Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a rotation velocity that rotates the character based on input
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rInputFromAvatarAngle"></param>
        /// <param name="rDeltaTime"></param>
        protected virtual void RotateActorToTarget(Transform rTarget, float rSpeed)
            // Get the forward looking direction
            Vector3 lForward = (rTarget.position - mActorController._Transform.position).normalized;

            // We do the inverse tilt so we calculate the rotation in "natural up" space vs. "actor up" space.
            Quaternion lInvTilt = QuaternionExt.FromToRotation(mActorController._Transform.up, Vector3.up);

            // Character's forward direction of the actor in "natural up"
            Vector3 lActorForward = lInvTilt * mActorController._Transform.forward;

            // Target forward in "natural up"
            Vector3 lTargetForward = lInvTilt * lForward;

            // Ensure we don't exceed our rotation speed
            float lActorToTargetAngle = NumberHelper.GetHorizontalAngle(lActorForward, lTargetForward);

            if (rSpeed > 0f && Mathf.Abs(lActorToTargetAngle) > rSpeed * Time.deltaTime)
                lActorToTargetAngle = Mathf.Sign(lActorToTargetAngle) * rSpeed * Time.deltaTime;

            // Add the rotation to our character
            Quaternion lRotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(lActorToTargetAngle, Vector3.up);

            if (mActorController._UseTransformPosition && mActorController._UseTransformRotation)
                _Transform.rotation = _Transform.rotation * lRotation;
                mActorController.Rotate(lRotation, Quaternion.identity);
Ejemplo n.º 2
    /*public CollisionType GetTheSafestCallision()
     * {
     *  return ((CollisionType)WhatKindOfNormalIsIt(DefineWhichNormalToChose()));
     * }*/

    /// <summary>
    /// ici défini la normal de la somme des 4 collisions,
    /// et le type de collision que cela implique
    /// </summary>
    private void DefineNormalAndCollision()
        //set new normal / collision
        normalSumCollide = QuaternionExt.GetMiddleOfXVector(colliderNormalArray);
        if (normalSumCollide == Vector3.zero)
            //Debug.Log("PUTAIN POURQUOI C'4EST ZERO");
            //    normalSumCollide = Vector3.up;

        //save previous collision / normal
        Vector3 normalToChose = DefineWhichNormalToChose();

        CollisionType tmpCollision = (CollisionType)WhatKindOfNormalIsIt(normalToChose);

        if (tmpCollision == CollisionType.InAir && collisionType != CollisionType.InAir)
            lastCollisionTypePersist = collisionType;
            normalSumCollidePrevious = normalSumCollide;

        if (tmpCollision == CollisionType.Ground)
            //Debug.Log("normalToCHose: " + normalToChose);
            for (int i = 0; i < colliderNormalArray.Length; i++)

        collisionType = tmpCollision;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Allows the motor to process after the camera and controller have completed
        /// </summary>
        public override void PostRigLateUpdate()
            Transform lAnchor = Anchor;

            if (lAnchor != null)
                mWasAnchorRotating = !QuaternionExt.IsEqual(mAnchorLastRotation, lAnchor.rotation);

                mAnchorLastPosition = lAnchor.position;
                mAnchorLastRotation = lAnchor.rotation;

            mFocusLastPosition = GetFocusPosition(RigController._Transform.rotation);

            // Reset our internal rotation targets
            if (Mathf.Abs(_EulerTarget.y - _Euler.y) < EPSILON)
                _Euler.y       = LocalYaw;
                _EulerTarget.y = _Euler.y;
                mViewVelocityY = 0f;

            // Reset our internal rotation targets
            if (Mathf.Abs(_EulerTarget.x - _Euler.x) < EPSILON)
                _Euler.x       = LocalPitch;
                _EulerTarget.x = _Euler.x;
                mViewVelocityX = 0f;

Ejemplo n.º 4
    /// <summary>
    /// gère le saut depuis le sol
    /// </summary>
    private void JumpFromGround()
        //si on ne bouge pas
        if (playerInput.NotMoving())
            //JumpFromNormal();   //saute par rapport à la normal au sol
        //ici la corde n'est pas tendu
        else if (!ropeHandler.IsTenseForJump)
            SimpleJumpMoving(); //jump normalement en faisant le milieu de vecteur up & direction input
            //ici la corde est tendu, appliquer le jump normalisé par rapport à la corde
            //appliquer un boost de puissance par rapport à playerJump setting
            Vector3 dir = GetTheGoodAngleWhenRopeTense();
            //divisé par 2 ?
            dir = QuaternionExt.GetMiddleOf2Vector(dir, ropeHandler.GetVectorFromPlayer(playerController.IdPlayer));
            dir = QuaternionExt.GetMiddleOf2Vector(dir, ropeHandler.GetVectorFromPlayer(playerController.IdPlayer));

