Ejemplo n.º 1
    private void Awake()
        CSharp = EditorPrefs.GetString("cache_protocol_path_c#");
        CPP    = EditorPrefs.GetString("cache_protocol_path_c++");
        Erlang = EditorPrefs.GetString("cache_protocol_path_erlang");
        Go     = EditorPrefs.GetString("cache_protocol_path_go");
        Java   = EditorPrefs.GetString("cache_protocol_path_java");

        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(CSharp))
            CSharp = Application.dataPath + "/Protocols/";
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(CPP))
            CPP = ProtocolGenerator.LanguageImplemented("C++")    ? EditorUtil.GetProjectName(true) + "Protocols/CPP/"    : "Language not supported";
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Erlang))
            Erlang = ProtocolGenerator.LanguageImplemented("Erlang") ? EditorUtil.GetProjectName(true) + "Protocols/Erlang/" : "Language not supported";
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Go))
            Go = ProtocolGenerator.LanguageImplemented("Go")     ? EditorUtil.GetProjectName(true) + "Protocols/Go/"     : "Language not supported";
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Java))
            Java = ProtocolGenerator.LanguageImplemented("Java")   ? EditorUtil.GetProjectName(true) + "Protocols/Java/"   : "Language not supported";
Ejemplo n.º 2
 private void Save()
     EditorPrefs.SetString("cache_protocol_path_c#", CSharp);
     EditorPrefs.SetString("cache_protocol_path_c++", ProtocolGenerator.LanguageImplemented("C++")    ? CPP     : "");
     EditorPrefs.SetString("cache_protocol_path_erlang", ProtocolGenerator.LanguageImplemented("Erlang") ? Erlang  : "");
     EditorPrefs.SetString("cache_protocol_path_go", ProtocolGenerator.LanguageImplemented("Go")     ? Go      : "");
     EditorPrefs.SetString("cache_protocol_path_java", ProtocolGenerator.LanguageImplemented("Java")   ? Java    : "");
Ejemplo n.º 3
    public string[] Generate(PacketDef pkt, ProtocolGenerator g)
        var code = ParseComment(pkt.comment);
        var pn   = ParsePacketName(pkt.name);

        //code += string.Format("[PacketInfo(group = {0}, ID = {1}, early = {2})]\r\npublic class {3} : PacketObject<{3}>\r\n{{\r\n", pkt.group, pkt.id, pkt.earlySend ? "true" : "false", ParsePacketName(pkt.name));
        code += string.Format("[PacketInfo(group = {0}, ID = {1})]\r\npublic class {2} : PacketObject<{2}>\r\n{{\r\n", pkt.group, pkt.id, ParsePacketName(pkt.name));

        string rc = "", wc = "", dc0 = "", dc1 = "", cc0 = "", cc1 = "";

        var fs = pkt.fields;

        foreach (var f in fs)
            code += string.IsNullOrEmpty(f.comment) ? "" : "    /// <summary>\r\n    /// " + f.comment + "\r\n    /// </summary>\r\n";
            code += string.Format("    public {0} {1};\r\n", f.custom ? ParsePacketName(f.type) : ParseType(f.type), f.name);

            rc += string.Format("        {0, -" + (pkt.fl[1] + 2) + "} = p.Read{1}();\r\n", f.name, ParseReadName(f));
            wc += "        p.Write(" + f.name + ");\r\n";
            if (f.custom || f.array)
                dc0 += f.custom && f.array ? string.Format("        BackArray({0});\r\n", f.name) : "";
                dc1 += string.Format("        {0, -" + (pkt.fl[2] + 2) + "} = null;\r\n", f.name);

            if (!f.custom)
                cc0 += string.Format("        dst.{0, -" + (pkt.fl[1] + 2) + "} = {0};\r\n", f.name);
                cc1 += string.Format("        if ({0, -" + (pkt.fl[2] + 1) + "} != null) {0}.CopyTo(ref dst.{0});\r\n", f.name);

        var dc = dc0 + (string.IsNullOrEmpty(dc0) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(dc1) ? "" : "\r\n") + dc1;
        var cc = cc0 + (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cc0) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(cc1) ? "" : "\r\n") + cc1;

