Inheritance: AbstractState
Ejemplo n.º 1
    public SearchInFrenzyState(HeliScript helicopter, float deltaTime, PursuitState comingFrom, HelicopterState afterLosing)
        //Initializing default, independent vals for behavioral variables
        this.helicopter = helicopter;
        this.comingFrom = comingFrom;
        goBackToPursuit = false;
        ifLost          = afterLosing;

        //Interacting with the frenzy controller
        frenzy = GameObject.Find("FrenzyController").GetComponent <FrenzyMode>();

        rootPos    = frenzy.getLastKnownPlayerPosition();
        rootPos.y += helicopter.vertDistanceFromPlayerInChase;

        //Getting the actual player we're chasing down
        player          = GameObject.Find("Player");
        lastSeenToRight = player.transform.position.x > rootPos.x;

        targetPosition          = rootPos + new Vector3(searchDist, 0, 0);
        targetSpotlightRotation = helicopter.getSpotlight().transform.rotation;
        //These two variables are never updated during pursuit state
        currSpeed = helicopter.speed * helicopter.frenzySpeedBonus;
        spotlightRotationSpeed = helicopter.spotlightRotationSpeedChase;

        //Updates to be ready for the first frame
    private void InitializeFSM()
        // Create Minion FSM.
        fsm = new FSM <States>();
        IdleState <States>    idleState    = new IdleState <States>(fsm, this);
        SearchState <States>  searchState  = new SearchState <States>(fsm, this);
        FlockState <States>   flockState   = new FlockState <States>(fsm, this, _flockingEntity);
        PursuitState <States> pursuitState = new PursuitState <States>(fsm, this);
        FleeState <States>    fleeState    = new FleeState <States>(fsm, this);

        // [EVERYONE] Idle Transitions.
        idleState.AddTransition(States.FLOCKING, flockState);
        idleState.AddTransition(States.SEARCHING, searchState);
        idleState.AddTransition(States.PURSUIT, pursuitState);

        pursuitState.AddTransition(States.FLEE, fleeState);
        pursuitState.AddTransition(States.FLOCKING, flockState);
        pursuitState.AddTransition(States.IDLE, idleState);

        fleeState.AddTransition(States.IDLE, idleState);
        fleeState.AddTransition(States.PURSUIT, pursuitState);

        // [BOSS] Search Transitions.
        searchState.AddTransition(States.IDLE, idleState);
        searchState.AddTransition(States.PURSUIT, pursuitState);

        // [MINIONS] Flocking Transitions.
        flockState.AddTransition(States.IDLE, idleState);
        flockState.AddTransition(States.PURSUIT, pursuitState);

Ejemplo n.º 3
    public override StateMachine CreateMachine()
        AbstractState idle = new IdleState((int)States.DEFAULT, this);
        AbstractState seek = new SeekState((int)States.SEEK, this);
        AbstractState pursuit = new PursuitState((int)States.PURSUIT, this);

        SeekStateMachine stateMachine = new SeekStateMachine();

        return stateMachine;
    private void Awake()
        wanderState = new WanderState (this); // huntStart = new HuntState (this); May replace with this
        idleState = new IdleState (this); // huntStart = new HuntState (this); May replace with this
        forageState = new ForageState (this);
        flightState = new FlightState (this);
        pursuitState = new PursuitState (this);
        exitState = new ExitState (this);
        enterState = new EnterState (this);
        navMeshAgent = GetComponent<NavMeshAgent>();

        navMeshAgent.enabled = true;
        // navMeshObstacle.enabled = false;

        navMeshRadius = navMeshAgent.radius;

        navMeshAgent.avoidancePriority = Random.Range(0, 100);  // Randomly set the avoidance priority
Ejemplo n.º 5
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        attackInfo            = GetComponent <AttackInfoContainer> ();
        attackInfo.attackType = AttackType.MeleeWeakAttack;
        attackInfo.direction  = -transform.up.normalized;
        attackInfo.force      = baseAttackForce;

        //Get reference of player
        player = GameObject.Find("Player");
        rb     = GetComponent <Rigidbody2D> ();

