Ejemplo n.º 1
 private static void ProcessLadderJoins()
         Status("Processing ladder joins", new object[0]);
         foreach (DataRecord record in new QuazalQuery("GetLadderJoinQueues", new object[0]).GetData())
             int entityId = int.Parse(record["entity_id"]);
             string entityName = record["entity_name"];
             int ladderInstance = int.Parse(record["ladder_instance_id"]);
             int @int = new QuazalQuery("GetNextLadderRank", new object[] { ladderInstance }).GetInt();
             LadderInstance instance = LadderInstance.AllInstances[ladderInstance];
             instance.LadderDefinition.Resolver.AddParticipant(entityId, entityName, ladderInstance, @int);
         if (!new QuazalQuery("ClearLadderJoinQueues", new object[0]).ExecuteNonQuery())
             Error("Failed to clear ladder join queues after proessing them", new object[0]);
     catch (Exception exception)
         Error("Processing ladder removals", new object[0]);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 static PnlContentDetailsView()
     DataList data = new QuazalQuery("GetPlayerContentRatings", new object[0]).GetData();
     PlayerRatings = new Dictionary<int, int>(data.Count);
     foreach (DataRecord record in data)
         PlayerRatings.Add(int.Parse(record["content_id"]), int.Parse(record["rating"]));
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public static PlayerAvatar[] GetPlayerAvatars(int playerId)
     PlayerAvatar item = new PlayerAvatar();
     item.mPlayerID = playerId;
     item.mAvatarID = 0;
     MappedObjectList<PlayerAvatar> objects = new QuazalQuery("GetPlayerAvatarsByID", new object[] { playerId }).GetObjects<PlayerAvatar>();
     objects.Insert(0, item);
     return objects.ToArray();
 protected override void AdjustParticipantRank(LadderGameReport winnerReport, LadderGameReport loserReport)
     GPG.Multiplayer.LadderService.LadderService.Status("Resolving game with HardcoreLadderReportResolver", new object[0]);
     GPG.Multiplayer.LadderService.LadderService.Status("Result of game {0} is entity: {1}({2}) defeated entity: {3}({4})", new object[] { winnerReport.GameID, winnerReport.EntityName, winnerReport.Rank, loserReport.EntityName, loserReport.Rank });
     if (!new QuazalQuery("IncrementLadderWin", new object[] { winnerReport.EntityID, winnerReport.LadderInstanceID }).ExecuteNonQuery())
         GPG.Multiplayer.LadderService.LadderService.Error("Failed to increment win for entity: {0}({1}) on ladder: {2}", new object[] { winnerReport.EntityName, winnerReport.EntityID, winnerReport.LadderInstanceID });
     if (!new QuazalQuery("IncrementLadderLoss", new object[] { loserReport.EntityID, loserReport.LadderInstanceID }).ExecuteNonQuery())
         GPG.Multiplayer.LadderService.LadderService.Error("Failed to increment loss for entity: {0}({1}) on ladder: {2}", new object[] { loserReport.EntityName, loserReport.EntityID, loserReport.LadderInstanceID });
     int @int = new QuazalQuery("GetLastLadderRank", new object[] { loserReport.LadderInstanceID }).GetInt();
     if (!new QuazalQuery("AdjustLadderParticipantTemp", new object[] { loserReport.LadderInstanceID, loserReport.EntityID }).ExecuteNonQuery())
         GPG.Multiplayer.LadderService.LadderService.Error("An error occured on step 1 while adjusting rank to end of ladder for loser {0} on ladder {1}", new object[] { loserReport.EntityID, loserReport.LadderInstanceID });
     else if (!new QuazalQuery("DecrementLadderAbove", new object[] { loserReport.LadderInstanceID, loserReport.Rank }).ExecuteNonQuery())
         GPG.Multiplayer.LadderService.LadderService.Error("An error occured on step 2 while adjusting rank to end of ladder for loser {0} on ladder {1}", new object[] { loserReport.EntityID, loserReport.LadderInstanceID });
     else if (!new QuazalQuery("AdjustLadderParticipant", new object[] { @int, loserReport.LadderInstanceID, loserReport.EntityID }).ExecuteNonQuery())
         GPG.Multiplayer.LadderService.LadderService.Error("An error occured on step 3 while adjusting rank to end of ladder for loser {0} on ladder {1}", new object[] { loserReport.EntityID, loserReport.LadderInstanceID });
         int num2 = new QuazalQuery("FindLadderStreakRank", new object[] { winnerReport.LadderInstanceID, winnerReport.LadderInstanceID, winnerReport.EntityID }).GetInt();
         if (num2 <= 0)
             num2 = 1;
         if (!new QuazalQuery("AdjustLadderParticipantTemp", new object[] { winnerReport.LadderInstanceID, winnerReport.EntityID }).ExecuteNonQuery())
             GPG.Multiplayer.LadderService.LadderService.Error("An error occured on step 4 while adjusting rank to {0} for winner {1} on ladder {2}", new object[] { num2, winnerReport.EntityID, winnerReport.LadderInstanceID });
         else if (!new QuazalQuery("IncrementLadderBetween", new object[] { winnerReport.LadderInstanceID, num2, winnerReport.Rank }).ExecuteNonQuery())
             GPG.Multiplayer.LadderService.LadderService.Error("An error occured on step 5 while adjusting rank to {0} for winner {1} on ladder {2}", new object[] { num2, winnerReport.EntityID, winnerReport.LadderInstanceID });
         else if (!new QuazalQuery("AdjustLadderParticipant", new object[] { num2, winnerReport.LadderInstanceID, winnerReport.EntityID }).ExecuteNonQuery())
             GPG.Multiplayer.LadderService.LadderService.Error("An error occured on step 6 while adjusting rank to {0} for winner {1} on ladder {2}", new object[] { num2, winnerReport.EntityID, winnerReport.LadderInstanceID });
             loserReport.Rank = @int;
             winnerReport.Rank = num2;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public DlgLadderHistory(LadderParticipant participant, bool showCommentTab)
     this.mParticipant = participant;
     this.Text = string.Format(Loc.Get("<LOC>{0} - Ladder Activity History"), this.Participant.EntityName);
     LadderGameResult[] resultArray = new QuazalQuery("GetLadderParticipantHistory", new object[] { this.Participant.LadderInstanceID, this.Participant.EntityID }).GetObjects<LadderGameResult>().ToArray();
     this.gpgDataGridHistory.DataSource = resultArray;
     LadderParticipantComment[] commentArray = new QuazalQuery("GetLadderParticipantComments", new object[] { this.Participant.EntityID }).GetObjects<LadderParticipantComment>().ToArray();
     this.dataGridComments.DataSource = commentArray;
     if (showCommentTab)
         this.btnCommentsTab_Click(null, null);
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public AccessControlListMember AddMember(int memberId, InclusionTypes inclusionType)
     AccessControlListMember member2;
     if ((this.InclusionType == InclusionTypes.MemberDefined) && (inclusionType == InclusionTypes.Undefined))
         throw new Exception("Cannot add a member whos inclusionType is Undefined to an ACL whos inclusion type is MemberDefined.");
     if ((this.InclusionType != InclusionTypes.MemberDefined) && (inclusionType != InclusionTypes.Undefined))
         ErrorLog.WriteLine("Ignoring member inclusion type because this ACL's inclusion type is not set to MemberDefined", new object[0]);
     Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor;
         System.Guid guid = System.Guid.NewGuid();
         if (new QuazalQuery("AddACLMember", new object[] { guid, this.ID, memberId, (int) inclusionType }).ExecuteNonQuery())
