Ejemplo n.º 1
        private void butFind_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string sSql      = "";
            string strAreaid = gdFindWhere.Cell(8, 1).Text.ToString();  //区域

            sSql  = " select a.*,d.custname ,d.telname ,d.tel,d.ddtel,d.address,d.city,d.cityid,d.khwxh ";
            sSql += " from  Inv_Evi a  inner join dbo.f_CAreaid('" + strAreaid + "') c on a.areaid =c.AreaID ";
            sSql += " inner join customer d on a.custid=d.custid ";

            sSql += " where 1=1 ";

            if (gdFindWhere.Cell(1, 1).Text.ToString() == "单据日期")
                sSql += " and  a.evidate>='" + gdFindWhere.Cell(2, 1).Text.ToString() + "' and a.evidate <='" + gdFindWhere.Cell(3, 1).Text.ToString() + "'";
            else if (gdFindWhere.Cell(1, 1).Text.ToString() == "审核日期")
                sSql += " and  a.Verifierdate>='" + gdFindWhere.Cell(2, 1).Text.ToString() + "' and a.Verifierdate <='" + gdFindWhere.Cell(3, 1).Text.ToString() + "'";
            if (gdFindWhere.Cell(4, 1).Text.ToString() == "1")
                sSql += " and  ISNULL(a.ISKD,0)='1'";
                sSql += " and  ISNULL(a.ISKD,0)='0'";

            SqlDataReader rd   = DbHelperSQL.ExecuteReader(sSql);
            int           intR = 1;

                while (rd.Read())
                    intR           += 1;
                    gdFindList.Rows = intR;
                    gdFindList.Cell(intR - 1, 1).Text = "";                                         //选择

                    gdFindList.Cell(intR - 1, 2).Text     = rd["EviNo"].ToString();                 //单据编号
                    gdFindList.Cell(intR - 1, 3).Text     = PubFun.Nz(rd["isPCFH"].ToString(), ""); //是否排产
                    gdFindList.Cell(intR - 1, 4).Text     = rd["isKD"].ToString();                  //是否快递
                    gdFindList.Cell(intR - 1, 5).Text     = rd["KDDH"].ToString();                  //快递单号
                    gdFindList.Cell(intR - 1, 6).Text     = rd["driver"].ToString();                //司机
                    gdFindList.Cell(intR - 1, 7).Text     = rd["khwxh"].ToString();                 //客户微信号
                    gdFindList.Cell(intR - 1, 8).Text     = rd["CustName"].ToString();              //客户名称
                    gdFindList.Cell(intR - 1, 8).WrapText = true;                                   //换行
                    gdFindList.Cell(intR - 1, 8).Tag      = rd["Custid"].ToString();                //客户编号
                    gdFindList.Cell(intR - 1, 9).Text     = rd["SumWeight"].ToString();             //重量
                    gdFindList.Cell(intR - 1, 10).Text    = rd["SumnQty"].ToString();               //件数
                    gdFindList.Cell(intR - 1, 11).Text    = rd["telname"].ToString();               //联系人
                    gdFindList.Cell(intR - 1, 12).Text    = rd["Tel"].ToString();                   //手机
                    gdFindList.Cell(intR - 1, 13).Text    = rd["DDTel"].ToString();                 //固话

                    if (rd["cityID"].ToString().Substring(1, 2) == "44")
                        gdFindList.Cell(intR - 1, 14).Text = "广东省" + rd["Address"].ToString();      //广东地址要加上"广东省"
                        gdFindList.Cell(intR - 1, 14).Text = rd["Address"].ToString();
                    gdFindList.Cell(intR - 1, 14).WrapText = true;//换行
            catch { }
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private void butFind_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string sSql  = " ";
            string sItem = " ";

            // AreaID,AreaName,PrevID
            sSql  = "select  h.* ";
            sSql += ",o.orderStatus,u.isWXFocus,o.CustWXnum ";
            sSql  = sSql + " ,case o.orderStatus ";
            sSql  = sSql + " when -10 then '已取消'";
            sSql  = sSql + " when 10 then '已完成'";
            sSql  = sSql + " when 11 then '未付款待发货'";
            sSql  = sSql + " when 12 then '未付款已受理'";
            sSql  = sSql + " when 13 then '未付款正在备货'";
            sSql  = sSql + " when 14 then '未付款已发货'";
            sSql  = sSql + " when 15 then '未付款已签收'";
            sSql  = sSql + " when 21 then '已付款待发货'";
            sSql  = sSql + " when 22 then '已付款已受理'";
            sSql  = sSql + " when 23 then '已付款正在备货'";
            sSql  = sSql + " when 24 then '已付款已发货'";
            sSql  = sSql + " Else ''";
            sSql  = sSql + " end orderStatusName";

            sSql += " from inv_evi h  ";
            sSql += " left join DefWeixin.dbo.WxOrder o on h.evino = o.orderno ";
            sSql += "  left join DefWeixin.dbo.WxUserCust u on o.CustWXnum = u.openid ";

            if (gdFindWhere.Cell(1, 1).Text == "单据日期")
                sSql += " where h.evidate between '" + gdFindWhere.Cell(2, 1).Text + "' and '" + gdFindWhere.Cell(3, 1).Text + "' ";
            else  //审核日期
                sSql += " where h.Verifierdate between '" + gdFindWhere.Cell(2, 1).Text + "' and '" + gdFindWhere.Cell(3, 1).Text + "' ";

            if (gdFindWhere.Cell(4, 1).Text == "已审核")  //单据状态
                sSql += " and h.Verified='1' ";
            else if (gdFindWhere.Cell(4, 1).Text == "未审核")   //单据状态
                sSql += " and h.Verified<>'1' ";
            if (gdFindWhere.Cell(7, 1).Text != "")
                sSql += " and (h.custid like '%" + gdFindWhere.Cell(7, 1).Text + "%'  or h.custname like '%" + gdFindWhere.Cell(7, 1).Text + "%' ) ";
            if (gdFindWhere.Cell(9, 1).Text == "1")
                sSql += " and h.iskd=1 ";

