Ejemplo n.º 1
    private void BowserMovementLogic()
        facingRight = mario.transform.position.x > transform.position.x;

        if (fireballTimer < fireballTimerMax)
            fireballTimer += Time.deltaTime;

        if (!inAir && fireballTimer > 0.1)
            myAnimator.SetAnimation("Walk", !facingRight);

        if (movementTimer < movementTimerMax)
            movementTimer += Time.deltaTime;
            movementTimer = 0;
            rightPressed  = Random.Range(0, 2) == 0;
            leftPressed   = !rightPressed;

        if (transform.position.x - startX > maxX)
            rightPressed = false;
            leftPressed  = true;

        if (startX - transform.position.x > maxX)
            rightPressed = true;
            leftPressed  = false;
        bool rightOrLeftPressed = false;

        //Running (Takes 2 to speed up/slow down)
        if ((rightPressed) && !leftPressed)
            rightOrLeftPressed = true;
            RaycastHit?rightHit = HorizontalCollisionCheck(GetPosition(position), GetRightPosition());
            if (rightHit == null)
                rightPressed = true;

                velocity.x = changeMoveSpeed;
        else if (leftPressed && !rightPressed)
            rightOrLeftPressed = true;
            RaycastHit?leftHit = HorizontalCollisionCheck(GetPosition(position), GetLeftPosition());
            if (leftHit == null)
                //Left Start was hit
                velocity.x = -1 * changeMoveSpeed;

        //Determine if in air
        if (Mathf.Abs(velocity.x) > 0 && velocity.y == 0)
            RaycastHit?below = VerticalCollisionCheck(GetPosition(position), GetDownPosition());
            if (below == null)
                inAir = true;
                RaycastHit belowHit = (RaycastHit)below;
                if (!Constants.IsSolid(belowHit.collider.tag) && !belowHit.collider.tag.Equals("Plant"))
                    inAir = true;

        bool jump = false;

        if (jumpTimer < jumpTimerMax)
            jumpTimer += Time.deltaTime;
            jump      = true;
            jumpTimer = 0;

        //Input -Jumping
        if (jump && velocity.y == 0 && !inAir)
            velocity.y = initialChangeSpeed;
            jumping    = true;
            inAir      = true;
        else if (jump && jumping && velocity.y > 0)
            velocity.y += changeJumpSpeed * Time.deltaTime;
            if (velocity.y > maxJumpSpeed)
                velocity.y = maxJumpSpeed;
                jumping    = false;
        else if (velocity.y != 0)
            jumping = false;

        if (inAir)
            myAnimator.SetAnimation("Jump", !facingRight);
            velocity.y -= changeGravitySpeed * Time.deltaTime;

        Vector2 possibleNewPos = position + Time.deltaTime * velocity;
        bool    squishedEnemy  = false;

        if (velocity.y > 0)
            RaycastHit?aboveHit = VerticalCollisionCheck(GetUpPosition(), GetUpPosition() + Vector3.up * (possibleNewPos.y - position.y));
            if (aboveHit != null)
                RaycastHit aboveRaycastHit = (RaycastHit)aboveHit;
                if (Constants.IsSolid(aboveRaycastHit.collider.tag))
                    possibleNewPos.y = aboveRaycastHit.point.y - GetHeight() / 2.0f;
                    velocity.y       = 0;

                    if (aboveRaycastHit.collider.tag.Equals("Breakable"))
                        aboveRaycastHit.collider.GetComponent <Block> ().HitBelow(gameObject);
                    else if (aboveRaycastHit.collider.tag.Equals("PowerupBlock"))
                        QuestionBlock b = aboveRaycastHit.collider.GetComponent <QuestionBlock> ();
                        if (b != null)
        else if (velocity.y < 0)
            RaycastHit?belowHit = VerticalCollisionCheck(GetPosition(position), GetDownPosition() + Vector3.down * (position.y - possibleNewPos.y), 0.05f, 0.95f);
            if (belowHit != null)
                RaycastHit belowRaycastHit = (RaycastHit)belowHit;
                if (Constants.IsSolid(belowRaycastHit.collider.tag))
                    possibleNewPos.y = belowRaycastHit.point.y + GetHeight() / 2.0f;
                    inAir            = false;
                    velocity.y       = 0;
                else if (belowRaycastHit.collider.tag.Equals("Player"))
                    Mario m = belowRaycastHit.collider.GetComponent <Mario> ();

