Ejemplo n.º 1
 public Post(Vector start, Vector axis, double wireDiameter, PseudoDES pdes)
     Start      = start;
     WireRadius = wireDiameter / 2.0;
     pd         = pdes;
     Vector[] perps = axis.GetPerpendiculars();
     Axis  = axis;
     perpX = perps[0];
     perpY = perps[1];
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public Ring(Vector center, Vector axis, double radius, PseudoDES pdes)
     Center = center;
     Axis   = axis;
     Radius = radius;
     pd     = pdes;
     Vector[] perps = Axis.GetPerpendiculars();
     perpX = perps[0];
     perpY = perps[1];
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public Torus(Vector center, Vector axis, double radius, double wireDiameter, PseudoDES pdes)
     Center     = center;
     Radius     = radius;
     WireRadius = wireDiameter / 2.0;
     pd         = pdes;
     Vector[] perps = axis.GetPerpendiculars();
     Axis  = axis.Normalize();
     perpX = perps[0];
     perpY = perps[1];
Ejemplo n.º 4
        // Return a random point on the triangle given a random generator.
        public Vector RandomPoint(PseudoDES rand)
            double r1 = rand.RandomDouble();
            double r2 = rand.RandomDouble();

            if (r1 + r2 > 1.0)
                r1 = 1.0 - r1;
                r2 = 1.0 - r2;
            return(A + r1 * AtoB + r2 * AtoC);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        double cos1, cos2; // Extents of cos(theta) where theta is measured from the north pole.

        public Sphere(Vector center, Vector axis, double radius, double north, double south, PseudoDES pdes)
            Center = center;
            Radius = radius;
            pd     = pdes;
            Vector[] perps = axis.GetPerpendiculars();
            Axis  = axis.Normalize();
            perpX = perps[0];
            perpY = perps[1];
            if (north > 90.0 || south < -90.0 || south >= north)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Invalid latitude cutoff");
            cos1 = (south == -90.0) ? -1.0 : Math.Sin(south * Math.PI / 180.0);
            cos2 = (north == 90.0) ? 1.0 : Math.Sin(north * Math.PI / 180.0);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        static public Shape FromDictionary(Dictionary <string, string> dict, PseudoDES pd)
            Shape shape = null;

            switch (dict["type"])
            case "TorusSegment":
                shape = new TorusSegment(dict);

                throw new Exception(String.Format("Unknown shape type {0}", dict["type"]));
            shape.pd = pd;
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public Surface(StlFile stl, PseudoDES rand)
            this.rand = rand;
            List <SurfTriangle> triangleList = new List <SurfTriangle>();

            foreach (Face f in stl)
                triangleList.Add(new SurfTriangle(f));
            triangles = triangleList.ToArray();
            double        sum   = 0.0;
            List <double> areas = new List <double>();

            foreach (SurfTriangle t in triangles)
                sum += t.Area;
            cummulativeAreas = areas.ToArray();
            TotalArea        = sum;
Ejemplo n.º 8
        static void Main(string[] args)
            if (!ReadArgs(args))
            if (xmlFileName == null)
                Console.WriteLine("No XML configuration was provided.");
            if (!xmlFileName.EndsWith(".xml", ignoreCase: true, culture: System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture))
                xmlFileName = xmlFileName + ".xml";

            if (outFile != null)
                tw = new StreamWriter(outFile);
            WriteLine("Command line: efield {0}", String.Join(" ", args));

            DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now;


            if (!haveSeed)
                seed = (uint)startTime.Ticks;
            pdes = new PseudoDES(0, seed);
            WriteLine("Seed = {0}", seed);

            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine("ERROR: {0}", e.Message);

            WriteLine("Cutoff c = {0:0.0000}", c);

            // Fill the geometry elements with particles.
            posParticles = new Particle[nParticles];
            negParticles = new Particle[nParticles];
            for (int i = 0; i < nParticles; i++)
                posParticles[i] = PlaceParticleRandomly(posElements);
                negParticles[i] = PlaceParticleRandomly(negElements);

            // Trap ^C
            Console.CancelKeyPress += new ConsoleCancelEventHandler(Console_CancelKeyPress);

            // Do the requested number of repetitions.
            for (int iRep = 0; iRep < nReps && !cancelWasReceived; iRep++)
                WriteLine("Rep: {0}", iRep + 1);
                // Loop over all particles
                for (int i = 0; i < nParticles; i++)
                    // A positive particle
                    double phi = Update(i, posParticles, negParticles, posElements, "+");
                    // A negative particle
                    phi = Update(i, negParticles, posParticles, negElements, "-");
                    if (cancelWasReceived)
            DateTime endTime = DateTime.Now;
            TimeSpan runTime = endTime - startTime;

            if (cancelWasReceived)
                WriteLine("Received ^C, terminating early!");