            //dir = QuaternionExt.GetMiddleOf2Vector(dir, playerPenduleMove.GetDirRopeFromPivot());
            //dir = QuaternionExt.GetMiddleOf2Vector(dir, playerPenduleMove.GetDirRopeFromPivot());

            playerControlledAirJump.ControlledAirJumpSetup(true, dir, true, playerJump.JumpTenseFromGroundRatio);

            //Jump(dir, false, 0, boost);
        public override MultiAimInverseConstraintJob Create(Animator animator, ref T data, Component component)
            var job = new MultiAimInverseConstraintJob();

            job.driven       = ReadOnlyTransformHandle.Bind(animator, data.constrainedObject);
            job.drivenParent = ReadOnlyTransformHandle.Bind(animator, data.constrainedObject.parent);
            job.drivenOffset = Vector3Property.Bind(animator, component, data.offsetVector3Property);
            job.aimAxis      = data.aimAxis;

            WeightedTransformArray sourceObjects = data.sourceObjects;

            WeightedTransformArrayBinder.BindReadWriteTransforms(animator, component, sourceObjects, out job.sourceTransforms);
            WeightedTransformArrayBinder.BindWeights(animator, component, sourceObjects, data.sourceObjectsProperty, out job.sourceWeights);

            job.sourceOffsets = new NativeArray <Quaternion>(sourceObjects.Count, Allocator.Persistent, NativeArrayOptions.UninitializedMemory);
            for (int i = 0; i < sourceObjects.Count; ++i)
                if (data.maintainOffset)
                    var aimDirection = data.constrainedObject.rotation * data.aimAxis;
                    var dataToSource = sourceObjects[i].transform.position - data.constrainedObject.position;
                    var rot          = QuaternionExt.FromToRotation(dataToSource, aimDirection);
                    job.sourceOffsets[i] = Quaternion.Inverse(rot);
                    job.sourceOffsets[i] = Quaternion.identity;

            job.weightBuffer = new NativeArray <float>(sourceObjects.Count, Allocator.Persistent, NativeArrayOptions.UninitializedMemory);

Ejemplo n.º 6
    /// <summary>
    /// renvoi vrai si on peut se déplacer vers la où on veut en tense
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public Vector3 GetTheGoodAngleWhenTenseInAirMove(Vector3 dirPlayer)
        //si on est grounded, faire gaffe à pas bouger si on vise le mur !

        Vector3 dirInversePlayer = -dirPlayer;                        //une fois que j'ai mon vecteur, prendre l'inverse
        Vector3 dirNormal        = worldCollision.GetSumNormalSafe(); //prend la normal

        Debug.DrawRay(transform.position, dirPlayer * 2, Color.green, 1f);
        Debug.DrawRay(transform.position, dirInversePlayer * 2, Color.red, 1f);

        //float anglePlayer = QuaternionExt.GetAngleFromVector(dirPlayer);
        float angleInverse = QuaternionExt.GetAngleFromVector(dirInversePlayer);
        float angleNormal  = QuaternionExt.GetAngleFromVector(dirNormal);

        float diffAngleNormalInverse;
        bool  isCLose = QuaternionExt.IsAngleCloseToOtherByAmount(angleNormal, angleInverse, playerAirMove.DiffAngleWhenWeCantMoveThisWay, out diffAngleNormalInverse);

        //Debug.Log("Diff angleNormal/angleInverse: " + diffAngleNormalInverse);

        if (!isCLose)


Ejemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Determines if we'll treat input as if we're strafing
        /// </summary>
        protected void SimulateStrafeInput()
            // Direction we need to travel in
            Vector3 lDirection = mWaypointVector;

            lDirection.y = lDirection.y - _PathHeight;

            // Determine our view
            Vector3 lVerticalDirection = Vector3.Project(lDirection, _Transform.up);
            Vector3 lLateralDirection  = (lDirection - lVerticalDirection).normalized;

            mInputFromAvatarAngle = Vector3Ext.SignedAngle(_Transform.forward, lLateralDirection);

            // Determine our movement
            if (mTargetDistance > _StopDistance)
                // Calculate our own slowing
                float lRelativeMoveSpeed = 1f;
                if (mIsInSlowDistance && _SlowFactor > 0f)
                    float lSlowPercent = (mTargetDistance - _StopDistance) / (_SlowDistance - _StopDistance);
                    lRelativeMoveSpeed = ((1f - _SlowFactor) * lSlowPercent) + _SlowFactor;

                // TRT 4/5/2016: Force the slow distance as an absolute value
                if (mIsInSlowDistance && _SlowFactor > 0f)
                    lRelativeMoveSpeed = _SlowFactor;

                lLateralDirection = _Transform.InverseTransformDirection(lLateralDirection);
                mMovementX        = lLateralDirection.x * lRelativeMoveSpeed;
                mMovementY        = lLateralDirection.z * lRelativeMoveSpeed;

            // Grab extra input information if we can
            if (mMotionController._CameraTransform == null)
                mInputFromCameraAngle = mInputFromAvatarAngle;
                Vector3 lInputForward = new Vector3(mMovementX, 0f, mMovementY);

