private /*unsafe*/ void UpdateProjection(ScreenOrientation orientation) { if (QCARRuntimeUtilities.IsQCAREnabled()) { this.mProjectionOrientation = orientation; QCARRuntimeUtilities.CacheSurfaceOrientation(orientation); Matrix4x4 matrixx = QCARUnity.GetProjectionGL(,, this.mProjectionOrientation); if (this.mViewportRect.width != Screen.width) { //ref Matrix4x4 matrixxRef; //Matrix4x4 *matrixxRef = &matrixx; float num = (this.mViewportRect.width / ((float)Screen.width)) * matrixx[0]; //(matrixxRef = (Matrix4x4) &matrixx)[0] = matrixxRef[0] * num; //(*matrixxRef)[0] = (*matrixxRef)[0] * num; matrixx[0] = num; } if (this.mViewportRect.height != Screen.height) { //ref Matrix4x4 matrixxRef2; //Matrix4x4 *matrixxRef2 = (Matrix4x4 *) &matrixx; float num2 = (this.mViewportRect.height / ((float)Screen.height)) * matrixx[5]; //(matrixxRef2 = (Matrix4x4) &matrixx)[5] = matrixxRef2[5] * num2; //(*matrixxRef2)[5] = (*matrixxRef2)[5] * num2; matrixx[5] = num2; } = matrixx; } }
// Update the camera clear flags and background color in response // to QCAR settings private void UpdateCameraClearFlags() { // Specifically handle when running in the free editor version // that does not support native plugins if (!QCARRuntimeUtilities.IsQCAREnabled()) { mCameraState = CameraState.UNINITED; return; } // Update camera clear flags if necessary switch (mCameraState) { case CameraState.UNINITED: mCameraState = CameraState.DEVICE_INITED; break; case CameraState.DEVICE_INITED: // Check whether QCAR requires a transparent clear color if (QCARUnity.RequiresAlpha()) { // Camera clears both depth and color buffer, // We set the clear color to transparent black as // required by QCAR. = CameraClearFlags.SolidColor; = new Color(0, 0, 0, 0); Debug.Log("Setting camera clear flags to transparent black"); } else { // Check whether QCAR is rendering the video in native if (mCachedDrawVideoBackground) { // Clear only depth = CameraClearFlags.Depth; Debug.Log("Setting camera clear flags to depth only"); } else { // Restore clear settings to Inspector values = mCachedCameraClearFlags; = mCachedCameraBackgroundColor; Debug.Log("Setting camera clear flags to Inspector values"); } } mCameraState = CameraState.RENDERING_INITED; break; case CameraState.RENDERING_INITED: // Check if the DrawVideoBackground setting has changed bool drawVideoBackground = QCARManager.Instance.DrawVideoBackground; if (drawVideoBackground != mCachedDrawVideoBackground) { mCameraState = CameraState.DEVICE_INITED; mCachedDrawVideoBackground = drawVideoBackground; } break; } }
// Update the camera projection matrix to match QCAR settings private void UpdateProjection(ScreenOrientation orientation) { if (!QCARRuntimeUtilities.IsQCAREnabled()) { // Skip this when running in the free editor version // that does not support native plugins return; } // This member stores the screen orientation used for the last projection matrix // update. It is used to counter rotate the poses later. mProjectionOrientation = orientation; // cache the current surface orientation: QCARRuntimeUtilities.CacheSurfaceOrientation(orientation); Matrix4x4 projectionMatrix = QCARUnity.GetProjectionGL(camera.nearClipPlane, camera.farClipPlane, mProjectionOrientation); if (mViewportRect.width != Screen.width) { float viewportDistort = mViewportRect.width / Screen.width; projectionMatrix[0] *= viewportDistort; } if (mViewportRect.height != Screen.height) { float viewportDistort = mViewportRect.height / Screen.height; projectionMatrix[5] *= viewportDistort; } = projectionMatrix; }
