Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Upload a document to the PCEHR.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pcehrHeader">PCEHR header.</param>
        /// <param name="request">Document and metadata.</param>
        /// <returns>Response.</returns>
        public RegistryResponseType UploadDocument(CommonPcehrHeader pcehrHeader, ProvideAndRegisterDocumentSetRequestType request)
            // PCEHRHeaderValidator.Validate(pcehrHeader);
            var header = pcehrHeader.GetHeader <PCEHRHeader>();

            Validation.ValidateArgumentRequired("request", request);

            return(client.UploadDocument(header, request));
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a provide and register request.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="registryRequest">The registry request.</param>
        /// <param name="document">The document.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns the created provide and registry document set request type.</returns>
        public static ProvideAndRegisterDocumentSetRequestType CreateProvideAndRegisterRequest(SubmitObjectsRequest registryRequest, params ProvideAndRegisterDocumentSetRequestTypeDocument[] document)
            var retVal = new ProvideAndRegisterDocumentSetRequestType
                SubmitObjectsRequest = registryRequest,
                Document             = document

        /// <summary>
        /// Upload a document.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="header">PCEHR header.</param>
        /// <param name="request">Request.</param>
        /// <returns>Response.</returns>
        internal RegistryResponseType UploadDocument(PCEHRHeader header, ProvideAndRegisterDocumentSetRequestType request)
            var timestamp = new timestampType()
                created = DateTime.Now

            var signatureContainer = new signatureContainerType();

            return(repositoryClient.DocumentRepository_ProvideAndRegisterDocumentSetb(timestamp, ref signatureContainer, header, request));
Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Helper method to include Repository Unique ID, payload hash and payload size information in the XDS metadata.
        /// The Repository Unique ID must be specified, but the payload hash and payload size information is derived from the request object.
        /// This method must be invoked with a request created from CreateRequestForNewDocument or CreateRequestForReplacement.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="request">The request object.</param>
        /// <param name="repositoryId">The unique repository ID.</param>
        public void AddRepositoryIdAndCalculateHashAndSize(ProvideAndRegisterDocumentSetRequestType request, string repositoryId)
                var size = request.Document[0].Value.Length;
                var hash = UploadDocumentMetadataClient.CalculateSHA1(request.Document[0].Value);

                var extrinsicObject = request.SubmitObjectsRequest.RegistryObjectList.ExtrinsicObject[0];

                var slotList = extrinsicObject.Slot.ToList();

                slotList.Add(new SlotType1()
                    name      = "hash",
                    ValueList = new ValueListType()
                        Value = new string[] { hash }

                slotList.Add(new SlotType1()
                    name      = "size",
                    ValueList = new ValueListType()
                        Value = new string[] { size.ToString() }

                slotList.Add(new SlotType1()
                    name      = "repositoryUniqueId",
                    ValueList = new ValueListType()
                        Value = new string[] { repositoryId }

                extrinsicObject.Slot = slotList.ToArray();
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new ArgumentException("Error with request object. This method must be invoked with a ProvideAndRegisterDocumentSetRequestType object created using " +
                                            "CreateRequestForNewDocument or CreateRequestForReplacement.");
Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Helper method to generate the request object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cdaPackageContent">Byte content of the CDA package.</param>
        /// <param name="formatCode">Format code.</param>
        /// <param name="formatCodeName">Format code name.</param>
        /// <param name="healthcareFacilityTypeCode">Healthcare facility type code.</param>
        /// <param name="practiceSetting">Practice setting code.</param>
        /// <param name="uuidOfDocumentToReplace">UUID of document to replace. NULL for new documents.</param>
        /// <returns>The populated request object.</returns>
        internal ProvideAndRegisterDocumentSetRequestType CreateRequest(
            byte[] cdaPackageContent,
            string formatCode,
            string formatCodeName,
            HealthcareFacilityTypeCodes healthcareFacilityTypeCode,
            PracticeSettingTypes practiceSetting,
            string uuidOfDocumentToReplace)
            Validation.ValidateArgumentRequired("cdaPackageContent", cdaPackageContent);
            Validation.ValidateArgumentRequired("formatCode", formatCodeName);
            Validation.ValidateArgumentRequired("formatCodeName", formatCodeName);