                // We do the inverse tilt so we calculate the rotation in "natural up" space vs. "actor up" space.
                Quaternion lInvTilt = QuaternionExt.FromToRotation(_Transform.up, Vector3.up);

                // Camera forward in "natural up"
                Vector3 lCameraForward = lInvTilt * mMotionController._CameraTransform.forward;

                // Create a quaternion that gets us from our world-forward to our camera direction.
                Quaternion lToCamera = Quaternion.LookRotation(lCameraForward, lInvTilt * _Transform.up);

                // Transform joystick from world space to camera space. Now the input is relative
                // to how the camera is facing.
                Vector3 lMoveDirection = lToCamera * lInputForward;
                mInputFromCameraAngle = NumberHelper.GetHorizontalAngle(lCameraForward, lMoveDirection);
Ejemplo n.º 8
    /// <summary>
    /// ici effectue la force au sol
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="dirForce"></param>
    public void ChooseIfAccelerateOrVelocityChange(Vector3 dirForce, float ratio)
        //Debug.Log("la ?");

        MoveOnWallWhenAirMove(dirForce.normalized * Mathf.Abs(previousInput), ratio);


        Vector3 rigidbodyVelocity = rb.velocity;

        float dotResult = QuaternionExt.DotProduct(Vector3.right, rigidbodyVelocity);

        if ((QuaternionExt.DotProduct(Vector3.right, rigidbodyVelocity) >= 0 && playerInput.Horiz > 0) ||
            (QuaternionExt.DotProduct(Vector3.right, rigidbodyVelocity) <= 0 && playerInput.Horiz < 0))
            //dans le sens
            MoveOnWallWhenAirMove(dirForce.normalized * Mathf.Abs(previousInput), ratio);
            Vector3 addForce = dirForce.normalized * speedAcceleration * ratio * Mathf.Abs(previousInput) * Time.fixedDeltaTime;
            rb.AccelerateTo(addForce, maxSpeedConstante, ForceMode.Acceleration);
Ejemplo n.º 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Use this for initialization
        /// </summary>
        protected override void Awake()

            if (_Anchor != null && this.enabled)
                ICharacterController lController = InterfaceHelper.GetComponent <ICharacterController>(_Anchor.gameObject);
                if (lController != null)
                    IsInternalUpdateEnabled = false;
                    IsFixedUpdateEnabled    = false;
                    lController.OnControllerPostLateUpdate += OnControllerLateUpdate;

                mTilt = QuaternionExt.FromToRotation(_Transform.up, _Anchor.up);

                mToCameraDirection   = _Transform.position - _Anchor.position;
                mToCameraDirection.y = 0f;

                if (mToCameraDirection.sqrMagnitude == 0f)
                    mToCameraDirection = -_Anchor.forward;

            // Object that will provide access to the keyboard, mouse, etc
            if (_InputSourceOwner != null)
                mInputSource = InterfaceHelper.GetComponent <IInputSource>(_InputSourceOwner);

            // Default the speed we'll use to rotate
            mDegreesPer60FPSTick = _RotationSpeed / 60f;
Ejemplo n.º 10
    /// <summary>
    /// ici effectue les mouvements en l'air (selon la corde tendu ?)
    /// </summary>
    private void AirMove()
        Vector3 dirRope      = ropeHandler.GetVectorFromPlayer(playerController.IdPlayer);
        Vector3 dirReference = playerInput.GetDirInput();

        dirPlayerAirMove = QuaternionExt.GetTheGoodRightAngleClosest(dirRope, dirReference, 10f);

        if (dirPlayerAirMove == Vector3.zero)

        if (!ForceGroundedInCoolDown())

        if (WeJustInversePendule())
            //Debug.LogWarning("ici on a inversé !");

        //ici on est bon !
Ejemplo n.º 11
 /// <summary>
 /// Direction arrow
 /// </summary>
 private void ChangeDirectionArrow()
     if (!(PlayerInputScript.Horiz == 0 && PlayerInputScript.Verti == 0))
         dirArrow.rotation = QuaternionExt.DirObject(dirArrow.rotation, PlayerInputScript.Horiz, -PlayerInputScript.Verti, turnRateArrow, QuaternionExt.TurnType.Z);
Ejemplo n.º 12
    /// <summary>
    /// Ground,         //0        Wall,           //1        Ceilling        //2
    /// Ground,         //0    /// GroundLeft,     //1    /// GroundRight,    //2    /// WallLeft,       //3    /// WallRight,      //4
    /// CeilingLeft,    //5    /// CeilingRight,   //6    /// Ceilling,       //7
    /// <param name="normal">direction de la normal de collision</param>
    /// <returns>retourne un type de collision ( explicite)</returns>
    private int WhatKindOfNormalIsIt(Vector3 normal)
        if (normal == Vector3.zero)
            //Debug.Log("return -1, la normal fourni est 0");

        float angleNormal = QuaternionExt.GetAngleFromVector(normal);    //angle normal collision
        //si la normal de contact est proche de 0 ou 180, à 20° près, alors on est en mode wallJump...

