public ActionResult ReceivedPurchaseOrderbyVendor(int? page, string id)
            int pageIndex = 0;
            int pageSize = PageSize;
            string szMsg = "";
            string szVendorId = "";
            DateTime dDate = DateTime.Now;

            Vendors vendor = db.Vendors.Where(vd => vd.VendorNo == id).FirstOrDefault<Vendors>();
            if (vendor != null)
                szVendorId = vendor.Id.ToString();
            string szUrl = string.Format("~/Vendors/Edit/{0}", szVendorId);
            szUrl = Url.Content(szUrl);
            ViewBag.Quit = string.Format("{0}://{1}{2}", Request.Url.Scheme, Request.Url.Authority, szUrl);

            PurchaseOrdersbyVendor purchaseorderbyvendor = null;
            List<PurchaseOrdersbyVendor> purchaseorderList = new List<PurchaseOrdersbyVendor>();

            //qryPOs = db.PurchaseOrders.Where(vd => vd.VendorId == id ).OrderByDescending(vd => vd.PurchaseOrderNo);

            var qryPOs = db.PurchasOrderDetails.Join(db.PurchaseOrders, podet => podet.PurchaseOrderId, po => po.PurchaseOrderId, (podet, po)
                => new { podet, po }).Where(prod => prod.po.VendorId == id && prod.podet.Sub_ItemID != null && prod.po.ReceiveStatus != null).OrderByDescending(prod => prod.po.PurchaseOrderId);
            if (qryPOs.Count() > 0)
                foreach (var item in qryPOs)
                    purchaseorderbyvendor = new PurchaseOrdersbyVendor();
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.po.ReceiveStatus))
                        szMsg = item.po.ReceiveStatus;
                        szMsg = szMsg.Replace("Received on ", "");
                        szMsg = szMsg.Replace(".", "");
                        dDate = Convert.ToDateTime(szMsg);
                        purchaseorderbyvendor.SODate = dDate;
                        szMsg = string.Empty;
                        purchaseorderbyvendor.SODate = null;
                    purchaseorderbyvendor.PurchaseOrderId = item.po.PurchaseOrderId;
                    purchaseorderbyvendor.PurchaseOrderNo = item.po.PurchaseOrderNo;
                    purchaseorderbyvendor.Sub_ItemID = item.podet.Sub_ItemID;
                    purchaseorderbyvendor.Description = item.podet.Description;
                    purchaseorderbyvendor.Quantity = item.podet.Quantity;
                    purchaseorderbyvendor.UnitPrice = item.podet.UnitPrice;


            ViewBag.VendorNo = id;

            //Set the page
            if (page == null)
                pageIndex = 1;
                pageIndex = Convert.ToInt32(page);

            ViewBag.ReceivedPO = true;

            var onePageOfData = purchaseorderList.ToPagedList(pageIndex, pageSize);
            ViewBag.OnePageOfData = onePageOfData;
            return View("OpenPurchaseOrderbyVendor", purchaseorderList.ToPagedList(pageIndex, pageSize));
        private DataTable GetReceivedPurchaseOrderTable(string szVendorNo)
            long telHlp = 0;
            long faxHlp = 0;
            string telfmt = "000-000-0000";
            string szTel = "";
            string szMsg = "";
            DateTime dDate = DateTime.Now;
            DataTable table = null;
            DataRow row = null;

            PurchaseOrdersbyVendor purchaseorderbyvendor = null;
            List<PurchaseOrdersbyVendor> purchaseorderList = new List<PurchaseOrdersbyVendor>();

            //qryPOs = db.PurchaseOrders.Where(vd => vd.VendorId == id ).OrderByDescending(vd => vd.PurchaseOrderNo);

            var qryPOs = db.PurchasOrderDetails.Join(db.PurchaseOrders, podet => podet.PurchaseOrderId, po => po.PurchaseOrderId, (podet, po)
                => new { podet, po }).Where(prod => prod.po.VendorId == szVendorNo && prod.podet.Sub_ItemID != null && prod.po.ReceiveStatus != null).OrderByDescending(prod => prod.po.PurchaseOrderId);
            if (qryPOs.Count() > 0)
                foreach (var item in qryPOs)