             AccessControlListMember member = new QuazalQuery("GetACLUserMemberByGuid", new object[] { guid }).GetObject<AccessControlListMember>();
             DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
             while (member == null)
                 member = new QuazalQuery("GetACLUserMemberByGuid", new object[] { guid }).GetObject<AccessControlListMember>();
                 if ((DateTime.Now - now) > TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5.0))
             if ((this.mMembers != null) && (member != null))
                 Array.Resize<AccessControlListMember>(ref this.mMembers, this.mMembers.Length + 1);
                 this.mMembers[this.mMembers.Length - 1] = member;
             return member;
         member2 = null;
         Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default;
     return member2;
Ejemplo n.º 7
 private static void ProcessLadderDegradation()
         Status("Processing ladder degradation", new object[0]);
         foreach (LadderInstance instance in LadderInstance.AllInstances.Values)
             int? nullable = null;
             foreach (LadderDegradation degradation in instance.LadderDefinition.Degradation)
                 int num = 0;
                 if (degradation.RankTo.HasValue)
                     num = degradation.RankTo.Value;
                 LadderParticipant[] participantArray = new QuazalQuery("GetLadderDegradeParticipants", new object[] { instance.ID, degradation.RankFrom, num, num, degradation.DegradeDayInterval, DateTime.UtcNow }).GetObjects<LadderParticipant>().ToArray();
                 foreach (LadderParticipant participant in participantArray)
                     Status("Degrading participant ID: {0}, Name: {1} on ladder: {2} based on degradation rules: {3}", new object[] { participant.EntityID, participant.EntityName, participant.LadderInstanceID, degradation.ID });
                     if (!nullable.HasValue)
                         nullable = new int?(new QuazalQuery("GetLastLadderRank", new object[] { instance.ID }).GetInt());
                     participant.LadderInstance.LadderDefinition.Resolver.DegradeParticipant(participant, degradation, nullable.Value);
                 if ((participantArray.Length > 0) && !new QuazalQuery("ResetLadderDegradeParticipants", new object[] { DateTime.UtcNow, instance.ID, degradation.RankFrom, num, num, degradation.DegradeDayInterval, DateTime.UtcNow }).ExecuteNonQuery())
                     Error("Failed to reset last degrade dates for participants on ladder: {0}", new object[] { instance.Description });
     catch (Exception exception)
         Error("Processing ladder degradation", new object[0]);
Ejemplo n.º 8
 internal void JumpTo(string name)
         int @int = new QuazalQuery("GetPlayerLadderRankByName", new object[] { this.Ladder.ID, name }).GetInt();
         if (@int > 0)
             DlgMessage.ShowDialog(string.Format(Loc.Get("<LOC>Unable to locate a participant by the name {0}"), name));
     catch (Exception exception)
Ejemplo n.º 9
 private void skinButtonRemovePlayer_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (this.SelectedAvatar == null)
         base.Error(this.gpgPictureBoxAvatar, "You must select an avatar", new object[0]);
     else if ((this.gpgTextBoxPlayer.Text == null) || (this.gpgTextBoxPlayer.Text.Length < 1))
         base.Error(this.gpgTextBoxPlayer, "You must provide a player name", new object[0]);
         int @int = new QuazalQuery("GetPlayerIDFromName", new object[] { this.gpgTextBoxPlayer.Text }).GetInt();
         if (@int <= 0)
             base.Error(this.gpgTextBoxPlayer, "Unable to locate {0}", new object[] { this.gpgTextBoxPlayer.Text });
         else if (new QuazalQuery("RemoveAvatarFromPlayer", new object[] { @int, this.SelectedAvatar.ID, @int, this.SelectedAvatar.ID }).ExecuteNonQuery())
             base.SetStatus("Avatar sucessfully removed from {0}", new object[] { this.gpgTextBoxPlayer.Text });
             base.SetStatus("Error removing avatar from {0}, they may not have it", new object[] { this.gpgTextBoxPlayer.Text });
Ejemplo n.º 10
 public virtual void RegisterFullReport(LadderGameReport[] allParticipants)
     if ((allParticipants == null) || (allParticipants.Length < 2))
         throw new Exception("The parameter allParticipants must contain all original participants in a game according to the participant_count field in the database.");
     LadderGameReport winnerReport = allParticipants[0];
     LadderGameReport loserReport = allParticipants[1];
     GPG.Multiplayer.LadderService.LadderService.Status("Processing full report for game {0} between entities {1} and {2}", new object[] { winnerReport.GameID, winnerReport.EntityID, loserReport.EntityID });
     if (winnerReport.IsWin && loserReport.IsLoss)
         int rank = winnerReport.Rank;
         int opponentPreRank = loserReport.Rank;
         this.AdjustParticipantRank(winnerReport, loserReport);
         string reportDescription = string.Format("{0}({1}) reported a win, {2}({3}) reported a loss. Result of game is {0} wins.", new object[] { winnerReport.EntityName, rank, loserReport.EntityName, opponentPreRank });
         this.RecordResult(winnerReport, loserReport, winnerReport.GameID, winnerReport.LadderInstanceID, reportDescription, rank, opponentPreRank, DateTime.UtcNow);
         reportDescription = string.Format("{0}({1}) reported a loss, {2}({3}) reported a win. Result of game is {2} wins.", new object[] { loserReport.EntityName, opponentPreRank, winnerReport.EntityName, rank });
         this.RecordResult(loserReport, winnerReport, loserReport.GameID, loserReport.LadderInstanceID, reportDescription, opponentPreRank, rank, DateTime.UtcNow);
     else if (winnerReport.IsLoss && loserReport.IsWin)
         int preRank = winnerReport.Rank;
         int num4 = loserReport.Rank;
         this.AdjustParticipantRank(loserReport, winnerReport);
         string str2 = string.Format("{0}({1}) reported a loss, {2}({3}) reported a win. Result of game is {2} wins.", new object[] { winnerReport.EntityName, preRank, loserReport.EntityName, num4 });
         this.RecordResult(winnerReport, loserReport, winnerReport.GameID, winnerReport.LadderInstanceID, str2, preRank, num4, DateTime.UtcNow);
         str2 = string.Format("{0}({1}) reported a win, {2}({3}) reported a loss. Result of game is {0} wins.", new object[] { loserReport.EntityName, num4, winnerReport.EntityName, preRank });
         this.RecordResult(loserReport, winnerReport, loserReport.GameID, loserReport.LadderInstanceID, str2, num4, preRank, DateTime.UtcNow);
     else if (winnerReport.IsDraw && loserReport.IsDraw)
         this.OnDraw(winnerReport, loserReport);
         string str3 = string.Format("{0}({1}) reported a draw, {2}({3}) reported a draw. Result of game is draw.", new object[] { winnerReport.EntityName, winnerReport.Rank, loserReport.EntityName, loserReport.Rank });
         this.RecordResult(winnerReport, loserReport, winnerReport.GameID, winnerReport.LadderInstanceID, str3, winnerReport.Rank, loserReport.Rank, DateTime.UtcNow);
         str3 = string.Format("{0}({1}) reported a draw, {2}({3}) reported a draw. Result of game is draw.", new object[] { loserReport.EntityName, loserReport.Rank, winnerReport.EntityName, winnerReport.Rank });
         this.RecordResult(loserReport, winnerReport, loserReport.GameID, loserReport.LadderInstanceID, str3, loserReport.Rank, winnerReport.Rank, DateTime.UtcNow);