        float diffAngle = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < angleReference.Length; i++)
            bool groundType = QuaternionExt.IsAngleCloseToOtherByAmount(angleNormal, angleReference[i], angleDifference, out diffAngle);
            if (groundType)
                //Debug.Log(angleReferenceDisplay[i] + ", angleNormal: " + angleNormal + "(diff:" + diffAngle + ")");
        //Debug.Log("return -1");
        /// <summary>
        /// Allow the joint to render it's own GUI. This GUI is used
        /// for displaying and manipulating the joint itself.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Reports if the object's value was changed</returns>
        public override bool OnInspectorManipulatorGUI(IKBoneModifier rModifier)
            // Determine if the swing is changing
            if (mBone != null)
                Vector3 lSwing    = rModifier.Swing.eulerAngles;
                Vector3 lNewSwing = InspectorHelper.Vector3Fields("Swing", "Euler angles to swing the bone.", lSwing, true, true, false);
                if (lNewSwing != lSwing)
                    // Grab the amount that was just rotated by based on the current rotation.
                    // We do this so the change is relative to the current swing rotation
                    Vector3 lDeltaRotations = lNewSwing - lSwing;
                    rModifier.Swing = rModifier.Swing * Quaternion.Euler(lDeltaRotations);

                    rModifier.IsDirty = true;

                // Determine if the twist is changing
                //float lTwist = mBone.Twist.eulerAngles.y;
                float lTwist    = Vector3Ext.SignedAngle(Vector3.up, rModifier.Twist * Vector3.up, Vector3.forward);
                float lNewTwist = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Twist", lTwist);
                if (_AllowTwist && lNewTwist != lTwist)
                    rModifier.Twist   = Quaternion.AngleAxis(lNewTwist, Vector3.forward);
                    rModifier.IsDirty = true;

                // Reset the values if needed
                if (GUILayout.Button("reset rotation", EditorStyles.miniButton))
                    rModifier.Swing   = Quaternion.identity;
                    rModifier.Twist   = (_AllowTwist ? Quaternion.identity : mBone._Twist);
                    rModifier.IsDirty = true;

                    mBone._Transform.localRotation = mBone._BindRotation;

                if (rModifier.IsDirty)
                    // Before we go to far, see if we are within the joint limits. If not,
                    // we need to go back to a good position.
                    bool lIsInLimits = ApplyLimits(ref rModifier.Swing, ref rModifier.Twist);
                    if (lIsInLimits || QuaternionExt.IsEqual(rModifier.Swing, Quaternion.identity))
                        mLastSwing = rModifier.Swing;
                        mLastTwist = rModifier.Twist;
                        rModifier.Swing = mLastSwing;
                        rModifier.Twist = mLastTwist;

Ejemplo n.º 14
    /// <summary>
    /// ici renvoi vrai si le sens du mouvement va vers le haut
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns></returns>
    private bool IsVelocityIsInGoodSide(PosQuadran posInSpace)
        float dirRigidbody = 0;

        switch (posInSpace)
        case PosQuadran.upLeft:
            dirRigidbody = QuaternionExt.DotProduct(-Vector3.right, rb.velocity);

            if (dirRigidbody > 0)

        case PosQuadran.upRight:
            dirRigidbody = QuaternionExt.DotProduct(Vector3.right, rb.velocity);

            if (dirRigidbody > 0)

        case PosQuadran.downLeft:
            dirRigidbody = QuaternionExt.DotProduct(Vector3.right, rb.velocity);

            if (dirRigidbody > 0)

        case PosQuadran.downRight:
            dirRigidbody = QuaternionExt.DotProduct(-Vector3.right, rb.velocity);

            if (dirRigidbody > 0)

        case PosQuadran.ambigous:
        public override void ProcessFrame(Playable playable, FrameData info, object playerData)
            Transform binding = playerData as Transform;

            if (binding == null)

            int inputCount = playable.GetInputCount();

            if (inputCount == 0)

            float      totalWeight = 0;
            Vector3    position    = new Vector3();
            Quaternion rotation    = new Quaternion();
            Vector3    scale       = new Vector3();

            for (int i = 0; i < inputCount; i++)
                var inputPlayable  = (ScriptPlayable <EZTransformConstraintBehaviour>)playable.GetInput(i);
                var inputBehaviour = inputPlayable.GetBehaviour();
                if (inputBehaviour.target == null)

                float inputWeight = playable.GetInputWeight(i);
                if (inputWeight == 0)

                totalWeight += inputWeight;
                position    += inputBehaviour.target.position * inputWeight;
                rotation     = QuaternionExt.Cumulate(rotation, inputBehaviour.target.rotation.Scale(inputWeight));
                scale       += inputBehaviour.target.lossyScale * inputWeight;

            if (totalWeight < 1e-5)
            if (positionConstraint)
                binding.position = position / totalWeight;
            if (rotationConstraint)
                binding.rotation = rotation;
            if (scaleConstraint)
                binding.localScale = scale / totalWeight;
Ejemplo n.º 16
    /// <summary>
    /// le jump de base, millieu de direction horizontal, Vecteur up
    /// </summary>
    private Vector3 GetVelocityAndUpDirection()
        Vector3 dirInputPlayer = rb.velocity;

        dirInputPlayer.y = dirInputPlayer.z = 0;            //ne garder que l'horizontal
        Vector3 dir = QuaternionExt.GetMiddleOf2Vector(Vector3.up, dirInputPlayer);

