Ejemplo n.º 1
    // Calculate matrix element of a coulomb potential given the charges
    // of the elements
    public double coulombPotentialEnergy(matrix A, matrix B)
        double epsilon_0 = 1; // Unit is set to 1 maight want to make static units
        /* int N = problem.getNumberOfParticles() - 1; // For easier readability */
        int    N      = problem.getNumberOfParticles();
        double result = 0;

        matrix inverse = new QRdecomposition(A + B).inverse();
        // For every particle pair (only counting once) calculate interaction
        List <Particle> particles = problem.getParticles();
        matrix          Uinv      = problem.getUInverse();

        for (int j = 0; j < N; j++)
            for (int i = 0; i < j; i++)
                double p_ij = 0;
                for (int k = 0; k < N - 1; k++)
                    for (int l = 0; l < N - 1; l++)
                        double b_ijk = Uinv[i, k] - Uinv[j, k];
                        double b_ijl = Uinv[i, l] - Uinv[j, l];
                        p_ij += b_ijk * inverse[k, l] * b_ijl;
                /* result +=  particles[i].getCharge() * particles[j].getCharge() / (4 * Math.PI * epsilon_0) * Math.Sqrt(2 / (p_ij * Math.PI)) * overlapElement(A,B); */
                result += particles[i].getCharge() * particles[j].getCharge() * 2.0 / epsilon_0 * Math.Sqrt(1 / (p_ij * Math.PI * 2)) * overlapElement(A, B);

Ejemplo n.º 2
    // Calculates the matrix element for the kinetic energy
    public double kineticEnergyElement(matrix A, matrix B)
        QRdecomposition qr      = new QRdecomposition(A + B);
        matrix          inverse = qr.inverse();

        matrix tmp = A * inverse * B * problem.getLambda();

        return(3.0 / 2.0 * tmp.trace() * overlapElement(A, B));
Ejemplo n.º 3
    public void Test_inverse()
        matrix          A       = new matrix("1,2,3;0,1,4;5,6,0");
        QRdecomposition qr      = new QRdecomposition(A);
        matrix          inv     = qr.inverse();
        matrix          inverse = new matrix("-24,18,5;20,-15,-4;-5,4,1");

        /* Assert.IsTrue(inv.equals(inverse)); */
        // It is true....
        Assert.IsTrue(Misc.sortOfEqual(inv, inverse, 8));
Ejemplo n.º 4
    // Calculate the overlap of two test functions represented by matrices
    public double overlapElement(matrix A, matrix B)
        QRdecomposition qr          = new QRdecomposition(A + B);
        double          determinant = 1;

        for (int i = 0; i < A.cols; i++)
            determinant *= qr.R[i, i];
        double nominator = Math.Pow(2 * Math.PI, A.cols);

        return(Math.Pow(nominator / determinant, 3.0 / 2.0));
Ejemplo n.º 5
    public void runSymHelium()
        double             E0    = double.PositiveInfinity;
        int                size  = 30;
        List <matrix>      basis = generateTestFunctions(size);
        List <Permutation> p     = new List <Permutation>();
        List <int>         l1    = new List <int>(); l1.Add(0); l1.Add(1); l1.Add(2);
        List <int>         l2    = new List <int>(); l2.Add(1); l2.Add(0); l2.Add(2);

        p.Add(new Permutation(l1, 1, 1));
        p.Add(new Permutation(l2, -1, 1));
        perms = p;

        for (int k = 0; k < 1000; k++)
            for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < 100; j++)
                    List <matrix> tmpbasis = new List <matrix>(basis);
                    tmpbasis[i] = generateA();
                    if (validateB(generateB2(tmpbasis)))
                        vector v     = new vector(tmpbasis.Count);
                        matrix L     = new CholeskyDecomposition(generateB2(tmpbasis)).L;
                        matrix inv   = new QRdecomposition(L).inverse();
                        matrix inv_T = new QRdecomposition(L.transpose()).inverse();
                        matrix h     = generateH2(tmpbasis);
                        matrix m     = inv * h * inv_T;
                        jacobi.eigen(m, v);
                        double low = v[0];
                        if (low < E0)
                            E0    = low;
                            basis = tmpbasis;
                            if (E0 < -2.2)
Ejemplo n.º 6
    // Calculate eigen values of system as specified in problem
    public vector eigenValues(List <matrix> testFunctions)
        vector v = new vector(testFunctions.Count);
        /* try { */
        matrix H     = generateH(testFunctions);
        matrix B     = generateB(testFunctions);
        matrix L     = new CholeskyDecomposition(B).L;
        matrix inv   = new QRdecomposition(L).inverse();
        matrix inv_T = new QRdecomposition(L.transpose()).inverse();
        matrix p     = inv * H * inv_T;

        jacobi.eigen(p, v);
        /* } catch (CholeskyException ce) { */
        /*   Console.WriteLine(ce); */
        /* } */
Ejemplo n.º 7
    // Generate matrix containing non-linear parameters for the gaussian test
    // functions transformed to center of mass system
    /* public matrix generateA() { */
    /*   matrix A = new matrix(nParticles - 1, nParticles -1); */
    /*   List<double> alphas = makeAlphas(); */
    /*   // Generate values for every entry in the matrix A */
    /*   for (int k = 0; k < nParticles - 1; k++) { */
    /*     for (int l = 0; l < k; l++) { */
    /*       double akl = A_kl(k,l,alphas); */
    /*       A[l,k] = akl; */
    /*       A[k,l] = akl; */
    /*     } */
    /*     A[k,k] = A_kl(k,k,alphas); */
    /*   } */

    /*   return A; */
    /* } */

    public matrix generateA()
        matrix A = new matrix(nParticles - 1, nParticles - 1);
        matrix B = new matrix(A.rows, A.cols);

        for (int i = 0; i < A.cols; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < A.cols; j++)
                if (i == j)
                    A[i, j] = Math.Log(1 - r.NextDouble()) / -1;
                B[i, j] = Math.Log(1 - r.NextDouble()) / -1;
        matrix Q = new QRdecomposition(B).Q;

        return(Q * A * Q.transpose());