public void Test1() { var pb = new PubSub(_redis, "pb_test1"); var rs = pb.Publish("test"); Assert.Equal(0, rs); }
public void Subscribes() { var pb = new PubSub(_redis, "pb_t1,pb_t2"); var source = new CancellationTokenSource(2_000); var count = 0; Task.Run(() => pb.SubscribeAsync((t, s) => { count++; XTrace.WriteLine("Consume: [{0}] {1}", t, s); }, source.Token)); Thread.Sleep(100); var pb1 = new PubSub(_redis, "pb_t1"); var rs = pb1.Publish("test"); Assert.Equal(1, rs); Thread.Sleep(100); var pb2 = new PubSub(_redis, "pb_t2"); pb2.Publish("test2"); Thread.Sleep(100); pb2.Publish("test3"); Thread.Sleep(100); Assert.Equal(3, count); }
public void Dispose() { // Dispose webserver Host.Dispose(); PubSub.Dispose(); }
public override async Task ConsumeAsync(int index) { var filename = $"table-{index}.csv"; var outputPath = Path.Join(Destination, filename); var converter = new TableEntityConverter(); using (var tw = File.CreateText(outputPath)) using (var csv = new CsvWriter(tw)) { csv.WriteField("PartitionKey"); csv.WriteField("RowKey"); csv.WriteField("Timestamp"); csv.WriteField("Data"); await csv.NextRecordAsync(); foreach (var row in PubSub.GetConsumingEnumerable()) { csv.WriteField(row.PartitionKey); csv.WriteField(row.RowKey); csv.WriteField(row.Timestamp.UtcDateTime.ToString("O")); var data = JsonConvert.SerializeObject( row.Properties, converter ); csv.WriteField(data); await csv.NextRecordAsync(); } } }
public MainViewModel(ReadingEntity readingModel) { // Publish an event with eventName = PubSubTest. Others can subscribe to said eventName, in order to catch when it is raised PubSub <object> .PublishEvent("PubSubTest", PubSubCheckedHandler); // ReadingModel contains a list of movie objects data fetched from the database this.readingModel = readingModel; // Initialize other viewmodels WatchedMoviesViewModel = new WatchedMoviesViewModel(readingModel.WatchedMovies); // Pass list of movie objects to the WatchedMovies NonWatchedMoviesViewModel = new NonWatchedMoviesViewModel(readingModel.NonWatchedMovies); // Pass list of movie objects to the NonWatchedMovies AddMovieViewModel = new AddMovieViewModel(this, WatchedMoviesViewModel, NonWatchedMoviesViewModel); // Pass reference for mainviewmodel and both datagrids, so when we add a new movie we know where to put it // Subscribe to the ViewModels' OnpropertyChanged event WatchedMoviesViewModel.PropertyChanged += MoviesViewModel_PropertyChanged; NonWatchedMoviesViewModel.PropertyChanged += MoviesViewModel_PropertyChanged; this.PropertyChanged += MainWindowViewModel_PropertyChanged; // Subscribe to MainViewModels OnPropertyChanged event to check for changes in MainViewModel // Register commands so we are able to execute specific buttons RegisterCommand(SaveCommand = new ActionCommand(Save, CanSave)); RegisterCommand(LoadCommand = new ActionCommand(Load, CanLoad)); RegisterCommand(TestCommand = new ActionCommand(Test, CanTest)); }
public void Init(Player player) { this.Player = player; this.CurrentMovementDirection = this.Player.StartingMovementDirection; this.CanJump = true; this.IsBlocking = new BehaviorSubject <CurrentPlayerIsBlocking>(new CurrentPlayerIsBlocking(this.Player, false)); this.Register(this.IsBlocking); this.Rigidbody = this.GetComponent <Rigidbody>(); if (this.Rigidbody != null) { PubSub.GetEvent <PlayerMove>().Where(e => e.JoystickID == this.Player.Id).Subscribe(this.Move); PubSub.GetEvent <PlayerJump>().Where(e => e.JoystickID == this.Player.Id).Subscribe(this.Jump); } PubSub.GetEvent <CurrentPlayerOpponent>().Where(e => e.Player == this.Player).Subscribe(e => this.CurrentOpponent = e.Opponent); this.Subscribe <FightOver>(e => this.EnableCameraBounds(false)); this.Subscribe <PlayersSpawned>(e => this.EnableCameraBounds(true)); this.Subscribe <FightOver>(e => this.EnableInput(false)); this.Subscribe <RoundStarted>(e => this.EnableInput(true)); }
