public void If_Valid_Request_Returns_Correct_Response6()
            var request = new ProximityCalculatorRequest
                KeyWords = new List <string>()
                    "the", "great"
                TextWords = new List <string>()
                Range = 11

            Assert.AreEqual(20, new ProximitySearchCalculator().FindNumberofMatches(request));
        public void If_Keywords_Repeated_Than_Throws_Exception()
            var request = new ProximityCalculatorRequest
                KeyWords = new List <string>()
                    "abc", "abc", "xyz"
                TextWords = new List <string>()
                    "abc", "test", "def", "lmn"
                Range = 4

            var exception = Assert.ThrowsException <ArgumentException>(() => new ProximitySearchCalculator().FindNumberofMatches(request));

            Assert.AreEqual("Keywords cannot be repeated", exception.Message);
        public void If_Range_Less_Than_KeyWord_Length_Throws_Exception()
            var request = new ProximityCalculatorRequest
                KeyWords = new List <string>()
                    "abc", "test", "xyz"
                TextWords = new List <string>()
                    "abc", "test", "def", "lmn"
                Range = 2

            var exception = Assert.ThrowsException <ArgumentException>(() => new ProximitySearchCalculator().FindNumberofMatches(request));

            Assert.AreEqual($"The range must be atleast {request.KeyWords.Count()}", exception.Message);
        public void If_Valid_Request_Returns_Correct_Response2()
            var request = new ProximityCalculatorRequest
                KeyWords = new List <string>()
                    "the", "canal"
                TextWords = new List <string>()
                Range = 6

            Assert.AreEqual(3, new ProximitySearchCalculator().FindNumberofMatches(request));