Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void ConvertToProto_AllAttributeTypes()
            var cloudEvent = new CloudEvent(AllTypesExtensions)
                ["binary"]       = SampleBinaryData,
                ["boolean"]      = true,
                ["integer"]      = 10,
                ["string"]       = "text",
                ["timestamp"]    = SampleTimestamp,
                ["uri"]          = SampleUri,
                ["urireference"] = SampleUriReference

            // We're not going to check these.

            var proto = new ProtobufEventFormatter().ConvertToProto(cloudEvent);

            var expectedAttributes = new MapField <string, CloudEventAttributeValue>
                { "binary", BinaryAttribute(SampleBinaryData) },
                { "boolean", BooleanAttribute(true) },
                { "integer", IntegerAttribute(10) },
                { "string", StringAttribute("text") },
                { "timestamp", TimestampAttribute(SampleTimestamp) },
                { "uri", UriAttribute(SampleUriText) },
                { "urireference", UriRefAttribute(SampleUriReferenceText) }

            Assert.Equal(proto.Attributes, expectedAttributes);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void ConvertToProto_NoData()
            var cloudEvent = new CloudEvent().PopulateRequiredAttributes();
            var proto      = new ProtobufEventFormatter().ConvertToProto(cloudEvent);

            Assert.Equal(V1.CloudEvent.DataOneofCase.None, proto.DataCase);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void ConvertToProto_V1Attributes()
            var cloudEvent = new CloudEvent(CloudEventsSpecVersion.V1_0)
                Data            = "text",
                DataContentType = "text/plain",
                DataSchema      = new Uri("https://data-schema"),
                Id      = "event-id",
                Source  = new Uri("https://event-source"),
                Subject = "event-subject",
                Time    = new DateTimeOffset(2021, 2, 19, 12, 34, 56, 789, TimeSpan.FromHours(1)),
                Type    = "event-type"

            var actualProto   = new ProtobufEventFormatter().ConvertToProto(cloudEvent);
            var expectedProto = new V1.CloudEvent
                SpecVersion = "1.0",
                Id          = "event-id",
                Source      = "https://event-source",
                Type        = "event-type",
                Attributes  =
                    { "datacontenttype", StringAttribute("text/plain")       },
                    { "dataschema",      UriAttribute("https://data-schema") },
                    { "subject",         StringAttribute("event-subject")    },
                    // Deliberately not reusing cloudEvent.Time: this demonstrates that only the instant in time
                    // is relevant, not the UTC offset.
                    { "time",            TimestampAttribute(new DateTimeOffset(2021, 2, 19, 11, 34, 56, 789, TimeSpan.Zero))}
                TextData = "text"

            Assert.Equal(expectedProto, actualProto);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public void EncodeBinaryModeData_NoData()
            var cloudEvent = new CloudEvent().PopulateRequiredAttributes();
            var formatter  = new ProtobufEventFormatter();

Ejemplo n.º 5
        public void ConvertFromProto_V1Attributes()
            var proto = new V1.CloudEvent
                SpecVersion = "1.0",
                Type        = "test-type",
                Id          = "test-id",
                TextData    = "text",
                Source      = "//event-source",
                Attributes  =
                    { "datacontenttype", StringAttribute("text/plain")       },
                    { "dataschema",      UriAttribute("https://data-schema") },
                    { "subject",         StringAttribute("event-subject")    },
                    { "time",            TimestampAttribute(SampleTimestamp) }
            var cloudEvent = new ProtobufEventFormatter().ConvertFromProto(proto, null);

            Assert.Equal(CloudEventsSpecVersion.V1_0, cloudEvent.SpecVersion);
            Assert.Equal("test-type", cloudEvent.Type);
            Assert.Equal("test-id", cloudEvent.Id);
            Assert.Equal("text/plain", cloudEvent.DataContentType);
            Assert.Equal(new Uri("https://data-schema"), cloudEvent.DataSchema);
            Assert.Equal("event-subject", cloudEvent.Subject);
            Assert.Equal(new Uri("//event-source", UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute), cloudEvent.Source);
            // The protobuf timestamp loses the offset information, but is still the correct instant.
            AssertTimestampsEqual(SampleTimestamp.ToUniversalTime(), cloudEvent.Time);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public void ConvertFromProto_NoData()
            var proto      = CreateMinimalCloudEventProto();
            var cloudEvent = new ProtobufEventFormatter().ConvertFromProto(proto, null);

