Ejemplo n.º 1
        protected override Composite CreateMainBehavior()
            return(new PrioritySelector(
                       new Decorator(context => !Query.IsViable(Mob_ToAvoid),
                                     new ActionFail(context =>
                Mob_ToAvoid =
                    Query.FindMobsAndFactions(Utility.ToEnumerable <int>(MobIdToAvoid))
                    as WoWUnit;

                       new Decorator(context => !Query.IsViable(Mob_ToMoveNear),
                                     new ActionFail(context =>
                Mob_ToMoveNear =
                    Query.FindMobsAndFactions(Utility.ToEnumerable <int>(MobIdToMoveNear))
                    as WoWUnit;

                       // Stateful Operation:
                       // NB: We do not allow combat in all states.  Fighting is mostl limited to our 'safespot' position.
                       new Switch <StateType_MainBehavior>(context => State_MainBehavior,
                                                           new Action(context => // default case
                var message = string.Format("StateType_MainBehavior({0}) is unhandled", State_MainBehavior);

                                                           new SwitchArgument <StateType_MainBehavior>(StateType_MainBehavior.MovingToSafespot,

                                                           new SwitchArgument <StateType_MainBehavior>(StateType_MainBehavior.PathIngressing,

                                                           new SwitchArgument <StateType_MainBehavior>(StateType_MainBehavior.PathRetreating,

                                                           new SwitchArgument <StateType_MainBehavior>(StateType_MainBehavior.DestinationReached,
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private string FindActivityIdentifier()
            if (ActivityKey_ItemId > 0)

            if (ActivityKey_SpellId > 0)

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ActivityKey_Name))

            QBCLog.MaintenanceError("Unable to find ActivityIdentifier for ItemId, SpellId, or ActivityName--none were specified.");
        protected override Composite CreateMainBehavior()
            return(new PrioritySelector(
                       new Switch <BehaviorStateType>(context => BehaviorState,
                                                      new Action(context => // default case
                var message = string.Format("BehaviorStateType({0}) is unhandled", BehaviorState);

                                                      new SwitchArgument <BehaviorStateType>(BehaviorStateType.MountingVehicle,
                                                      new SwitchArgument <BehaviorStateType>(BehaviorStateType.RidingOutToHuntingGrounds,
                                                      new SwitchArgument <BehaviorStateType>(BehaviorStateType.CompletingObjectives,
                                                      new SwitchArgument <BehaviorStateType>(BehaviorStateType.ReturningToBase,
Ejemplo n.º 4
        private IVisitStrategy GetVisitStrategyFromType(WaypointVisitStrategyType visitStrategyType)
            IVisitStrategy visitStrategy = null;

            if (visitStrategyType == WaypointVisitStrategyType.InOrder)
                visitStrategy = new VisitStrategy_InOrder();
            else if (visitStrategyType == WaypointVisitStrategyType.PickOneAtRandom)
                visitStrategy = new VisitStrategy_PickOneAtRandom();
            else if (visitStrategyType == WaypointVisitStrategyType.Random)
                visitStrategy = new VisitStrategy_Random();
                QBCLog.MaintenanceError("Unhandled WaypointVisitStrategy({0})", visitStrategyType);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        private async Task <bool> MainBehaviorCoroutine()
            switch (BehaviorState)
            case BehaviorStateType.MountingVehicle:
                return(await StateCoroutine_MountingVehicle());

            case BehaviorStateType.RidingOutToHuntingGrounds:
                return(await StateCoroutine_RidingOutToHuntingGrounds());

            case BehaviorStateType.CompletingObjectives:
                return(await StateCoroutine_CompletingObjectives());

            case BehaviorStateType.ReturningToBase:
                return(await StateCoroutine_ReturningToBase());

                var message = string.Format("BehaviorStateType({0}) is unhandled", BehaviorState);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        private Composite CreateBehavior_CombatMain()
            return(new Decorator(context => !IsDone,
                                 new PrioritySelector(
                                     // Update information for this BT visit...
                                     new Action(context =>
                HighWarlordDarion = ObjectManager.GetObjectsOfType <WoWUnit>(false, false).FirstOrDefault(u => u.Entry == 29173);

                if ((HighWarlordDarion != null) && (Me.CurrentTarget != HighWarlordDarion))

                return RunStatus.Failure;