private void SpawnPlayers(FightStart fightStart) { this.Player1Prefab.transform.position = this.PLAYER_1_START_POS; this.Player2Prefab.transform.position = this.PLAYER_2_START_POS; PubSub.Publish(new PlayersSpawned()); }
private void finishPerson() { PubSub.unsubscribe("belt_movement", this); PubSub.unsubscribe("bag_inspect_item", this); // TODO - Calculate points and consequences Destroy(this.gameObject); }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { TV_CONTENTS_BUTTONS_LAYER_MASK = LayerMask.GetMask(new string[] { "TVContentsButton" }); TV_SCREEN_LAYER_MASK = LayerMask.GetMask(new string[] { "TVScreen" }); PubSub.subscribe("ClickTV", this, 99); }
public void inspect() { PubSub.subscribe("inspect_rotate", this); PubSub.subscribe("inspect_action", this); locationInBag = this.transform.localPosition; rotationInBag = this.transform.localRotation; parentBag = this.transform.parent; // Turn off casting shadows enableShadows(false); // TODO - When action is taken, don't forget to enable shadows again // Target object position Vector3 targetPosition = Game.instance.gameCamera.transform.position + Game.instance.gameCamera.transform.rotation * (Vector3.forward * 18f); this.transform.parent = null; Misc.AnimateMovementTo("content-zoom-" + id, this.gameObject, targetPosition); // Special method to run when starting inspection on this object ActionOnInspect[] actionOnInspects = GetComponents <ActionOnInspect>(); foreach (ActionOnInspect actionOnInspect in actionOnInspects) { Debug.Log(actionOnInspect); if (actionOnInspect != null) {; } } inspecting = true; BagContentProperties.currentInspectedItem = this; }
static void Main(string[] args) { const int port = 50052; var pubsubImp = new PubSubImpl(); Grpc.Core.Server server = new Grpc.Core.Server { Services = { PubSub.BindService(pubsubImp) }, Ports = { new ServerPort("localhost", port, ServerCredentials.Insecure) } }; server.Start(); Console.WriteLine("RouteGuide server listening on port " + port); Console.WriteLine("Insert event. 'q' to quit."); string input; while ((input = Console.ReadLine()) != "q") { pubsubImp.Publish(input); } Console.WriteLine("Press any key to stop the server..."); Console.ReadKey(); server.ShutdownAsync().Wait(); }
private void Start() { if (!this.IsValidObject()) { return; } // Setup bindings from view to events or model this.PlayerView.DecreaseHealth .OnClickAsObservable() .Subscribe(_ => PubSub.Publish(new DecreaseHealth(10))); this.PlayerView.Reset .OnClickAsObservable() .Subscribe(_ => { this.PlayerModel.CurrentHealth.Value = this.PlayerModel.MaxHealth.Value; this.PlayerView.DecreaseHealth.interactable = true; }); // Setup bindings from model to view this.PlayerModel.Name .SubscribeToText(this.PlayerView.Name); this.PlayerModel.CurrentHealth .SubscribeToText(this.PlayerView.CurrentHealth); this.PlayerModel.IsDead .Where(x => x) .Subscribe(_ => this.PlayerView.DecreaseHealth.interactable = false); }