            WriteLine("Run time = {0:0.000} minutes", runTime.TotalMinutes);

            // Dump all the particles
            WriteLine("\nPositive particles");
            double sumPos = 0.0;

            for (int i = 0; i < nParticles; i++)
                Vector pos = posParticles[i].Position;
                double phi = ComputePotential(pos, posParticles, i) - ComputePotential(pos, negParticles, -1);
                sumPos += phi;
                WriteLine("{0,10:0.00000}{1,10:0.00000}{2,10:0.00000}  {3,11:0.000e+00}", pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, phi);

            WriteLine("\nNegative particles");
            double sumNeg = 0.0;

            for (int i = 0; i < nParticles; i++)
                Vector pos = negParticles[i].Position;
                double phi = ComputePotential(pos, posParticles, -1) - ComputePotential(pos, negParticles, i);
                sumNeg += phi;
                WriteLine("{0,10:0.00000}{1,10:0.00000}{2,10:0.00000}  {3,11:0.000e+00}", pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, phi);
            WriteLine("{0,11:0.000e+00} {1,11:0.000e+00}", sumPos / nParticles, sumNeg / nParticles);
            if (tw != null)
Ejemplo n.º 9
        static void Main(string[] args)
            if (!ReadArgs(args))
                if (outFile != null)
                    tw = new StreamWriter(outFile);
                //WriteLine("Command line: efield {0}", String.Join(" ", args));
                WriteLine("Command line: {0}", Environment.CommandLine);
                WriteLine("Run by: {0}\\{1} on {2}", Environment.UserDomainName, Environment.UserName, Environment.MachineName);

                DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now;

                if (!haveSeed)
                    seed = (uint)startTime.Ticks;
                PseudoDES rand = new PseudoDES(0, seed);
                WriteLine("Seed = {0}", seed);

                if (!File.Exists(posFileName))
                    throw new Exception(string.Format("Anode description file {0} not found", posFileName));
                if (!File.Exists(negFileName))
                    throw new Exception(string.Format("Cathode description file {0} not found", negFileName));

                Surface anode   = new Surface(new StlFile(posFileName), rand);
                Surface cathode = new Surface(new StlFile(negFileName), rand);

                WriteLine("Anode: {0}  Triangles: {1}   Area: {2:0.0000} m^2", posFileName, anode.TriangleCount, anode.TotalArea);
                WriteLine("Cathode: {0}  Triangles: {1}   Area: {2:0.0000} m^2", negFileName, cathode.TriangleCount, cathode.TotalArea);

                // Trap ^C
                Console.CancelKeyPress += new ConsoleCancelEventHandler(Console_CancelKeyPress);

                // Create the Balancer.
                Balancer baal = new Balancer(nParticles, anode, cathode);

                // Let's see the starting potentials.
                double[] pots = baal.GetAveragePotentials();
                WriteLine("Steps: {0,5}   Potentials: {1:0.00e00} {2:0.00e00}  {3:0.00e00} {4:0.00e00}", 0, pots[0], pots[1], pots[2], pots[3]);

                int batch = 10;
                for (int nDone = 0; nDone < nReps; nDone += batch)
                    // Run some steps.
                    baal.DoSteps(Math.Min(batch, nReps - nDone));
                    // And report.
                    pots = baal.GetAveragePotentials();
                    WriteLine("Steps: {0,5}   Potentials: {1:0.00e00} {2:0.00e00}  {3:0.00e00} {4:0.00e00}",
                              Math.Min(nDone + batch, nReps), pots[0], pots[1], pots[2], pots[3]);
                    if (cancelWasReceived)
                DateTime endTime = DateTime.Now;
                TimeSpan runTime = endTime - startTime;

                if (cancelWasReceived)
                    WriteLine("Received ^C, terminating early!");

                WriteLine("Run time = {0:0.000} minutes", runTime.TotalMinutes);
                double potentialDifference = pots[0] - pots[2];
                double posSdev             = 100.0 * pots[1] / Math.Abs(pots[0]);
                double negSdev             = 100.0 * pots[3] / Math.Abs(pots[2]);
                double capacitance         = 1e12 / potentialDifference; // in picoFarads
                WriteLine("Final potentials: {0:0.00e00} ({1:0.0}%)  {2:0.00e00} ({3:0.0}%)", pots[0], posSdev, pots[2], negSdev);
                WriteLine("Final potential difference: {0:0.00e00}", potentialDifference);
                WriteLine("Capacitance: {0:0.0} pF", capacitance);