                                     new Switch <StateType_Behavior>(context => State_Behavior,
                                                                     #region State: DEFAULT
                                                                     new Action(context => // default case
                QBCLog.MaintenanceError("State_Behavior({0}) is unhandled", State_Behavior);
                _isBehaviorDone = true;

                                                                     #region State: Wait for Warlord
                                                                     new SwitchArgument <StateType_Behavior>(StateType_Behavior.WaitingForWarlordDarion,
                                                                                                             new PrioritySelector(
                                                                                                                 // Move into position to await Warlord arrival...
                                                                                                                 new Decorator(context => !Navigator.AtLocation(Location_WaitToChatWithDarion),
                                                                                                                               new Action(context =>
                TreeRoot.StatusText = "Moving into position to wait on High Warlord Darion to arrive";

                                                                                                                 // Warlord has arrived, go have a chat..
                                                                                                                 new Decorator(context => HighWarlordDarion != null,
                                                                                                                               new Action(context => { State_Behavior = StateType_Behavior.ChattingToStartBattle; })),

                                                                                                                 // If warlord is not here, go check the battlefield...
                                                                                                                 new Decorator(context => !IsBattlefieldCheckedForDarion,
                                                                                                                               new Action(context => { State_Behavior = StateType_Behavior.CheckingBattlefieldForWarlordDarion; })),

                                                                                                                 new Action(context =>
                TreeRoot.StatusText = "Waiting for High Warlord Darion to arrive";

                                                                     #region State: Check Battlefield for Warlord
                                                                     new SwitchArgument <StateType_Behavior>(StateType_Behavior.CheckingBattlefieldForWarlordDarion,
                                                                                                             new PrioritySelector(
                                                                                                                 // Move into position to await Warlord arrival...
                                                                                                                 new Decorator(context => !Navigator.AtLocation(Location_WaitForBattleToComplete),
                                                                                                                               new Action(context =>
                TreeRoot.StatusText = "Checking battlefield for High Warlord Darion";

                                                                                                                 // If we found Warlord on battlefield, wait for battle to complete...
                                                                                                                 new Decorator(context => HighWarlordDarion != null,
                                                                                                                               new Action(context => { State_Behavior = StateType_Behavior.WaitingForBattleToComplete; })),

                                                                                                                 // If warlord is not here, return to start point and wait...
                                                                                                                 new Decorator(context => HighWarlordDarion == null,
                                                                                                                               new Action(context =>
                IsBattlefieldCheckedForDarion = true;
                State_Behavior = StateType_Behavior.WaitingForWarlordDarion;

                                                                     #region State: Chat with Warlord
                                                                     new SwitchArgument <StateType_Behavior>(StateType_Behavior.ChattingToStartBattle,
                                                                                                             new PrioritySelector(
                                                                                                                 // If the Warlord disappeared, go find him...
                                                                                                                 new Decorator(context => HighWarlordDarion == null,
                                                                                                                               new Action(context =>
                IsBattlefieldCheckedForDarion = false;
                State_Behavior = StateType_Behavior.WaitingForWarlordDarion;

                                                                                                                 // Move close enough to chat with Warlord...
                                                                                                                 new Decorator(context => !HighWarlordDarion.WithinInteractRange,
                                                                                                                               new Action(context =>
                TreeRoot.StatusText = "Moving to " + HighWarlordDarion.SafeName;