        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cc))
            cc = "\r\n" + cc;

        code += (fs.Length > 0 ? "\r\n" : "") + "    private " + pn + "() { }\r\n";
        code += string.IsNullOrEmpty(rc) ? "" : "\r\n    public override void ReadFromPacket(Packet p)\r\n    {\r\n" + rc + "    }\r\n";
        code += string.IsNullOrEmpty(wc) ? "" : "\r\n    public override void WriteToPacket(Packet p)\r\n    {\r\n" + wc + "    }\r\n";
        code += string.IsNullOrEmpty(cc) ? "" : "\r\n    public override void CopyTo(ref " + pn + " dst)\r\n    {\r\n        base.CopyTo(ref dst);\r\n" + cc + "    }\r\n";
        code += string.IsNullOrEmpty(dc) ? "" : "\r\n    public override void Clear()\r\n    {\r\n" + dc + "    }\r\n";
        code += "}\r\n";

        return(new string[] { code });
Ejemplo n.º 4
    public string[] Generate(PacketDef pkt, ProtocolGenerator g)
        var code = ParseComment(pkt.comment);

        code += string.Format("message {0}[id={1}{2}]\r\n{{\r\n", pkt.name, pkt.id, string.IsNullOrEmpty(pkt.router) ? "" : ", route=" + pkt.router);

        var fs = pkt.fields;

        for (var i = 0; i < fs.Length; ++i)
            var f = fs[i];
            code += string.Format("    {0}    {1,-" + (pkt.fl[0] + 2) + "} {2,-" + (pkt.fl[1] + 2) + "} = " + (string.IsNullOrEmpty(f.comment) ? "{3}" : "{3, -8}// ") + "{4}\r\n", f.array ? "repeated" : "required", f.custom? f.typeName: ParseType(f.type), f.name, (i + 1) + ";", f.comment);

        code += "}\r\n";

        return(new string[] { code });
Ejemplo n.º 5
    public string[] ParseDesc(string desc, ProtocolGenerator g)
        var lines = Util.ParseString <string>(desc, true, '\n');
        var d     = "/*************************************************************************************************************\r\n * \r\n";

        for (var i = 0; i < lines.Length; ++i)
            var line = lines[i]; line = line.StartsWith(" ") ? line.Substring(1) : line;
            if (i == 0)
                line = string.Format(line, GetType().Name);
            d += " * " + line + "\r\n";
        d += " * \r\n *************************************************************************************************************/\r\n\r\n";

        return(new string[] { d });
Ejemplo n.º 6
    public string[] ParseDesc(string desc, ProtocolGenerator g)
        var lines = Util.ParseString <string>(desc, true, '\n');
        var d     = "/*************************************************************************************************************\r\n * \r\n";

        for (var i = 0; i < lines.Length; ++i)
            var line = lines[i]; line = line.StartsWith(" ") ? line.Substring(1) : line;
            if (i == 0)
                line = string.Format(line, GetType().Name);
            d += " * " + line + "\r\n";
        d += " * \r\n *************************************************************************************************************/\r\n\r\n";
        var dh = d + string.Format("#ifndef {0}\r\n#define {0}\r\n\r\n#include \"Packet.h\"\r\n{{0}}\r\nnamespace Packets::{1}\r\n{{{{\r\n", "_CM_GAME_CLASS_PACKETS_" + g.name.ToUpper() + "_H_", g.name);
        var dc = d + string.Format("#include <CMLog.h>\r\n#include \"WorldSession.h\"\r\n#include \"{0}.h\"{{0}}\r\n\r\n", GetFileName(g.group, g.name));

        return(new string[] { dh, dc, "" });  // class defines / handlers / external include protocol groups
Ejemplo n.º 7
    public string[] ParseDesc(string desc, ProtocolGenerator g)
        var lines = Util.ParseString <string>(desc, true, '\n');
        var d     = "//*************************************************************************************************************\r\n//\r\n";

        for (var i = 0; i < lines.Length; ++i)
            var line = lines[i]; line = line.StartsWith(" ") ? line.Substring(1) : line;
            if (i == 0)
                line = string.Format(line, GetType().Name);
            d += "// " + line + "\r\n";
        d += "//\r\n//*************************************************************************************************************\r\n\r\n";

        // Add group info for erlang
        d += "// global route info\r\n";
        d += string.Format("group: {0}\r\nname : {1}\r\n\r\n", g.group, g.name.ToLower());

        return(new string[] { d });
Ejemplo n.º 8
    public void OnComplete(string[] code, PacketDef[] gps, ProtocolGenerator g)
        code[0] += "}}\r\n\r\nusing namespace Packets::" + g.name + ";\r\n\r\n#endif";

        var refs = Util.ParseString <string>(code[2].Replace("\r\n", "\n").Replace("\n\n", "\n"), false, '\n');

        string def = "", inc = "";

        for (var i = 0; i < refs.Length; ++i)
            var r = Util.ParseString <string>(refs[i], false, ':');
            def += "\r\nclass Packets::" + r[0] + "::" + r[1] + ";";
            inc += inc.Contains(GetFileName(0, r[0]) + ".h") ? "" : "\r\n#include \"" + GetFileName(0, r[0]) + ".h\"";