                    purchaseorderbyvendor = new PurchaseOrdersbyVendor();
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.po.ReceiveStatus))
                        szMsg = item.po.ReceiveStatus;
                        szMsg = szMsg.Replace("Received on ", "");
                        szMsg = szMsg.Replace(".", "");
                        dDate = Convert.ToDateTime(szMsg);
                        purchaseorderbyvendor.SODate = dDate;
                        szMsg = string.Empty;
                        purchaseorderbyvendor.SODate = null;
                    purchaseorderbyvendor.PurchaseOrderId = item.po.PurchaseOrderId;
                    purchaseorderbyvendor.PurchaseOrderNo = item.po.PurchaseOrderNo;
                    //purchaseorderbyvendor.SODate = item.po.PODate;
                    purchaseorderbyvendor.Sub_ItemID = item.podet.Sub_ItemID;
                    purchaseorderbyvendor.Description = item.podet.Description;
                    purchaseorderbyvendor.Quantity = item.podet.Quantity;
                    purchaseorderbyvendor.UnitPrice = item.podet.UnitPrice;


            table = new DataTable("OReceivedPurchaseOrder");

            // Set the header
            DataColumn col01 = new DataColumn("PurchaseOrderNo", System.Type.GetType("System.String"));
            DataColumn col02 = new DataColumn("Date", System.Type.GetType("System.String"));
            DataColumn col03 = new DataColumn("ItemID", System.Type.GetType("System.String"));
            DataColumn col04 = new DataColumn("Description", System.Type.GetType("System.String"));
            DataColumn col05 = new DataColumn("Quantity", System.Type.GetType("System.String"));
            DataColumn col06 = new DataColumn("UnitPrice", System.Type.GetType("System.String"));

            //Set the data row
            foreach (var item in purchaseorderList)
                row = table.NewRow();
                row["PurchaseOrderNo"] = item.PurchaseOrderNo;
                row["Date"] = item.SODate;
                row["ItemID"] = item.Sub_ItemID;
                row["Description"] = item.Description;
                row["Quantity"] = item.Quantity;
                row["UnitPrice"] = item.UnitPrice;

            return table;
        public PartialViewResult SalesHistorybyItem(int? page, string id)
            int pageIndex = 0;
            int pageSize = PageSize;
            string szMsg = "";

            PurchaseOrdersbyVendor purchaseorderbyvendor = null;
            List<PurchaseOrdersbyVendor> purchaseorderList = new List<PurchaseOrdersbyVendor>();

            TimelyDepotContext db01 = new TimelyDepotContext();

            //qryPOs = db.PurchaseOrders.Where(vd => vd.VendorId == id ).OrderByDescending(vd => vd.PurchaseOrderNo);

            var qryPOs = db.InvoiceDetails.Join(db.Invoices, podet => podet.InvoiceId, po => po.InvoiceId, (podet, po)
                => new { podet, po }).Where(prod => prod.podet.ItemID == id && prod.podet.Sub_ItemID != null).OrderByDescending(prod => prod.po.SalesOrderId);
            if (qryPOs.Count() > 0)
                foreach (var item in qryPOs)
                    szMsg = item.po.PurchaseOrderNo;

                    purchaseorderbyvendor = new PurchaseOrdersbyVendor();
                    purchaseorderbyvendor.PurchaseOrderId = item.po.InvoiceId;
                    purchaseorderbyvendor.PurchaseOrderNo = item.po.InvoiceNo;
                    purchaseorderbyvendor.SODate = item.po.InvoiceDate;
                    purchaseorderbyvendor.VendorNo = GetCustomerNo(db01, item.po.CustomerId);
                    purchaseorderbyvendor.Sub_ItemID = item.podet.Sub_ItemID;
                    purchaseorderbyvendor.Description = item.podet.Description;
                    purchaseorderbyvendor.Quantity = item.podet.Quantity;
                    purchaseorderbyvendor.UnitPrice = item.podet.UnitPrice;


            ViewBag.ItemId = id;

            //Set the page
            if (page == null)
                pageIndex = 1;
                pageIndex = Convert.ToInt32(page);

            var onePageOfData = purchaseorderList.ToPagedList(pageIndex, pageSize);
            ViewBag.OnePageOfData = onePageOfData;
            return PartialView(purchaseorderList.ToPagedList(pageIndex, pageSize));
        private DataTable GetSalesHistoryrTable(string szItemId)
            long telHlp = 0;
            long faxHlp = 0;
            string telfmt = "000-000-0000";
            string szTel = "";
            string szMsg = "";

            TimelyDepotContext db01 = new TimelyDepotContext();

            DataTable table = null;
            DataRow row = null;

            PurchaseOrdersbyVendor purchaseorderbyvendor = null;
            List<PurchaseOrdersbyVendor> purchaseorderList = new List<PurchaseOrdersbyVendor>();

