public static Boolean TryParse(string str, out QuePos quePos) { try { string[] info = str.Split(new string[] { ":" }, StringSplitOptions.None); if (info.Length == 2) { QuePos newQuePos = new QuePos(info[0], info[1]); quePos = newQuePos; return(true); } else { quePos = null; return(false); } } catch { quePos = null; return(false); } }
public Program() { Runtime.UpdateFrequency = UpdateFrequency.Update100; antenna = GridTerminalSystem.GetBlockWithName("Antenna") as IMyRadioAntenna; lcd = GridTerminalSystem.GetBlockWithName("lcd") as IMyTextPanel; rc = GridTerminalSystem.GetBlockWithName("rc spaceport") as IMyRemoteControl; connectorGroupDict.Add("default", defaultConnectorList); ini.TryParse(Storage); int i = 0; messageQue.Clear(); while (ini.ContainsKey("save", "messageQue_" + i)) { string element = ini.Get("save", "messageQue_" + i).ToString(); messageQue.Add(element); i++; } i = 0; argumentQue.Clear(); while (ini.ContainsKey("save", "argumentQue_" + i)) { string element = ini.Get("save", "argumentQue_" + i).ToString(); argumentQue.Add(element); i++; } i = 0; dockingQue.Clear(); while (ini.ContainsKey("save", "dockingQue_" + i)) { QuePos element = new QuePos("ERROR"); Boolean success = QuePos.TryParse(ini.Get("save", "dockingQue_" + i).ToString(), out element); if (success) { dockingQue.Add(element); } //else add to debug panel i++; } i = 0; connectorGroupDict.Clear(); while (ini.ContainsKey("save", "connectorGroupDict_" + i)) { string str = ini.Get("save", "connectorGroupDict_" + i).ToString(); string[] info = str.Split(new string[] { "|" }, StringSplitOptions.None); string key = info[0]; string[] subInfo = info[1].Split(new string[] { ":" }, StringSplitOptions.None); foreach (string data in subInfo) { try { string[] subData = data.Split(new string[] { ";" }, StringSplitOptions.None); string customName = subData[0]; Boolean free; Boolean freeSuccess = Boolean.TryParse(subData[1], out free); int freeCounter; Boolean freeCounterSuccess = Int32.TryParse(subData[2], out freeCounter); string reservedPassword = subData[3]; if (freeSuccess && freeCounterSuccess) { AddConnector(customName, key, free, freeCounter, reservedPassword); } else { //add info to debug panel } } catch { //add info to debug panel } } i++; } i = 0; connectorGroupPath.Clear(); while (ini.ContainsKey("save", "connectorGroupPath_" + i)) { string str = ini.Get("save", "connectorGroupPath_" + i).ToString(); string[] info = str.Split(new string[] { "|" }, StringSplitOptions.None); string key = info[0]; string[] subInfo = info[1].Split(new string[] { ";" }, StringSplitOptions.None); List <MyWaypointInfo> waypointInfos = new List <MyWaypointInfo>(); foreach (string data in subInfo) { try { MyWaypointInfo newWaypoint = new MyWaypointInfo(); Boolean success = MyWaypointInfo.TryParse(data, out newWaypoint); if (success) { waypointInfos.Add(newWaypoint); } else { lcd.WritePublicText("\nFAILED DATA (E): " + data, true); } } catch { lcd.WritePublicText("\nFAILED DATA (C): " + data, true); } } SetGroupPath(key, waypointInfos); i++; } }
public void Main(string argument, UpdateType updateSource) { if (rc.GetShipSpeed() < 1) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(argument)) { if (argument.Substring(argument.Length - 1, 1) == ",") { argument = argument.Remove(argument.LastIndexOf(','), 1); } string[] info = argument.Split(new string[] { "," }, StringSplitOptions.None); if (info[0].ToLower() == "add") { if (info.Length == 2) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(info[1])) { AddConnector(info[1]); } else { WriteError(argument); } } else if (info.Length == 3) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(info[1]) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(info[2])) { AddConnector(info[1], info[2]); } else { WriteError(argument); } } else { WriteError(argument); } } else if (info[0].ToLower() == "addbytag") { if (info.Length == 2) { AddConnectedByTag(info[1]); } else if (info.Length == 3) { AddConnectedByTag(info[1], info[2]); } else { WriteError(argument); } } else if (info[0].ToLower() == "remove") { if (info.Length == 2) { RemoveConnector(info[1]); } else { WriteError(argument); } } else if (info[0].ToLower() == "removegroup") { try { RemoveGroup(info[1]); Echo("Removed group: " + info[1]); } catch { WriteError(argument); } } else if (info[0].ToLower() == "free") { if (info.Length == 2) { FreeConnector(info[1]); } else { WriteError(argument); } } else if (info[0].ToLower() == "showallgroups") { ShowAllGroups(); Echo("Check designated LCD"); } else if (info[0].ToLower() == "requestdock") //0 command, 1 password, 2 group (if exist), 3 override { Echo("Docking info requested with length: " + info.Length); lcd.WritePublicText("\nDocking Arg:" + argument, true); string password = info[1]; Boolean duplicate = false; Boolean leaving = false; if (info.Length != 4) { foreach (QuePos request in dockingQue) { if (request.password == password) { duplicate = true; } else if (info[3] == "leaving") { leaving = true; } } } lcd.WritePublicText("\nDuplicate: " + duplicate, true); if (!duplicate) { Connector connector = null; Boolean good = true; if (info.Length == 2) { connector = GetFreeConnector(password, leaving); } else if (info.Length > 2) { connector = GetFreeConnector(info[2], password, leaving); } else { WriteError(argument); } good = false; Boolean sent = antenna.TransmitMessage(password + ",received," + nameOfSpaceport); if (!sent) { messageQue.Add(password + ",received," + nameOfSpaceport); } Echo((connector == null) + ""); if (connector != null || leaving) { if (leaving) { foreach (List <Connector> list in connectorGroupDict.Values) { connector = list.First(); break; } } lcd.WritePublicText("\nFound Connector", true); connector.reservedPassword = password; Echo("Re?"); Boolean hasPath = false; List <MyWaypointInfo> path = new List <MyWaypointInfo>(); string groupName = ""; if (info.Length > 2) { groupName = info[2]; hasPath = connectorGroupPath.ContainsKey(info[2]); if (hasPath) { path = connectorGroupPath[info[2]]; } } else if (info.Length == 2) { groupName = "default"; hasPath = connectorGroupPath.ContainsKey("default"); if (hasPath) { path = connectorGroupPath["default"]; } } Echo("hasPath:" + hasPath); if (!hasPath) { SendDockingInfo(connector, password); } else { if (pathFreeDict.ContainsKey(groupName)) { if (pathFreeDict[groupName]) { pathFreeDict[groupName] = false; SendDockingInfo(connector, password, TranslateToWorldCoords(path, rc)); foreach (MyWaypointInfo waypoint in TranslateToWorldCoords(path, rc)) { lcd.WritePublicText("\nName: " + waypoint.Name + " Coord: " + waypoint.Coords, true); } } else { sent = antenna.TransmitMessage(password + ",waitque"); if (!sent) { messageQue.Add(password + ",waitque"); } QuePos newQue = new QuePos(null, null); if (info.Length == 2) { newQue = new QuePos(password, "default"); } if (info.Length == 3) { newQue = new QuePos(password, info[2]); } if (newQue.password != null && != null) { dockingQue.Add(newQue); } } } else { WriteError("pathFreeDict KEY WAS NOT FOUND"); } } Echo("A"); } else if (good) { lcd.WritePublicText("\nDidn't find a free connector", true); sent = antenna.TransmitMessage(password + ",waitque"); if (!sent) { messageQue.Add(password + ",waitque"); } QuePos newQue = new QuePos(null, null); if (info.Length == 2) { newQue = new QuePos(password, "default"); } if (info.Length == 3) { newQue = new QuePos(password, info[2]); } if (newQue.password != null && != null) { dockingQue.Add(newQue); } } else { sent = antenna.TransmitMessage(password + ",fail," + nameOfSpaceport); if (!sent) { messageQue.Add(password + ",fail," + nameOfSpaceport); } } } else { Boolean sent = antenna.TransmitMessage(password + "reject"); if (!sent) { messageQue.Add(password + "reject"); } } } else if (info[0].ToLower() == "freepath") { if (info.Length == 1) { pathFreeDict["default"] = true; } else if (info.Length == 2) { pathFreeDict[info[1]] = true; } else { WriteError(argument); } lcd.WritePublicText("freepath arg: " + argument); } else if (info[0].ToLower() == "canceldock") { if (info.Length == 2) { string password = info[1]; List <QuePos> removeList = new List <QuePos>(); foreach (QuePos que in dockingQue) { if (que.password == password) { removeList.Add(que); } } foreach (QuePos removeQue in removeList) { dockingQue.Remove(removeQue); } foreach (List <Connector> list in connectorGroupDict.Values) { foreach (Connector connector in list) { if (connector.reservedPassword == password) { = true; connector.freeCounter = 0; connector.reservedPassword = ""; } } } } } else if (info[0].ToLower() == "setpath") //0 command, 1 groupname, 2+ waypoints { if (info.Length > 2) { Echo("info length: " + info.Length); string group = info[1]; string[] sublist = new string[info.Length - 2]; Echo("sub length: " + info.Length); for (int i = 0; i < sublist.Length; i++) { sublist[i] = info[i + 2]; } foreach (string str in sublist) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(str)) { Echo(str); lcd.WritePublicText("\nstr: " + str, true); } else { Echo("EMPTY STR ERROR"); } } lcd.WritePublicText("\nRC coords" + rc.GetPosition() + "\n", true); List <MyWaypointInfo> waypointInfos = StringArraytoWaypoint(sublist); lcd.WritePublicText("\n", true); try { foreach (MyWaypointInfo waypoint in waypointInfos) { lcd.WritePublicText("\nName: " + waypoint.Name + " Coord: " + waypoint.Coords, true); } if (waypointInfos != null) { List <MyWaypointInfo> relativeWaypointInfos = TranslateToRelativeCoords(waypointInfos, rc); SetGroupPath(group, relativeWaypointInfos); Echo("Path set for: " + group); } else { WriteError(argument); } } catch { WriteError(argument); } } else { WriteError(argument); } } else if (info[0].ToLower() == "cleardata") { Storage = ""; connectorGroupDict.Clear(); connectorGroupPath.Clear(); pathFreeDict.Clear(); messageQue.Clear(); dockingQue.Clear(); argumentQue.Clear(); Echo("DATA CLEARED"); } else if (info[0].ToLower() == "debug") { Debug(); } } if (updateSource != UpdateType.Trigger) { CheckQue(); CheckMessageQue(); } if (messageQue.Count > 0) { Echo("First Que: " + messageQue.First()); } else { Echo("No messages in que"); SendAntennaPos(); } UpdateFreeConnectors(); } else if (updateSource == UpdateType.Antenna) { argumentQue.Add(argument); } else { Echo("SHIP MOVING. SPACEPORT OFFLINE."); } }