public GatewayServer(int region) { Region = region; var app = Http.CreateServer((req, res) => res.End()); var io = SocketIO.Listen(app); port = 1800 + Math.Truncate((int) ( Math.Random() * 4000 )); app.Listen(port); io.Set("log level", 1); myName = "Gateway " + Guid.NewGuid(); ps = new PubSub(pubSubReady); queueManager = new QueueManager(myName); queueManager.AddWatcher(new QueueWatcher("GatewayServer", messageReceived)); queueManager.AddWatcher(new QueueWatcher(myName, messageReceived)); queueManager.AddPusher(new QueuePusher("GameServer*")); queueManager.AddPusher(new QueuePusher("HeadServer")); io.Sockets.On("connection", new Action<SocketIOConnection>(userJoin)); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { // Init the honks dictionary initHonkMapping(); volume = Game.instance.soundEffectsVolume; PubSub.subscribe("Volume:effects", this); // Init the audioSource soundSource = gameObject.AddComponent <AudioSource> (); soundSource.playOnAwake = false; soundSource.clip = honks [HonkVariant.SHORT]; soundSource.spatialBlend = 1f; soundSource.volume = volume; // honkSoundSource.Play (); if (sirenSound != null) { // Init the audioSource for siren soundSourceSiren = gameObject.AddComponent <AudioSource> (); soundSourceSiren.playOnAwake = false; soundSourceSiren.clip = sirenSound; soundSourceSiren.spatialBlend = 1f; soundSourceSiren.loop = true; soundSourceSiren.volume = volume; } }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("*** ERPCRAFT - Control your Minecraft world from the real world, anywhere, realtime. ***"); Console.WriteLine("[[[ ]]]"); Console.WriteLine(""); config = Configuracion.readConfiguracion(); db = new DBStorage(config); // clean the database on start - allow the program to be called from a cron command to clean the DB if (args.Length > 0 && args[0].Equals("clean")) { ajuste = db.getAjuste(); Console.WriteLine("CLEANING THE DATABASE FOLLOWING THE ACTIVE CONFIG..."); db.limpiar(); Console.WriteLine("OK!"); return; } db.createDB(); initDb(); websocketPubSub = new PubSub(new string[] { "robots", "articulos", "articulosImg", "electrico", "generador", "bateria", "ordenMinado", "almacen", "drones", "usuarios", "config", "apiKeys", "servers", "notificaciones" }); // admin management (web) Thread threadWS = new Thread(new ThreadStart(WaitForWebSocket.Run)); threadWS.Start(); // accept OC communication GameController.Run(); }
private void Connect() { //Set up connection ConnectionCredentials connectionCredentials = new ConnectionCredentials("botty_120", SecretGetter.Api_Token); client = new Client(); pubSub = new PubSub(); api.Settings.ClientId = SecretGetter.Client_id; api.Settings.AccessToken = SecretGetter.Api_Token; client.Initialize(connectionCredentials, channel_name, '!', '!', true); client.OverrideBeingHostedCheck = true; pubSub.Connect(); //Bot Subscriptions client.OnChatCommandReceived += Client_OnChatCommandReceived; client.OnConnected += Client_OnConnected; client.OnDisconnected += Client_OnDisconnected; client.OnBeingHosted += Client_OnBeingHosted; client.OnHostingStopped += Client_OnHostingStopped; SubscribeToPubSub(); client.Connect(); //Connect Debug.Log("Connecting!"); }
private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other) { if (other.gameObject == this.Player.gameObject) { return; } Debug.Log(string.Format("{0} is attacking {1}", this.Player, this.CurrentOpponent)); switch (this.AttackType) { case AttackType.LightPunch: PubSub.Publish(new PlayerAttacking(this.Player, this.CurrentOpponent, AttackType.LightPunch)); break; case AttackType.HeavyPunch: PubSub.Publish(new PlayerAttacking(this.Player, this.CurrentOpponent, AttackType.HeavyPunch)); break; case AttackType.LightKick: PubSub.Publish(new PlayerAttacking(this.Player, this.CurrentOpponent, AttackType.LightKick)); break; case AttackType.HeavyKick: PubSub.Publish(new PlayerAttacking(this.Player, this.CurrentOpponent, AttackType.HeavyKick)); break; } }