            //qryPOs = db.PurchaseOrders.Where(vd => vd.VendorId == id ).OrderByDescending(vd => vd.PurchaseOrderNo);

            var qryPOs = db.InvoiceDetails.Join(db.Invoices, podet => podet.InvoiceId, po => po.InvoiceId, (podet, po)
                => new { podet, po }).Where(prod => prod.podet.ItemID == szItemId && prod.podet.Sub_ItemID != null).OrderByDescending(prod => prod.po.SalesOrderId);
            if (qryPOs.Count() > 0)
                foreach (var item in qryPOs)
                    szMsg = item.po.PurchaseOrderNo;

                    purchaseorderbyvendor = new PurchaseOrdersbyVendor();
                    purchaseorderbyvendor.PurchaseOrderId = item.po.InvoiceId;
                    purchaseorderbyvendor.PurchaseOrderNo = item.po.InvoiceNo;
                    purchaseorderbyvendor.SODate = item.po.InvoiceDate;
                    purchaseorderbyvendor.VendorNo = GetCustomerNo(db01, item.po.CustomerId);
                    purchaseorderbyvendor.Sub_ItemID = item.podet.Sub_ItemID;
                    purchaseorderbyvendor.Description = item.podet.Description;
                    purchaseorderbyvendor.Quantity = item.podet.Quantity;
                    purchaseorderbyvendor.UnitPrice = item.podet.UnitPrice;


            table = new DataTable("SalesHistory");

            // Set the header
            DataColumn col01 = new DataColumn("InvoiceNo", System.Type.GetType("System.String"));
            DataColumn col02 = new DataColumn("Date", System.Type.GetType("System.String"));
            DataColumn col03 = new DataColumn("CustomerNo", System.Type.GetType("System.String"));
            DataColumn col04 = new DataColumn("ItemID", System.Type.GetType("System.String"));
            DataColumn col05 = new DataColumn("Description", System.Type.GetType("System.String"));
            DataColumn col06 = new DataColumn("Quantity", System.Type.GetType("System.String"));
            DataColumn col07 = new DataColumn("UnitPrice", System.Type.GetType("System.String"));

            //Set the data row
            foreach (var item in purchaseorderList)
                row = table.NewRow();
                row["InvoiceNo"] = item.PurchaseOrderNo;
                row["Date"] = item.SODate;
                row["CustomerNo"] = item.VendorNo;
                row["ItemID"] = item.Sub_ItemID;
                row["Description"] = item.Description;
                row["Quantity"] = item.Quantity;
                row["UnitPrice"] = item.UnitPrice;

            return table;
        private DataTable GetOutstandingSalesOrderTable(string customerid)
            long telHlp = 0;
            long faxHlp = 0;
            int nCustomerId = 0;
            string telfmt = "000-000-0000";
            string szTel = string.Empty;
            string szMsg = string.Empty;

            TimelyDepotContext db01 = new TimelyDepotContext();

            DataTable table = null;
            DataRow row = null;

            PurchaseOrdersbyVendor purchaseorderbyvendor = null;
            List<PurchaseOrdersbyVendor> purchaseorderList = new List<PurchaseOrdersbyVendor>();

            //qryPOs = db.PurchaseOrders.Where(vd => vd.VendorId == id ).OrderByDescending(vd => vd.PurchaseOrderNo);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(customerid))
                nCustomerId = Convert.ToInt32(customerid);

            var qryPOs = db.SalesOrderDetails.Join(db.SalesOrders, podet => podet.SalesOrderId, po => po.SalesOrderId, (podet, po)
                => new { podet, po }).Where(prod => prod.po.CustomerId == nCustomerId && prod.podet.Quantity != prod.podet.ShipQuantity).OrderByDescending(prod => prod.po.SalesOrderId).ThenBy(prod => prod.podet.ItemPosition).ThenBy(prod => prod.podet.ItemOrder);
            if (qryPOs.Count() > 0)
                foreach (var item in qryPOs)
                    szMsg = item.po.PurchaseOrderNo;

                    purchaseorderbyvendor = new PurchaseOrdersbyVendor();
                    purchaseorderbyvendor.PurchaseOrderId = item.po.SalesOrderId;
                    purchaseorderbyvendor.PurchaseOrderNo = item.po.SalesOrderNo;
                    purchaseorderbyvendor.SODate = item.po.SODate;
                    //purchaseorderbyvendor.VendorNo = GetCustomerNo(db01, item.po.CustomerId);
                    purchaseorderbyvendor.Sub_ItemID = item.podet.Sub_ItemID;
                    purchaseorderbyvendor.Description = item.podet.Description;
                    purchaseorderbyvendor.Quantity = item.podet.Quantity;
                    purchaseorderbyvendor.UnitPrice = item.podet.UnitPrice;


            table = new DataTable("OpenPurchaseOrder");

