Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void ApplyBrakeForceToAgents()
            NativeArray <AgentKinematics> agents = new NativeArray <AgentKinematics>(1, Allocator.Persistent);

            agents[0] = new AgentKinematics()
                velocity = new float3(0, 1, 0)

            NativeArray <float3> steering = new NativeArray <float3>(1, Allocator.Persistent);

            steering[0] = new float3(1, 0, 0);

            float         maxBrakeForce = 0.8f;
            QueueBehavior job           = new QueueBehavior()
                maxBrakeForce = maxBrakeForce,
                steering      = steering,
                agents        = agents

            float3 expectedVelocity = agents[0].velocity;
            float3 expectedSteering = steering[0];

            expectedSteering += -expectedSteering * maxBrakeForce;
            expectedSteering += -agents[0].velocity;


            Assert.AreEqual(expectedVelocity, agents[0].velocity); // velocity should not have changed
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedSteering, steering[0]);        // steering should have changed

Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void DetectCollisionsWithAgents()
            float3 position1 = float3.zero;
            float3 position2 = new float3(0, 0.5f, 0);

            NativeMultiHashMap <int3, SpatialMapData> spatialMap = new NativeMultiHashMap <int3, SpatialMapData>(1, Allocator.Persistent);

            spatialMap.Add(int3.zero, new SpatialMapData()
                position = position1
            spatialMap.Add(int3.zero, new SpatialMapData()
                position = position2

            NativeArray <AgentKinematics> agents = new NativeArray <AgentKinematics>(2, Allocator.Persistent);

            agents[0] = new AgentKinematics()
                position = position1
            agents[1] = new AgentKinematics()
                position = position2

            QueueBehavior job = new QueueBehavior()
                spatialMap     = spatialMap,
                maxQueueRadius = 0.25f,
                agents         = agents,
                maxDepth       = 100,

            bool collision;

            collision = job.DetectCollision(0, float3.zero, int3.zero);
            Assert.AreEqual(false, collision);

            collision = job.DetectCollision(0, new float3(0, 0.25f, 0), int3.zero);
            Assert.AreEqual(true, collision);

Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void AddBrakeForceWhenAgentsCollide()
            float3 position1 = float3.zero;
            float3 position2 = new float3(0f, 1f, 0f);

            NativeMultiHashMap <int3, SpatialMapData> spatialMap = new NativeMultiHashMap <int3, SpatialMapData>(1, Allocator.Persistent);

            spatialMap.Add(int3.zero, new SpatialMapData()
                position = position1
            spatialMap.Add(int3.zero, new SpatialMapData()
                position = position2

            NativeArray <AgentKinematics> agents = new NativeArray <AgentKinematics>(2, Allocator.Persistent);

            agents[0] = new AgentKinematics()
                position = position1, velocity = new float3(0, 0, 0)
            agents[1] = new AgentKinematics()
                position = position2, velocity = new float3(0, 1, 0)

            NativeArray <float3> steering = new NativeArray <float3>(2, Allocator.Persistent);

            steering[0] = new float3(0, 1, 0);
            steering[1] = new float3(1, 0, 1);

            NativeArray <AgentBehaviors> active = new NativeArray <AgentBehaviors>(2, Allocator.Persistent);

            for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                active[i] = AgentBehaviors.Queueing;

            AgentWorld world = new AgentWorld()
                scale    = 1f,
                offset   = float3.zero,
                center   = new float3(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f),
                rotation = quaternion.identity,

            QueueBehavior job = new QueueBehavior()
                maxBrakeForce  = 0.8f,
                maxQueueAhead  = 1f,
                maxQueueRadius = 1f,
                maxDepth       = 100,

                world      = world,
                size       = new int3(1, 1, 1),
                spatialMap = spatialMap,
                steering   = steering,
                behaviors  = active,
                agents     = agents

            job.Schedule(2, 1).Complete();

            // first agent should be braking
            float3 expected = new float3(0, 0.2f, 0);

            Assert.AreEqual(true, Mathf.Approximately(expected.x, steering[0].x));
            Assert.AreEqual(true, Mathf.Approximately(expected.y, steering[0].y));
            Assert.AreEqual(true, Mathf.Approximately(expected.z, steering[0].z));

            // second agent should not be braking
            expected = new float3(1, 0, 1);
            Assert.AreEqual(true, Mathf.Approximately(expected.x, steering[1].x));
            Assert.AreEqual(true, Mathf.Approximately(expected.y, steering[1].y));
            Assert.AreEqual(true, Mathf.Approximately(expected.z, steering[1].z));