                                                                                                                 // Chat with warlord...
                                                                                                                 // When we interact with the warlord, he will present us with either:
                                                                                                                 // 1) a Quest frame (with no gossip options)
                                                                                                                 // 2) a Gossip frame (with gossip options) that we use to kick off the event
                                                                                                                 // Both frames always *exist*, what matters is the one the Warlord presents us with.
                                                                                                                 new Decorator(context => HighWarlordDarion.CanGossip,
                                                                                                                               new PrioritySelector(
                                                                                                                                   new Decorator(context => !(GossipFrame.Instance.IsVisible || QuestFrame.Instance.IsVisible),
                                                                                                                                                 new Action(context => { HighWarlordDarion.Interact(); })),

                                                                                                                                   // Process GossipFrame or QuestFrame, whichever was presented...
                                                                                                                                   new Sequence(
                                                                                                                                       // Simulate reading frame text...
                                                                                                                                       new WaitContinue(VariantTimeSpan(2500, 7000), context => false, new ActionAlwaysSucceed()),
                                                                                                                                       // If gossip frame showing, choose correct gossip option...
                                                                                                                                       new DecoratorContinue(context => GossipFrame.Instance.IsVisible &&
                                                                                                                                                             GossipFrame.Instance.GossipOptionEntries.Count() > 0,
                                                                                                                                                             new Action(context => { GossipFrame.Instance.SelectGossipOption(0); })),
                                                                                                                                       new WaitContinue(VariantTimeSpan(1250, 3500), context => false, new ActionAlwaysSucceed()),
                                                                                                                                       // Close gossip frame if that was showing...
                                                                                                                                       new DecoratorContinue(context => GossipFrame.Instance.IsVisible,
                                                                                                                                                             new Action(context => { GossipFrame.Instance.Close(); })),
                                                                                                                                       // Close quest frame if that was showing...
                                                                                                                                       new DecoratorContinue(context => QuestFrame.Instance.IsVisible,
                                                                                                                                                             new Action(context => { QuestFrame.Instance.Close(); })),
                                                                                                                                       new Action(context => { State_Behavior = StateType_Behavior.WaitingForBattleToStart; })

                                                                                                                 // Warlord doesn't want to chat, wait for battle to start...
                                                                                                                 new Decorator(context => !HighWarlordDarion.CanGossip,
                                                                                                                               new Action(context => { State_Behavior = StateType_Behavior.WaitingForBattleToStart; }))

                                                                     #region State: Wait for Battle to start
                                                                     new SwitchArgument <StateType_Behavior>(StateType_Behavior.WaitingForBattleToStart,
                                                                                                             new PrioritySelector(
                                                                                                                 // If warlord disappeared, start over...
                                                                                                                 new Decorator(context => HighWarlordDarion == null,
                                                                                                                               new Action(context => { State_Behavior = StateType_Behavior.WaitingForWarlordDarion; })),

                                                                                                                 // If Warlord is already on the battlefield, time to go...
                                                                                                                 new Decorator(context => HighWarlordDarion.Location.Distance(Location_Battlefield.Location) <= Location_Battlefield.Radius,
                                                                                                                               new Action(context => { State_Behavior = StateType_Behavior.WaitingForBattleToComplete; })),

                                                                                                                 // If the warlord is not on the battlefield, follow him at a reasonable distance...
                                                                                                                 new Decorator(context => HighWarlordDarion.Distance > DistanceToFollowWarlord,
                                                                                                                               new Action(context =>
                TreeRoot.StatusText = string.Format("Following {0}", HighWarlordDarion.SafeName);

                                                                                                                 // Move into position to await battle start...
                                                                                                                 new Decorator(context => !HighWarlordDarion.IsMoving && !Navigator.AtLocation(Location_WaitToChatWithDarion),
                                                                                                                               new Action(context =>
                TreeRoot.StatusText = "Waiting for Battle to start";