            // Set the header
            DataColumn col01 = new DataColumn("SalesOrderNo", System.Type.GetType("System.String"));
            DataColumn col02 = new DataColumn("Date", System.Type.GetType("System.String"));
            //DataColumn col03 = new DataColumn("CustomerNo", System.Type.GetType("System.String"));
            DataColumn col04 = new DataColumn("ItemID", System.Type.GetType("System.String"));
            DataColumn col05 = new DataColumn("Description", System.Type.GetType("System.String"));
            DataColumn col06 = new DataColumn("Quantity", System.Type.GetType("System.String"));
            DataColumn col07 = new DataColumn("UnitPrice", System.Type.GetType("System.String"));

            //Set the data row
            foreach (var item in purchaseorderList)
                row = table.NewRow();
                row["SalesOrderNo"] = item.PurchaseOrderNo;
                row["Date"] = item.SODate;
                //row["CustomerNo"] = item.VendorNo;
                row["ItemID"] = item.Sub_ItemID;
                row["Description"] = item.Description;
                row["Quantity"] = item.Quantity;
                row["UnitPrice"] = item.UnitPrice;

            return table;
        private DataTable GetPaymentListTable(string customerid)
            bool bPaidinFull = false;
            int nInvoiceIdHlp = 0;
            double dAmount = 0;
            double dSalesAmount = 0;
            double dTotalTax = 0;
            double dTax = 0;
            double dTotalAmount = 0;
            double dBalanceDue = 0;
            long telHlp = 0;
            long faxHlp = 0;
            int nCustomerId = 0;
            string telfmt = "000-000-0000";
            string szTel = string.Empty;
            string szMsg = string.Empty;
            string szCustomerNo = string.Empty;
            string szInvoiceNo = string.Empty;

            int nHas = 0;
            int nPos = -1;
            string szClass = string.Empty;
            string szError = string.Empty;
            string szDecriptedData = string.Empty;
            string szDecriptedCode = string.Empty;

            TimelyDepotContext db01 = new TimelyDepotContext();

            DataTable table = null;
            DataRow row = null;

            Invoice invoice = null;
            Customers customer = null;
            PurchaseOrdersbyVendor purchaseorderbyvendor = null;
            List<PurchaseOrdersbyVendor> purchaseorderList = new List<PurchaseOrdersbyVendor>();

            //qryPOs = db.PurchaseOrders.Where(vd => vd.VendorId == id ).OrderByDescending(vd => vd.PurchaseOrderNo);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(customerid))
                nCustomerId = Convert.ToInt32(customerid);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(customerid))
                nCustomerId = Convert.ToInt32(customerid);
                customer = db.Customers.Find(nCustomerId);
                if (customer != null)
                    szCustomerNo = customer.CustomerNo;

            var qryPOs = db.Payments.Where(pymt => pymt.CustomerNo == szCustomerNo).OrderByDescending(pymt => pymt.PaymentDate);
            if (qryPOs.Count() > 0)
                foreach (var item in qryPOs)
                    szError = string.Empty;
                    szDecriptedData = TimelyDepotMVC.Controllers.PaymentController.DecodeInfo02(item.PaymentType, ref szError);
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(szError))
                        nPos = szError.IndexOf("data to decode");
                        if (nPos != -1)
                            szDecriptedData = string.Empty;
                            szDecriptedData = string.Format("******");
                        //Mask the card number
                        nHas = szDecriptedData.Length;
                        if (nHas > 4)
                            szMsg = szDecriptedData.Substring(nHas - 4, 4);
                            szDecriptedData = string.Format("******{0}", szMsg);
                            szDecriptedData = string.Format("******");

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.SalesOrderNo))
                        invoice = db.Invoices.Where(invc => invc.SalesOrderNo == item.SalesOrderNo).FirstOrDefault<Invoice>();
                        if (invoice != null)
                            szInvoiceNo = invoice.InvoiceNo;
                        szInvoiceNo = string.Empty;

                    purchaseorderbyvendor = new PurchaseOrdersbyVendor();
                    purchaseorderbyvendor.PurchaseOrderId = item.Id;
                    purchaseorderbyvendor.PurchaseOrderNo = item.PaymentNo;
                    purchaseorderbyvendor.VendorNo = szInvoiceNo;
                    purchaseorderbyvendor.SODate = item.PaymentDate;
                    purchaseorderbyvendor.Description = item.PaymentType;
                    purchaseorderbyvendor.UnitPrice = item.Amount;



            table = new DataTable("OpenPurchaseOrder");