        if (velocity.x < 0)          //LEFT CHECK
            RaycastHit?leftHit = HorizontalCollisionCheck(GetPosition(position), GetLeftPosition() + Vector3.left * (position.x - possibleNewPos.x));
            if (leftHit != null)
                RaycastHit leftRaycastHit = (RaycastHit)leftHit;
                if (Constants.IsSolid(leftRaycastHit.collider.tag))
                    possibleNewPos.x = leftRaycastHit.point.x + GetWidth() / 2.0f;
                    velocity.x       = 0;
                else if (leftRaycastHit.collider.tag.Equals("Player"))
                    Mario m = leftRaycastHit.collider.GetComponent <Mario> ();
        else if (velocity.x > 0)          //RIGHT CHECK
            RaycastHit?rightHit = HorizontalCollisionCheck(GetPosition(position), GetRightPosition() + Vector3.right * (possibleNewPos.x - position.x));
            if (rightHit != null)
                RaycastHit rightRaycastHit = (RaycastHit)rightHit;
                if (Constants.IsSolid(rightRaycastHit.collider.tag))
                    possibleNewPos.x = rightRaycastHit.point.x - GetWidth() / 2.0f;
                    velocity.x       = 0;
                else if (rightRaycastHit.collider.tag.Equals("Player"))
                    Mario m = rightRaycastHit.collider.GetComponent <Mario> ();

Ejemplo n.º 2
    private void MarioMovementLogic()
        bool rightOrLeftPressed = false;
        bool rightPressed       = false;
        bool leftPressed        = false;

        if (Input.GetKeyDown(a))           //|| Input.GetButton(speedStringName)) {
            running = true;

            if (fire)

            if (startRunningRecord == 0)
                startRunningRecord = Time.time;
        else if (running && !Input.GetKey(a))
            running = false;

            if (startRunningRecord != 0)
                if (LogHandler.Instance != null)
                    LogHandler.Instance.WriteLine(gameObject.name + " RunState: StTime = " + startRunningRecord + " EdTime = " + Time.time);
                startRunningRecord = 0;

        if (fireTimer > 0)
            fireTimer -= Time.deltaTime;

        //Running (Takes 2 to speed up/slow down)
        if ((Input.GetKey(right) || Input.GetKeyDown(right)))           //||Input.GetAxis(horizontalStringName)>0.5f) {
            rightOrLeftPressed = true;
            RaycastHit?rightHit = HorizontalCollisionCheck(GetPosition(position), GetRightPosition());
            if (rightHit == null)
                rightPressed = true;
                if (rightStart == 0)
                    rightStart = Time.time;
                if (running)
                    velocity.x += changeRunSpeed * Time.deltaTime;
                    if (Mathf.Abs(velocity.x) > maxRunSpeed)
                        velocity.x = maxRunSpeed;
                    velocity.x += changeWalkSpeed * Time.deltaTime;
                    if (Mathf.Abs(velocity.x) > maxWalkSpeed)
                        velocity.x = maxWalkSpeed;
        else if ((Input.GetKey(left) || Input.GetKeyDown(left)))           // ||Input.GetAxis(horizontalStringName)<-0.5f){
            rightOrLeftPressed = true;
            RaycastHit?leftHit = HorizontalCollisionCheck(GetPosition(position), GetLeftPosition());
            if (leftHit == null)
                //Left Start was hit
                if (leftStart == 0)
                    leftStart = Time.time;
                leftPressed = true;
                if (running)
                    velocity.x -= changeRunSpeed * Time.deltaTime;
                    if (Mathf.Abs(velocity.x) > maxRunSpeed)
                        velocity.x = -1 * maxRunSpeed;
                    velocity.x -= changeWalkSpeed * Time.deltaTime;
                    if (velocity.x < -1 * maxWalkSpeed)
                        velocity.x = -1 * maxWalkSpeed;
            if (Mathf.Abs(velocity.x) > changeWalkSpeed * Time.deltaTime)
                if (velocity.x > 0)
                    velocity.x -= changeWalkSpeed * Time.deltaTime;
                    velocity.x += changeWalkSpeed * Time.deltaTime;
                if (Mathf.Abs(velocity.x) < changeWalkSpeed * Time.deltaTime)
                    velocity.x = 0;
                velocity.x = 0;

        if (!leftPressed && leftStart != 0)
            if (LogHandler.Instance != null)
                LogHandler.Instance.WriteLine(gameObject.name + " LeftMove: StTime = " + leftStart + " EdTime = " + Time.time);
            leftStart = 0;
        if (!rightPressed && rightStart != 0)
            if (LogHandler.Instance != null)
                LogHandler.Instance.WriteLine(gameObject.name + " RightMove: StTime = " + rightStart + " EdTime = " + Time.time);
            rightStart = 0;