        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(def))
            def += "\r\n";

        code[0] = string.Format(code[0], def);
        code[1] = string.Format(code[1], inc);
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public List <Record> GenerateRecords(int numberOfRecords)
            #region Generator's Parameters Initialization

            _uniqueIpList = _kernel.Get <UniqueIpListGenerator>();
            _uniqueIpListGeneratorParameters = new UniqueIpListGeneratorParameters
                NumberOfUniqueIp = NumberOfUniqueIp

            UniqueIpList           = _uniqueIpList.Generate(_uniqueIpListGeneratorParameters).UniqueIpList;
            _ipGeneratorParameters = new IpGeneratorParameters
                UniqueIpList = UniqueIpList

            _queryTimeGeneratorParameters = new QueryTimeGeneratorParameters
                MinInterval = MinIntervalInMilliseconds,
                MaxInterval = MaxIntervalInMilliseconds,
                StartTime   = DateTime.Now

            _queryMethodGeneratorParameters = new QueryMethodGeneratorParameters
                Values            = Methods,
                ValuesWithWeights = Settings

            _fileNameGeneratorParameters = new FileNameGeneratorParameters
                MinNumberOfCharacters = MinNumberOfCharacters,
                MaxNumberOfCharacters = MaxNumberOfCharacters,
                MinNumberOfFolders    = MinNumberOfFolders,
                MaxNumberOfFolders    = MaxNumberOfFolders

            _extensionGeneratorParameters = new ExtensionGeneratorParameters
                Values            = Extensions,
                ValuesWithWeights = Settings

            _protocolGeneratorParameters = new ProtocolGeneratorParameters
                Values = Protocols

            _serverResponseCodeGeneratorParameters = new ServerResponseCodeGeneratorParameters
                Values            = ServerResponseCodes,
                ValuesWithWeights = Settings

            _sizeOfResponseGeneratorParameters = new SizeOfResponseGeneratorParameters
                MinSize = MinSizeOfResponse,
                MaxSize = MaxSizeOfResponse

            #region Creation of generators
            _ip                 = _kernel.Get <IpGenerator>();
            _queryTime          = _kernel.Get <QueryTimeGenerator>();
            _queryMethod        = _kernel.Get <QueryMethodGenerator>();
            _fileName           = _kernel.Get <FileNameGenerator>();
            _extension          = _kernel.Get <ExtensionGenerator>();
            _protocol           = _kernel.Get <ProtocolGenerator>();
            _serverResponseCode = _kernel.Get <ServerResponseCodeGenerator>();
            _sizeOfTheResponse  = _kernel.Get <SizeOfResponseGenerator>();

            var listOfRecords = new List <Record>();
            for (var i = 0; i < numberOfRecords; i++)
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public List<Record> GenerateRecords(int numberOfRecords)

            #region Generator's Parameters Initialization

            _uniqueIpList = _kernel.Get<UniqueIpListGenerator>();
            _uniqueIpListGeneratorParameters = new UniqueIpListGeneratorParameters
                NumberOfUniqueIp = NumberOfUniqueIp

            UniqueIpList = _uniqueIpList.Generate(_uniqueIpListGeneratorParameters).UniqueIpList;
            _ipGeneratorParameters = new IpGeneratorParameters
                UniqueIpList = UniqueIpList

            _queryTimeGeneratorParameters = new QueryTimeGeneratorParameters
                MinInterval = MinIntervalInMilliseconds,
                MaxInterval = MaxIntervalInMilliseconds,
                StartTime = DateTime.Now

            _queryMethodGeneratorParameters = new QueryMethodGeneratorParameters
                Values = Methods,
                ValuesWithWeights = Settings

            _fileNameGeneratorParameters = new FileNameGeneratorParameters
                MinNumberOfCharacters = MinNumberOfCharacters,
                MaxNumberOfCharacters = MaxNumberOfCharacters,
                MinNumberOfFolders = MinNumberOfFolders,
                MaxNumberOfFolders = MaxNumberOfFolders

            _extensionGeneratorParameters = new ExtensionGeneratorParameters
                Values = Extensions,
                ValuesWithWeights = Settings

            _protocolGeneratorParameters = new ProtocolGeneratorParameters
                Values = Protocols

            _serverResponseCodeGeneratorParameters = new ServerResponseCodeGeneratorParameters
                Values = ServerResponseCodes,
                ValuesWithWeights = Settings

            _sizeOfResponseGeneratorParameters = new SizeOfResponseGeneratorParameters
                MinSize = MinSizeOfResponse,
                MaxSize = MaxSizeOfResponse