            // Set the header
            DataColumn col01 = new DataColumn("PaymentNo", System.Type.GetType("System.String"));
            DataColumn col02 = new DataColumn("Date", System.Type.GetType("System.String"));
            //DataColumn col03 = new DataColumn("CustomerNo", System.Type.GetType("System.String"));
            DataColumn col04 = new DataColumn("InvoiceNo", System.Type.GetType("System.String"));
            DataColumn col05 = new DataColumn("Description", System.Type.GetType("System.String"));
            DataColumn col07 = new DataColumn("Amount", System.Type.GetType("System.String"));

            //Set the data row
            foreach (var item in purchaseorderList)
                row = table.NewRow();
                row["PaymentNo"] = item.PurchaseOrderNo;
                row["Date"] = item.SODate;
                //row["CustomerNo"] = item.VendorNo;
                row["InvoiceNo"] = item.VendorNo;
                row["Description"] = item.Description;
                //row["Quantity"] = item.Quantity;
                row["Amount"] = item.UnitPrice;

            return table;
        private DataTable GetOutstandingInvoiceTable(string customerid)
            bool bPaidinFull = false;
            int nInvoiceIdHlp = 0;
            double dAmount = 0;
            double dSalesAmount = 0;
            double dTotalTax = 0;
            double dTax = 0;
            double dTotalAmount = 0;
            double dBalanceDue = 0;
            long telHlp = 0;
            long faxHlp = 0;
            int nCustomerId = 0;
            string telfmt = "000-000-0000";
            string szTel = string.Empty;
            string szMsg = string.Empty;

            TimelyDepotContext db01 = new TimelyDepotContext();

            DataTable table = null;
            DataRow row = null;

            PurchaseOrdersbyVendor purchaseorderbyvendor = null;
            List<PurchaseOrdersbyVendor> purchaseorderList = new List<PurchaseOrdersbyVendor>();

            //qryPOs = db.PurchaseOrders.Where(vd => vd.VendorId == id ).OrderByDescending(vd => vd.PurchaseOrderNo);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(customerid))
                nCustomerId = Convert.ToInt32(customerid);

            var qryPOs = db.Invoices.Where(invc => invc.CustomerId == nCustomerId).OrderByDescending(invc => invc.InvoiceId);
            if (qryPOs.Count() > 0)
                foreach (var item in qryPOs)
                    //Display here all the invoice for this customer
                    if (item.InvoiceId != nInvoiceIdHlp)
                        //Get the totals
                        GetInvoiceTotals01(db01, item.InvoiceId, ref dSalesAmount, ref dTotalTax, ref dTax, ref dTotalAmount, ref dBalanceDue);
                        nInvoiceIdHlp = item.InvoiceId;
                        if (item.PaymentAmount == null)
                            dAmount = 0;
                            dAmount = Convert.ToDouble(item.PaymentAmount);
                        if (dBalanceDue == 0)
                            bPaidinFull = true;
                            bPaidinFull = false;

                    if (bPaidinFull == false)
                        purchaseorderbyvendor = new PurchaseOrdersbyVendor();
                        purchaseorderbyvendor.PurchaseOrderId = item.InvoiceId;
                        purchaseorderbyvendor.PurchaseOrderNo = item.InvoiceNo;
                        purchaseorderbyvendor.SODate = item.InvoiceDate;
                        purchaseorderbyvendor.VendorNo = dTotalAmount.ToString();
                        purchaseorderbyvendor.Sub_ItemID = dAmount.ToString(); ;
                        purchaseorderbyvendor.Description = dBalanceDue.ToString();
                        //purchaseorderbyvendor.Quantity = item.podet.Quantity;
                        //purchaseorderbyvendor.UnitPrice = item.podet.UnitPrice;




            table = new DataTable("OpenPurchaseOrder");

            // Set the header
            DataColumn col01 = new DataColumn("InvoiceNo", System.Type.GetType("System.String"));
            DataColumn col02 = new DataColumn("Date", System.Type.GetType("System.String"));
            //DataColumn col03 = new DataColumn("CustomerNo", System.Type.GetType("System.String"));
            DataColumn col04 = new DataColumn("Invoice Amount", System.Type.GetType("System.String"));
            DataColumn col05 = new DataColumn("Paid Amount", System.Type.GetType("System.String"));
            DataColumn col06 = new DataColumn("Outstanding Amount", System.Type.GetType("System.String"));
            //DataColumn col07 = new DataColumn("UnitPrice", System.Type.GetType("System.String"));