         if (!new QuazalQuery("IncrementLadderConflictReportCount", new object[] { winnerReport.EntityID, winnerReport.LadderInstanceID }).ExecuteNonQuery())
             GPG.Multiplayer.LadderService.LadderService.Error("Failed to increment conflict report count for entity: {0}({1}) on ladder: {2}", new object[] { winnerReport.EntityName, winnerReport.EntityID, winnerReport.LadderInstanceID });
         if (!new QuazalQuery("IncrementLadderConflictReportCount", new object[] { loserReport.EntityID, loserReport.LadderInstanceID }).ExecuteNonQuery())
             GPG.Multiplayer.LadderService.LadderService.Error("Failed to increment conflict report count for entity: {0}({1}) on ladder: {2}", new object[] { loserReport.EntityName, loserReport.EntityID, loserReport.LadderInstanceID });
         if (winnerReport.IsDraw && loserReport.IsLoss)
             this.OnDraw(winnerReport, loserReport);
             string str4 = string.Format("{0}({1}) reported a draw, {2}({3}) reported a loss. Result of game is draw.", new object[] { winnerReport.EntityName, winnerReport.Rank, loserReport.EntityName, loserReport.Rank });
             this.RecordResult(winnerReport, loserReport, winnerReport.GameID, winnerReport.LadderInstanceID, str4, winnerReport.Rank, loserReport.Rank, DateTime.UtcNow);
             str4 = string.Format("{0}({1}) reported a loss, {2}({3}) reported a draw. Result of game is draw.", new object[] { loserReport.EntityName, loserReport.Rank, winnerReport.EntityName, winnerReport.Rank });
             this.RecordResult(loserReport, winnerReport, loserReport.GameID, loserReport.LadderInstanceID, str4, loserReport.Rank, winnerReport.Rank, DateTime.UtcNow);
         else if (winnerReport.IsLoss && loserReport.IsDraw)
             this.OnDraw(winnerReport, loserReport);
             string str5 = string.Format("{0}({1}) reported a loss, {2}({3}) reported a draw. Result of game is draw.", new object[] { winnerReport.EntityName, winnerReport.Rank, loserReport.EntityName, loserReport.Rank });
             this.RecordResult(winnerReport, loserReport, winnerReport.GameID, winnerReport.LadderInstanceID, str5, winnerReport.Rank, loserReport.Rank, DateTime.UtcNow);
             str5 = string.Format("{0}({1}) reported a draw, {2}({3}) reported a loss. Result of game is draw.", new object[] { loserReport.EntityName, loserReport.Rank, winnerReport.EntityName, winnerReport.Rank });
             this.RecordResult(loserReport, winnerReport, loserReport.GameID, loserReport.LadderInstanceID, str5, loserReport.Rank, winnerReport.Rank, DateTime.UtcNow);
             RatingsReport[] reportArray = new QuazalQuery("GetRatingsReportsByGameID", new object[] { winnerReport.GameID }).GetObjects<RatingsReport>().ToArray();
             LadderDefinition ladderDefinition = winnerReport.LadderInstance.LadderDefinition;
             string str6 = "win";
             if (winnerReport.IsLoss)
                 str6 = "loss";
             else if (winnerReport.IsDraw)
                 str6 = "draw";
             string str7 = "win";
             if (loserReport.IsLoss)
                 str7 = "loss";
             else if (loserReport.IsDraw)
                 str7 = "draw";
             if (ladderDefinition.IsIndiviual)
                 if ((reportArray != null) && (reportArray.Length == 2))
                     if ((reportArray[0].Outcome == RatingsReportOutcomes.Victory) && (reportArray[1].Outcome == RatingsReportOutcomes.Defeat))
                         if (winnerReport.EntityID == reportArray[0].PlayerID)
                             int num5 = winnerReport.Rank;
                             int num6 = loserReport.Rank;
                             this.AdjustParticipantRank(winnerReport, loserReport);
                             string str8 = string.Format("{0}({1}) reported a {2}, {3}({4}) reported a {5}. Conflict in report, using ratings report as fallback. Result of game is {0} wins.", new object[] { winnerReport.EntityName, num5, str6, loserReport.EntityName, num6, str7 });
                             this.RecordResult(winnerReport, loserReport, winnerReport.GameID, winnerReport.LadderInstanceID, str8, num5, num6, DateTime.UtcNow);
                             str8 = string.Format("{0}({1}) reported a {2}, {3}({4}) reported a {5}. Conflict in report, using ratings report as fallback. Result of game is {3} wins.", new object[] { loserReport.EntityName, num6, str7, winnerReport.EntityName, num5, str6 });
                             this.RecordResult(loserReport, winnerReport, loserReport.GameID, loserReport.LadderInstanceID, str8, num6, num5, DateTime.UtcNow);
                         else if (loserReport.EntityID == reportArray[0].PlayerID)
                             int num7 = winnerReport.Rank;
                             int num8 = loserReport.Rank;
                             this.AdjustParticipantRank(loserReport, winnerReport);
                             string str9 = string.Format("{0}({1}) reported a {2}, {3}({4}) reported a {5}. Conflict in report, using ratings report as fallback. Result of game is {3} wins.", new object[] { winnerReport.EntityName, num7, str6, loserReport.EntityName, num8, str7 });
                             this.RecordResult(winnerReport, loserReport, winnerReport.GameID, winnerReport.LadderInstanceID, str9, num7, num8, DateTime.UtcNow);
                             str9 = string.Format("{0}({1}) reported a {2}, {3}({4}) reported a {5}. Conflict in report, using ratings report as fallback. Result of game is {0} wins.", new object[] { loserReport.EntityName, num8, str7, winnerReport.EntityName, num7, str6 });
                             this.RecordResult(loserReport, winnerReport, loserReport.GameID, loserReport.LadderInstanceID, str9, num8, num7, DateTime.UtcNow);
                             GPG.Multiplayer.LadderService.LadderService.Error("Ladder reports for game {0} conflicted, but the ratings reports conflicted as well resulting in no resolution.", new object[0]);
                             string str10 = string.Format("{0}({1}) reported a {2}, {3}({4}) reported a {5}. Conflict in report, using ratings report as fallback. Not enough data was present in ratings report to determine an outcome. Result of game is inconclusive.", new object[] { winnerReport.EntityName, winnerReport.Rank, str6, loserReport.EntityName, loserReport.Rank, str7 });
                             this.RecordResult(winnerReport, loserReport, winnerReport.GameID, winnerReport.LadderInstanceID, str10, winnerReport.Rank, loserReport.Rank, DateTime.UtcNow);
                             str10 = string.Format("{0}({1}) reported a {2}, {3}({4}) reported a {5}. Conflict in report, using ratings report as fallback. Not enough data was present in ratings report to determine an outcome. Result of game is inconclusive.", new object[] { loserReport.EntityName, loserReport.Rank, str7, winnerReport.EntityName, winnerReport.Rank, str6 });
                             this.RecordResult(loserReport, winnerReport, loserReport.GameID, loserReport.LadderInstanceID, str10, loserReport.Rank, winnerReport.Rank, DateTime.UtcNow);
                     else if ((reportArray[0].Outcome == RatingsReportOutcomes.Defeat) && (reportArray[1].Outcome == RatingsReportOutcomes.Victory))
                         if (winnerReport.EntityID == reportArray[1].PlayerID)