Ejemplo n.º 17
    /// <summary>
    /// retourne l'angle correct
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public Vector3 GetTheGoodAngleWhenRopeTense()
        Vector3 dirRope = ropeHandler.GetVectorFromPlayer(playerController.IdPlayer);
        //Vector3 dirRope = playerPenduleMove.GetDirRopeFromPivot();

        Vector3 dirReference = worldCollision.GetSumNormalSafe();

        return(QuaternionExt.GetTheGoodRightAngleClosest(dirRope, dirReference, 10f));
Ejemplo n.º 18
    private void WallJumpSimple()
        Debug.Log("ici jump wall selon wallLeft/right et Up");
        Vector3 horiz = new Vector3(((worldCollision.GetCollisionSafe() == CollisionType.WallLeft) ? 1 : -1), 0, 0);
        Vector3 dir   = QuaternionExt.GetMiddleOf2Vector(Vector3.up, horiz);
        float   boost = playerJump.JumpBoostFromWall;

        Jump(dir, false, 0, boost);
Ejemplo n.º 19
    /// <summary>
    /// le jump de base, millieu de direction horizontal, Vecteur up
    /// </summary>
    private Vector3 GetInputAndUpDirection()
        Vector3 dirInputPlayer = playerInput.GetDirInput(); //input du player

        dirInputPlayer.y = dirInputPlayer.z = 0;            //ne garder que l'horizontal
        Vector3 dir = QuaternionExt.GetMiddleOf2Vector(Vector3.up, dirInputPlayer);

Ejemplo n.º 20
 static public int Normalized_s(IntPtr l)
     try {
         UnityEngine.Quaternion a1;
         checkType(l, 1, out a1);
         var ret = QuaternionExt.Normalized(a1);
         pushValue(l, ret);
     catch (Exception e) {
         return(error(l, e));
Ejemplo n.º 21
    /// <summary>
    /// est-ce que l'input est dans le sens du mouvement ?
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns></returns>
    private bool IsGoodInputToVelocy()
        float dirinput = QuaternionExt.DotProduct(playerInput.GetDirInput(), rb.velocity);

        if (dirinput > 0)
Ejemplo n.º 22
    /// <summary>
    ///checker l'angle Vector.down & player - pivot
    ///si angle inférieur à 20, alors on est au début de la monté, autoriser (++force)
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns></returns>
    private bool IsAngleDownOk(float angleAccepted)
        Vector3 dirDown  = -Vector3.up;
        Vector3 dirPivot = transform.position - pointPivot;

        float diffAngle = QuaternionExt.GetDiffAngleBetween2Vectors(dirDown, dirPivot);

        if (diffAngle <= angleAccepted)
Ejemplo n.º 23
        /// <summary>
        /// Provides a place to set the properties of the animator
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rInput">Vector3 representing the input</param>
        /// <param name="rMove">Vector3 representing the amount of movement taking place (in world space)</param>
        /// <param name="rRotate">Quaternion representing the amount of rotation taking place</param>
        protected override void SetAnimatorProperties(Vector3 rInput, Vector3 rMovement, Quaternion rRotation)
            if (mInputSource == null || !mInputSource.IsEnabled)

            // Jump based on space
            bool lIsInJump = !mActorController.State.IsGrounded;

            if (mInputSource.IsJustPressed("Jump"))
                if (!lIsInJump && !mIsInJumpToWall)
                    lIsInJump = true;

                    // We need to check if we're actually jumping towards a wall
                    RaycastHit lHitInfo;
                    if (RaycastExt.SafeRaycast(transform.position + (transform.up * JumpToWallHeight), transform.forward, out lHitInfo, JumpToWallDistance))
                        mIsInJumpToWall        = true;
                        mJumpToWallPoint       = lHitInfo.point;
                        mJumpToWallNormal      = lHitInfo.normal;
                        mJumpToWallElapsedTime = 0f;

                        mSavedOrientToGroundSpeed            = mActorController.OrientToGroundSpeed;
                        mActorController.OrientToGroundSpeed = JumpToWallOrientSpeed;

                    // Perform the jump
                    mActorController.AddImpulse(transform.up * _JumpForce);

            // Direction of the camera
            float lDirection = 0f;