void Awake() { if (!QCARRuntimeUtilities.IsQCAREnabled()) { return; } if (QCARRuntimeUtilities.IsPlayMode()) { // initialize QCAR QCARUnity.CheckInitializationError(); } // In Unity 4.x, if the QCARBehaviour is already active from a previous scene, // we need to deactivate it briefly to be able to initialize the text tracker bool enableQCARBehaviourAgain = false; QCARBehaviour qcarBehaviour = (QCARBehaviour)FindObjectOfType(typeof(QCARBehaviour)); if (qcarBehaviour && qcarBehaviour.enabled) { qcarBehaviour.enabled = false; enableQCARBehaviourAgain = true; } if (TrackerManager.Instance.GetTracker(Tracker.Type.TEXT_TRACKER) == null) { TrackerManager.Instance.InitTracker(Tracker.Type.TEXT_TRACKER); } // restart the QCARBehaviour if it was stopped again if (enableQCARBehaviourAgain) { qcarBehaviour.enabled = true; } }
private void Update() { if (QCARManager.Instance.Initialized) { if (this.mAndroidUnityPlayer != null) { this.mAndroidUnityPlayer.Update(); } ScreenOrientation surfaceOrientation = (ScreenOrientation)QCARWrapper.Instance.GetSurfaceOrientation(); CameraDeviceImpl instance = (CameraDeviceImpl)CameraDevice.Instance; if (instance.CameraReady && (QCARUnity.IsRendererDirty() || (this.mProjectionOrientation != surfaceOrientation))) { this.ConfigureVideoBackground(false); this.UpdateProjection(surfaceOrientation); instance.ResetDirtyFlag(); } this.mClearMaterial.SetPass(0); if (((QCARManagerImpl)QCARManager.Instance).Update(this.mProjectionOrientation, this.CameraDeviceMode, ref this.mVideoMode)) { this.UpdateCameraClearFlags(); foreach (ITrackerEventHandler handler in this.mTrackerEventHandlers) { handler.OnTrackablesUpdated(); } } } else if (QCARRuntimeUtilities.IsPlayMode()) { Debug.LogWarning("Scripts have been recompiled during Play mode, need to restart!"); QCARWrapper.Create(); PlayModeEditorUtility.Instance.RestartPlayMode(); } }
private void Awake() { if (QCARRuntimeUtilities.IsQCAREnabled()) { if (QCARRuntimeUtilities.IsPlayMode()) { QCARUnity.CheckInitializationError(); } bool flag = false; QCARAbstractBehaviour behaviour = (QCARAbstractBehaviour)UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectOfType(typeof(QCARAbstractBehaviour)); if ((behaviour != null) && behaviour.enabled) { behaviour.enabled = false; flag = true; } if (TrackerManager.Instance.GetTracker <TextTracker>() == null) { TrackerManager.Instance.InitTracker <TextTracker>(); } if (flag) { behaviour.enabled = true; } } }
public void OnQCARInitializationError(QCARUnity.InitError initError) { if (initError != QCARUnity.InitError.INIT_SUCCESS) { SetErrorCode(initError); SetErrorOccurred(true); } }
public void OnQCARInitializationError(QCARUnity.InitError initError) { if (initError != QCARUnity.InitError.INIT_SUCCESS) { mErrorOccurred = true; mPopUpMsg.SetErrorCode(initError); } }
// This method is called by Unity whenever assets are updated (deleted, // moved or added) public static void OnPostprocessAllAssets(string[] importedAssets, string[] deletedAssets, string[] movedAssets, string[] movedFromAssetPaths) { // Set the Unity version for internal use string path = Path.Combine(Application.dataPath, "StreamingAssets/QCAR"); QCARUnity.SetUnityVersion(path, false); }
void Start() { // Check for an initialization error on start. QCARUnity.InitError errorCode = QCARUnity.CheckInitializationError(); if (errorCode != QCARUnity.InitError.INIT_SUCCESS) { SetErrorCode(errorCode); SetErrorOccurred(true); } }