                             int num9 = winnerReport.Rank;
                             int num10 = loserReport.Rank;
                             this.AdjustParticipantRank(winnerReport, loserReport);
                             string str11 = string.Format("{0}({1}) reported a {2}, {3}({4}) reported a {5}. Conflict in report, using ratings report as fallback. Result of game is {0} wins.", new object[] { winnerReport.EntityName, num9, str6, loserReport.EntityName, num10, str7 });
                             this.RecordResult(winnerReport, loserReport, winnerReport.GameID, winnerReport.LadderInstanceID, str11, num9, num10, DateTime.UtcNow);
                             str11 = string.Format("{0}({1}) reported a {2}, {3}({4}) reported a {5}. Conflict in report, using ratings report as fallback. Result of game is {3} wins.", new object[] { loserReport.EntityName, num10, str7, winnerReport.EntityName, num9, str6 });
                             this.RecordResult(loserReport, winnerReport, loserReport.GameID, loserReport.LadderInstanceID, str11, num10, num9, DateTime.UtcNow);
                         else if (loserReport.EntityID == reportArray[1].PlayerID)
                             int num11 = winnerReport.Rank;
                             int num12 = loserReport.Rank;
                             this.AdjustParticipantRank(loserReport, winnerReport);
                             string str12 = string.Format("{0}({1}) reported a {2}, {3}({4}) reported a {5}. Conflict in report, using ratings report as fallback. Result of game is {3} wins.", new object[] { winnerReport.EntityName, num11, str6, loserReport.EntityName, num12, str7 });
                             this.RecordResult(winnerReport, loserReport, winnerReport.GameID, winnerReport.LadderInstanceID, str12, num11, num12, DateTime.UtcNow);
                             str12 = string.Format("{0}({1}) reported a {2}, {3}({4}) reported a {5}. Conflict in report, using ratings report as fallback. Result of game is {0} wins.", new object[] { loserReport.EntityName, num12, str7, winnerReport.EntityName, num11, str6 });
                             this.RecordResult(loserReport, winnerReport, loserReport.GameID, loserReport.LadderInstanceID, str12, num12, num11, DateTime.UtcNow);
                             GPG.Multiplayer.LadderService.LadderService.Error("Ladder reports for game {0} conflicted, but the ratings reports conflicted as well resulting in no resolution.", new object[] { winnerReport.GameID });
                             string str13 = string.Format("{0}({1}) reported a {2}, {3}({4}) reported a {5}. Conflict in report, using ratings report as fallback. Not enough data was present in ratings report to determine an outcome. Result of game is inconclusive.", new object[] { winnerReport.EntityName, winnerReport.Rank, str6, loserReport.EntityName, loserReport.Rank, str7 });
                             this.RecordResult(winnerReport, loserReport, winnerReport.GameID, winnerReport.LadderInstanceID, str13, winnerReport.Rank, loserReport.Rank, DateTime.UtcNow);
                             str13 = string.Format("{0}({1}) reported a {2}, {3}({4}) reported a {5}. Conflict in report, using ratings report as fallback. Not enough data was present in ratings report to determine an outcome. Result of game is inconclusive.", new object[] { loserReport.EntityName, loserReport.EntityID, str7, winnerReport.EntityName, winnerReport.EntityID, str6 });
                             this.RecordResult(loserReport, winnerReport, loserReport.GameID, loserReport.LadderInstanceID, str13, loserReport.Rank, winnerReport.Rank, DateTime.UtcNow);
                     else if ((reportArray[0].Outcome == RatingsReportOutcomes.Draw) && (reportArray[1].Outcome == RatingsReportOutcomes.Draw))
                         this.OnDraw(winnerReport, loserReport);
                         string str14 = string.Format("{0}({1}) reported a {2}, {3}({4}) reported a {5}. Conflict in report, using ratings report as fallback. Result of game is a draw.", new object[] { winnerReport.EntityName, winnerReport.Rank, str6, loserReport.EntityName, loserReport.Rank, str7 });
                         this.RecordResult(winnerReport, loserReport, winnerReport.GameID, winnerReport.LadderInstanceID, str14, winnerReport.Rank, loserReport.Rank, DateTime.UtcNow);
                         str14 = string.Format("{0}({1}) reported a {2}, {3}({4}) reported a {5}. Conflict in report, using ratings report as fallback. Result of game is a draw.", new object[] { loserReport.EntityName, loserReport.Rank, str7, winnerReport.EntityName, winnerReport.Rank, str6 });
                         this.RecordResult(loserReport, winnerReport, loserReport.GameID, loserReport.LadderInstanceID, str14, loserReport.Rank, winnerReport.Rank, DateTime.UtcNow);
                         GPG.Multiplayer.LadderService.LadderService.Error("Ladder reports for game {0} conflicted, but the ratings reports conflicted as well resulting in no resolution.", new object[] { winnerReport.GameID });
                         string str15 = string.Format("{0}({1}) reported a {2}, {3}({4}) reported a {5}. Conflict in report, using ratings report as fallback. Not enough data was present in ratings report to determine an outcome. Result of game is inconclusive.", new object[] { winnerReport.EntityName, winnerReport.Rank, str6, loserReport.EntityName, loserReport.Rank, str7 });
                         this.RecordResult(winnerReport, loserReport, winnerReport.GameID, winnerReport.LadderInstanceID, str15, winnerReport.Rank, loserReport.Rank, DateTime.UtcNow);
                         str15 = string.Format("{0}({1}) reported a {2}, {3}({4}) reported a {5}. Conflict in report, using ratings report as fallback. Not enough data was present in ratings report to determine an outcome. Result of game is inconclusive.", new object[] { loserReport.EntityName, loserReport.Rank, str7, winnerReport.EntityName, winnerReport.Rank, str6 });
                         this.RecordResult(loserReport, winnerReport, loserReport.GameID, loserReport.LadderInstanceID, str15, loserReport.Rank, winnerReport.Rank, DateTime.UtcNow);
                     GPG.Multiplayer.LadderService.LadderService.Error("Ladder reports for game {0} conflicted, but the ratings reports conflicted as well resulting in no resolution.", new object[] { winnerReport.GameID });
                     string str16 = string.Format("{0}({1}) reported a {2}, {3}({4}) reported a {5}. Conflict in report, using ratings report as fallback. Not enough data was present in ratings report to determine an outcome. Result of game is inconclusive.", new object[] { winnerReport.EntityName, winnerReport.Rank, str6, loserReport.EntityName, loserReport.Rank, str7 });
                     this.RecordResult(winnerReport, loserReport, winnerReport.GameID, winnerReport.LadderInstanceID, str16, winnerReport.Rank, loserReport.Rank, DateTime.UtcNow);
                     str16 = string.Format("{0}({1}) reported a {2}, {3}({4}) reported a {5}. Conflict in report, using ratings report as fallback. Not enough data was present in ratings report to determine an outcome. Result of game is inconclusive.", new object[] { loserReport.EntityName, loserReport.Rank, str7, winnerReport.EntityName, winnerReport.Rank, str6 });
                     this.RecordResult(loserReport, winnerReport, loserReport.GameID, loserReport.LadderInstanceID, str16, loserReport.Rank, winnerReport.Rank, DateTime.UtcNow);