                                                                     #region State: Wait for Battle to complete
                                                                     new SwitchArgument <StateType_Behavior>(StateType_Behavior.WaitingForBattleToComplete,
                                                                                                             new PrioritySelector(
                                                                                                                 // If warlord disappeared, start over...
                                                                                                                 new Decorator(context => HighWarlordDarion == null,
                                                                                                                               new Action(context => { State_Behavior = StateType_Behavior.WaitingForWarlordDarion; })),

                                                                                                                 // If the warlord is on the battlefield, wait at our safespot...
                                                                                                                 new Decorator(context => HighWarlordDarion.Location.Distance(Location_Battlefield.Location) <= Location_Battlefield.Radius,
                                                                                                                               new PrioritySelector(
                                                                                                                                   // Move to our position to wait for battle to be over...
                                                                                                                                   new Decorator(context => !Navigator.AtLocation(Location_WaitForBattleToComplete),
                                                                                                                                                 new Action(context =>
                TreeRoot.StatusText = "Moving to safe spot";

                                                                                                                                   // Wait for battle to be over...
                                                                                                                                   new Action(context =>
                TreeRoot.StatusText = "Waiting for battle to complete.";

                                                                                                                 // If the warlord has returned to his starting position, then start over...
                                                                                                                 new Decorator(context => HighWarlordDarion.Location.Distance(Location_WaitToChatWithDarion) <= DistanceToFollowWarlord,
                                                                                                                               new Action(context => { State_Behavior = StateType_Behavior.WaitingForWarlordDarion; }))
Ejemplo n.º 7
        private Composite StateBehaviorPS_PathIngressing()
            return(new PrioritySelector(
                       // If no Ingress path exists, build it...
                       new Decorator(context => Path_Ingress == null,
                                     new Action(context => { Path_Ingress = FollowPath.FindPath_Ingress(); })),

                       // If we've consumed our Ingress path (or the one we initially built is empty), we're done...
                       new Decorator(context => !Path_Ingress.Any(),
                                     new Action(context => { State_MainBehavior = StateType_MainBehavior.DestinationReached; })),

                       // If Mob_ToAvoid is too close or we get in combat, abandon current ingress, and retreat back to safespot...
                       new Decorator(context => Query.IsViable(Mob_ToAvoid) &&
                                     ((Mob_ToAvoid.Distance < FollowPath.EgressDistance) || Me.Combat),
                                     new Action(context =>
                Path_Ingress = null;
                Path_Egress = null;
                State_MainBehavior = StateType_MainBehavior.PathRetreating;

                       new Switch <SafePathType.StrategyType>(context => FollowPath.Strategy,
                                                              new Action(context => // default case
                var message = string.Format("FollowPathStrategyType({0}) is unhandled", FollowPath.Strategy);

                                                              new SwitchArgument <SafePathType.StrategyType>(SafePathType.StrategyType.StalkMobAtAvoidDistance,
                                                                                                             new Decorator(context => Query.IsViable(Mob_ToAvoid) && (Mob_ToAvoid.Distance < AvoidDistance),
                                                                                                                           new PrioritySelector(
                                                                                                                               new ActionRunCoroutine(context => CommonCoroutines.StopMoving()),
                                                                                                                               new ActionAlwaysSucceed()

                                                              new SwitchArgument <SafePathType.StrategyType>(SafePathType.StrategyType.WaitForAvoidDistance,
                                                                                                             new PrioritySelector(
                                                                                                                 // No addition action needed to implement strategy for now

                       // If we've arrived at the current ingress waypoint, dequeue it...
                       new Decorator(context => Navigator.AtLocation(Path_Ingress.Peek().Location),
                                     new Action(context =>

                       // Follow the prescribed ingress path, if its still safe to proceed...
                       new Decorator(context => IsSafeToMoveToDestination(Mob_ToAvoid),
                                     new ActionRunCoroutine(
                                         context => UtilityCoroutine.MoveTo(
                                             "follow ingress path",