            //Set the data row
            foreach (var item in purchaseorderList)
                row = table.NewRow();
                row["InvoiceNo"] = item.PurchaseOrderNo;
                row["Date"] = item.SODate;
                //row["CustomerNo"] = item.VendorNo;
                row["Invoice Amount"] = item.VendorNo;
                row["Paid Amount"] = item.Sub_ItemID;
                row["Outstanding Amount"] = item.Description;
                //row["UnitPrice"] = item.UnitPrice;

            return table;
        private DataTable GetInvoiceListTable(string customerid)
            bool bPaidinFull = false;
            int nInvoiceIdHlp = 0;
            double dAmount = 0;
            double dSalesAmount = 0;
            double dTotalTax = 0;
            double dTax = 0;
            double dTotalAmount = 0;
            double dBalanceDue = 0;
            long telHlp = 0;
            long faxHlp = 0;
            int nCustomerId = 0;
            string telfmt = "000-000-0000";
            string szTel = string.Empty;
            string szMsg = string.Empty;

            TimelyDepotContext db01 = new TimelyDepotContext();

            DataTable table = null;
            DataRow row = null;

            PurchaseOrdersbyVendor purchaseorderbyvendor = null;
            List<PurchaseOrdersbyVendor> purchaseorderList = new List<PurchaseOrdersbyVendor>();

            //qryPOs = db.PurchaseOrders.Where(vd => vd.VendorId == id ).OrderByDescending(vd => vd.PurchaseOrderNo);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(customerid))
                nCustomerId = Convert.ToInt32(customerid);

            var qryPOs = db.InvoiceDetails.Join(db.Invoices, podet => podet.InvoiceId, po => po.InvoiceId, (podet, po)
                => new { podet, po }).Where(prod => prod.po.CustomerId == nCustomerId).OrderByDescending(prod => prod.po.InvoiceId).ThenBy(prod => prod.podet.ItemPosition).ThenBy(prod => prod.podet.ItemOrder);
            if (qryPOs.Count() > 0)
                foreach (var item in qryPOs)
                    szMsg = item.po.PurchaseOrderNo;

                    if (item.po.InvoiceId != nInvoiceIdHlp)
                        //Get the totals
                        GetInvoiceTotals01(db01, item.po.InvoiceId, ref dSalesAmount, ref dTotalTax, ref dTax, ref dTotalAmount, ref dBalanceDue);
                        dAmount = dTotalAmount;
                        nInvoiceIdHlp = item.po.InvoiceId;
                        if (dBalanceDue == 0)
                            bPaidinFull = true;
                            bPaidinFull = false;

                    if (bPaidinFull == false)
                        purchaseorderbyvendor = new PurchaseOrdersbyVendor();
                        purchaseorderbyvendor.PurchaseOrderId = item.po.InvoiceId;
                        purchaseorderbyvendor.PurchaseOrderNo = item.po.InvoiceNo;
                        purchaseorderbyvendor.SODate = item.po.InvoiceDate;
                        //purchaseorderbyvendor.VendorNo = GetCustomerNo(db01, item.po.CustomerId);
                        purchaseorderbyvendor.Sub_ItemID = item.podet.Sub_ItemID;
                        purchaseorderbyvendor.Description = item.podet.Description;
                        purchaseorderbyvendor.Quantity = item.podet.Quantity;
                        purchaseorderbyvendor.UnitPrice = item.podet.UnitPrice;



            table = new DataTable("OpenPurchaseOrder");

            // Set the header
            DataColumn col01 = new DataColumn("InvoiceNo", System.Type.GetType("System.String"));
            DataColumn col02 = new DataColumn("Date", System.Type.GetType("System.String"));
            //DataColumn col03 = new DataColumn("CustomerNo", System.Type.GetType("System.String"));
            DataColumn col04 = new DataColumn("ItemID", System.Type.GetType("System.String"));
            DataColumn col05 = new DataColumn("Description", System.Type.GetType("System.String"));
            DataColumn col06 = new DataColumn("Quantity", System.Type.GetType("System.String"));
            DataColumn col07 = new DataColumn("UnitPrice", System.Type.GetType("System.String"));