             else if (!ladderDefinition.IsClan && !ladderDefinition.IsTeam)
                 throw new Exception("Ladder is not defined as type: individual, clan or team. It must fall under one of these categories for reporting conflict resolution.");
Ejemplo n.º 11
 public bool FromID(int contentId, out IAdditionalContent content)
     Mod mod;
     if (!base.ContentType.CurrentUserCanUpload)
         content = null;
         return false;
     bool flag = new QuazalQuery("GetModById", new object[] { contentId }).GetObject<Mod>(out mod);
     content = mod;
     return flag;
Ejemplo n.º 12
 public IAdditionalContent[] GetMyUploads()
     if (!base.ContentType.CurrentUserCanUpload)
         return new IAdditionalContent[0];
     MappedObjectList<CustomMap> objects = new QuazalQuery("GetMyUploadedMaps", new object[0]).GetObjects<CustomMap>();
     if (objects == null)
         return new CustomMap[0];
     return objects.ToArray();
Ejemplo n.º 13
 public IAdditionalContent[] GetMyDownloads()
     if (!base.ContentType.CurrentUserCanDownload)
         return new IAdditionalContent[0];
     QuazalQuery query = new QuazalQuery("GetMyDownloadedMaps", new object[0]);
     return query.GetObjects<CustomMap>().ToArray();
Ejemplo n.º 14
 private void JoinGame()
     if (this.SelectedGame != null)
         bool flag = false;
         MappedObjectList<HostedGame> objects = new QuazalQuery("GetHostedSpaceSiegeGames", new object[0]).GetObjects<HostedGame>();
         foreach (HostedGame game in objects)
             if (game.ID == this.SelectedGame.ID)
                 flag = true;
         if (!flag)
             DlgMessage.ShowDialog(Loc.Get("<LOC>The game has been started and you can no longer join."), Loc.Get("<LOC>Warning"));
         else if (this.SelectedGame.Password != "")
             DialogResult result;
             if (this.SelectedGame.Password == DlgAskQuestion.AskQuestion(base.MainForm, Loc.Get("<LOC>This game is password protected, please enter the password below."), Loc.Get("<LOC>Password"), true, out result))
                 base.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;
             else if (result != DialogResult.Cancel)
                 DlgMessage.ShowDialog(Loc.Get("<LOC>Incorrect password. Please try again."));
             base.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;
Ejemplo n.º 15
 private void UpdateComments()
     WaitCallback callBack = null;
     MappedObjectList<ContentComment> comments = new QuazalQuery("GetContentComments", new object[] { this.Content.ID }).GetObjects<ContentComment>();
     if ((this.CommentCount > -1) && (comments.Count != this.CommentCount))
         if (callBack == null)
             callBack = delegate (object s) {
                 VGen0 method = null;
                     int num = 0;
                         comments = new QuazalQuery("GetContentComments", new object[] { this.Content.ID }).GetObjects<ContentComment>();
                     while ((comments.Count != this.CommentCount) && (num < 2));
                     if (comments.Count == this.CommentCount)
                         if (method == null)
                             method = delegate {
                         ErrorLog.WriteLine("Did insert on master db and failed to get propogated data after 3000ms.", new object[0]);
                 catch (Exception exception)
                     ErrorLog.WriteLine("Did insert on master db and failed to get propogated data after 3000ms.", new object[0]);
         this.CommentCount = comments.Count;
Ejemplo n.º 16
 public static AccessControlList Create(string name, string description, AccessControlListTypes listType, InclusionTypes inclusionType, int access, string tag)
     AccessControlList list2;
     Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor;
         System.Guid guid = System.Guid.NewGuid();
         if (new QuazalQuery("CreateACL", new object[] { guid, name, description, (int) listType, (int) inclusionType, access, tag }).ExecuteNonQuery())
             AccessControlList list = new QuazalQuery("GetACLByGuid", new object[] { guid }).GetObject<AccessControlList>();
             DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
             while (list == null)
                 list = new QuazalQuery("GetACLByGuid", new object[] { guid }).GetObject<AccessControlList>();
                 if ((DateTime.Now - now) > TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5.0))
             if (list != null)
                 All.Add(list.ID, list);
             return list;
         list2 = null;
         Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default;
     return list2;
Ejemplo n.º 17
 private void miAdming_AddPlayerAwards_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     DialogResult result;
     string str = DlgAskQuestion.AskQuestion(this, "What is the player's name?", "", false, out result);
     int @int = new QuazalQuery("GetPlayerIDFromName", new object[] { str }).GetInt();
     if (@int > 0)
         new QuazalQuery("AddPlayerPendingAwards", new object[] { @int }).ExecuteNonQuery();
Ejemplo n.º 18
 private static void ProcessLadderReports()
         Status("Processing game reports", new object[0]);
         Dictionary<int, List<LadderGameReport>> dictionary = new Dictionary<int, List<LadderGameReport>>();
         foreach (LadderGameReport report in new QuazalQuery("GetLadderReports", new object[0]).GetObjects<LadderGameReport>().ToArray())
             if (!dictionary.ContainsKey(report.GameID))
                 dictionary[report.GameID] = new List<LadderGameReport>();
         Dictionary<int, string> dictionary2 = new Dictionary<int, string>(dictionary.Count * 2);
         List<int> list = new List<int>();
         string str = "";
         string str2 = "";
         string str3 = "";
         int num = 0;
         foreach (List<LadderGameReport> list2 in dictionary.Values)
                 Dictionary<int, string> dictionary3;
                 if (list2.Count < 1)
                 if (list2.Count != 1)
                     goto Label_0542;
                 TimeSpan span = (TimeSpan) (DateTime.UtcNow - DateTime.SpecifyKind(list2[0].ReportDate, DateTimeKind.Utc));
                 if (span.TotalMinutes < ConfigSettings.GetDouble("LadderGameReportTimeout", 15.0))
                 Status("Processing report for game {0}", new object[] { list2[0].GameID });
                 LadderGameReport[] allParticipants = new QuazalQuery("GetGameSessionMembersByGameID", new object[] { list2[0].GameID }).GetObjects<LadderGameReport>().ToArray();
                 if (allParticipants.Length < 2)
                     Error("Failed to find all members of game {0} on ladder {1}", new object[] { list2[0].GameID, list2[0].LadderInstanceID });
                     str = str + str3 + list2[0].GameID.ToString();
                     str3 = ",";
                 if (list.Contains(list2[0].LadderInstanceID))
                     if (allParticipants[0].EntityID == list2[0].EntityID)
                         list2[0].Rank = allParticipants[0].Rank;
                         goto Label_02EB;
                     if (allParticipants[1].EntityID == list2[0].EntityID)
                         list2[0].Rank = allParticipants[1].Rank;
                         goto Label_02EB;