// Implementation of the IQCARErrorHandler function which sets the // error message. private void SetErrorCode(QCARUnity.InitError errorCode) { Debug.LogError("QCAR initialization failed: " + mErrorText); switch (errorCode) { case QCARUnity.InitError.INIT_EXTERNAL_DEVICE_NOT_DETECTED: mErrorText = "Failed to initialize Vuforia because this " + "device is not docked with required external hardware."; break; case QCARUnity.InitError.INIT_LICENSE_ERROR_MISSING_KEY: mErrorText = "Vuforia App key is missing. Please get a valid key, " + "by logging into your account at " + "and creating a new project"; break; case QCARUnity.InitError.INIT_LICENSE_ERROR_INVALID_KEY: mErrorText = "Invalid Key used. " + "Please make sure you are using a valid Vuforia App Key"; break; case QCARUnity.InitError.INIT_LICENSE_ERROR_NO_NETWORK_TRANSIENT: mErrorText = "Unable to contact server. Please try again later."; break; case QCARUnity.InitError.INIT_LICENSE_ERROR_NO_NETWORK_PERMANENT: mErrorText = "No network available. Please make sure you are connected to the internet."; break; case QCARUnity.InitError.INIT_LICENSE_ERROR_CANCELED_KEY: mErrorText = "This App license key has been cancelled " + "and may no longer be used. Please get a new license key."; break; #if UNITY_IPHONE case QCARUnity.InitError.INIT_NO_CAMERA_ACCESS: mErrorText = "Camera Access was denied to this App. \n" + "When running on iOS8 devices, \n" + "users must explicitly allow the App to access the camera.\n" + "To restore camera access on your device, go to: \n" + "Settings > Privacy > Camera > [This App Name] and switch it ON."; break; #endif case QCARUnity.InitError.INIT_DEVICE_NOT_SUPPORTED: mErrorText = "Failed to initialize QCAR because this device is not " + "supported."; break; case QCARUnity.InitError.INIT_ERROR: mErrorText = "Failed to initialize QCAR."; break; } }
private void UpdateCameraClearFlags() { if (!QCARRuntimeUtilities.IsQCAREnabled()) { this.mCameraState = CameraState.UNINITED; } else { switch (this.mCameraState) { case CameraState.UNINITED: this.mCameraState = CameraState.DEVICE_INITED; return; case CameraState.DEVICE_INITED: if (!QCARUnity.RequiresAlpha()) { if (this.mCachedDrawVideoBackground) { = CameraClearFlags.Depth; Debug.Log("Setting camera clear flags to depth only"); } else { = this.mCachedCameraClearFlags; = this.mCachedCameraBackgroundColor; Debug.Log("Setting camera clear flags to Inspector values"); } break; } = CameraClearFlags.Color; = new Color(0f, 0f, 0f, 0f); Debug.Log("Setting camera clear flags to transparent black"); break; case CameraState.RENDERING_INITED: { bool drawVideoBackground = QCARManager.Instance.DrawVideoBackground; if (drawVideoBackground != this.mCachedDrawVideoBackground) { this.mCameraState = CameraState.DEVICE_INITED; this.mCachedDrawVideoBackground = drawVideoBackground; } return; } default: return; } this.mCameraState = CameraState.RENDERING_INITED; } }
private void Start() { if ((KeepAliveAbstractBehaviour.Instance != null) && KeepAliveAbstractBehaviour.Instance.KeepARCameraAlive) { UnityEngine.Object.DontDestroyOnLoad(base.gameObject); } Debug.Log("QCARWrapper.Start"); if (this.mAndroidUnityPlayer != null) { this.mAndroidUnityPlayer.Start(); } if (QCARUnity.CheckInitializationError() != QCARUnity.InitError.INIT_SUCCESS) { this.mIsInitialized = false; } else { if (TrackerManager.Instance.GetTracker <MarkerTracker>() == null) { TrackerManager.Instance.InitTracker <MarkerTracker>(); } if (TrackerManager.Instance.GetTracker <ImageTracker>() == null) { TrackerManager.Instance.InitTracker <ImageTracker>(); } this.mCachedDrawVideoBackground = QCARManager.Instance.DrawVideoBackground; this.mCachedCameraClearFlags =; this.mCachedCameraBackgroundColor =; Screen.sleepTimeout = -1; this.ResetCameraClearFlags(); this.mClearMaterial = new Material(Shader.Find("Diffuse")); QCARUnity.SetHint(QCARUnity.QCARHint.HINT_MAX_SIMULTANEOUS_IMAGE_TARGETS, this.MaxSimultaneousImageTargets); QCARUnityImpl.SetUnityVersion(Application.persistentDataPath, true); ((StateManagerImpl)TrackerManager.Instance.GetStateManager()).AssociateMarkerBehaviours(); this.StartQCAR(); QCARManager.Instance.WorldCenterMode = this.mWorldCenterMode; QCARManager.Instance.WorldCenter = this.mWorldCenter; QCARManager.Instance.ARCamera =; QCARManager.Instance.Init(); this.mIsInitialized = true; foreach (ITrackerEventHandler handler in this.mTrackerEventHandlers) { handler.OnInitialized(); } this.mHasStartedOnce = true; if (QCARRuntimeUtilities.IsPlayMode()) { this.UpdateProjection(ScreenOrientation.Portrait); } } }