public async Task SimplePubSub_InProc() { // Arrange Message incoming = null; var message = new Message { ThisIsAPublishedMessageText = "published a message", Array = new [] { 1, 2, 3, 4 } }; SocketConfiguration config = new ConfigurationTestData().GetSocketConfigInProc; config.Logger.SetSilent(); var sut = new PubSub(config); var waitHandle = new ManualResetEvent(false); var xtResult = sut.SubscribeHandler <Message>(callback: m => { incoming = m; waitHandle.Set(); }, CancellationToken.None); // Act await sut.PublishAsync <Message>(message); // Assert waitHandle.WaitOne(); Assert.NotNull(incoming); Assert.True(xtResult.IsSuccess); Assert.Equal(message.Array, incoming.Array); Assert.Equal(message.ThisIsAPublishedMessageText, incoming.ThisIsAPublishedMessageText); sut.Dispose(); }
private void GotSubscribed(object sender, IQ iq, object state) { if (iq.Type != IQType.result) { FireError(Op.SUBSCRIBE, "Subscription failed", iq); return; } PubSub ps = iq.Query as PubSub; if (ps == null) { FireError(Op.SUBSCRIBE, "Invalid protocol", iq); return; } PubSubSubscriptionType subType; PubSubSubscription sub = ps["subscription", URI.PUBSUB] as PubSubSubscription; if (sub != null) { subType = sub.Type; } else { XmlElement ent = ps["entity", URI.PUBSUB]; if (ent == null) { FireError(Op.SUBSCRIBE, "Invalid protocol", iq); return; } string s = ent.GetAttribute("subscription"); if (s == "") { subType = PubSubSubscriptionType.NONE_SPECIFIED; } else { subType = (PubSubSubscriptionType)Enum.Parse(typeof(PubSubSubscriptionType), s); } } switch (subType) { case PubSubSubscriptionType.NONE_SPECIFIED: case PubSubSubscriptionType.subscribed: break; case PubSubSubscriptionType.pending: FireError(Op.SUBSCRIBE, "Subscription pending authorization", iq); return; case PubSubSubscriptionType.unconfigured: FireError(Op.SUBSCRIBE, "Subscription configuration required. Not implemented yet.", iq); return; } this[Op.SUBSCRIBE] = STATE.Running; GetItemsIfPending(); }
public void Publish(string node, XmlElement item) { IQ iq = new IQ(m_Account.Client.Document); iq.Type = IQType.set; PubSub pubsub = new PubSub(m_Account.Client.Document); pubsub.SetAttribute("xmlns", ""); Publish publish = new Publish(m_Account.Client.Document); publish.SetAttribute("node", node); publish.AddChild(item); pubsub.AddChild(publish); iq.AddChild(pubsub); if (m_Account.ConnectionState == AccountConnectionState.Connected) { m_Account.Send(iq); } else { lock (m_Queue) { m_Queue.Enqueue(iq); } } }
private void extractLevelDetails(XmlNode levelNode) { XmlAttributeCollection levelAttributes = levelNode.Attributes; id = Misc.xmlString(levelAttributes.GetNamedItem("id")); name = Misc.xmlString(levelAttributes.GetNamedItem("name")); fileUrl = Misc.xmlString(levelAttributes.GetNamedItem("fileUrl")); iconUrl = Misc.xmlString(levelAttributes.GetNamedItem("iconUrl")); countryCode = Misc.xmlString(levelAttributes.GetNamedItem("countrycode")); lon = Misc.xmlFloat(levelAttributes.GetNamedItem("lon")); lat = Misc.xmlFloat(levelAttributes.GetNamedItem("lat")); brief = Misc.xmlString(levelAttributes.GetNamedItem("brief")); randomSeedStr = Misc.xmlString(levelAttributes.GetNamedItem("randomSeed")); if (randomSeedStr != null) { randomSeed = randomSeedStr.GetHashCode(); // DebugFn.print ("Random seed: " + randomSeedStr + ", hash: " + randomSeed); } date = Misc.xmlString(levelAttributes.GetNamedItem("date"), DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")); timeOfDay = Misc.xmlString(levelAttributes.GetNamedItem("timeOfDay"), "10:00"); dateTime = Misc.parseDateTime(date, timeOfDay); timeProgressionFactor = Misc.xmlInt(levelAttributes.GetNamedItem("timeProgressionFactor"), 1); timeDisplaySeconds = Misc.xmlBool(levelAttributes.GetNamedItem("timeDisplaySeconds"), true); PubSub.publish("clock:setTime", timeOfDay); PubSub.publish("clock:setDisplaySeconds", timeDisplaySeconds); PubSub.publish("clock:setSpeed", timeProgressionFactor); PubSub.publish("clock:stop"); country = Misc.xmlString(levelAttributes.GetNamedItem("country")); mapUrl = Misc.xmlString(levelAttributes.GetNamedItem("mapUrl")); configUrl = Misc.xmlString(levelAttributes.GetNamedItem("configUrl")); }