                     Error("Failed to find reporting member {0} of game {1} on ladder {2}", new object[] { list2[0].EntityID, list2[0].GameID, list2[0].LadderInstanceID });
                 list2[0].LadderInstance.LadderDefinition.Resolver.RegisterPartialReport(allParticipants, list2[0]);
                 if (!dictionary2.ContainsKey(list2[0].LadderInstanceID))
                     dictionary2[list2[0].LadderInstanceID] = "";
                 if (allParticipants[0].IsAutomatch && allParticipants[1].IsAutomatch)
                     int num6;
                     (dictionary3 = dictionary2)[num6 = list2[0].LadderInstanceID] = dictionary3[num6] + str3 + allParticipants[0].EntityID.ToString() + "," + allParticipants[1].EntityID.ToString();
                     string str5 = str2;
                     str2 = str5 + str3 + allParticipants[0].EntityID.ToString() + "," + allParticipants[1].EntityID.ToString();
                 else if (allParticipants[0].Rank < allParticipants[1].Rank)
                     Dictionary<int, string> dictionary4;
                     int num11;
                     (dictionary4 = dictionary2)[num11 = list2[0].LadderInstanceID] = dictionary4[num11] + str3 + allParticipants[0].EntityID.ToString();
                     str2 = str2 + str3 + allParticipants[0].EntityID.ToString();
                 else if (allParticipants[1].Rank < allParticipants[0].Rank)
                     Dictionary<int, string> dictionary5;
                     int num14;
                     (dictionary5 = dictionary2)[num14 = list2[0].LadderInstanceID] = dictionary5[num14] + str3 + allParticipants[1].EntityID.ToString();
                     str2 = str2 + str3 + allParticipants[1].EntityID.ToString();
                 str = str + str3 + list2[0].GameID.ToString();
                 str3 = ",";
                 if (list2.Count == 2)
                     Status("Processing report for game {0}", new object[] { list2[0].GameID });
                     if (list.Contains(list2[0].LadderInstanceID))
                         list2[0].Rank = new QuazalQuery("GetPlayerLadderRankByID", new object[] { list2[0].LadderInstanceID, list2[0].EntityID }).GetInt();
                         list2[1].Rank = new QuazalQuery("GetPlayerLadderRankByID", new object[] { list2[1].LadderInstanceID, list2[1].EntityID }).GetInt();
                     LadderGameReport[] reportArray2 = list2.ToArray();
                     if (!dictionary2.ContainsKey(list2[0].LadderInstanceID))
                         dictionary2[list2[0].LadderInstanceID] = "";
                     if (reportArray2[0].IsAutomatch && reportArray2[1].IsAutomatch)
                         Dictionary<int, string> dictionary6;
                         int num18;
                         (dictionary6 = dictionary2)[num18 = list2[0].LadderInstanceID] = dictionary6[num18] + str3 + reportArray2[0].EntityID.ToString() + "," + reportArray2[1].EntityID.ToString();
                         string str7 = str2;
                         str2 = str7 + str3 + reportArray2[0].EntityID.ToString() + "," + reportArray2[1].EntityID.ToString();
                         int num5;
                         if (reportArray2[0].Rank < reportArray2[1].Rank)
                             (dictionary3 = dictionary2)[num5 = list2[0].LadderInstanceID] = dictionary3[num5] + str3 + reportArray2[0].EntityID.ToString();
                             str2 = str2 + str3 + reportArray2[0].EntityID.ToString();
                         else if (reportArray2[1].Rank < reportArray2[0].Rank)
                             (dictionary3 = dictionary2)[num5 = list2[0].LadderInstanceID] = dictionary3[num5] + str3 + reportArray2[1].EntityID.ToString();
                             str2 = str2 + str3 + reportArray2[1].EntityID.ToString();
                     str = str + str3 + list2[0].GameID.ToString();
                     str3 = ",";
                     Error("Processing game reports", new object[0]);
                     Error("Reached an unknown state while processing ladder reports.", new object[0]);
             catch (Exception exception)
                 Error("An error occured while processing report for game: {0}", new object[] { list2[0].GameID });
         if (num > 0)
             Status("Removing processed games from the system: {0}", new object[] { str });
             if (!new QuazalQuery("RemoveProcessedLadderReports", new object[] { str }).ExecuteNonQuery())
                 Error("Failed to remove processed game reports: {0}", new object[] { str });
             if (!new QuazalQuery("RemoveProcessedLadderSessions", new object[] { str }).ExecuteNonQuery())
                 Error("Failed to remove processed game sessions: {0}", new object[] { str });
             Status("Resetting degrade timer for entities: {0}", new object[] { str2 });
             foreach (int num3 in dictionary2.Keys)
                 if (!new QuazalQuery("SetLastLadderGame", new object[] { DateTime.UtcNow, DateTime.UtcNow, num3, dictionary2[num3] }).ExecuteNonQuery())
                     Error("Failed to update last game date for entities: {0}", new object[] { dictionary2[num3] });
     catch (Exception exception2)
         Error("Processing game reports", new object[0]);
Ejemplo n.º 19
 private static void ProcessLadderRemovals()
         Status("Processing ladder removals", new object[0]);
         LadderParticipant participant = new QuazalQuery("GetLadderParticipantRemovals", new object[] { DateTime.UtcNow, ConfigSettings.GetInt("LadderJoinIdleLimitDays", 3) }).GetObject<LadderParticipant>();
         while (participant != null)
             Status("Removing participant ID: {0}, Name: {1} from ladder: {2}", new object[] { participant.EntityID, participant.EntityName, participant.LadderInstanceID });
             if (!new QuazalQuery("RemoveFromLadder", new object[] { participant.EntityID, participant.LadderInstanceID }).ExecuteNonQuery())
                 Error("Failed to remove participant ID: {0}, Name: {1} from ladder: {2}", new object[] { participant.EntityID, participant.EntityName, participant.LadderInstanceID });
             string str = string.Format("{0}(rank {1}) has left ladder: {2}", participant.EntityName, participant.Rank, participant.LadderInstance.Description);
             if (!new QuazalQuery("CreateLadderGameResult", new object[] { participant.EntityID, "NULL", "NULL", participant.LadderInstanceID, str, participant.Rank, 0, DateTime.UtcNow }).ExecuteNonQuery())
                 Error("Failed to record ladder removal audit record for player: {0}(rank {1})", new object[] { participant.EntityName, participant.Rank });
             if (!new QuazalQuery("DecrementLadderAbove", new object[] { participant.LadderInstanceID, participant.Rank }).ExecuteNonQuery())
                 Error("Failed to decrement ladder members above rank {0} on ladder {1} when removing participant ID: {2}, Name: {3}", new object[] { participant.Rank, participant.LadderInstanceID, participant.EntityID, participant.EntityName });
             participant = new QuazalQuery("GetLadderParticipantRemovals", new object[] { DateTime.UtcNow, ConfigSettings.GetInt("LadderJoinIdleLimitDays", 3) }).GetObject<LadderParticipant>();
     catch (Exception exception)
         Error("Processing ladder removals", new object[0]);
Ejemplo n.º 20
 private void skinButtonOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
         string selectedItem = (string) this.comboBoxName.SelectedItem;
