public async Task GetSecretLookupTable_BuildsLookupTable(string id, string secret, IDictionary <string, string> expected)
            // Arrange
            Initialize(GetConfigValue(id, secret));
            PusherReceiverMock mock = new PusherReceiverMock();

            // Act
            IDictionary <string, string> actual = await mock.GetSecretLookupTable(id, _postRequest);

            // Assert
            Assert.Equal(expected, actual);
        public void GetActions_ExtractsActions(string valid, IEnumerable <string> actions)
            // Arrange
            PusherReceiverMock mock = new PusherReceiverMock();
            JObject            data = JObject.Parse(valid);

            // Act
            IEnumerable <string> actual = mock.GetActions(_postRequest, data);

            // Assert
            Assert.Equal(actions, actual);
        public async Task GetSecretLookupTable_ReturnsSameInstance()
            // Arrange
            PusherReceiverMock mock = new PusherReceiverMock();

            // Act
            IDictionary <string, string> actual1 = await mock.GetSecretLookupTable(TestId, _postRequest);

            IDictionary <string, string> actual2 = await mock.GetSecretLookupTable(TestId, _postRequest);

            // Assert
            Assert.Same(actual1, actual2);
        public async Task GetSecretLookupTable_Throws_IfInvalidSecret(string id, string invalid)
            // Arrange
            PusherReceiverMock mock = new PusherReceiverMock();

            Initialize(GetConfigValue(id, invalid));

            // Act
            HttpResponseException ex = await Assert.ThrowsAsync <HttpResponseException>(() => mock.GetSecretLookupTable(id, _postRequest));

            // Assert
            HttpError error = await ex.Response.Content.ReadAsAsync <HttpError>();

            Assert.Equal("The application setting for Pusher must be a comma-separated list of segments of the form '<appKey1>_<appSecret1>; <appKey2>_<appSecret2>'.", error.Message);
        public async Task GetActions_Throws_IfInvalidData(string invalid)
            // Arrange
            PusherReceiverMock mock = new PusherReceiverMock();
            JObject            data = JObject.Parse(invalid);

            // Act
            HttpResponseException ex = Assert.Throws <HttpResponseException>(() => mock.GetActions(_postRequest, data));

            // Assert
            HttpError error = await ex.Response.Content.ReadAsAsync <HttpError>();

            Assert.StartsWith("Could not parse Pusher WebHook data: ", error.Message);
        public async Task GetSecretLookupTable_Throws_IfNoSecrets(string id)
            // Arrange
            Initialize(new string(' ', 32));
            PusherReceiverMock mock = new PusherReceiverMock();

            // Act
            HttpResponseException ex = await Assert.ThrowsAsync <HttpResponseException>(() => mock.GetSecretLookupTable(id, _postRequest));

            // Assert
            HttpError error = await ex.Response.Content.ReadAsAsync <HttpError>();

            string expected = string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "Could not find a valid configuration for WebHook receiver 'pusher' and instance '{0}'. The setting must be set to a value between 8 and 128 characters long.", id);

            Assert.Equal(expected, error.Message);