            // We do the inverse tilt so we calculate the rotation in "natural up" space vs. "actor up" space.
            Quaternion lInvTilt = QuaternionExt.FromToRotation(mActorController._Transform.up, Vector3.up);

            // Forward direction of the actor in "natural up"
            Vector3 lControllerForward = lInvTilt * mActorController._Transform.forward;

            // Get the angular difference between the camera-based input and the spider's "natural-up" forward
            lDirection = NumberHelper.GetHorizontalAngle(lControllerForward, rInput);

            mAnimator.SetFloat("Direction", lDirection);
            mAnimator.SetFloat("Speed", rInput.magnitude);
            mAnimator.SetBool("Jump", lIsInJump);
Ejemplo n.º 24
        /// <summary>
        /// Causes us to ignore user input and force the camera to the specified localangles
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rYaw">Target local yaw</param>
        /// <param name="rPitch">Target local pitch</param>
        /// <param name="rSpeed">Degrees per second we'll rotate. A value of -1 uses the current yaw speed.</param>
        /// <param name="rAutoClearTarget">Determines if we'll clear the target once we reach it.</param>
        public override void SetTargetYawPitch(float rYaw, float rPitch, float rSpeed = -1F, bool rAutoClearTarget = true)
            Vector3 lNewAnchorPosition = _Anchor.position + (_Anchor.rotation * _AnchorOffset);

            // Grab the rotation amount. We do the inverse tilt so we calculate the rotation in
            // "natural up" space. Later we'll use the tilt to put it back into "anchor up" space.
            Quaternion lInvTilt = QuaternionExt.FromToRotation(_Anchor.up, Vector3.up);

            // Yaw is simple as we can go 360
            Quaternion lYaw = Quaternion.AngleAxis((rYaw - LocalYaw), lInvTilt * _Transform.up);

            // Pitch is more complicated since we can't go beyond the north/south pole
            float lPitchAngle = Vector3.Angle(mToCameraDirection, lInvTilt * _Anchor.up);

            float lPitchDelta = rPitch - LocalPitch;

            if (lPitchAngle < MIN_PITCH && lPitchDelta > 0f)
                lPitchDelta = 0f;
            else if (lPitchAngle > MAX_PITCH && lPitchDelta < 0f)
                lPitchDelta = 0f;

            Quaternion lPitch = Quaternion.AngleAxis(lPitchDelta, lInvTilt * _Transform.right);

            // Calculate the new "natural up" direction
            mToCameraDirection = lPitch * lYaw * mToCameraDirection;

            // Update our tilt to match the anchor's tilt
            mTilt = QuaternionExt.FromToRotation(mTilt.Up(), _Anchor.up) * mTilt;

            // Put the new direction relative to the anchor's tilt
            Vector3 lToCameraDirection = mTilt * mToCameraDirection;

            if (lToCameraDirection.sqrMagnitude == 0f)
                lToCameraDirection = -_Anchor.forward;

            // Calculate the new orbit center (anchor) and camera position
            Vector3    lNewCameraPosition = lNewAnchorPosition + (lToCameraDirection.normalized * _Radius);
            Quaternion lNewCameraRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(lNewAnchorPosition - lNewCameraPosition, _Anchor.up);

            _Transform.position = lNewCameraPosition;
            _Transform.rotation = lNewCameraRotation;
Ejemplo n.º 25
        /// <summary>
        /// When we want to rotate based on the camera direction (which input does), we need to tweak the actor
        /// rotation AFTER we process the camera. Otherwise, we can get small stutters during camera rotation.
        /// This is the only way to keep them totally in sync. It also means we can't run any of our AC processing
        /// as the AC already ran. So, we do minimal work here
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rDeltaTime"></param>
        /// <param name="rUpdateCount"></param>
        /// <param name="rCamera"></param>
        private void OnCameraUpdated(float rDeltaTime, int rUpdateIndex, BaseCameraRig rCamera)
            if (mMotionController._CameraTransform == null)

            // Get out early if we we aren't modifying the view.
            if (mMotionController._InputSource != null && mMotionController._InputSource.ViewX == 0f)

            // We do the inverse tilt so we calculate the rotation in "natural up" space vs. "actor up" space.
            Quaternion lInvTilt = QuaternionExt.FromToRotation(mMotionController._Transform.up, Vector3.up);

            // Forward direction of the actor in "natural up"
            Vector3 lControllerForward = lInvTilt * mMotionController._Transform.forward;

            // Camera forward in "natural up"
            Vector3 lCameraForward = lInvTilt * mMotionController._CameraTransform.forward;

            // Create a quaternion that gets us from our world-forward to our camera direction.
            Quaternion lToCamera = Quaternion.LookRotation(lCameraForward, Vector3.up);

            // Transform joystick from world space to camera space. Now the input is relative
            // to how the camera is facing.
            Vector3 lMoveDirection        = lToCamera * mMotionController.State.InputForward;
            float   lInputFromAvatarAngle = NumberHelper.GetHorizontalAngle(lControllerForward, lMoveDirection);