        //Determine if in air
        if (velocity.y == 0 && !held)
            RaycastHit?below = VerticalCollisionCheck(GetPosition(position), GetDownPosition());
            if (below == null)
                inAir = true;
                RaycastHit belowHit = (RaycastHit)below;
                if (!Constants.IsSolid(belowHit.collider.tag) && !belowHit.collider.tag.Equals("Plant"))
                    inAir = true;

        //Input -Jumping
        if ((Input.GetKeyDown(jump)) && velocity.y == 0 && !inAir)             //|| Input.GetButtonDown(jumpStringName)
            velocity.y = initialChangeSpeed;
            jumping    = true;
            inAir      = true;
            held       = false;
            if (jumpStart == 0)
                jumpStart = Time.time;
        else if ((Input.GetKey(jump)) && jumping && velocity.y > 0)          //||Input.GetButton(jumpStringName)
            velocity.y += changeJumpSpeed * Time.deltaTime;
            if (velocity.y > maxJumpSpeed)
                velocity.y = maxJumpSpeed;
                jumping    = false;
        else if (velocity.y != 0)
            jumping = false;

        if (inAir)
            velocity.y -= changeGravitySpeed * Time.deltaTime;

        Vector2 possibleNewPos = position + Time.deltaTime * velocity;
        bool    squishedEnemy  = false;

        if (velocity.y > 0)
            RaycastHit?aboveHit = VerticalCollisionCheck(GetUpPosition(), GetUpPosition() + Vector3.up * (possibleNewPos.y - position.y));
            if (aboveHit != null)
                RaycastHit aboveRaycastHit = (RaycastHit)aboveHit;
                if (Constants.IsSolid(aboveRaycastHit.collider.tag))
                    possibleNewPos.y = aboveRaycastHit.point.y - GetHeight() / 2.0f;
                    velocity.y       = 0;

                    if (aboveRaycastHit.collider.tag.Equals("Breakable"))
                        if (large)
                        aboveRaycastHit.collider.GetComponent <Block> ().HitBelow(gameObject);
                    else if (aboveRaycastHit.collider.tag.Equals("PowerupBlock"))
                        QuestionBlock b = aboveRaycastHit.collider.GetComponent <QuestionBlock> ();
                        if (b != null)
                else if (aboveRaycastHit.collider.tag.Equals("Powerup"))
                    HandlePowerup(aboveRaycastHit.collider.GetComponent <BaseSprite> ());
                else if (aboveRaycastHit.collider.tag.Equals("Enemy"))
                    Hurt(aboveRaycastHit.collider.GetComponent <BaseSprite>());
                else if (aboveRaycastHit.collider.tag.Equals("Coin"))
                    aboveRaycastHit.collider.GetComponent <Coin> ().CollectCoin(this);
        else if (velocity.y < 0)
            RaycastHit?belowHit = VerticalCollisionCheck(GetPosition(position), GetDownPosition() + Vector3.down * (position.y - possibleNewPos.y), 0.05f, 0.95f);
            if (belowHit != null)
                RaycastHit belowRaycastHit = (RaycastHit)belowHit;
                if (Constants.IsSolid(belowRaycastHit.collider.tag))
                    possibleNewPos.y = belowRaycastHit.point.y + GetHeight() / 2.0f;
                    inAir            = false;
                    velocity.y       = 0;

                    if (jumpStart != 0)
                        if (LogHandler.Instance != null)
                            LogHandler.Instance.WriteLine(gameObject.name + " Jump: StTime = " + jumpStart + " EdTime = " + Time.time);
                        jumpStart = 0;
                else if (belowRaycastHit.collider.tag.Equals("Powerup"))
                    HandlePowerup(belowRaycastHit.collider.GetComponent <BaseSprite> ());
                else if (belowRaycastHit.collider.tag.Equals("Enemy"))
                    Enemy e = belowRaycastHit.collider.gameObject.GetComponent <Enemy> ();
                    if (e != null)
                        bool squished = e.Squish(gameObject);