            //Set the data row
            foreach (var item in purchaseorderList)
                row = table.NewRow();
                row["InvoiceNo"] = item.PurchaseOrderNo;
                row["Date"] = item.SODate;
                //row["CustomerNo"] = item.VendorNo;
                row["ItemID"] = item.Sub_ItemID;
                row["Description"] = item.Description;
                row["Quantity"] = item.Quantity;
                row["UnitPrice"] = item.UnitPrice;

            return table;
        public PartialViewResult PaymentList(int? page, string customerid)
            bool bPaidinFull = false;
            int pageIndex = 0;
            int pageSize = PageSize;
            int nCustomerId = 0;
            int nInvoiceIdHlp = 0;
            double dAmount = 0;
            double dSalesAmount = 0;
            double dTotalTax = 0;
            double dTax = 0;
            double dTotalAmount = 0;
            double dBalanceDue = 0;
            string szMsg = string.Empty;
            string szCustomerNo = string.Empty;
            string szInvoiceNo = string.Empty;

            Invoice invoice = null;
            Customers customer = null;
            PurchaseOrdersbyVendor purchaseorderbyvendor = null;
            List<PurchaseOrdersbyVendor> purchaseorderList = new List<PurchaseOrdersbyVendor>();

            TimelyDepotContext db01 = new TimelyDepotContext();

            //qryPOs = db.PurchaseOrders.Where(vd => vd.VendorId == id ).OrderByDescending(vd => vd.PurchaseOrderNo);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(customerid))
                nCustomerId = Convert.ToInt32(customerid);
                customer = db.Customers.Find(nCustomerId);
                if (customer != null)
                    szCustomerNo = customer.CustomerNo;

            //var qryPOs = db.InvoiceDetails.Join(db.Invoices, podet => podet.InvoiceId, po => po.InvoiceId, (podet, po)
            //    => new { podet, po }).Where(prod => prod.po.CustomerId == nCustomerId).OrderByDescending(prod => prod.po.InvoiceId).ThenBy(prod => prod.podet.ItemPosition).ThenBy(prod => prod.podet.ItemOrder);
            var qryPOs = db.Payments.Where(pymt => pymt.CustomerNo == szCustomerNo).OrderByDescending(pymt => pymt.PaymentDate);
            if (qryPOs.Count() > 0)
                foreach (var item in qryPOs)
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.SalesOrderNo))
                        invoice = db01.Invoices.Where(invc => invc.SalesOrderNo == item.SalesOrderNo).FirstOrDefault<Invoice>();
                        if (invoice != null)
                            szInvoiceNo = invoice.InvoiceNo;
                        szInvoiceNo = string.Empty;

                    purchaseorderbyvendor = new PurchaseOrdersbyVendor();
                    purchaseorderbyvendor.PurchaseOrderId = item.Id;
                    purchaseorderbyvendor.PurchaseOrderNo = item.PaymentNo;
                    purchaseorderbyvendor.VendorNo = szInvoiceNo;
                    purchaseorderbyvendor.SODate = item.PaymentDate;
                    purchaseorderbyvendor.Description = item.PaymentType;
                    purchaseorderbyvendor.UnitPrice = item.Amount;


            ViewBag.CustomerId = customerid;

            //Set the page
            if (page == null)
                pageIndex = 1;
                pageIndex = Convert.ToInt32(page);

            var onePageOfData = purchaseorderList.ToPagedList(pageIndex, pageSize);
            ViewBag.OnePageOfData = onePageOfData;
            return PartialView(purchaseorderList.ToPagedList(pageIndex, pageSize));
        public PartialViewResult Outstandinginvoice(int? page, string customerid)
            bool bPaidinFull = false;
            int pageIndex = 0;
            int pageSize = PageSize;
            int nCustomerId = 0;
            int nInvoiceIdHlp = 0;
            double dAmount = 0;
            double dSalesAmount = 0;
            double dTotalTax = 0;
            double dTax = 0;
            double dTotalAmount = 0;
            double dBalanceDue = 0;
            string szMsg = string.Empty;

            PurchaseOrdersbyVendor purchaseorderbyvendor = null;
            List<PurchaseOrdersbyVendor> purchaseorderList = new List<PurchaseOrdersbyVendor>();

            TimelyDepotContext db01 = new TimelyDepotContext();

            //qryPOs = db.PurchaseOrders.Where(vd => vd.VendorId == id ).OrderByDescending(vd => vd.PurchaseOrderNo);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(customerid))
                nCustomerId = Convert.ToInt32(customerid);

            //var qryPOs = db.InvoiceDetails.Join(db.Invoices, podet => podet.InvoiceId, po => po.InvoiceId, (podet, po)
            //    => new { podet, po }).Where(prod => prod.po.CustomerId == nCustomerId).OrderByDescending(prod => prod.po.InvoiceId).ThenBy(prod => prod.podet.ItemPosition).ThenBy(prod => prod.podet.ItemOrder);
            var qryPOs = db.Invoices.Where(invc => invc.CustomerId == nCustomerId).OrderByDescending(invc => invc.InvoiceId);
            if (qryPOs.Count() > 0)
                foreach (var item in qryPOs)