Ejemplo n.º 7
        public void ConvertToProto_InvalidData()
            var cloudEvent = new CloudEvent {
                Data = new object()
            var formatter = new ProtobufEventFormatter();

            Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => formatter.ConvertToProto(cloudEvent));
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public void ConvertToProto_BinaryData()
            var cloudEvent = new CloudEvent {
                Data = SampleBinaryData
            var proto = new ProtobufEventFormatter().ConvertToProto(cloudEvent);

            Assert.Equal(SampleBinaryData, proto.BinaryData.ToByteArray());
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public void ConvertToProto_TextData()
            var cloudEvent = new CloudEvent {
                Data = "text"
            var proto = new ProtobufEventFormatter().ConvertToProto(cloudEvent);

            Assert.Equal("text", proto.TextData);
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public void ConvertFromProto_InvalidAttributeNames(string attributeName)
            var proto = CreateMinimalCloudEventProto();

            proto.Attributes.Add(attributeName, StringAttribute("value"));
            var formatter = new ProtobufEventFormatter();

            Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => formatter.ConvertFromProto(proto, null));
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public void ConvertFromProto_BinaryData()
            var proto = CreateMinimalCloudEventProto();

            proto.BinaryData = ByteString.CopyFrom(SampleBinaryData);
            var cloudEvent = new ProtobufEventFormatter().ConvertFromProto(proto, null);

            Assert.Equal(SampleBinaryData, cloudEvent.Data);
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public void ConvertFromProto_TextData()
            var proto = CreateMinimalCloudEventProto();

            proto.TextData = "text";
            var cloudEvent = new ProtobufEventFormatter().ConvertFromProto(proto, null);

            Assert.Equal("text", cloudEvent.Data);
Ejemplo n.º 13
        public void ConvertFromProto_UnspecifiedExtensionAttributes()
            var proto = CreateMinimalCloudEventProto();

            proto.Attributes.Add("xyz", StringAttribute("abc"));
            var cloudEvent = new ProtobufEventFormatter().ConvertFromProto(proto, null);

            Assert.Equal("abc", cloudEvent["xyz"]);
Ejemplo n.º 14
        public void EncodeBatchModeMessage_Empty()
            var formatter = new ProtobufEventFormatter();
            var bytes     = formatter.EncodeBatchModeMessage(new CloudEvent[0], out var contentType);

            Assert.Equal("application/cloudevents-batch+protobuf; charset=utf-8", contentType.ToString());
            var batch = V1.CloudEventBatch.Parser.ParseFrom(bytes.ToArray());

Ejemplo n.º 15
        public void ConvertFromProto_SpecifiedExtensionAttributes_Valid()
            var attribute = CloudEventAttribute.CreateExtension("xyz", CloudEventAttributeType.String);
            var proto     = CreateMinimalCloudEventProto();

            proto.Attributes.Add(attribute.Name, StringAttribute("abc"));
            var cloudEvent = new ProtobufEventFormatter().ConvertFromProto(proto, new[] { attribute });

            Assert.Equal("abc", cloudEvent[attribute]);
Ejemplo n.º 16
        public void DecodeBatchMode_Empty()
            var batchProto = new V1.CloudEventBatch();

            byte[] bytes       = batchProto.ToByteArray();
            var    stream      = new MemoryStream(bytes);
            var    formatter   = new ProtobufEventFormatter();
            var    cloudEvents = formatter.DecodeBatchModeMessage(stream, s_protobufCloudEventBatchContentType, null);

Ejemplo n.º 17
        public void EncodeBinaryModeData_String_NonTextContentType()
            var cloudEvent = new CloudEvent
                Data            = "text",
                DataContentType = "application/json"
            var formatter = new ProtobufEventFormatter();

            Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => formatter.EncodeBinaryModeEventData(cloudEvent));
Ejemplo n.º 18
        public void EncodeBinaryModeData_ArbitraryObject()
            var cloudEvent = new CloudEvent
                Data            = new object(),
                DataContentType = "application/octet-stream"
            var formatter = new ProtobufEventFormatter();