void OnBulletHellEnd(PubSub.Signal s) { isFiring = false; foreach (EmitterSet e in emitterSets) { e.gameObject.SetActive(false); } }
/// <summary> /// Publishes user tune information /// </summary> public IXmppSession PublishTune(XmppUserTuneEvent tuneEvent) { var iq = new IQ(); var pubsub = new PubSub(); var publish = new PubSubPublish(); var item = new PubSubItem(); var tune = new Tune(); iq.Items.Add(pubsub); pubsub.Items.Add(publish); publish.Items.Add(item); iq.From = UserId.ToString(); iq.ID = XmppIdentifierGenerator.Generate(); iq.Type = IQType.Set; publish.Node = XmppFeatures.UserMood; item.Item = tune; tune.Artist = tuneEvent.Artist; tune.Length = tuneEvent.Length; tune.Rating = tuneEvent.Rating; tune.Source = tuneEvent.Source; tune.Title = tuneEvent.Title; tune.Track = tuneEvent.Track; tune.Uri = tuneEvent.Uri; Send(iq); return(this); }
void Awake() { ItsRandom.setRandomSeed(1234567890, "bags"); ItsRandom.setRandomSeed(987654321, "people"); // "Download" people config - TODO - this should be done elsewhere, preloaded per mission string peopleConfigUrl = ""; StartCoroutine(loadPeopleConfig(peopleConfigUrl)); // Set framerate only for editor - Should do based on device later?! //#if UNITY_EDITOR QualitySettings.vSyncCount = 0; // VSync must be disabled Application.targetFrameRate = 90; //#endif Game.instance = this; CameraHandler.SetPerspectiveCamera(gameCamera); swipeRecognizer = new TKSwipeRecognizer(); twoTapRecognizer = new TKTapRecognizer(); tapRecognizer = new TKTapRecognizer(); continousHoldRecognizer = new TKContinousHoldRecognizer(); // Last in line for click triggering PubSub.subscribe("Click", this, Int32.MaxValue); pauseGame(true); }
private System.Collections.IEnumerator publishCameraMovementAfterDelay(float delay) { PubSub.publish("CameraMovementStarted"); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(delay)); PubSub.publish("CameraMovementFinished"); }
private void buildMission() { MissionConfig mission = MissionConfig.Instance; // Pick the correct X-ray machine string locationXrayMachineName = room.GetComponent <Room>().setLocation(mission.location); GameObject locationXrayMachine = null; foreach (GameObject xrayMachine in xrayMachines) { if ( == locationXrayMachineName) { locationXrayMachine = xrayMachine; break; } } if (locationXrayMachine == null) { locationXrayMachine = xrayMachines[0]; } GameObject xrayMachineGameObject = Instantiate(locationXrayMachine, locationXrayMachine.transform.position, Quaternion.identity); currentXrayMachine = xrayMachineGameObject.GetComponent <XRayMachine> (); currentXrayMachine.attachConnectingConveyors(); // Pick the correct time piece GameObject locationClock = null; foreach (GameObject clock in clocks) { if ( == mission.clockType) { locationClock = clock; break; } } if (locationClock == null) { locationClock = clocks[0]; } GameObject clockObject = Instantiate(locationClock); currentClock = clockObject.GetComponent <Clock> (); currentClock.setTime(mission.startTime); currentClock.speed = mission.timeSpeed; currentClock.notifyOnTime(mission.endTime); PubSub.subscribe("MISSION_TIME_END", this); currentClock.setRandomPosition = false; currentClock.clockPosition = mission.clockPosition; // Set the encounter and bag seeds ItsRandom.setRandomSeeds(mission.seedsConfig.bags, "bags"); ItsRandom.setRandomSeeds(mission.seedsConfig.people, "people"); }