            var cdaFile = GetCdaDocument(cdaPackageContent);
            var cdaDoc  = new XmlDocument();

            cdaDoc.Load(new MemoryStream(cdaFile));

            var metadata = new XdsMetadata(
            var sor = metadata.CreateSubmitObjectsRequest();

            var request = new ProvideAndRegisterDocumentSetRequestType();

            request.Document = new ProvideAndRegisterDocumentSetRequestTypeDocument[]
                new ProvideAndRegisterDocumentSetRequestTypeDocument()
                    id    = "DOCUMENT_SYMBOLICID_01",
                    Value = cdaPackageContent
            request.SubmitObjectsRequest = sor;

Ejemplo n.º 6
        public void Upload()
            //Get Certificate and Header objects
            CertAndHeaderInfo CertAndHeaderInfo = Support.CertAndHeaderFactory.Get(
                certSerial: "06fba6",
                serialHPIO: "8003629900019338",
                patientType: Support.PatientType.CalebDerrington);

            // Obtain the certificate for use with TLS and signing
            X509Certificate2 cert = CertAndHeaderInfo.Certificate;

            // Create PCEHR header
            CommonPcehrHeader header = CertAndHeaderInfo.Header;

            // Create the client
            // SVT endpoint is https://b2b.ehealthvendortest.health.gov.au/uploadDocument
            // production endpoint is https://services.ehealth.gov.au/uploadDocument
            UploadDocumentClient uploadDocumentClient = new UploadDocumentClient(
                new Uri("https://b2b.ehealthvendortest.health.gov.au/uploadDocument"), cert, cert);

            // Add server certificate validation callback
            ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback += Support.CertificateHelper.ValidateServiceCertificate;

            byte[] packageBytes = File.ReadAllBytes(@"C:\temp\MyHealthRecordTools\CDAPackager\Output\LastOutputRun\CdaPackage.zip"); // Create a package

            // Create a request to register a new document on the PCEHR.
            // Create a request to register a new document on the PCEHR.
            // Format codes and format code names are not fixed, and it is recommended for them to be configurable.
            // formatCode is the Template Package ID for each clinical document, formatCodeName is the Document type
            // please find specific details for each clinical document type on https://digitalhealth.gov.au/implementation-resources/clinical-documents
            // formatCodeName can be read in Table 3 of the Document Exchange Service Technical Service Specification
            // For example (formateCodeName - formatCode):
            // "eHealth Dispense Record" -
            // "Pathology Report" -
            // "Diagnostic Imaging Report" -
            // "Discharge Summary" -
            // "eHealth Dispense Record" -
            // "Goals of Care" -
            // "Event Summary" -
            ProvideAndRegisterDocumentSetRequestType request = uploadDocumentClient.CreateRequestForNewDocument(
                "Event Summary",
                //You must chooose a valid type below

            // To supercede / amend an existing document, the same UploadDocument call is used. However, the request is
            // prepared using the CreateRequestForReplacement function.

            // Note that the new document must have a different UUID/GUID to the one it is replacing.
            // the uuidOfDocumentToReplace must be converted to OID format and include the repository OID.
            // (i.e. a document being replaced in the My Health Record repository is)

            //ProvideAndRegisterDocumentSetRequestType request = uploadDocumentClient.CreateRequestForReplacement(
            //   packageBytes,
            //   "",
            //    "Pathology Report",
            //   HealthcareFacilityTypeCodes.Hospitals,
            //   PracticeSettingTypes.GeneralHospital,
            //   "2.25.311256170906902265756795034001543718058" //Document Id of doc to replace
            //   );

            // When uploading to the NPDR where the repository unique ID, document size and hash may need to be included
            // in the metadata, use the utility function below.