            // See summary documentation for ProtobufEventFormatter for the reasoning for this
            Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => formatter.EncodeBinaryModeEventData(cloudEvent));
Ejemplo n.º 19
        public void ConvertToProto_MessageData()
            var data = new PayloadData1 {
                Name = "test"
            var cloudEvent = new CloudEvent {
                Data = data
            var proto = new ProtobufEventFormatter().ConvertToProto(cloudEvent);

            Assert.Equal(Any.Pack(data), proto.ProtoData);
Ejemplo n.º 20
        public void EncodeBinaryModeData_Bytes()
            var cloudEvent = new CloudEvent
                Data = SampleBinaryData
            var formatter = new ProtobufEventFormatter();

            var result = formatter.EncodeBinaryModeEventData(cloudEvent);

            Assert.Equal(SampleBinaryData, result.ToArray());
Ejemplo n.º 21
        public void EncodeBatchModeMessage_Invalid()
            var formatter = new ProtobufEventFormatter();

            // Invalid CloudEvent
            Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => formatter.EncodeBatchModeMessage(new[] { new CloudEvent() }, out _));
            // Null argument
            Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>(() => formatter.EncodeBatchModeMessage(null !, out _));
            // Null value within the argument. Arguably this should throw ArgumentException instead of
            // ArgumentNullException, but it's unlikely to cause confusion.
            Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>(() => formatter.EncodeBatchModeMessage(new CloudEvent[1], out _));
Ejemplo n.º 22
        public void ConvertToProto_MessageData_CustomTypeUrlPrefix()
            string typeUrlPrefix = "cloudevents.io/xyz";
            var    data          = new PayloadData1 {
                Name = "test"
            var cloudEvent = new CloudEvent {
                Data = data
            var proto = new ProtobufEventFormatter(typeUrlPrefix).ConvertToProto(cloudEvent);

            Assert.Equal(Any.Pack(data, typeUrlPrefix), proto.ProtoData);
Ejemplo n.º 23
        public void ConvertFromProto_MessageData()
            var message = new PayloadData1 {
                Name = "testing"
            var proto = CreateMinimalCloudEventProto();

            proto.ProtoData = Any.Pack(message);
            var cloudEvent = new ProtobufEventFormatter().ConvertFromProto(proto, null);

            // Note: this isn't unpacked automatically.
            Assert.Equal(Any.Pack(message), cloudEvent.Data);
Ejemplo n.º 24
        public void DecodeStructuredModeMessage_Minimal()
            var proto = CreateMinimalCloudEventProto();

            byte[] bytes      = proto.ToByteArray();
            var    stream     = new MemoryStream(bytes);
            var    formatter  = new ProtobufEventFormatter();
            var    cloudEvent = formatter.DecodeStructuredModeMessage(stream, s_protobufCloudEventContentType, null);

            Assert.Equal("test-type", cloudEvent.Type);
            Assert.Equal("test-id", cloudEvent.Id);
            Assert.Equal(SampleUri, cloudEvent.Source);
Ejemplo n.º 25
        public void ConvertToProto_MessageData_AlreadyPacked()
            var data = new PayloadData1 {
                Name = "test"
            var packedData = Any.Pack(data);
            var cloudEvent = new CloudEvent {
                Data = packedData
            var proto = new ProtobufEventFormatter().ConvertToProto(cloudEvent);

            // This verifies that the formatter doesn't "double-encode".
            Assert.Equal(packedData, proto.ProtoData);
Ejemplo n.º 26
        public void EncodeBinaryModeData_ProtoMessage()
            var cloudEvent = new CloudEvent
                Data = new PayloadData1 {
                    Name = "fail"
                DataContentType = "application/protobuf"
            var formatter = new ProtobufEventFormatter();