         if ((selectedItem == null) || (selectedItem.Length < 1))
             base.Error(this.comboBoxName, "You must provide a player name", new object[0]);
             int @int = new QuazalQuery("GetPlayerIDFromName", new object[] { selectedItem }).GetInt();
             if (@int <= 0)
                 base.Error(this.comboBoxName, "Unable to locate {0}", new object[] { selectedItem });
                 int num2 = (int) this.numericUpDownPoints.Value;
                 if (new DlgYesNo(base.MainForm, "Confirm", string.Format(Loc.Get("<LOC>Are you sure you want to remove {0} honor points from {1}?"), num2, selectedItem)).ShowDialog() == DialogResult.Yes)
                     if (new QuazalQuery("RemoveHonorPoints", new object[] { num2, @int }).ExecuteNonQuery())
                         DlgMessage.ShowDialog("<LOC>Honor points successfully adjusted, informing player.");
                         Messaging.SendCustomCommand(selectedItem, CustomCommands.SystemMessage, new object[] { "<LOC>You have lost {0} tournament honor points.", num2 });
                         base.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;
                         DlgMessage.ShowDialog("<LOC>An error occured adjusting this players honor points.");
                         base.DialogResult = DialogResult.Cancel;
     catch (Exception exception)
         DlgMessage.ShowDialog("<LOC>An error occured adjusting this players honor points.");
         base.DialogResult = DialogResult.Cancel;
Ejemplo n.º 21
 private void RefreshDataSynchronous()
     DataList data;
     int num = this.CurrentPage * PAGE_SIZE;
     int num2 = (this.CurrentPage + 1) * PAGE_SIZE;
     if (this.IsViewingChallengers)
         data = new QuazalQuery("GetLadderChallengers", new object[] { this.Ladder.ID, num, num2 }).GetData();
         data = new QuazalQuery("GetLadderParticipants", new object[] { this.Ladder.ID, num, num2 }).GetData();
Ejemplo n.º 22
 internal void OnLeaveClan()
     WaitCallback callBack = null;
         if (Clan.Current != null)
             if (new DlgYesNo(this, "<LOC>Leave Clan", "<LOC>Are you sure you want to leave your clan?").ShowDialog(this) == DialogResult.Yes)
                 ClanMember member = null;
                 if ((ClanMember.Current != null) && (Clan.Current != null))
                     ClanMember current = ClanMember.Current;
                     DataAccess.ExecuteQuery("LeaveClan", new object[] { User.Current.ID, Clan.Current.ID });
                     if (Clan.CurrentMembers.Count == 1)
                         DataAccess.ExecuteQuery("RemoveClan", new object[] { Clan.Current.ID });
                         DataAccess.ExecuteQuery("ClearEmptyClanRooms", new object[0]);
                     else if (current.Rank == ClanRanking.MaxValue.Seniority)
                         ClanMember[] memberArray;
                         int rank = 1;
                         while (this.GetMembersByRank(rank, out memberArray) < 1)
                             if (rank > ClanRanking.MinValue.Seniority)
                                 DataAccess.ExecuteQuery("RemoveClan", new object[] { Clan.Current.ID });
                         if (memberArray.Length > 1)
                             Array.Sort<ClanMember>(memberArray, new SeniorityComparer());
                             member = memberArray[0];
                         else if (memberArray.Length == 1)
                             member = memberArray[0];
                     string[] currentMembersMsgList = Clan.CurrentMembersMsgList;
                     if (member != null)
                         DataAccess.ExecuteQuery("ChangeRank", new object[] { ClanRanking.MaxValue.Seniority, member.ID, Clan.Current.ID });
                         this.RefreshClan(Loc.Get("<LOC>You have left your clan."), "<LOC>{0} has left your clan. {1} has been promoted to {2}", new object[] { User.Current.Name, member.Name, ClanRanking.MaxValue.Description });
                         this.RefreshClan(Loc.Get("<LOC>You have left your clan."), "<LOC>{0} has left your clan.", new object[] { User.Current.Name });
                     Clan.Current = null;
                     ClanMember.Current = null;
                     User.Current.ClanAbbreviation = null;
                     User.Current.ClanName = null;
                     DataAccess.ExecuteQuery("ClearClanRequests", new object[0]);
                     for (int i = 0; i < currentMembersMsgList.Length; i++)
                     if (callBack == null)
                         callBack = delegate (object state) {
                                 MappedObjectList<Chatroom> persistentRooms = null;
                                 if (ConfigSettings.GetBool("DoOldGameList", false))
                                     persistentRooms = new QuazalQuery("GetPersistentRooms", new object[0]).GetObjects<Chatroom>();
                                     persistentRooms = new QuazalQuery("GetPersistentRooms2", new object[] { GameInformation.SelectedGame.GameID }).GetObjects<Chatroom>();
                                 base.Invoke((VGen0)delegate {
                                     this.GatheringDisplaycontrol.RefreshGatherings(persistentRooms, true);
                             catch (Exception exception)
             this.ErrorMessage("<LOC>You are not in a clan.", new object[0]);
     catch (Exception exception)
Ejemplo n.º 23
 protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)
     ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(delegate (object s) {
             while (this.Mod == null)
             GPG.Multiplayer.Client.Vaulting.Mods.Mod mod = this.Mod;
             int top = 0;
             foreach (string requirement in mod.Requirements)
                 if ((requirement != null) && (requirement.Length >= 1))
                     GPG.Multiplayer.Client.Vaulting.Mods.Mod reqMod = new QuazalQuery("GetModByGuid", new object[] { requirement }).GetObject<GPG.Multiplayer.Client.Vaulting.Mods.Mod>();
                     base.Invoke((VGen0)delegate {
                         GPGLabel label = new GPGLabel {
                             AutoSize = true
                         if (reqMod != null)
                             label.Text = string.Format(Loc.Get("<LOC>Name: {0}, UID: {1}"), reqMod.Name, reqMod.Guid);
                             label.TextStyle = TextStyles.Default;
                             label.Text = string.Format(Loc.Get("<LOC>NOT FOUND, UID: {0}"), requirement);
                             label.TextStyle = TextStyles.ColoredBold;
                             label.ForeColor = Color.Red;
                         label.Left = 0;
                         label.Top = top;
                         top += label.Height;
             top = 0;
             foreach (string conflict in mod.Conflicts)
                 if ((conflict != null) && (conflict.Length >= 1))
                     GPG.Multiplayer.Client.Vaulting.Mods.Mod conflictMod = new QuazalQuery("GetModByGuid", new object[] { conflict }).GetObject<GPG.Multiplayer.Client.Vaulting.Mods.Mod>();
                     base.Invoke((VGen0)delegate {
                         GPGLabel label = new GPGLabel {
                             AutoSize = true
                         if (conflictMod != null)
                             label.Text = string.Format(Loc.Get("<LOC>Name: {0}, UID: {1}"), conflictMod.Name, conflictMod.Guid);
