Ejemplo n.º 1
        // Column formatting button & menu clicks

        internal void FormattingButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            GridCell[] cells;
            int        topRow, bottomRow;
            GridColumn leftCol, rightCol;

            if (MoleculeGrid.BGV == null)

            QueryColumn qc = null;

            MoleculeGrid.GetSelectedCells(out cells, out topRow, out bottomRow, out leftCol, out rightCol);
            if (leftCol != null)
                ColumnInfo cInf = MoleculeGrid.GetColumnInfo(leftCol);
                if (cInf != null)
                    qc = cInf.Qc;

            QueryTableControl.SetupColumnFormattingContextMenu(FieldFormattingContextMenu, qc, MoleculeGrid.Helpers.UseNamedCfMenuItem_Click);
            SimpleButton b = sender as SimpleButton;

                                            new System.Drawing.Point(0, b.Height));
Ejemplo n.º 2
/// <summary>
/// SetFieldGridDataRow
/// </summary>
/// <param name="dr"></param>
/// <param name="f"></param>

        void SetFieldGridDataRow(DataRow dr, PivotGridFieldMx f)
            string label, txt;

            ResultsField  rfld = f.ResultsField as ResultsField;
            ResultsTable  rt   = rfld.ResultsTable;
            ResultsFormat rf   = rt.ResultsFormat;
            MetaColumn    mc   = rfld.MetaColumn;
            QueryColumn   qc   = rfld.QueryColumn;
            QueryTable    qt   = qc.QueryTable;
            Query         q    = qt.Query;

            dr["ColTypeImageCol"] = QueryTableControl.GetMetaColumnDataTypeImage(mc);
            dr["PivotFieldCol"]   = f;           // store reference to pivot field
            dr["FieldNameCol"]    = f.Caption;

            dr["AggRoleCol"] = f.Aggregation.RoleLabel;

            dr["AggTypeCol"] = f.Aggregation.TypeLabel;

            //			txt = GroupingTypeLabel(f);
            //			dr["HeaderBinningCol"] = txt;

            dr["SourceColumnCol"] = PivotGridControlMx.BuildFieldCaption(f);

            label = qt.ActiveLabel;
            if (rf.Tables.Count > 1)
                label = "T" + (rt.Position + 1) + " - " + label;
            dr["SourceTableCol"] = label;

Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Respond to click on criteria tab table label
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>

        private void CtTableLabel_MouseDown(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs e)
            LabelControl label = (LabelControl)sender;
            QueryTable   qt    = label.Tag as QueryTable;

            if (qt == null)

            QueryTableControl.ShowTableLabelDropdown(qt, label);

Ejemplo n.º 4
        private void gridView1_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            Point p;
            int   ri, ci;

            GridHitInfo ghi = GridView.CalcHitInfo(e.Location);

            if (ghi.Column.AbsoluteIndex != 1)

            ri = ghi.RowHandle;
            QueryTable       qt       = Query.Tables[ri];
            ContextMenuStrip colPopup = new ContextMenuStrip();

            bool firstLabel = true;

            foreach (QueryColumn qc in qt.QueryColumns)
            {             // get list of allowed field labels/names for each table
                if (!QueryTableControl.QueryColumnVisible(qc) || !qc.MetaColumn.IsSearchable)
                if (firstLabel)
                    firstLabel = false;
                string            label = CriteriaEditor.GetUniqueColumnLabel(qc);
                ToolStripMenuItem mi    = new ToolStripMenuItem(label, null, new System.EventHandler(SelectedField_Click));
                mi.Tag = "T" + (ri + 1);

            p = e.Location;

            GridViewInfo viewInfo = (GridViewInfo)GridView.GetViewInfo();

            GridCellInfo cellInfo = viewInfo.GetGridCellInfo(ghi.RowHandle, ghi.Column);

            if (cellInfo != null)
                p = new Point(cellInfo.Bounds.Left, cellInfo.Bounds.Bottom);

            colPopup.Show(Instance.TableGrid, p);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Add a structure criteria item to the criteria tab
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="text"></param>
        /// <param name="tag"></param>

        void AddCriteriaTabStructureItem(
            QueryColumn qc)
            LabelControl label      = AddColumnLabel(qc.ActiveLabel);
            int          structBoxX = 142;

            if (label.Left + label.Width > structBoxX)             // shift textbox as needed
                structBoxX = label.Left + label.Width + 4;
                label.Text += " . . . . . . . . . . . .";

// Build the structure control

            PictureEdit structBox = new DevExpress.XtraEditors.PictureEdit();

            structBox.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(142, CriteriaTabYPos + 6);
            structBox.Name     = "CtStructBox";
            structBox.Size     = new System.Drawing.Size(200, 136);

            structBox.Tag = qc.QueryTable.MetaTable.Name + "." + qc.MetaColumn.Name;
            structBox.Properties.ContextMenuStrip = this.CriteriaTabRtClickContextMenu;

            int    pixWidth = structBox.Width;
            Font   font     = structBox.Font;
            Bitmap bm       = QueryTableControl.GetQueryMoleculeBitmap(qc, pixWidth, font);
            int    height   = bm.Height;

            if (height < 20)
                height = 20;
            structBox.Height = height;
            structBox.Image  = bm;

            structBox.MouseDown += new System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventHandler(CtStructBox_MouseDown);

            CtStructBox = structBox;             // so references to CtStructBox refer to new box

            CriteriaTabYPos += structBox.Height + 4;