Ejemplo n.º 1
 public PushNotificationsController(
     ILogger <PushNotificationsController> logger,
     PushNotificationsManager pushNotificationsManager)
     this.logger = logger;
     this.pushNotificationsManager = pushNotificationsManager;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public TweetController(
     ILogger <DiagnosticsController> logger,
     TweetSettings tweetSettings,
     PushNotificationsManager pushNotificationsManager)
     this.logger                   = logger;
     this.tweetSettings            = tweetSettings;
     this.pushNotificationsManager = pushNotificationsManager;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public RealmController(
     ILogger <DiagnosticsController> logger,
     RealmSettings appSettings,
     PushNotificationsManager pushNotificationsManager)
     this.logger                   = logger;
     this.realmSettings            = appSettings;
     this.pushNotificationsManager = pushNotificationsManager;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public PushManager()
     nativeManager = PushNotificationsManager.Instance;
     InAppManager  = new InAppManager(PushwooshInApp.Instance);
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes static reference.
 /// </summary>
 void Awake()
     instance = this;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes static reference.
 /// </summary>
 void Awake()
     instance = this;
Ejemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialization routine
        /// </summary>
        private void Initialize()
            // load the environment configuration file from UtilsInternal
            var sr                    = new FileSettingsReader(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ConfigRelativePath"] + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + environmentName + ".config");
            var certThumbprint        = sr.ReadValue(SocialPlusCertThumbprint);
            var clientID              = sr.ReadValue(EmbeddedSocialClientIdSetting);
            var storeLocation         = StoreLocation.CurrentUser;
            var vaultUrl              = sr.ReadValue(SocialPlusVaultUrlSetting);
            ICertificateHelper cert   = new CertificateHelper(certThumbprint, clientID, storeLocation);
            IKeyVaultClient    client = new AzureKeyVaultClient(cert);

            var log      = new Log(LogDestination.Console, Log.DefaultCategoryName);
            var kv       = new KV(log, clientID, vaultUrl, certThumbprint, storeLocation, client);
            var kvReader = new KVSettingsReader(sr, kv);
            IConnectionStringProvider connectionStringProvider = new ConnectionStringProvider(kvReader);
            int queueBatchIntervalMs = int.Parse(sr.ReadValue(ServiceBusBatchIntervalMsSetting));

            // Lots of things need to be created to create an appsManager.
            ICTStoreManager tableStoreManager = new CTStoreManager(connectionStringProvider);
            bool            tableInit         = false;
            Exception       exception         = null;

                // use Task.Run to ensure that the async Initialize routine runs on a threadpool thread
                Task <bool> task = Task <bool> .Run(() => tableStoreManager.Initialize());

                // task.Result blocks until the result is ready
                tableInit = task.Result;
            catch (Exception e)
                exception = e;

            if (tableInit == false)
                string errorMessage = "CTstore version number does not match the expected version number." + Environment.NewLine +
                                      "If your tables are empty, then you probably forgot to provision storage." + Environment.NewLine +
                                      "If not, then you need to convert the data format and update the storage version number.";
                if (exception != null)
                    Console.WriteLine("Exception message:" + exception.Message);


            ICBStoreManager blobStoreManager = new CBStoreManager(connectionStringProvider);
            AppsStore       appsStore        = new AppsStore(tableStoreManager);
            UsersStore      usersStore       = new UsersStore(tableStoreManager);
            ViewsManager    viewsManager     = new ViewsManager(
                new UserRelationshipsStore(tableStoreManager),
                new TopicsStore(tableStoreManager),
                new TopicRelationshipsStore(tableStoreManager),
                new CommentsStore(tableStoreManager),
                new RepliesStore(tableStoreManager),
                new LikesStore(tableStoreManager),
                new PinsStore(tableStoreManager),
                new BlobsStore(blobStoreManager));
            PushNotificationsManager pushManager = new PushNotificationsManager(log, new PushRegistrationsStore(tableStoreManager), appsStore, viewsManager, connectionStringProvider);

            this.appsManager = new AppsManager(appsStore, pushManager);
            SearchManager       searchManager       = new SearchManager(log, connectionStringProvider);
            PopularUsersManager popularUsersManager = new PopularUsersManager(usersStore);
            QueueManager        queueManager        = new QueueManager(connectionStringProvider, queueBatchIntervalMs);
            SearchQueue         searchQueue         = new SearchQueue(queueManager);

            this.usersManager = new UsersManager(usersStore, pushManager, popularUsersManager, searchQueue);