                             label.TextStyle = TextStyles.Default;
                             label.Text = string.Format(Loc.Get("<LOC>NOT FOUND, UID: {0}"), conflict);
                             label.TextStyle = TextStyles.ColoredBold;
                             label.ForeColor = Color.Red;
                         label.Left = 0;
                         label.Top = top;
                         top += label.Height;
         catch (Exception exception)
Ejemplo n.º 24
 private void RefreshList()
     this.skinButtonRefresh.Enabled = false;
     this.skinButtonJoin.Enabled = false;
     this.gpgGameGrid.DataSource = null;
     ThreadQueue.QueueUserWorkItem(delegate (object state) {
         MappedObjectList<HostedGame> data = new QuazalQuery("GetHostedSpaceSiegeGames", new object[0]).GetObjects<HostedGame>();
         base.BeginInvoke((VGen0)delegate {
             this.gpgGameGrid.DataSource = data;
             this.skinButtonRefresh.Enabled = true;
             if (data.Count > 0)
                 this.skinButtonJoin.Enabled = true;
     }, new object[0]);
Ejemplo n.º 25
 public bool FromID(int contentId, out IAdditionalContent content)
     Video video;
     if (!base.ContentType.CurrentUserCanDownload)
         content = null;
         return false;
     bool flag = new QuazalQuery("GetVideoById", new object[] { contentId }).GetObject<Video>(out video);
     content = video;
     return flag;
Ejemplo n.º 26
 private void JoinClan(int clanId, string clanName, string clanAbbr)
     WaitCallback callBack = null;
         if ((((Clan.Current == null) && (ClanMember.Current == null)) && (User.Current.ClanName == null)) && (User.Current.ClanAbbreviation == null))
             if (!DataAccess.ExecuteQuery("JoinClan", new object[] { User.Current.ID, clanId, ClanRanking.MinValue.Seniority }))
                 this.ErrorMessage("<LOC>Unable to join the clan {0}\"{1}\", ensure you are not already a member of a clan.", new object[] { "clan:", clanName });
                 DataAccess.ExecuteQuery("ClearClanInvites", new object[0]);
                 this.RefreshClan(string.Format(Loc.Get("<LOC>You have joined the clan {0}\"{1}\"."), "clan:", clanName), "<LOC>{0} has joined your clan.", new object[] { User.Current.Name });
                 DataAccess.ExecuteQuery("ClearClanInvites", new object[0]);
                 if (callBack == null)
                     callBack = delegate (object state) {
                             MappedObjectList<Chatroom> persistentRooms = null;
                             if (ConfigSettings.GetBool("DoOldGameList", false))
                                 persistentRooms = new QuazalQuery("GetPersistentRooms", new object[0]).GetObjects<Chatroom>();
                                 persistentRooms = new QuazalQuery("GetPersistentRooms2", new object[] { GameInformation.SelectedGame.GameID }).GetObjects<Chatroom>();
                             base.Invoke((VGen0)delegate {
                                 this.GatheringDisplaycontrol.RefreshGatherings(persistentRooms, true);
                         catch (Exception exception)
     catch (Exception exception)
Ejemplo n.º 27
 public void RefreshContentLists()
     if ((this.SelectedDownloadContent != null) && (this.SelectedDownloadContent.ContentType != null))
         ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(delegate (object s) {
                 using (IEnumerator<ContentList> enumerator = new QuazalQuery("GetContentLists", new object[] { this.SelectedDownloadContent.ContentType.Name }).GetObjects<ContentList>().GetEnumerator())
                     while (enumerator.MoveNext())
                         ContentList list = enumerator.Current;
                         string[] strArray = list.Category.Split(new char[] { '.' });
                         TreeNodeCollection siblings = this.treeViewSavedSearches.Nodes;
                         TreeNode lastNode = null;
                         foreach (string str in strArray)
                             TreeNode[] nodeArray = this.treeViewSavedSearches.Nodes.Find(str, false);
                             if (nodeArray.Length > 0)
                                 lastNode = nodeArray[0];
                                 siblings = lastNode.Nodes;
                                 TreeNode node = new TreeNode(Loc.Get("<LOC>" + str), list.CategoryImageIndex, list.CategoryImageIndex) {
                                     Name = str
                                 if ((!base.IsHandleCreated || base.Disposing) || base.IsDisposed)
                                 base.Invoke((VGen0)delegate {
                                     if (node.Parent != null)
                                 lastNode = node;
                                 siblings = lastNode.Nodes;
                         TreeNode listNode = new TreeNode(Loc.Get("<LOC>" + list.Name), list.ListImageIndex, list.ListImageIndex) {
                             Name = list.Name,
                             Tag = list
                         if ((!base.IsHandleCreated || base.Disposing) || base.IsDisposed)
                         base.Invoke((VGen0)delegate {
                             if (listNode.Parent != null)
                             if (!(this.DefaultListPicked || !(list.Name == ConfigSettings.GetString("DefaultVaultSearchList", "Most Downloaded"))))
                                 this.treeViewSavedSearches.SelectedNode = listNode;
                                 this.DefaultListPicked = true;
             catch (Exception exception)
Ejemplo n.º 28
 private void OnCreateClan()
     WaitCallback callBack = null;
     if (!User.Current.IsInClan)
         if (new DlgCreateClan(this).ShowDialog(this) == DialogResult.OK)
             DataAccess.ExecuteQuery("ClearClanInvites", new object[0]);
             this.RefreshClan(string.Format(Loc.Get("<LOC>You have formed the clan {0}\"{1}\""), "clan:", User.Current.ClanName), null, new object[0]);
             DataAccess.ExecuteQuery("ClearClanInvites", new object[0]);
             if (callBack == null)
                 callBack = delegate (object state) {
                     MappedObjectList<Chatroom> persistentRooms = null;
                     if (ConfigSettings.GetBool("DoOldGameList", false))
                         persistentRooms = new QuazalQuery("GetPersistentRooms", new object[0]).GetObjects<Chatroom>();
                         persistentRooms = new QuazalQuery("GetPersistentRooms2", new object[] { GameInformation.SelectedGame.GameID }).GetObjects<Chatroom>();
                     base.Invoke((VGen0)delegate {
                         this.GatheringDisplaycontrol.RefreshGatherings(persistentRooms, true);
         this.ErrorMessage("<LOC>You are already in a clan.", new object[0]);
Ejemplo n.º 29
 public IAdditionalContent[] GetMyUploads()
     if (!base.ContentType.CurrentUserCanUpload)
         return new IAdditionalContent[0];
     QuazalQuery query = new QuazalQuery("GetMyUploadedVideos", new object[0]);
     return query.GetObjects<Video>().ToArray();
Ejemplo n.º 30
 public bool FromID(int contentId, out IAdditionalContent content)
     CustomMap map;
     if (!base.ContentType.CurrentUserCanUpload)
         content = null;
         return false;
     bool flag = new QuazalQuery("GetMapById", new object[] { contentId }).GetObject<CustomMap>(out map);
     content = map;
     return flag;