                       // If mob is heading our direction, hold position...
                       new Decorator(context => !IsSafeToMoveToDestination(Mob_ToAvoid),
                                     new Sequence(
                                         new Action(context =>
                TreeRoot.StatusText = string.Format("Holding position to evaluate {0}'s actions.", Mob_ToAvoid.SafeName);
                                         new ActionRunCoroutine(context => CommonCoroutines.StopMoving())
        private Composite CreateMainBehavior()
            return(new PrioritySelector(

                       // If quest is done, behavior is done...
                       new Decorator(context => IsDone,
                                     new Action(context =>
                _isBehaviorDone = true;

                       // Stateful Operation:
                       new Switch <StateType_MainBehavior>(context => State_MainBehavior,
                                                           #region State: DEFAULT
                                                           new Action(context => // default case
                QBCLog.MaintenanceError("StateType_MainBehavior({0}) is unhandled", State_MainBehavior);
                _isBehaviorDone = true;

                                                           #region State: Dropping Off Victim
                                                           new SwitchArgument <StateType_MainBehavior>(StateType_MainBehavior.DroppingOffVictim,
                                                                                                       new PrioritySelector(
                                                                                                           // If Watchman dropped off, go get another...
                                                                                                           new Decorator(context => !Me.HasAura(AuraId_RescueDrowningWatchman),
                                                                                                                         new Action(context =>
                _currentPath = null;
                SelectedTarget = null;
                State_MainBehavior = StateType_MainBehavior.PathingOutToVictim;

                                                                                                           // Move to drop off spot...
                                                                                                           new Decorator(context => Me.Location.Distance(PositionToMakeLandfall) > Navigator.PathPrecision,
                                                                                                                         new ActionRunCoroutine(
                                                                                                                             context => UtilityCoroutine.MoveTo(
                                                                                                                                 "back to shore")))

                                                           #region State: Pathing Out to Victim
                                                           new SwitchArgument <StateType_MainBehavior>(StateType_MainBehavior.PathingOutToVictim,
                                                                                                       new PrioritySelector(
                                                                                                           // If our selected target is no good, find another...
                                                                                                           new Decorator(context => !IsViableDrowningWatchman(SelectedTarget),
                                                                                                                         new Action(context =>
                QBCLog.Info("Finding new Drowning Watchman to save");
                _currentPath = null;
                SelectedTarget = FindDrowningWatchman();

                                                                                                           // Show user which target we're after...
                                                                                                           new Decorator(context => Me.CurrentTarget != SelectedTarget,
                                                                                                                         new Action(context => { SelectedTarget.Target(); })),

                                                                                                           // If we don't have a path to victim, find one...
                                                                                                           new Decorator(context => _currentPath == null,
                                                                                                                         new Action(context => { _currentPath = FindPath(Me.Location, SelectedTarget.Location); })),

                                                                                                           // If path completely consumed, we're done...
                                                                                                           new Decorator(context => _currentPath.Count() <= 0,
                                                                                                                         new Action(context => { State_MainBehavior = StateType_MainBehavior.Rescuing; })),

                                                                                                           // If we've arrived at the current waypoint, dequeue it...
                                                                                                           new Decorator(context => Navigator.AtLocation(_currentPath.Peek()),
                                                                                                                         new Action(context => { _currentPath.Dequeue(); })),

                                                                                                           // Follow the prescribed path...
                                                                                                           new ActionRunCoroutine(
                                                                                                               context => UtilityCoroutine.MoveTo(
                                                                                                                   "out to Drowned Watcman"))

                                                           #region State: Rescuing
                                                           new SwitchArgument <StateType_MainBehavior>(StateType_MainBehavior.Rescuing,
                                                                                                       new PrioritySelector(
                                                                                                           // If we've got the Watchman, start heading in...
                                                                                                           new Decorator(context => Me.HasAura(AuraId_RescueDrowningWatchman),
                                                                                                                         new Action(context =>
                _currentPath = null;
                State_MainBehavior = StateType_MainBehavior.PathingIntoShore;