            DataSet ds = DbHelperSQL.Query(sSql);

            //SqlDataReader dr
            //SqlDataReader dr = DbHelperSQL.ExecuteReader(sSql);
            gdFindList.Rows       = 1;
            gdFindList.AutoRedraw = false;
            if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++)
                    sItem = "";
                        sItem += "\t" + ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["evino"].ToString().Trim();   //dr["evino"].ToString();
                        //是否排产  PCBZ
                        sItem += "\t " + ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["PCBZ"].ToString();

                        sItem += "\t" + ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["iskd"].ToString();                     // dr["iskd"].ToString();  //是否快递

                        sItem += "\t" + ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["Verified"].ToString();                 //dr["Verified"].ToString(); //是否 审批
                        sItem += "\t" + ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["payed"].ToString();                    //dr["payed"].ToString(); //是否 付款

                        sItem += "\t" + ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["evidate"].ToString().Substring(0, 10); // dr["evidate"].ToString().Substring(0, 10); // 单据日期
                        sItem += "\t" + ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["driver"].ToString();                   // dr["driver"].ToString(); //司机

                        // var wxno = dr["Wxorderno"].ToString();
                        //sItem += "\t" + ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["Wxorderno"] == null ? "" : ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["Wxorderno"].ToString(); //, PubFun.Nz(dr["Wxorderno"].ToString(), "");
                        sItem += "\t" + PubFun.Nz(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["Wxorderno"], "");  //微信订单号
                        sItem += "\t" + PubFun.Nz(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["orderStatus"], "") + "|" + PubFun.Nz(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["orderStatusName"], "");
                        //微信号 CustWXnum
                        sItem += "\t" + PubFun.Nz(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["CustWXnum"], "");
                        //是否取消关注 isWXFocus  -1 已取消
                        if (ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["isWXFocus"].ToString() == "-1")
                            sItem += "\t已取消";
                            sItem += "\t";

                        sItem += "\t" + PubFun.Nz(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["custid"], "") + "|" + PubFun.Nz(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["custname"], "");
                        //单据 重量
                        sItem += "\t" + PubFun.Nz(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["SumWeight"], "");
                        //单据 罐数
                        sItem += "\t" + PubFun.Nz(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["SumQty"], "");
                        //单据 件数
                        sItem += "\t" + PubFun.Nz(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["SumNQty"], "");
                        //单据 金额
                        sItem += "\t" + PubFun.Nz(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["SumAmount"], "");

                        //单据 联系人
                        sItem += "\t";

                        //单据 手机
                        sItem += "\t" + PubFun.Nz(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["tel"], "");

                        //单据 固话
                        sItem += "\t";

                        //单据 地址
                        sItem += "\t" + PubFun.Nz(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["caddress"], "");
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        MessageBox.Show("提示!:" + ex);
                    gdFindList.Cell(gdFindList.Rows - 1, 12).ForeColor = Color.Red;
                    gdFindList.Cell(gdFindList.Rows - 1, 13).WrapText = true;

                    gdFindList.Cell(gdFindList.Rows - 1, 19).WrapText = true;
                    gdFindList.Cell(gdFindList.Rows - 1, 21).WrapText = true;

            gdFindList.AutoRedraw = true;

            //while (dr.Read())
            //    sItem = "";
            //   // string  getID = dr["lsbh"].ToString();
            //    try
            //    {
            //        //ds.Tables[0].Rows[i].ItemArray[0].ToString().Trim();
            //        sItem += "\t" + dr["evino"].ToString();

            //        sItem += "\t " ;  //是否排产

            //        sItem += "\t" + dr["iskd"].ToString() ;  //是否快递

            //        sItem += "\t" + dr["Verified"].ToString(); //是否 审批
            //        sItem += "\t" + dr["payed"].ToString(); //是否 付款

            //        sItem += "\t" + dr["evidate"].ToString().Substring(0,10) ; // 单据日期
            //        sItem += "\t" + dr["driver"].ToString(); //司机
            //        var wxno = dr["Wxorderno"].ToString();
            //        sItem += "\t" + PubFun.Nz(dr["Wxorderno"].ToString(),"");

            //        //if(dr["Wxorderno"].ToString().IsNullOrEmpty())
            //        //{
            //        //    sItem += "\t";
            //        //}
            //        //else
            //        //{
            //        //    sItem += "\t" + dr["Wxorderno"].ToString();
            //        //}

            //        //if(dr["Wxorderno"].ToString()==null) //微信订单号
            //        //{
            //        //    sItem += "\t" ;
            //        //}
            //        //else
            //        //{
            //        //    sItem += "\t" + dr["Wxorderno"].ToString();
            //        //}

            //        gdFindList.AddItem(sItem);
            //    }
            //    catch (Exception ex)
            //    {
            //        MessageBox.Show("提示!:" + ex);
            //        break;
            //    }