                // If writing to a file, dump the final particle positions
                if (tw != null)
                    if (xN > 0)
                        double step   = (x1 - x0) / xN;
                        double charge = 1.0 / baal.posParticles.Length;
                        tw.WriteLine("Scan along X-axis");
                        for (int i = 0; i <= xN; i++)
                            double x   = x0 + i * step; // x in mm
                            double phi = EField.GetPotential(new Vector(x * 0.001, 0.0, 0.0), baal.posParticles, baal.posParticles, charge);
                            tw.WriteLine("{0,10:0.00}  {1:0.000e00}", x, phi);

                    int n = baal.posParticles.Length;
                    tw.WriteLine("particles {0} {0}", n);
                    foreach (Vector x in baal.posParticles)
                        tw.WriteLine("{0,10:0.0000}{1,10:0.0000}{2,10:0.0000}", x.x, x.y, x.z);
                    foreach (Vector x in baal.negParticles)
                        tw.WriteLine("{0,10:0.0000}{1,10:0.0000}{2,10:0.0000}", x.x, x.y, x.z);
            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine("Exception: {0}", e.Message);
            if (tw != null)
Ejemplo n.º 10
        static void Main(string[] args)
            bool allPassed = true;

            if (!ReadArgs(args))

            if (!haveSeed)
                seed = (uint)DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks;
            PseudoDES pdes = new PseudoDES(0, seed);

            Console.WriteLine("Random seed = {0}", seed);
            if (nVectors < 11)
                nVectors = 11;
            Console.WriteLine("Vectors = {0}", nVectors);

            // Run the PseudoDES test
            if (pdes.Test())
                Console.WriteLine("PseudoDES test passed");
                Console.WriteLine("PseudoDES test FAILED");
                allPassed = false;

            Vector[] vecs = new Vector[nVectors];
            vecs[0] = new Vector(1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
            vecs[1] = new Vector(0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
            vecs[2] = new Vector(0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
            vecs[3] = new Vector(1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
            vecs[4] = new Vector(0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
            vecs[5] = new Vector(0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
            vecs[6] = new Vector(1e-15, 1e-11, 1.0);
            vecs[7] = new Vector(1e-11, 1e-15, -1.0);
            vecs[8] = new Vector(1e-15, 1e-11, 1.01);
            vecs[9] = new Vector(1e-11, 1e-15, -1.01);
            // Fill the rest with random points.
            for (int i = 10; i < vecs.Length; i++)
                vecs[i] = new Vector(pdes.RandomDouble(), pdes.RandomDouble(), pdes.RandomDouble());

            // Test the vector operations.
            bool vectorsPassed = true;

            for (int i = 0; i < vecs.Length; i++)
                Vector   v      = vecs[i];
                bool     passed = true;
                Vector[] perps  = v.GetPerpendiculars();
                // All three vectors are perpendicular.
                passed = IsSmall(Vector.Dot(perps[0], perps[1]), 1e-13, "p0.p1");
                passed = passed && IsSmall(Vector.Dot(perps[0], v), 1e-13, "p0.v");
                passed = passed && IsSmall(Vector.Dot(v, perps[1]), 1e-13, "v.p1");
                // The computed vectors have length 1.
                passed = passed && IsSmall(Vector.Dot(perps[0], perps[0]) - 1.0, 1e-13, "p0.p0 - 1");
                passed = passed && IsSmall(Vector.Dot(perps[1], perps[1]) - 1.0, 1e-13, "p1.p1 - 1");
                // The vectors form a right-handed system.
                double len   = Math.Sqrt(Vector.Dot(v, v));
                Vector cross = Vector.Cross(perps[0], perps[1]);
                passed = passed && IsSmall(Vector.Dot(cross, v) / len - 1.0, 1e-13, "(p0xp1.v)/sqrt(v.v) - 1");

                if (!passed)
                    Console.WriteLine("Vector test FAILED for i={0}", i);
                    vectorsPassed = false;
                    Console.WriteLine("  v  = {0}", v);
                    Console.WriteLine("  p0 = {0}", perps[0]);
                    Console.WriteLine("  p1 = {0}", perps[1]);
            if (vectorsPassed)
                Console.WriteLine("Vector test passed");
                Console.WriteLine("Vector test FAILED");
                allPassed = false;

            if (allPassed)
                Console.WriteLine("All unit tests passed");
                Console.WriteLine("Some unit tests FAILED");