            // See summary documentation for ProtobufEventFormatter for the reasoning for this
            Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => formatter.EncodeBinaryModeEventData(cloudEvent));
Ejemplo n.º 27
        public void DecodeBatchMode_Multiple()
            var batchProto = new V1.CloudEventBatch
                Events =
                    new V1.CloudEvent
                        SpecVersion = "1.0",
                        Type        = "type1",
                        Id          = "event1",
                        Source      = "//event-source1",
                        TextData    = "simple text",
                        Attributes  = { { "datacontenttype", StringAttribute("text/plain") } }
                    new V1.CloudEvent
                        SpecVersion = "1.0",
                        Type        = "type2",
                        Id          = "event2",
                        Source      = "//event-source2"

            byte[] bytes       = batchProto.ToByteArray();
            var    stream      = new MemoryStream(bytes);
            var    formatter   = new ProtobufEventFormatter();
            var    cloudEvents = formatter.DecodeBatchModeMessage(stream, s_protobufCloudEventBatchContentType, null);

            Assert.Equal(2, cloudEvents.Count);

            var event1 = cloudEvents[0];

            Assert.Equal("type1", event1.Type);
            Assert.Equal("event1", event1.Id);
            Assert.Equal(new Uri("//event-source1", UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute), event1.Source);
            Assert.Equal("simple text", event1.Data);
            Assert.Equal("text/plain", event1.DataContentType);

            var event2 = cloudEvents[1];

            Assert.Equal("type2", event2.Type);
            Assert.Equal("event2", event2.Id);
            Assert.Equal(new Uri("//event-source2", UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute), event2.Source);
Ejemplo n.º 28
        public void EncodeBatchModeMessage_TwoEvents()
            var event1 = new CloudEvent
                Id              = "event1",
                Type            = "type1",
                Source          = new Uri("//event-source1", UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute),
                Data            = "simple text",
                DataContentType = "text/plain"
            var event2 = new CloudEvent
                Id     = "event2",
                Type   = "type2",
                Source = new Uri("//event-source2", UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute),

            var cloudEvents = new[] { event1, event2 };
            var formatter   = new ProtobufEventFormatter();
            var bytes       = formatter.EncodeBatchModeMessage(cloudEvents, out var contentType);

            Assert.Equal("application/cloudevents-batch+protobuf; charset=utf-8", contentType.ToString());
            var actualBatch   = V1.CloudEventBatch.Parser.ParseFrom(bytes.ToArray());
            var expectedBatch = new V1.CloudEventBatch
                Events =
                    new V1.CloudEvent
                        SpecVersion = "1.0",
                        Type        = "type1",
                        Id          = "event1",
                        Source      = "//event-source1",
                        TextData    = "simple text",
                        Attributes  = { { "datacontenttype", StringAttribute("text/plain") } }
                    new V1.CloudEvent
                        SpecVersion = "1.0",
                        Type        = "type2",
                        Id          = "event2",
                        Source      = "//event-source2"

            Assert.Equal(expectedBatch, actualBatch);
Ejemplo n.º 29
        public void EncodeBinaryModeData_String_TextContentType(string charset)
            string text        = "caf\u00e9"; // Valid in both UTF-8 and ISO-8859-1, but with different representations
            var    encoding    = charset is null ? Encoding.UTF8 : Encoding.GetEncoding(charset);
            string contentType = charset is null ? "text/plain" : $"text/plain; charset={charset}";
            var    cloudEvent  = new CloudEvent
                Data            = text,
                DataContentType = contentType

            var formatter = new ProtobufEventFormatter();
            var result    = formatter.EncodeBinaryModeEventData(cloudEvent);

            Assert.Equal(encoding.GetBytes(text), result.ToArray());
Ejemplo n.º 30
        public void DecodeBatchMode_Minimal()
            var batchProto = new V1.CloudEventBatch
                Events = { CreateMinimalCloudEventProto() }

            byte[] bytes       = batchProto.ToByteArray();
            var    stream      = new MemoryStream(bytes);
            var    formatter   = new ProtobufEventFormatter();
            var    cloudEvents = formatter.DecodeBatchModeMessage(stream, s_protobufCloudEventBatchContentType, null);
            var    cloudEvent  = Assert.Single(cloudEvents);

            Assert.Equal("test-type", cloudEvent.Type);
            Assert.Equal("test-id", cloudEvent.Id);
            Assert.Equal(SampleUri, cloudEvent.Source);