            // Clear the link if we're out of rotation range
            if (Mathf.Abs(lInputFromAvatarAngle) > _RotationSpeed * rDeltaTime * 5f)
                mIsRotationLocked = false;

            // We only want to do this is we're very very close to the desired angle. This will remove any stuttering
            if (_RotationSpeed == 0f || mIsRotationLocked || Mathf.Abs(lInputFromAvatarAngle) < _RotationSpeed * rDeltaTime * 1f)
                mIsRotationLocked = true;

                // Since we're after the camera update, we have to force the rotation outside the normal flow
                Quaternion lRotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(lInputFromAvatarAngle, Vector3.up);
                mActorController.Yaw = mActorController.Yaw * lRotation;
                mActorController._Transform.rotation = mActorController.Tilt * mActorController.Yaw;
Ejemplo n.º 26
    /// <summary>
    /// ajout / enleve avec l'input du joueur up / down
    /// </summary>
    private void ModifyRopeUpDown()
        if (!CanModifyUpDown())

        Vector3 dirRope = Vector3.zero;

        if (!ropeHandler.IsTenseForAirMove)
            //ici on reprend avec l'angle d'avant de la rope
            dirRope = holdDirRope;
            dirRope = ropeHandler.GetVectorFromPlayer(playerController.IdPlayer);
            //dirRope = playerPenduleMove.GetDirRopeFromPivot();
            holdDirRope = dirRope;

        Vector3 dirRopeInverse   = -dirRope;
        Vector3 dirInput         = playerInput.GetDirInput();
        float   angleRope        = QuaternionExt.GetAngleFromVector(dirRope);
        float   angleRopeInverse = QuaternionExt.GetAngleFromVector(dirRopeInverse);
        float   angleInput       = QuaternionExt.GetAngleFromVector(dirInput);

        Debug.DrawRay(transform.position, dirRope, Color.green, 1f);
        Debug.DrawRay(transform.position, dirInput, Color.red, 1f);

        float diffAngleRopeNormal;

        if (QuaternionExt.IsAngleCloseToOtherByAmount(angleInput, angleRope, diffAngleForUpAndDown, out diffAngleRopeNormal))
        else if (QuaternionExt.IsAngleCloseToOtherByAmount(angleInput, angleRopeInverse, diffAngleForUpAndDown, out diffAngleRopeNormal))
Ejemplo n.º 27
        /// <summary>
        /// When we want to rotate based on the camera direction (which input does), we need to tweak the actor
        /// rotation AFTER we process the camera. Otherwise, we can get small stutters during camera rotation.
        /// This is the only way to keep them totally in sync. It also means we can't run any of our AC processing
        /// as the AC already ran. So, we do minimal work here
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rDeltaTime"></param>
        /// <param name="rUpdateCount"></param>
        /// <param name="rCamera"></param>
        protected virtual void OnCameraUpdated(float rDeltaTime, int rUpdateIndex, BaseCameraRig rCamera)
            if (!_RotateWithCamera)
            if (_RequireTarget && mCombatant != null && mCombatant.IsTargetLocked)

            // Get out early if we we aren't modifying the view.
            if (mMotionController._InputSource != null && mMotionController._InputSource.ViewX == 0f)

            // We do the inverse tilt so we calculate the rotation in "natural up" space vs. "actor up" space.
            Quaternion lInvTilt = QuaternionExt.FromToRotation(mMotionController._Transform.up, Vector3.up);

            // Forward direction of the actor in "natural up"
            Vector3 lActorForward = lInvTilt * mMotionController._Transform.forward;

            // Camera forward in "natural up"
            Vector3 lCameraForward = lInvTilt * mMotionController._CameraTransform.forward;

            // Get the rotation angle to the camera
            float lActorToCameraAngle = NumberHelper.GetHorizontalAngle(lActorForward, lCameraForward);

            // Clear the link if we're out of rotation range
            if (Mathf.Abs(lActorToCameraAngle) > _RotationSpeed * rDeltaTime * 5f)
                mIsRotationLocked = false;

            // We only want to do this is we're very very close to the desired angle. This will remove any stuttering
            if (_RotationSpeed == 0f || mIsRotationLocked || Mathf.Abs(lActorToCameraAngle) < _RotationSpeed * rDeltaTime * 1f)
                mIsRotationLocked = true;

