/username
                 *  transaction     /^[0-9]{1,32}$/     The id assigned to the current transaction.
                 *  cardtype    /^[\w-]{1,32}$/     The card type used to authorize the transaction.
                 *  cardnumber  /^[\w\s]{,32}$/     A truncated version of the card number - eg. 'XXXX XXXX XXXX 1234'. Note: This field will be empty for other message types than 'authorize' and 'subscribe'.
                 *  md5check    /^[a-z0-9]{32}$/    A MD5 checksum to ensure data integrity. See Section 3.1 for more information.
                 *  MD5 checksum calculation for a Form callback
                 *  The field values must be concatenated in the following order:
                 *  cstr = concatenate(
                 *      'msgtype',
                 *      'ordernumber',
                 *      'amount',
                 *      'currency',
                 *      'time',
                 *      'state',
                 *      'qpstat',
                 *      'qpstatmsg',
                 *      'chstat',
                 *      'chstatmsg',
                 *      'merchant',
                 *      'merchantemail',
                 *      'transaction',
                 *      'cardtype',
                 *      'cardnumber',
                 *      'secret'
                 *  )
                 *  md5check = md5(cstr)
                 *  TESTNUMBERS
                 *  I testmode kan man fremprovokere fejlrespons ved, at sende kortoplysninger der indeholder et bogstav, f.eks:
                 *  Cart that WILL FAIL
                 *  Korntnr: 4571123412341234, Udløbsdato: 09/12 og cvd: 12a.
                 *  Så bliver kortet afvist, selv om der køres i testmode.
                 *  Cart that WILL SUCEED
                 *  En succesrespons kan opnåes ved at bruge f.eks.:
                 *  Kortnr: 4571123412341234, Udløbsdato: 09/12 og cvd: 123.
                 * * */

                string msgtype          = CommonHelper.GetFormString("msgtype");
                string ordernumber      = CommonHelper.GetFormString("ordernumber");
                string amount           = CommonHelper.GetFormString("amount");
                string currency         = CommonHelper.GetFormString("currency");
                string time             = CommonHelper.GetFormString("time");
                string state            = CommonHelper.GetFormString("state");
                string qpstat           = CommonHelper.GetFormString("qpstat");
                string qpstatmsg        = CommonHelper.GetFormString("qpstatmsg");
                string chstat           = CommonHelper.GetFormString("chstat");
                string chstatmsg        = CommonHelper.GetFormString("chstatmsg");
                string merchant         = CommonHelper.GetFormString("merchant");
                string merchantemail    = CommonHelper.GetFormString("merchantemail");
                string transaction      = CommonHelper.GetFormString("transaction");
                string cardtype         = CommonHelper.GetFormString("cardtype");
                string cardnumber       = CommonHelper.GetFormString("cardnumber");
                string responseMD5check = CommonHelper.GetFormString("md5check");
                string md5secret        = SettingManager.GetSettingValue(QuickPayConstants.SETTING_MD5SECRET);

                var    processor      = new QuickPayPaymentProcessor();
                string serverMD5check = processor.GetMD5(
                    string.Concat(msgtype, ordernumber, amount, currency, time, state, qpstat,
                                  qpstatmsg, chstat, chstatmsg, merchant, merchantemail, transaction,
                                  cardtype, cardnumber, md5secret)
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(serverMD5check))
                    throw new Exception("serverMD5check could not be empty");

                if (responseMD5check != serverMD5check)
                    throw new NopException("MD5 Check doesn't match. This may just be an error in the setting or it COULD be a hacker trying to fake a completed order");

                 *  Possible status codes
                 *  Code    Description
                 *  000     Approved.
                 *  001     Rejected by clearing house. See field 'chstat' and 'chstatmsg' for further explanation.
                 *  002     Communication error.
                 *  003     Card expired.
                 *  004     Transition is not allowed for transaction current state.
                 *  005     Authorization is expired.
                 *  006     Error reported by clearing house.
                 *  007     Error reported by QuickPay.
                 *  008     Error in request data.
                 * */
                if (qpstat != "000")
                    throw new NopException("The order was NOT approved, stat is: " + qpstat);

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ordernumber))
                    throw new NopException("Order is was empty");

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(merchant))
                    throw new NopException("Quickpay merchant is not set");

                Order order = OrderManager.GetOrderById(Convert.ToInt32(ordernumber));

                if (order == null)
                    throw new NopException(string.Format("The order ID {0} doesn't exists", ordernumber));

                if (OrderManager.CanMarkOrderAsPaid(order))
 public QuickPayPaymentGatewayMethod(IGatewayProviderService gatewayProviderService, IPaymentMethod paymentMethod, ExtendedDataCollection providerExtendedData)
     : base(gatewayProviderService, paymentMethod)
     _processor = new QuickPayPaymentProcessor(providerExtendedData.GetProviderSettings());
 public QuickPayPaymentGatewayMethod(IGatewayProviderService gatewayProviderService, IPaymentMethod paymentMethod, ExtendedDataCollection providerExtendedData)
     : base(gatewayProviderService, paymentMethod)
     _processor = new QuickPayPaymentProcessor(providerExtendedData.GetProviderSettings());