Ejemplo n.º 1
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        //The state of the world is the relative position of the zombie to the player
        Vector3 relativePositionToPlayer = player.transform.InverseTransformPoint(transform.position);

        relativePositionToPlayer.x = (float)Math.Round((double)relativePositionToPlayer.x);
        relativePositionToPlayer.z = (float)Math.Round((double)relativePositionToPlayer.z);
        float[] qState = new float[] { relativePositionToPlayer.x, relativePositionToPlayer.z };

        //Debug.Log("qState  " + qState[0] + ", " + qState[1]);

        int action = QL.getAction(qState, currentReward); //gets the optimal action from q-learning

        currentReward = 0f;                               //reinitializes reward

        Move(action);                                     //moves the zombie

        currentReward += timePunishment;                  //punishment for step

        if (positiveTrigger)                              //checks if it hit the player
            currentReward += positiveReward;

        //uncomment when there's an object that produces negative rewards
        //if (negativeTrigger)
        //    currentReward += negativeReward;

        float currentDistance = (float)Math.Round((double)Vector3.Distance(transform.position, player.transform.position));

        Debug.Log("before " + lastDistance + " after: " + currentDistance);

        if (currentDistance < lastDistance) //if the agent got closer to the player it'll get a reward
            currentReward += distanceReward;

        lastDistance = currentDistance;
        rb.velocity  = Vector3.zero;

        if (restartPostion) //for training
            transform.position        = new Vector3(xStartPosition, yStartPosition, zStartPosition);
            player.transform.position = new Vector3(random.Next(-xPlayer, xPlayer), yStartPosition, random.Next(-zPlayer, zPlayer));
            restartPostion            = false;
            //Debug.Log("restarting position");