                // Since we're after the camera update, we have to force the rotation outside the normal flow
                Quaternion lRotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(lActorToCameraAngle, Vector3.up);
                mActorController.Yaw = mActorController.Yaw * lRotation;
                mActorController._Transform.rotation = mActorController.Tilt * mActorController.Yaw;
Ejemplo n.º 28
     * /// <summary>
     * /// est-ce qu'on essai d'aller à l'inverse ?
     * /// </summary>
     * /// <returns></returns>
     * private bool ForceInverse()
     * {
     *  if (!isAirTense)
     *      return (true);
     *  Vector3 dirPlayer = dirPlayerAirMove;
     *  Vector3 dirVelocity = rb.velocity;
     *  float velocityRigidbody = rb.velocity.sqrMagnitude;
     *  if (velocityRigidbody < speedWhenCantDoInverse)
     *      return (true);
     *  Vector3 dirInverse = -dirPlayer;
     *  float anglePlayer = QuaternionExt.GetAngleFromVector(dirPlayer);
     *  float angleInverse = QuaternionExt.GetAngleFromVector(dirInverse);
     *  float angleVelocity = QuaternionExt.GetAngleFromVector(dirVelocity);
     *  float diffAnglePlayerVelocity;
     *  QuaternionExt.IsAngleCloseToOtherByAmount(anglePlayer, angleVelocity, diffAngleInverseVelocity, out diffAnglePlayerVelocity);
     *  float diffAngleInversePlayerVelocity;
     *  QuaternionExt.IsAngleCloseToOtherByAmount(angleInverse, angleVelocity, diffAngleInverseVelocity, out diffAngleInversePlayerVelocity);
     *  //si on veut aller vers la velocity, alors ok
     *  if (diffAnglePlayerVelocity < diffAngleInversePlayerVelocity)
     *  {
     *      //Debug.Log("dans le sens !");
     *      return (true);
     *  }
     *  else
     *  {
     *      //Debug.Log("inverse !");
     *      //sinon, on va trop vite pour pouvoir aller contre !
     *      return (false);
     *  }
     * }

    /// <summary>
    /// ici test si on a juste inversé le pendule !
    /// </summary>
    private bool WeJustInversePendule()
        //si on vient de commencer, osef, on fait normalement
        if (dirPlayerAirMove == Vector3.zero || lastDirTensity == Vector3.zero)

        float diffVector = QuaternionExt.GetDiffAngleBetween2Vectors(lastDirTensity, dirPlayerAirMove);

        if (diffVector < 90)
            //on a pas inversé
        //on a inversé !
Ejemplo n.º 29
        public override void ProcessFrame(Playable playable, FrameData info, object playerData)
            Transform binding = playerData as Transform;

            if (binding == null)

            int inputCount = playable.GetInputCount();

            if (inputCount == 0)

            float      totalWeight    = 0;
            Quaternion outputRotation = new Quaternion();

            for (int i = 0; i < inputCount; i++)
                var inputPlayable  = (ScriptPlayable <EZTransformConstraintBehaviour>)playable.GetInput(i);
                var inputBehaviour = inputPlayable.GetBehaviour();
                if (inputBehaviour.target == null)

                float inputWeight = playable.GetInputWeight(i);
                if (inputWeight == 0)

                totalWeight   += inputWeight;
                outputRotation = QuaternionExt.Cumulate(outputRotation, inputBehaviour.target.rotation.Scale(inputWeight));
            if (totalWeight < 1e-5)
            binding.rotation = outputRotation;
Ejemplo n.º 30
    /// <summary>
    /// retourne la direction quand on saute...
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns></returns>
    private Vector3 GetDirWhenJumpAndMoving()
        Vector3 finalVelocityDir = Vector3.zero;

        //get la direction du joystick
        Vector3 dirInputPlayer = playerInput.GetDirInput();

        //get le dot product normal -> dir Arrow
        float dotDirPlayer = QuaternionExt.DotProduct(worldCollision.GetSumNormalSafe(), dirInputPlayer);

        //si positif, alors on n'a pas à faire de mirroir
        if (dotDirPlayer > margeHoriz)
            //direction visé par le joueur
            Debug.Log("Direction de l'arrow !" + dotDirPlayer);
            finalVelocityDir = dirInputPlayer.normalized;
        else if (dotDirPlayer < -margeHoriz)
            //ici on vise dans le négatif, faire le mirroir du vector par rapport à...
            Debug.Log("ici mirroir de l'arrow !" + dotDirPlayer);

            //récupéré le vecteur de DROITE de la normal
            Vector3 rightVector = QuaternionExt.CrossProduct(worldCollision.GetSumNormalSafe(), Vector3.forward) * -1;
            //Debug.DrawRay(transform.position, rightVector.normalized, Color.blue, 1f);

            //faire le mirroir entre la normal et le vecteur de droite
            Vector3 mirror = QuaternionExt.ReflectionOverPlane(dirInputPlayer, rightVector * -1) * -1;
            //Debug.DrawRay(transform.position, mirror.normalized, Color.yellow, 1f);

            //direction inverse visé par le joueur
            finalVelocityDir = mirror.normalized;
            Debug.Log("ici on est proche du 90°, faire la bisection !");
            //ici l'angle normal - direction est proche de 90°, ducoup on fait le milieu des 2 axe
            //ici faire la moyenne des 2 vecteur normal, et direction arrow
            finalVelocityDir = QuaternionExt.GetMiddleOf2Vector(worldCollision.GetSumNormalSafe(), dirInputPlayer);