public async Task DoneAsync() { PubSub.CompleteAdding(); await Completion.Task; await Host.StopAsync(); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { BagHandler.instance = this; PubSub.subscribe("Click", this); BAG_CONTENTS_LAYER_MASK = LayerMask.GetMask(new string[] { "BagContentRootObject" }); }
private static void DownloadAndCreateMaterial(WWW connection, string id, string type, string filename, string materialKey, bool loadedFromWeb = true) { // Now create the Texture from the image data KeyValuePair <int, int> size = MaterialAvailableSizes [materialKey]; Texture2D materialTexture = new Texture2D(size.Key, size.Value); connection.LoadImageIntoTexture(materialTexture); byte[] pngData = materialTexture.EncodeToPNG(); if (loadedFromWeb) { string textureTargetFolder = downloadedMaterialsFolder + type; string textureFullFilePath = downloadedMaterialsFolder + filename; if (!Directory.Exists(textureTargetFolder)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(textureTargetFolder); } File.WriteAllBytes(textureFullFilePath, pngData); string materialListEntry = type + "|" + StripFilename(filename, false) + "|" + size.Key + "|" + size.Value + "\n"; File.AppendAllText(downloadedMaterialsFolder + "list.txt", materialListEntry); } // Now to create a simple material with the texture Material material; switch (type) { case "Driveway": material = new Material(Shader.Find("Custom/DrivewayShader")); break; case "Walkway": material = new Material(Shader.Find("Custom/WalkwayShader")); break; case "Roof": material = new Material(Shader.Find("Custom/PlainShader")); material.renderQueue = RenderOrder.BUILDING_ROOF; break; case "Wall": material = new Material(Shader.Find("Custom/PlainShader")); material.renderQueue = RenderOrder.BUILDING; break; default: material = new Material(Shader.Find("Custom/PlainShader")); break; } material.mainTexture = materialTexture; // Add it to our index // Debug.Log ("Adding to index: " + id); MaterialIndex.Add(id, material); // Debug.Log ("Publishing Material: " + id); PubSub.publish("Material-" + id); // Debug.Log ("Material indexed: " + id); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { if (isMainMachine) { PubSub.subscribe("belt_movement", this); PubSub.subscribe("belt_stop", this); conveyorSound.clip.LoadAudioData(); } }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="FooterViewModel"/> class. /// ViewModel for Footer view /// </summary> public FooterViewModel() { this.ChangeEnvironmentCommand = new RelayCommand(this.ChangeEnvironmentHandler); this.EnvironmentNames = new ObservableCollection <string>(EnvironmentConfigurationManager.EnvironmentConfigurations.Select(c => c.Name).ToList()); this.SelectedEnvironment = EnvironmentConfigurationManager.ActiveEnvironmentConfiguration.Name; PubSub <string> .AddEvent(EventNames.EnvironmentChangedEvent, this.EnvironmentChangedEventHandler); }
public SyncManager(Node.Node node) { _pubSub = node.PubSub; _chainManager = node.ChainManager; _coreChain = _chainManager.CoreChain; _storage = node.Storage; _configuration = node.NodeConfiguration; _host = node.Host; }
void OnBulletHellStart(PubSub.Signal s) { isFiring = true; WalkingStateMachine w = s.sender as WalkingStateMachine; if (w != null) { Debug.Log("[BulletSpawner] Adjusting difficulty to: " + (intervalRatio * GameMgr.Instance.difficultyInterval)); if (((float) w.level * GameMgr.Instance.difficultyInterval) > 0.0f) { intervalRatio *= GameMgr.Instance.difficultyInterval; } } }