        //Starting state
        spiderState     = SpiderState.Roaming;
        pState          = PursuitState.Chasing;
        waitTimer       = startWaitTime;
        projectileTimer = 0f;
        //targetSpot = Random.Range (0, moveSpots.Length);
        targetSpot = 0;         //first spot
Ejemplo n.º 6
    private void ConfigFSM()
        states = new List <FSMState>();

        IdleState idle = new IdleState();

        idle.AddMap(FSMTriggerID.NoHealth, FSMStateID.Dead);
        idle.AddMap(FSMTriggerID.SawTarget, FSMStateID.Pursuit);

        DeadState dead = new DeadState();


        PursuitState pursuit = new PursuitState();

        pursuit.AddMap(FSMTriggerID.NoHealth, FSMStateID.Dead);
        pursuit.AddMap(FSMTriggerID.ReachTarget, FSMStateID.Attacking);
        pursuit.AddMap(FSMTriggerID.LoseTarget, FSMStateID.Default);

        AttackingState attacking = new AttackingState();

        attacking.AddMap(FSMTriggerID.NoHealth, FSMStateID.Dead);
        attacking.AddMap(FSMTriggerID.WithoutAttackRange, FSMStateID.Pursuit);
        attacking.AddMap(FSMTriggerID.KilledTarget, FSMStateID.Default);

        PatrollingState patrolling = new PatrollingState();

        patrolling.AddMap(FSMTriggerID.NoHealth, FSMStateID.Dead);
        patrolling.AddMap(FSMTriggerID.SawTarget, FSMStateID.Pursuit);
        patrolling.AddMap(FSMTriggerID.CompletePatrol, FSMStateID.Idle);
Ejemplo n.º 7
    protected virtual void Pursuit()
        //Check radius to see if player got out of range
        float distance = Vector2.Distance(transform.position, playerTransform.position);

        if (distance > pursuitRange)
            //Player has escaped enemy
            enemyState   = EnemyBaseState.Searching;
            pursuitState = PursuitState.Chasing;             //reset
            timer        = searchTime;

        //Handle pursuit substates
        //Check if we are within attacking distance and not too close to player
        if (distance <= stoppingDistance && distance >= retreatDistance)
            //Stop moving for a better attack shot
            //pursuitState = PursuitState.Stopped;
            rb.velocity =; //stop enemy movement
            enemyState  = EnemyBaseState.ChargingAttack;
            timer       = 0f;           //reset
            attackTimer = attackChargeTime;

            //Face the target as well
        else if (distance < retreatDistance)
            //If too close to player, retreat
            pursuitState = PursuitState.Retreating;
            //Keep chasing
            pursuitState = PursuitState.Chasing;
Ejemplo n.º 8
    void Pursuit()
        //Check radius to see if player out of range
        float distance = Vector2.Distance(transform.position, player.transform.position);

        if (distance > pursuitRange)
            //Player has escaped enemy
            spiderState     = SpiderState.Searching;
            pState          = PursuitState.Chasing;    //reset
            projectileTimer = 0f;
            searchTimer     = searchTime;

        //Shoot projectile

        //Check if we are within attacking distance and not too close to player
        if (distance <= stoppingDistance && distance >= retreatDistance)
            //Stop moving for a better attack shot
            pState = PursuitState.Stopped;

            //Face the target as well
        else if (distance < retreatDistance)
            //If too close to player, retreat
            pState = PursuitState.Retreating;
            //Keep chasing
            pState = PursuitState.Chasing;
Ejemplo n.º 9
    //Reference to animator

    // Use this for initialization
    protected virtual void Start()
        //Get player's script and controller
        //Get animator component
        //anim = GetComponent<Animator>();
        Debug.Log("Base Start");

        //Initialize to default values
        attackInfo            = GetComponent <AttackInfoContainer> ();
        attackInfo.attackType = AttackType.MeleeWeakAttack;
        attackInfo.direction  =;
        attackInfo.force      = baseAttackForce;

        //playerObject = GameObject.Find ("Player");
        playerController = GameObject.Find("Player").GetComponent <PlayerController>();
        playerTransform  = GameObject.Find("Player").GetComponent <Transform> ();
        rb           = GetComponent <Rigidbody2D> ();
        enemyState   = EnemyBaseState.Roaming;
        pursuitState = PursuitState.Chasing;
        attackState  = AttackState.Attacking;
        timer        = 0f;
        attackTimer  = 0f;
        flinchTimer  = 0f;