Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Called if a Group comes up more than once in provisioning (e.g. multiple wildcard matches)
        /// If so, then we consider promoting the group to the higer of the two roles
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="suggestedMode"></param>
        /// <param name="suggestedSiteRole"></param>
        public bool ConsiderGrantLicenseRoleUpgrade(ProvisioningGroup.GrantLicenseMode suggestedMode, string suggestedSiteRole)
            string currentRole = _grantLicenseRole;
            var    currentMode = _grantLicenseInstructions;

            //See if the suggested state is once that we need to act on.
            switch (suggestedMode)
            case ProvisioningGroup.GrantLicenseMode.Ignore:
                return(false);    //Do nothing

            case ProvisioningGroup.GrantLicenseMode.None:
                return(false);    //Do nothing

            case ProvisioningGroup.GrantLicenseMode.OnLogin:
                break;   //Advance onward....

            default:     //Degenerate case
                IwsDiagnostics.Assert(false, "1021-106: Unknown grant license mode, " + suggestedMode.ToString());
                throw new Exception("1021-106: Unknown grant license mode, " + suggestedMode.ToString());

            //Based on the current state, take the approprate action
            switch (currentMode)
            case ProvisioningGroup.GrantLicenseMode.Ignore:
                //Apply the new mode
                _grantLicenseInstructions = suggestedMode;
                _grantLicenseRole         = suggestedSiteRole;

            case ProvisioningGroup.GrantLicenseMode.None:
                //Apply the new mode
                _grantLicenseInstructions = suggestedMode;
                _grantLicenseRole         = suggestedSiteRole;

            case ProvisioningGroup.GrantLicenseMode.OnLogin:
                //Apply the new mode if it ranks higher
                if (ProvisioningUser.CalculateRoleRank(currentRole) >=
                    //The current role ranks above/same as the suggested role.  Do nothing
                    //Apply the new mode
                    _grantLicenseInstructions = suggestedMode;
                    _grantLicenseRole         = suggestedSiteRole;

            default:     //Degenerate case
                IwsDiagnostics.Assert(false, "1021-113: Unknown grant license mode, " + currentMode.ToString());
                throw new Exception("1021-113: Unknown grant license mode, " + currentMode.ToString());
Ejemplo n.º 2
    /// <summary>
    /// Handle the provisioning for a single user
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="userToProvision"></param>
    /// <param name="siteSignIn"></param>
    /// <param name="workingListUnexaminedUsers"></param>
    private void Execute_ProvisionUsers_SingleUser(
        ProvisioningUser userToProvision,
        TableauServerSignIn siteSignIn,
        WorkingListSiteUsers workingListUnexaminedUsers,
        WorkingListSiteUsers workingList_allKnownUsers)
        //See if a user with this name already exists
        var foundExistingUser = workingListUnexaminedUsers.FindUserByName(userToProvision.UserName);

        ProvisionUserInstructions.MissingUserAction    missingUserAction;
        ProvisionUserInstructions.UnexpectedUserAction unexpectedUserAction;

        //Get the instructions based on the desired Auth model for the user we are provisioning
        switch (userToProvision.UserAuthenticationParsed)
        case SiteUserAuth.Default:
            missingUserAction    = _provisionInstructions.ActionForMissingDefaultAuthUsers;
            unexpectedUserAction = _provisionInstructions.ActionForUnexpectedDefaultAuthUsers;

        case SiteUserAuth.SAML:
            missingUserAction    = _provisionInstructions.ActionForMissingSamlUsers;
            unexpectedUserAction = _provisionInstructions.ActionForUnexpectedSamlUsers;

        case SiteUserAuth.OpenID:
            missingUserAction    = _provisionInstructions.ActionForMissingOpenIdUsers;
            unexpectedUserAction = _provisionInstructions.ActionForUnexpectedOpenIdUsers;

            var unknownAuthType = userToProvision.UserAuthentication;
            if (unknownAuthType == null)
                unknownAuthType = "";

            IwsDiagnostics.Assert(false, "814-1204: Unknown auth type, " + unknownAuthType);
            throw new Exception("814-1204: Unknown auth type, " + unknownAuthType);

        //CASE 1: The user does NOT exist.  So add them
        if (foundExistingUser == null)
            Execute_ProvisionUsers_SingleUser_AddUser(siteSignIn, userToProvision, missingUserAction, workingList_allKnownUsers);

        //CASE 2a: The user EXISTS but is not the right AUTH; update them
        if (string.Compare(foundExistingUser.SiteAuthentication, userToProvision.UserAuthentication, true) != 0)
            //Update the user
            Execute_ProvisionUsers_SingleUser_ModifyUser(siteSignIn, userToProvision, foundExistingUser);
        //CASE 2b: The user EXISTS but is not the right ROLE; update them
        else if (string.Compare(foundExistingUser.SiteRole, userToProvision.UserRole, true) != 0)
            //CASE 2b: Special case (to support Grant License on Sign In: If the user provisioning insturctions ALLOW
            //NOTE: If the authentication schemes do not match, then move foward with modifying the user -- this is a more fundamental change, and we should honor it explicitly
            if (userToProvision.AllowPromotedRole)
                var existingUserRoleRank = ProvisioningUser.CalculateRoleRank(foundExistingUser.SiteRole);
                if (existingUserRoleRank > userToProvision.RoleRank)
                    _statusLogs.AddStatus("No action: Provisioning rule for this user allow keeping existing higher ranked role. User: "******", " + foundExistingUser.SiteRole);

            //CASE 2c: Update the user because the provisioning Role differs from the existing user's Role
            Execute_ProvisionUsers_SingleUser_ModifyUser(siteSignIn, userToProvision, foundExistingUser);

        //CASE 3: The user exists and does NOT need to be modified
        _statusLogs.AddStatus("No action: User exists and has expected role and authentication. User: " + userToProvision.UserName);