Ejemplo n.º 1
 /// <summary>
 /// Return a dict that maps slot names to slot values, but only include slots that have been assigned to.
 /// Looks up slots in base types as well as the current type.
 /// Sort-of Python equivalent (doesn't look up base slots, while the real code does):
 ///   return dict([(slot, getattr(self, slot)) for slot in type(self).__slots__ if hasattr(self, slot)])
 /// Return null if the object has no __slots__, or empty dict if it has __slots__ but none are initialized.
 /// </summary>
 private static PythonDictionary GetInitializedSlotValues(object obj) {
     PythonDictionary initializedSlotValues = new PythonDictionary();
     IList<PythonType> mro = DynamicHelpers.GetPythonType(obj).ResolutionOrder;
     object slots;
     object slotValue;
     foreach (object type in mro) {
         if (PythonOps.TryGetBoundAttr(type, Symbols.Slots, out slots)) {
             List<string> slotNames = NewTypeMaker.SlotsToList(slots);
             foreach (string slotName in slotNames) {
                 if (slotName == "__dict__") continue;
                 // don't reassign same-named slots from types earlier in the MRO
                 if (initializedSlotValues.__contains__(slotName)) continue;
                 if (PythonOps.TryGetBoundAttr(obj, SymbolTable.StringToId(slotName), out slotValue)) {
                     initializedSlotValues[slotName] = slotValue;
     if (initializedSlotValues.__len__() == 0) return null;
     return initializedSlotValues;