                                                                                                           // If our selected target is no good, find another...
                                                                                                           new Decorator(context => !IsViableDrowningWatchman(SelectedTarget),
                                                                                                                         new Action(context =>
                _currentPath = null;
                SelectedTarget = null;
                State_MainBehavior = StateType_MainBehavior.PathingOutToVictim;

                                                                                                           // Go get a fresh Drowning Watchman...
                                                                                                           UtilityBehavior_InteractWithMob(context => SelectedTarget)

                                                           #region State: Pathing Into Shore
                                                           new SwitchArgument <StateType_MainBehavior>(StateType_MainBehavior.PathingIntoShore,
                                                                                                       new PrioritySelector(
                                                                                                           // If we don't have a path, find the correct one...
                                                                                                           new Decorator(context => _currentPath == null,
                                                                                                                         new Action(context => { _currentPath = FindPath(Me.Location, PositionToMakeLandfall); })),

                                                                                                           // If path completely consumed, we're done...
                                                                                                           new Decorator(context => _currentPath.Count() <= 0,
                                                                                                                         new Action(context => { State_MainBehavior = StateType_MainBehavior.DroppingOffVictim; })),

                                                                                                           // If we've lost the Watchman we rescued, go fetch another...
                                                                                                           new Decorator(context => !Me.HasAura(AuraId_RescueDrowningWatchman),
                                                                                                                         new Action(context =>
                _currentPath = null;
                SelectedTarget = null;
                State_MainBehavior = StateType_MainBehavior.PathingOutToVictim;

                                                                                                           // If we've arrived at the current waypoint, dequeue it...
                                                                                                           new Decorator(context => Navigator.AtLocation(_currentPath.Peek()),
                                                                                                                         new Action(context => { _currentPath.Dequeue(); })),

                                                                                                           // Follow the prescribed path...
                                                                                                           new ActionRunCoroutine(
                                                                                                               context => UtilityCoroutine.MoveTo(
                                                                                                                   "in to drop off Drowned Watchman"))
        public ChangeSet(Dictionary <string, object> changes)
            var changeSet          = new List <Tuple <SettingDescriptor, object> >();
            var isProblemAttribute = false;

            foreach (var change in changes)
                    var name  = change.Key;
                    var value = change.Value;

                    // Setting name cannot be null or empty...
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
                        QBCLog.Error("Name may not be null or empty");
                        isProblemAttribute = true;

                    // Check that setting exists...
                    var settingDescriptor = RecognizedSettings.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Name == name);
                    if (settingDescriptor == null)
                        QBCLog.Error("Unable to locate setting for '{0}'.", name);
                        isProblemAttribute = true;

                    // Is changing attribute allowed?
                    if (settingDescriptor.IsAccessDisallowed)
                        QBCLog.Error("Accessing attribute '{0}' is not allowed.", name);
                        isProblemAttribute = true;

                    // Check that setting doesn't already exist in the changeset...
                    if (changeSet.Any(t => t.Item1.Name == name))
                        QBCLog.Error("Setting '{0}' already exists in the changeset.", name);
                        isProblemAttribute = true;

                    // If user specified 'original' value, go look it up and substitute it for 'value'...
                    if ((value is string) && ((string)value == "original"))
                        object originalValue;

                        if (!OriginalConfiguration.TryGetValue(settingDescriptor.Name, out originalValue))
                            // A missing 'original configuration' is a maintenance issue, not a user error...
                            QBCLog.MaintenanceError("For setting '{0}', there is no original configuration value.",
                            isProblemAttribute = true;

                        value = originalValue;