                        if (squished)
                            //if squished just continue falling as normal
                            squishedEnemy = true;
                        else if (!IsDead())
                            //Wasn't squished so bounce off to get out of the way
                            velocity.y = initialChangeSpeed;
                            jumping    = true;
                            inAir      = true;
                else if (belowRaycastHit.collider.tag.Equals("Coin"))
                    belowRaycastHit.collider.GetComponent <Coin> ().CollectCoin(this);

        if (velocity.x < 0)          //LEFT CHECK
            RaycastHit?leftHit = HorizontalCollisionCheck(GetPosition(position), GetLeftPosition() + Vector3.left * (position.x - possibleNewPos.x));
            if (leftHit != null)
                RaycastHit leftRaycastHit = (RaycastHit)leftHit;
                if (leftRaycastHit.collider.tag.Equals("Enemy") && !squishedEnemy)
                    Shell s = leftRaycastHit.collider.GetComponent <Shell>();
                    if (s == null)
                        Hurt(leftRaycastHit.collider.GetComponent <BaseSprite>());
                    else if (s.Moving())
                        Hurt(leftRaycastHit.collider.GetComponent <BaseSprite>());
                else if (leftRaycastHit.collider.tag.Equals("Powerup"))
                    HandlePowerup(leftRaycastHit.collider.GetComponent <BaseSprite> ());
                else if (leftRaycastHit.collider.tag.Equals("Coin"))
                    leftRaycastHit.collider.GetComponent <Coin> ().CollectCoin(this);
                else if (Constants.IsSolid(leftRaycastHit.collider.tag))
                    possibleNewPos.x = leftRaycastHit.point.x + GetWidth() / 2.0f;
                    velocity.x       = 0;
            if (!playerTwo)
                follower.CheckMoveLeft(GetPosition(possibleNewPos), Mathf.Abs(possibleNewPos.x - position.x));
        else if (velocity.x > 0)          //RIGHT CHECK
            RaycastHit?rightHit = HorizontalCollisionCheck(GetPosition(position), GetRightPosition() + Vector3.right * (possibleNewPos.x - position.x));
            if (rightHit != null)
                RaycastHit rightRaycastHit = (RaycastHit)rightHit;
                if (rightRaycastHit.collider.tag.Equals("Enemy") && !squishedEnemy)
                    Shell s = rightRaycastHit.collider.GetComponent <Shell>();
                    if (s == null)
                        Hurt(rightRaycastHit.collider.GetComponent <BaseSprite>());
                    else if (s.Moving())
                        Hurt(rightRaycastHit.collider.GetComponent <BaseSprite>());
                else if (rightRaycastHit.collider.tag.Equals("Powerup"))
                    HandlePowerup(rightRaycastHit.collider.GetComponent <BaseSprite> ());
                else if (rightRaycastHit.collider.tag.Equals("Coin"))
                    rightRaycastHit.collider.GetComponent <Coin> ().CollectCoin(this);
                else if (Constants.IsSolid(rightRaycastHit.collider.tag))
                    possibleNewPos.x = rightRaycastHit.point.x - GetWidth() / 2.0f;
                    velocity.x       = 0;

            if (!playerTwo)
                follower.CheckMoveRight(GetPosition(possibleNewPos), Mathf.Abs(possibleNewPos.x - position.x));

        //Set new position
        if (!dying)

            //Determine animation

            if (velocity.y == 0)
                if ((Input.GetKey(down)) && !rightOrLeftPressed)                    //||Input.GetAxis(verticalStringName)>0.5f
                    //Logging info
                    if (duckStart == 0)
                        duckStart = Time.time;
                    //Print out dodge log
                    if (duckStart > 0)
                        if (LogHandler.Instance != null)
                            LogHandler.Instance.WriteLine(gameObject.name + " Duck: StTime = " + duckStart + " EdTime = " + Time.time);
                        duckStart = 0;

                    if (velocity.x > changeSpeed)
                        currAnimator.SetAnimation("Run", true);
                    else if (velocity.x < -1 * changeSpeed)
                        currAnimator.SetAnimation("Run", false);
                    else if (velocity.x > 0 && leftPressed)
                        currAnimator.SetAnimation("Turn", false);
                    else if (velocity.x < 0 && rightPressed)
                        currAnimator.SetAnimation("Turn", true);
                    else if (velocity.x == 0)
                        if (fireTimer <= 0)
                            //currAnimator.SetAnimation ("Fire");
                    else if (velocity.x > 0)
                        currAnimator.SetAnimation("Run", true);
                    else if (velocity.x < -1 * 0)
                        currAnimator.SetAnimation("Run", false);
            else if (velocity.y > 0)
            else if (velocity.y < 0)

            //Invulnerability flash
            if (invulnerable)
                invulnerabilityTimer -= Time.deltaTime;

                float flashTime    = invulnerabilityTimer * 10f;
                int   flashTimeInt = (int)Mathf.Round(flashTime);

                GetComponent <MeshRenderer> ().material.color = new Color32(255, 255, 255, 255);
                if (flashTimeInt % 2 != 0 && invulnerabilityTimer > 0)
                    GetComponent <MeshRenderer> ().material.color = new Color32(255, 255, 255, 0);

                if (invulnerabilityTimer < 0)
                    invulnerable = false;