Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void ProcessPicture(Pulse.Base.PictureBatch pb, string config)
            List<Picture> lp = pb.GetPictures(1);
            if (!lp.Any()) return;
            Picture p = lp.First();

            ManualResetEvent mre = new ManualResetEvent(false);

            int stepCount = 13;

            //get color to start with
            Color currentAero = Desktop.GetCurrentAeroColor();
            Color endAeroColor;

            //load file
            using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(File.ReadAllBytes(p.LocalPath)))
                using (Bitmap bmp = (Bitmap)Bitmap.FromStream(ms))
                    //get final color
                    endAeroColor = PictureManager.CalcAverageColor(bmp);

            //build transition
            Color[] transitionColors = CalcColorTransition(currentAero, endAeroColor, stepCount);

            //build timer
            System.Timers.Timer t = new System.Timers.Timer(100);

            int currentStep = 0;

            t.Elapsed += delegate(object sender, System.Timers.ElapsedEventArgs e)
                //double check (I've seen cases where timer fires even though currentStep is past {stepCount}
                if (currentStep >= stepCount) { mre.Set(); t.Stop(); return; }

                //set to next color

                //increment steps and check if we should stop the timer
                if (currentStep >= stepCount) { mre.Set(); t.Stop(); }