            #region Creation of generators
            _ip = _kernel.Get<IpGenerator>();
            _queryTime = _kernel.Get<QueryTimeGenerator>();
            _queryMethod = _kernel.Get< QueryMethodGenerator>();
            _fileName = _kernel.Get<FileNameGenerator>();
            _extension = _kernel.Get<ExtensionGenerator>();
            _protocol = _kernel.Get<ProtocolGenerator>();
            _serverResponseCode = _kernel.Get<ServerResponseCodeGenerator>();
            _sizeOfTheResponse = _kernel.Get<SizeOfResponseGenerator>();

            var listOfRecords = new List<Record>();
            for (var i = 0; i < numberOfRecords; i++)
            return listOfRecords;
Ejemplo n.º 11
 public void OnComplete(string[] code, PacketDef[] gps, ProtocolGenerator g)
Ejemplo n.º 12
    public string[] Generate(PacketDef pkt, ProtocolGenerator g)
        var code = ParseComment(pkt.comment).Replace("{", "{{").Replace("}", "}}");;
        var pn   = ParsePacketName(pkt.name);
        var sp   = pn.StartsWith("Sc");
        var cpp  = sp ? "" : string.Format("void WorldSession::Handle{0}({1} &packet)\r\n{{{{\r\n}}}}\r\n", pn.Replace("Cs", ""), pn);
        var refs = "";

        code += string.Format("    class {0} final : public {1}\r\n    {{{{\r\n", pn, sp ? "ServerPacket" : "ClientPacket");

        string rc = "", wc = "", dc = "";

        var fs     = pkt.fields;
        var nl     = pkt.fl[0];
        var i      = 0;
        var ct     = -1;
        var custom = false;

        foreach (var f in fs)
            var fieldType = f.custom ? f.array ? "std::vector<" + ParsePacketName(f.typeName, pkt.groupName, f.groupName) + "*>" : ParsePacketName(f.typeName, pkt.groupName, f.groupName) + "*" : ParseType(f.type);
            if (fieldType.Length > nl)
                nl = fieldType.Length;

            if (f.custom && f.groupName != pkt.groupName)
                var mk = f.groupName + ":" + ParsePacketName(f.typeName);
                if (!refs.Contains(mk))
                    refs += mk + "\r\n";

            if (!custom && f.custom)
                custom = true;

        foreach (var f in fs)
            if (i == 0)
                code += "        public:\r\n";

            var fieldType = f.custom ? f.array ? "std::vector<" + ParsePacketName(f.typeName, pkt.groupName, f.groupName) + "*>" : ParsePacketName(f.typeName, pkt.groupName, f.groupName) + "*" : ParseType(f.type);
            code += string.Format("            {0,-" + (nl + 4) + "} {1, -" + (pkt.fl[1] + 4) + "}{2}\r\n", fieldType, f.name + ";", string.IsNullOrEmpty(f.comment) ? "" : "// " + f.comment);

            var t = f.custom ? 1 : 0;
            if (t == 1 && ct == 0 || ct < 0)
                rc += string.Format("{0}{1} ", i == 0 ? "                " : ";\r\n                ", "w");
                wc += string.Format("{0}{1} ", i == 0 ? "                " : ";\r\n                ", "w");
            ct = t;

            rc += string.Format(">> {0}{1}{2}", f.custom && !f.array ? "&" : "", f.name, i == fs.Length - 1 ? ";\r\n" : " ");
            wc += string.Format("<< {0}{1}", f.name, i == fs.Length - 1 ? ";\r\n" : " ");
            if (f.custom || f.array)
                dc += string.Format("    {0}({1});\r\n", f.custom ? f.array ? "VECTOR_DELETE" : "SAFE_DELETE" : "VECTOR_CLEAR", f.name);


        code += string.Format("{0}        public:\r\n            {1}() : {2}({3}) {{{{ }}}}\r\n", fs.Length > 0 ? "\r\n" : "", pn, sp ? "ServerPacket" : "ClientPacket", pkt.id);
        code += string.Format("            {0}{1}\r\n", string.IsNullOrEmpty(dc) ? "" : "~" + pn + "()", string.IsNullOrEmpty(dc) ? "" : custom ? ";\r\n" : "\r\n            {{\r\n" + dc.Replace("    ", "                ") + "            }}\r\n");
        code += "            void Read(WorldPacket &w) override" + (string.IsNullOrEmpty(rc) ? " {{ }}\r\n\r\n" : "\r\n            {{\r\n" + rc + "            }}\r\n\r\n");
        code += "            void Write(WorldPacket &w) const override" + (string.IsNullOrEmpty(wc) ? " {{ }}\r\n" : "\r\n            {{\r\n" + wc + "            }}\r\n");
        des  += !custom || string.IsNullOrEmpty(dc) ? "" : pn + "::~" + pn + "()\r\n{\r\n" + dc + "}\r\n\r\n";
        code += "    }};\r\n";

        return(new string[] { code, cpp, refs });
Ejemplo n.º 13
 static void Main(string[] args)