// Implementation of the IQCARErrorHandler function which sets the // error message. private void SetErrorCode(QCARUnity.InitError errorCode) { switch (errorCode) { case QCARUnity.InitError.INIT_DEVICE_NOT_SUPPORTED: mErrorText = "Failed to initialize QCAR because this device is not " + "supported."; break; case QCARUnity.InitError.INIT_ERROR: mErrorText = "Failed to initialize QCAR."; break; } }
void Awake() { if (!QCARRuntimeUtilities.IsQCAREnabled()) { return; } if (QCARRuntimeUtilities.IsPlayMode()) { // initialize QCAR QCARUnity.CheckInitializationError(); } if (TrackerManager.Instance.GetTracker(Tracker.Type.IMAGE_TRACKER) == null) { TrackerManager.Instance.InitTracker(Tracker.Type.IMAGE_TRACKER); } if (mDataSetsToLoad.Count <= 0) { Debug.LogWarning("No data sets defined. Not loading any data sets."); return; } foreach (string dataSetName in mDataSetsToLoad) { if (!DataSet.Exists(dataSetName)) { Debug.LogError("Data set " + dataSetName + " does not exist."); continue; } ImageTracker imageTracker = (ImageTracker)TrackerManager.Instance.GetTracker(Tracker.Type.IMAGE_TRACKER); DataSet dataSet = imageTracker.CreateDataSet(); if (!dataSet.Load(dataSetName)) { Debug.LogError("Failed to load data set " + dataSetName + "."); continue; } // Activate the data set if it is the one specified in the editor. if (mDataSetsToActivate.Contains(dataSetName)) { imageTracker.ActivateDataSet(dataSet); } } }
// Updates the scene with new tracking data. Calls registered // ITrackerEventHandlers void Update() { if (QCARManager.Instance.Initialized) { // Get the current orientation of the surface: ScreenOrientation surfaceOrientation = (ScreenOrientation)QCARWrapper.Instance.GetSurfaceOrientation(); // Check if we need to update the video background configuration and projection matrix: CameraDeviceImpl cameraDeviceImpl = (CameraDeviceImpl)CameraDevice.Instance; if (cameraDeviceImpl.CameraReady && (QCARUnity.IsRendererDirty() || mProjectionOrientation != surfaceOrientation)) { ConfigureVideoBackground(false); UpdateProjection(surfaceOrientation); cameraDeviceImpl.ResetDirtyFlag(); } // Bind a simple material to clear the OpenGL state mClearMaterial.SetPass(0); // QCARManager renders the camera image and updates the trackables ((QCARManagerImpl)QCARManager.Instance).Update(mProjectionOrientation); // Tell Unity that we may have changed the OpenGL state behind the scenes GL.InvalidateState(); // Update the camera clear flags UpdateCameraClearFlags(); // Let the trackable event handlers know that all trackables have been updated foreach (ITrackerEventHandler handler in mTrackerEventHandlers) { handler.OnTrackablesUpdated(); } } else if (QCARRuntimeUtilities.IsPlayMode()) { // in some rare occasions, Unity re-compiles the scripts shortly after starting play mode // this invalidates the internal state, so we have to restart play mode in order to ensure correct execution. Debug.LogWarning("Scripts have been recompiled during Play mode, need to restart!"); // re-establish wrapper: QCARWrapper.Create(); // stop and restart play mode QCARRuntimeUtilities.RestartPlayMode(); } }
void Awake() { if (!QCARRuntimeUtilities.IsQCAREnabled()) { return; } if (QCARRuntimeUtilities.IsPlayMode()) { // initialize QCAR QCARUnity.CheckInitializationError(); } if (TrackerManager.Instance.GetTracker(Tracker.Type.TEXT_TRACKER) == null) { TrackerManager.Instance.InitTracker(Tracker.Type.TEXT_TRACKER); } }