            // uploadDocumentClient.AddRepositoryIdAndCalculateHashAndSize(request, "REPOSITORY_UNIQUE_ID");

                // Invoke the service
                RegistryResponseType registryResponse = uploadDocumentClient.UploadDocument(header, request);

                // Get the soap request and response
                string soapRequest  = uploadDocumentClient.SoapMessages.SoapRequest;
                string soapResponse = uploadDocumentClient.SoapMessages.SoapResponse;
            catch (FaultException fex)
                // Handle any errors
        public void Sample()
            // Obtain the certificate for use with TLS and signing
            X509Certificate2 cert = X509CertificateUtil.GetCertificate(
                "Serial Number",

            // Create PCEHR header
            CommonPcehrHeader header = PcehrHeaderHelper.CreateHeader();

            // Override this value to the current patient's IHI.
            header.IhiNumber = "IHI";

            // Create the client
            // SVT endpoint is https://b2b.ehealthvendortest.health.gov.au/uploadDocument
            // production endpoint is https://services.ehealth.gov.au/uploadDocument
            UploadDocumentClient uploadDocumentClient = new UploadDocumentClient(
                new Uri("https://UploadDocumentEndpoint"), cert, cert);

            // Add server certificate validation callback
            ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback += ValidateServiceCertificate;

            byte[] packageBytes = File.ReadAllBytes("CdaPackage.zip"); // Create a package

            // Create a request to register a new document on the PCEHR.
            // Create a request to register a new document on the PCEHR.
            // Format codes and format code names are not fixed, and it is recommended for them to be configurable.
            // formatCode is the Template Package ID for each clinical document, formatCodeName is the Document type
            // please find specific details for each clinical document type on https://digitalhealth.gov.au/implementation-resources/clinical-documents
            // formatCodeName can be read in Table 3 of the Document Exchange Service Technical Service Specification
            // For example (formateCodeName - formatCode):
            // "eHealth Dispense Record" -
            // "Pathology Report" -
            // "Diagnostic Imaging Report" -
            ProvideAndRegisterDocumentSetRequestType request = uploadDocumentClient.CreateRequestForNewDocument(
                HealthcareFacilityTypeCodes.GeneralPractice,                // Update to relevant code
                PracticeSettingTypes.GeneralPracticeMedicalClinicService    // Update to relevant code

            // To supercede / amend an existing document, the same UploadDocument call is used. However, the request is
            // prepared using the CreateRequestForReplacement function.

            // Note that the new document must have a different UUID/GUID to the one it is replacing.
            // the uuidOfDocumentToReplace must be converted to OID format and include the repository OID.
            // (i.e. a document being replaced in the My Health Record repository is)

            // ProvideAndRegisterDocumentSetRequestType request = uploadDocumentClient.CreateRequestForReplacement(
            //    packageBytes,
            //    "formatCode",
            //    "formatCodeName",
            //    HealthcareFacilityTypeCodes.GeneralPractice,
            //    PracticeSettingTypes.GeneralPracticeMedicalClinicService,
            //    "uuidOfDocumentToReplace"
            //    );

            // When uploading to the NPDR where the repository unique ID, document size and hash may need to be included
            // in the metadata, use the utility function below.

            // uploadDocumentClient.AddRepositoryIdAndCalculateHashAndSize(request, "REPOSITORY_UNIQUE_ID");

                // Invoke the service
                RegistryResponseType registryResponse = uploadDocumentClient.UploadDocument(header, request);

                // Get the soap request and response
                string soapRequest  = uploadDocumentClient.SoapMessages.SoapRequest;
                string soapResponse = uploadDocumentClient.SoapMessages.SoapResponse;
            catch (FaultException fex)
                // Handle any errors