public static void RegisterComponents() { var container = new UnityContainer(); var pubSub = new PubSub(); var serializer = new JsonSocketSerializer(); container.RegisterType<IPubSub, PubSub>(new InjectionFactory(_ => pubSub)); container.RegisterType<ISocketSerializer, JsonSocketSerializer>(new InjectionFactory(_ => serializer)); container.RegisterType<ISocketTransport, BaseSocketTransport>(); GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.DependencyResolver = new UnityDependencyResolver(container); }
public HeadServer() { FS.ReadFile(__dirname + "/index.html", ready); pubsub = new PubSub(() => pubsub.Subscribe<string>("PUBSUB.GatewayServers", message => { indexForSites.Add(indexPageData.Replace("{{gateway}}", message)); gateways.Add(message); })); Http.CreateServer(handlerWS).Listen(8844); Globals.SetInterval(pollGateways, 1000); pollGateways(); }
void OnCollideWithBullet(PubSub.Signal signal) { Debug.Log(["damage"]); if ( != null &&"damage")) { horniness -= (int)["damage"]; } else { horniness -= 10; } if (horniness <= 0 && !_isDead) { GameMgr.Instance.GetPubSubBroker().Publish(PubSub.Channel.PlayerDead, this); _isDead = true; } // Animations // SweatForSeconds(2f); IntensifyForSeconds(1f); }
void OnPostBulletHellExit(PubSub.Signal s) { parentScroller.NextLocation(); ResetSprites(); Debug.Log("[BackgroundScroller] should change bg"); }
void OnWaveEnd(PubSub.Signal signal) { horniness += GameMgr.Instance.hpRegenPerLevel; if (horniness > MAX_HORNINESS) horniness = 100; }
void StartBulletHell(PubSub.Signal s) { StartSweating(); }
void StopBulletHell(PubSub.Signal s) { StopSweating(); animator.speed = 1f; }
public GatewayServer() { var http = Global.Require<Http>("http"); var app = http.CreateServer((req, res) => res.End()); var io = Global.Require<SocketIOModule>("").Listen(app); var fs = Global.Require<FS>("fs"); QueueManager queueManager; var port = 1800 + Math.Truncate((int)(Math.Random() * 4000)); app.Listen(port); io.Set("log level", 1); var myName = "Gateway " + Guid.NewGuid(); ps = new PubSub(() => { ps.Subscribe<string>("PUBSUB.GatewayServers.Ping", message => ps.Publish("PUBSUB.GatewayServers", string.Format("http://{0}:{1}", IPs.GatewayIP, port))); ps.Publish("PUBSUB.GatewayServers", string.Format("http://{0}:{1}", IPs.GatewayIP, port)); }); queueManager = new QueueManager(myName, new QueueManagerOptions(new[] { new QueueWatcher("GatewayServer", messageReceived), new QueueWatcher(myName, messageReceived) }, new[] { "SiteServer", "GameServer*", "DebugServer", "ChatServer", "HeadServer" })); io.Sockets.On("connection", (SocketIOConnection socket) => { UserModel user = null; socket.On("Gateway.Message", (GatewayMessageModel data) => { var channel = "Bad"; switch (data.Channel.Split('.')[1]) { case "Game": channel = "GameServer"; break; case "Site": channel = "SiteServer"; break; case "Debug": channel = "GameServer"; break; case "Debug2": channel = "DebugServer"; break; case "Chat": channel = "ChatServer"; break; } queueManager.SendMessage(user, data.GameServer ?? channel, data.Channel, data.Content); }); socket.On("Gateway.Login", (GatewayLoginMessageModel data) => { user = new UserModel(); user.Socket = socket; user.UserName = data.UserName; users[data.UserName] = user; }); socket.On("disconnect", (string data) => users.Remove(user.UserName)); }); }
void OnPlayerDead(PubSub.Signal s) { Debug.Log("You Died!"); PersistentData.levelsDefeated = level; FadeOutOverlay.Instance.FadeOut(1.5f, () => Application.LoadLevel("GameOver")); }
void ChangeStateToPostBulletHell(PubSub.Signal s) { ChangeState(WalkingStates.PostBulletHell); }