IEnumerator Starter() { if (GameObject.Find("ObjLoaderHolder") == null) { var g = GameObject.Instantiate(Resources.Load("ObjLoaderHolder")); = "ObjLoaderHolder"; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Load data set //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int count = 0; while (!QCARRuntimeUtilities.IsQCAREnabled()) { yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.5f)); count++; if (count > 10) { Debug.LogError("Timeout exception of waying QCARRuntimeUtilities.IsQCAREnabled"); yield break; } } Debug.Log("DataSetLoadBehaviour: IsQCAREnabled == true"); var path = Configuration.ConfigMaganer.Instance.Application.XmlPath; if (!path.StartsWith("/")) { path = System.IO.Path.Combine(Application.persistentDataPath, path); } if (QCARRuntimeUtilities.IsPlayMode()) { // initialize QCAR QCARUnity.CheckInitializationError(); } if (TrackerManager.Instance.GetTracker <ImageTracker>() == null) { TrackerManager.Instance.InitTracker <ImageTracker>(); } if (!DataSet.Exists(path, DataSet.StorageType.STORAGE_ABSOLUTE)) { Debug.LogError("Data set " + path + " does not exist."); Application.Quit(); } ImageTracker imageTracker = (ImageTracker)TrackerManager.Instance.GetTracker <ImageTracker>(); DataSet dataSet = imageTracker.CreateDataSet(); if (!dataSet.Load(path, DataSet.StorageType.STORAGE_ABSOLUTE)) { Debug.LogError("Failed to load data set " + path + "."); Application.Quit(); } imageTracker.ActivateDataSet(dataSet); Debug.Log("Dataset activated: " + path); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// while (!QCARManager.Instance.Initialized) { yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame()); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// QCARRenderer.Instance.DrawVideoBackground = Configuration.ConfigMaganer.Instance.Application.Debug; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (CameraDevice.Instance.SetFocusMode(CameraDevice.FocusMode.FOCUS_MODE_INFINITY)) { Debug.Log("Camera focus mode setted to FOCUS_MODE_INFINITY"); } else { Debug.Log("Camera can't focus to FOCUS_MODE_INFINITY"); } var markersLister = Camera.main.GetComponent <MarkersLister>(); DataSetTrackableBehaviour[] trackableBehaviours = (DataSetTrackableBehaviour[])GameObject.FindObjectsOfType(typeof(DataSetTrackableBehaviour)); var selectionObjectOriginal = (GameObject)Resources.Load("SelectionObject"); foreach (DataSetTrackableBehaviour trackableBehaviour in trackableBehaviours) { IEditorDataSetTrackableBehaviour editorTrackableBehaviour = trackableBehaviour; if (editorTrackableBehaviour.gameObject.transform.childCount == 0) { = "Marker[" + editorTrackableBehaviour.TrackableName + "]"; editorTrackableBehaviour.gameObject.AddComponent <TurnOffBehaviour>(); var markerName = editorTrackableBehaviour.TrackableName; var trackableEvent = editorTrackableBehaviour.gameObject.AddComponent <TrackableEventHandler>(); if (Configuration.ConfigMaganer.Instance.Application.Debug) { var obj = (GameObject)GameObject.Instantiate(selectionObjectOriginal); obj.transform.parent = editorTrackableBehaviour.gameObject.transform; obj.transform.localPosition =; obj.transform.localScale =; } markersLister.AddMarker(markerName, trackableEvent); } } }
// Starts up the QCAR extension with the properties that were set in the // Unity inspector. void Start() { // keeps the ARCamera object alive across scenes: if (KeepAliveBehaviour.Instance != null && KeepAliveBehaviour.Instance.KeepARCameraAlive) { DontDestroyOnLoad(gameObject); } Debug.Log("QCARWrapper.Start"); // First we check if QCAR initialized correctly. if (QCARUnity.CheckInitializationError() != QCARUnity.InitError.INIT_SUCCESS) { mIsInitialized = false; return; } // Initialize the trackers if they haven't already been initialized. if (TrackerManager.Instance.GetTracker(Tracker.Type.MARKER_TRACKER) == null) { TrackerManager.Instance.InitTracker(Tracker.Type.MARKER_TRACKER); } if (TrackerManager.Instance.GetTracker(Tracker.Type.IMAGE_TRACKER) == null) { TrackerManager.Instance.InitTracker(Tracker.Type.IMAGE_TRACKER); } // Cache the camera start values mCachedDrawVideoBackground = QCARManager.Instance.DrawVideoBackground; mCachedCameraClearFlags =; mCachedCameraBackgroundColor =; // keep the device's screen turned on and bright. Screen.sleepTimeout = SleepTimeout.NeverSleep; // Reset the camera clear flags and create a simple material ResetCameraClearFlags(); mClearMaterial = new Material(Shader.Find("Diffuse")); // Set QCAR hints from the Inspector options QCARUnity.SetHint(QCARUnity.QCARHint.HINT_MAX_SIMULTANEOUS_IMAGE_TARGETS, MaxSimultaneousImageTargets); // Set the Unity version for internal use QCARUnityImpl.SetUnityVersion(Application.persistentDataPath, true); // register markers in QCAR: StateManagerImpl stateManager = (StateManagerImpl)TrackerManager.Instance.GetStateManager(); stateManager.AssociateMarkerBehaviours(); // Start the camera and tracker StartQCAR(); // Initialize the QCARManager QCARManager.Instance.WorldCenterMode = mWorldCenterMode; QCARManager.Instance.WorldCenter = mWorldCenter; QCARManager.Instance.ARCamera = camera; QCARManager.Instance.Init(); // Initialize local variables mIsInitialized = true; // Let the trackable event handlers know that QCAR has been initialized foreach (ITrackerEventHandler handler in mTrackerEventHandlers) { handler.OnInitialized(); } mHasStartedOnce = true; }
// Sets a hint for the QCAR SDK // Hints help the SDK to understand the developer's needs. // However, depending on the device or SDK version the hints // might not be taken into consideration. // Returns false if the hint is unknown or deprecated. public static bool SetHint(QCARUnity.QCARHint hint, int value) { Debug.Log("SetHint"); return QCARWrapper.Instance.QcarSetHint((int)hint, value) == 1; }
/// <summary> /// Pauses QCAR /// </summary> public void OnPause() { QCARUnity.OnPause(); }
/// <summary> /// Resumes QCAR /// </summary> public void OnResume() { QCARUnity.OnResume(); }
public void SetErrorCode(QCARUnity.InitError errorCode) { mCurrentError = new ErrorData(); mCurrentError.Title = "QCAR Initialization Error"; mCurrentError.Text = ""; Debug.LogError("QCAR initialization failed: " + errorCode); mErrorcode = errorCode; switch (errorCode) { case QCARUnity.InitError.INIT_LICENSE_ERROR_MISSING_KEY: mCurrentError.Text = "Vuforia App key is missing. Please get a valid key, by logging into your account at and creating a new project "; break; #if UNITY_IPHONE case QCARUnity.InitError.INIT_NO_CAMERA_ACCESS: mCurrentError.Text = "Camera Access was denied to this App. \n" + "When running on iOS8 devices, \n" + "users must explictly allow the App to access the camera.\n" + "To restore camera access on your device, go to: \n" + "Settings > Privacy > Camera > [This App Name] and switch it ON."; break; #endif case QCARUnity.InitError.INIT_LICENSE_ERROR_INVALID_KEY: mCurrentError.Text = " Invalid Key used. Please make sure you are using a valid Vuforia App Key"; break; case QCARUnity.InitError.INIT_LICENSE_ERROR_NO_NETWORK_TRANSIENT: mCurrentError.Text = "Unable to contact server. Please try again later."; break; case QCARUnity.InitError.INIT_LICENSE_ERROR_NO_NETWORK_PERMANENT: mCurrentError.Text = "No network available. Please make sure you are connected to the Internet."; break; case QCARUnity.InitError.INIT_LICENSE_ERROR_CANCELED_KEY: mCurrentError.Text = "This app license key has been canceled and may no longer be used. Please get a new license key"; break; case QCARUnity.InitError.INIT_ERROR: mCurrentError.Text = "Failed to initialize QCAR."; break; } }
/// <summary> /// Deinitializes QCAR /// </summary> public void OnDestroy() { QCARUnity.Deinit(); }