                    // Check that setting is an appropriate type...
                    var newValue = settingDescriptor.ToCongruentObject(value);

                    if (!settingDescriptor.ConstraintChecker.IsWithinConstraints(newValue))
                        QBCLog.Error("For setting '{0}', the provided value '{1}' is not within the required constraints of {2}.",
                                     name, value, settingDescriptor.ConstraintChecker.Description);
                        isProblemAttribute = true;

                    // Setting change is acceptable...
                    changeSet.Add(Tuple.Create(settingDescriptor, value));

                catch (Exception ex)
                    QBCLog.Exception(ex, "MAINTENANCE ERROR: Error processing attribute '{0}.'", change.Key);
                    isProblemAttribute = true;

            // If problem encountered with any change, we're unable to build the ChangeSet...
            if (isProblemAttribute)
                _changeSet = null;
                throw new ArgumentException("Problems encountered with provided argument");

            Count      = changeSet.Count;
            _changeSet = new ReadOnlyCollection <Tuple <SettingDescriptor, object> >(changeSet);
Ejemplo n.º 10
        // CreateBehavior supplied by QuestBehaviorBase.
        // Instead, provide CreateMainBehavior definition.

        // Dispose provided by QuestBehaviorBase.

        // IsDone provided by QuestBehaviorBase.
        // Call the QuestBehaviorBase.BehaviorDone() method when you want to indicate your behavior is complete.

        // OnFinished provided by QuestBehaviorBase.

        public override void OnStart()
            // Acquisition and checking of any sub-elements go here.
            // A common example:
            //     HuntingGrounds = HuntingGroundsType.GetOrCreate(Element, "HuntingGrounds", HuntingGroundCenter);
            //     IsAttributeProblem |= HuntingGrounds.IsAttributeProblem;

            // Let QuestBehaviorBase do basic initialization of the behavior, deal with bad or deprecated attributes,
            // capture configuration state, install BT hooks, etc.  This will also update the goal text.
            var isBehaviorShouldRun = OnStart_QuestBehaviorCore();

            // If the quest is complete, this behavior is already done...
            // So we don't want to falsely inform the user of things that will be skipped.
            if (isBehaviorShouldRun)
                // The BotStop handler will remove the "use when" activities...
                // Note, we only want to hook BotStopped once for this behavior.
                if (!s_persistedIsOnBotStopHooked)
                    BotEvents.OnBotStopped      += BotEvents_OnBotStopped;
                    s_persistedIsOnBotStopHooked = true;

                if (!s_persistedIsOnNewProfileLoadedHooked)
                    BotEvents.Profile.OnNewProfileLoaded += BotEvents_OnNewProfileLoaded;
                    s_persistedIsOnNewProfileLoadedHooked = true;

                switch (Command)
                case CommandType.Disable:

                case CommandType.Enable:

                case CommandType.ShowActivities:

                case CommandType.Remove:

                case CommandType.Update:
                    IUseWhenPredicate useWhenPredicate =
                        (UseAtInterval > TimeSpan.Zero)
                            ? (IUseWhenPredicate) new UseWhenPredicate_TimeElapse(UseAtInterval,
                            : (IUseWhenPredicate) new UseWhenPredicate_FuncEval(UseWhen,

                    ActionUpdate(useWhenPredicate, StopMovingToConductActivity);

                    QBCLog.MaintenanceError("Unhandled action type of '{0}'.", Command);

                // Install or remove behavior as needed...
                // We need to install the hook when its not present, AND there is something to execute.
                // We remove the hook if there is nothing left to execute.  This betters the user's experience,
                // by maximizing performance.
                // NB: We cannot simply override the methods provided by QuestBehaviorBase, because this behavior
                // is unusual.  We want these hooks to remain after this behavior terminates.  If we use the
                // QuestBehaviorBase-provide facilities (e.g., override the methods), then the hooks would be
                // cleaned up (e.g., removed) when this behavior exits.
                if (s_persistedActivities.Count > 0)

                if (s_persistedActivities.Count <= 0)