                    //Display here all the invoice for this customer
                    if (item.InvoiceId != nInvoiceIdHlp)
                        //Get the totals
                        GetInvoiceTotals01(db01, item.InvoiceId, ref dSalesAmount, ref dTotalTax, ref dTax, ref dTotalAmount, ref dBalanceDue);
                        nInvoiceIdHlp = item.InvoiceId;
                        if (item.PaymentAmount == null)
                            dAmount = 0;
                            dAmount = Convert.ToDouble(item.PaymentAmount);
                        if (dBalanceDue == 0)
                            bPaidinFull = true;
                            bPaidinFull = false;

                    if (bPaidinFull == false)
                        purchaseorderbyvendor = new PurchaseOrdersbyVendor();
                        purchaseorderbyvendor.PurchaseOrderId = item.InvoiceId;
                        purchaseorderbyvendor.PurchaseOrderNo = item.InvoiceNo;
                        purchaseorderbyvendor.SODate = item.InvoiceDate;
                        purchaseorderbyvendor.VendorNo = dTotalAmount.ToString();
                        purchaseorderbyvendor.Sub_ItemID = dAmount.ToString(); ;
                        purchaseorderbyvendor.Description = dBalanceDue.ToString();
                        //purchaseorderbyvendor.Quantity = item.podet.Quantity;
                        //purchaseorderbyvendor.UnitPrice = item.podet.UnitPrice;


            ViewBag.CustomerId = customerid;

            //Set the page
            if (page == null)
                pageIndex = 1;
                pageIndex = Convert.ToInt32(page);

            var onePageOfData = purchaseorderList.ToPagedList(pageIndex, pageSize);
            ViewBag.OnePageOfData = onePageOfData;
            return PartialView(purchaseorderList.ToPagedList(pageIndex, pageSize));
        public PartialViewResult OutsandingSalesOrder(int? page, string customerid)
            int pageIndex = 0;
            int pageSize = PageSize;
            int nCustomerId = 0;
            string szMsg = string.Empty;

            PurchaseOrdersbyVendor purchaseorderbyvendor = null;
            List<PurchaseOrdersbyVendor> purchaseorderList = new List<PurchaseOrdersbyVendor>();

            TimelyDepotContext db01 = new TimelyDepotContext();

            //qryPOs = db.PurchaseOrders.Where(vd => vd.VendorId == id ).OrderByDescending(vd => vd.PurchaseOrderNo);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(customerid))
                nCustomerId = Convert.ToInt32(customerid);

            var qryPOs = db.SalesOrderDetails.Join(db.SalesOrders, podet => podet.SalesOrderId, po => po.SalesOrderId, (podet, po)
                => new { podet, po }).Where(prod => prod.po.CustomerId == nCustomerId && prod.podet.Quantity != prod.podet.ShipQuantity).OrderByDescending(prod => prod.po.SalesOrderId).ThenBy(prod => prod.podet.ItemPosition).ThenBy(prod => prod.podet.ItemOrder);
            if (qryPOs.Count() > 0)
                foreach (var item in qryPOs)
                    szMsg = item.po.PurchaseOrderNo;

                    purchaseorderbyvendor = new PurchaseOrdersbyVendor();
                    purchaseorderbyvendor.PurchaseOrderId = item.po.SalesOrderId;
                    purchaseorderbyvendor.PurchaseOrderNo = item.po.SalesOrderNo;
                    purchaseorderbyvendor.SODate = item.po.SODate;
                    //purchaseorderbyvendor.VendorNo = GetCustomerNo(db01, item.po.CustomerId);
                    purchaseorderbyvendor.Sub_ItemID = item.podet.Sub_ItemID;
                    purchaseorderbyvendor.Description = item.podet.Description;
                    purchaseorderbyvendor.Quantity = item.podet.Quantity;
                    purchaseorderbyvendor.UnitPrice = item.podet.UnitPrice;


            ViewBag.CustomerId = customerid;

            //Set the page
            if (page == null)
                pageIndex = 1;
                pageIndex = Convert.ToInt32(page);

            var onePageOfData = purchaseorderList.ToPagedList(pageIndex, pageSize);
            ViewBag.OnePageOfData = onePageOfData;
            return PartialView(purchaseorderList.ToPagedList(pageIndex, pageSize));